人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 4 History and traditions同步课时训练-(含答案 六课时打包)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 4 History and traditions同步课时训练-(含答案 六课时打包)
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-04-12 16:24:12


Unit 4 History and traditions-SectionⅤReading for Writing同步课时训练
be dotted with, a glass of, make up, more than, have a bad influence on
1.Malaysia plains, forested hills and mountains that cover both east and west Malaysia.
2.Women officers 13 percent of the police force.
3.His books have sold 20 million copies worldwide.
4.His father offered me orange juice when we were having dinner.
5.Violent programs on television may children.
1.When I learned that he was ill, I sent him a (greet) card.
2.He drove the car so fast, (roar) down the highway.
3.When it comes to technology, the mobile phone is a (strike) example.
4.England has many (county) and each one has its own charm.
5.Tears were (roll) down his face.
6.Every city has its own set of traditions and (习俗).
7.Later they may give performances in (酒吧) or clubs, for which they are paid in cash.
8.I've got white (葡萄酒), coffee, green and black tea, orange juice and cola.
9.She painted little black (圆点) for the tiger's eyes.
10.There are great views of the (海洋) from the windows.
11.She was a (诗人) and expressed her feelings in the form of poetry.
12.Before you leave home for a _ (宴会), have a small, low fat snack (小吃).
13.They raised pigs, (牛) and sheep, and planted corn, fruits and wheat.
1.他认为学英语最好的方法是听本地人说话。(the+形容词+to do)
He thinks that is to listen to the natives.
to be different, don't ever change.
,we all went home.
a new engine would be required.
历史 有两千多年的历史。
特点 世界上最长的城墙,长6 000多千米。建筑材料主要为石头、砖头,修建工作都是人工进行。主要用于防御外来入侵者,沿墙每隔几百米就有烽火台(watchtower) 。
现状 世界著名旅游景点之一,每年吸引许多外国游客到长城观光旅游。
Why not visit our local castle
Only five minutes from the main road!
This great stone castle was constructed five hundred years ago when King Henry Ⅷ was king. He loved his food and you can tell that by visiting his extremely large and well designed kitchens. See where he fed six hundred people at one time, Admire the beautifully decorated rooms where he met kings from other countries. Examine the care with which he organized toilets to be built for all his followers. Walk through his wonderful gardens.
1.Why King Henry Ⅷ designed his kitchen well
2.What is the difference from other castles
3.What other kind of castle do you think of?Please give us a reason.
The Great Wall, which is more than 6,000 kilometers long, is the longest wall in the world. It has a history of more than 2,000 years. It is made of stone and bricks and almost all the construction was done by hand without any machine. As the wall was built to defend the country against foreign invaders, there were watchtowers every few hundred meters along the wall. Now, the Great wall is one of the most famous places of interest in the world and it attracts many visitors every year.
If you have a chance to visit it, you will be delighted with the great tourist attraction.
It_focuses_on_details.Unit 4 History and traditions-SectionⅣListening and Talking同步课时训练
1.The two brothers take (turn) to look after their father.
2.Do you eat sweets, cakes or sugary (点心)
3.Children in the mountains are (渴望) to learn.
4.He gave a (describe) of what he had seen.
5.These (culture) differences have existed for twenty years.
6.The houses are arranged around a central (庭院).
7.It's (amaze) how quickly people adapt to new environment.
8.When my own son was five years old, I became eager another baby.
He never has problems in his study, by his teacher.
The mother the doctor about her sick son.
3.乔尼, 我不能相信你变化这么大!(believe)
Jonny, I you have changed!
I I left my purse.
Ⅰ.听第1段材料,完成第1至4题。 根据录音内容判断下列陈述是否正确,正确的在括号内填T,不正确的在括号内填F。
1.The woman studies a lot to prepare for a history exam.
2.The woman is gong to the library now.
3.The man is on his way to the gym.
4.The two speakers will have supper together in the evening.
5.What was the first photo in the world about
A.A house.  B.A window.  C.A garden.
6.When was the first clear photo made public
A.In 1837. B.In 1839. C.In 1841.
7.Where did the woman learn about photography
A.From the history class.
B.From an artist.
C.From a book.
答案:5~7 CBC
8.What is the most popular way to welcome the new year in the US
A.Traveling abroad.
B.Meeting friends.
C.Holding a big party.
9.Where does the biggest New years party take place in the US
A.In Disneyland.
B.In Times Square.
C.In Hollywood.
10.When did Guy Lombardo first give a concert on New year's Eve
A.In 1929.
B.In 1939.
C.In 1977.
11.Who continues the tradition with a band concert after Guy Lombardo died
A.Elvis Presley.
B.Bill Lombardo.
C.Johann Strauss.
答案:8~11 CBAB
The hardships involved in building the Great Wall are beyond imagination. Large numbers of people had to leave their homes and families to go to the north, __1__ they worked hard for years. Of the legends about the Great Wall, the story of Lady Meng Jiang is the most __2__ (move). Lady Meng Jiang lived during the reign of the First Emperor of Qin. After her husband __3__ (call) up to build the Great Wall, she missed him so much __4__ she traveled many miles to see him but only __5__ (tell) that her husband had died and was buried under the Wall. She was __6__ (extreme) sad and cried for three days and nights until the Great Wall fell down one section after another.
Over the past centuries, the Great Wall __7__ (become) a symbol of unity and __8__ (strong) for Chinese people. It symbolizes that the great achievement can be made with __9__ common will and joined effort. For example, the national anthem, composed during the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, called on people to “build our new Great Wall __10__ our flesh and blood”.
Kong Zi, also called Confucius (551-479 B.C.), and Socrates (469-399 B.C.) lived only a hundred years apart. During their lifetimes there was no contact between China and Greece, but it is interesting to look at how the world that each of these great philosophers came from shaped their ideas, and how these ideas in turn, shaped their societies.
Neither philosopher lived in times of peace, though there were more wars in Greece than in China. The Chinese states were very large and feudal, while the Greek city states were small and urban. The urban environment in which Socrates lived allowed him to be more radical (激进的) than Confucius. Unlike Confucius, Socrates was not asked by rulers how to govern effectively. Thus, Socrates was able to be more idealistic, focusing on issues like freedom, and knowledge for its own sake. Confucius, on the other hand, advised those in government service, and many of his students went on to government service.
Confucius suggested the Golden Rule as a principle for the conduct of life. “Do not do to others what you would not want others to do to you.” He assumed that all men were equal at birth, though some had more potential (潜能) than others, and that it was knowledge that set men apart. Socrates focused on the individual, and thought that the greatest purpose of man was to seek wisdom. He believed that some had more potential to develop their reason than others did. Like Confucius, he believed that the superior class should rule the inferior (下层的) classes.
For Socrates, the family was of no importance, and the community of little concern. For Confucius, however, the family was the centre of society, with family relations considered much more important than political relations.
Both men are respected much more today than they were in their lifetimes.
1.Which of the following is TRUE according to the first paragraph
A.Socrates and Confucius had much in common.
B.Confucius had much influence on Socrates' ideas.
C.The societies were influenced by the philosophers' ideas.
D.There were cultural exchanges between China and Greece.
2.Socrates shared with Confucius the idea that________.
A.all men were equal when they were born
B.the lower classes should be ruled by the upper class
C.the purpose of man was to seek freedom and wisdom
D.people should not do to others what they did not want others to do to them
3.What made some people different from others according to Confucius
A.Family.       B.Potential.
C.Knowledge. D.Community.
4.This passage is organized in the pattern of ________.
A.time and events
B.comparison and contrast
C.cause and effect
D.definition and classification
W:John, when you were little, what did you dream you'd grow up to be
M:Oh, I dreamed that 1. (我想成为一名历史老师) when I grew up.
W:So what happened Did you just lose interest in being a teacher
M:No. My parents said 2. (它太累人了), and they wanted me to find a enjoyable job. How about you What did you dream of becoming when you were a little girl
W:When I was a little girl, I dreamed of being a great scientist, but now, as you can see, 3. (我只是一个普通的办公室职员).
M:So what are your dreams now
W:Well, I really want to be a translator some day, so 4. (我正在努力学英语).
M:You're so good at language learning. Your French and Italian are already fluent. Well, 5. (我希望你会成功) in that dream some day!
M:It's grandpa's birthday next week. We must have a surprise party!
W:A party?__1__
M:Well, no, but Grandpa will. You know he loves jazz.
W:OK. Well, how about having it at a hotel
M:Hotels are expensive - and it's too cold for a garden party at this time of year. __2__
W:OK, I suppose you are right. __3__
M:Oh, I'll make some pizzas, and I'm sure Grandma will make a birthday cake.
W:Yes, I'm sure she will. I'll make some salad then. __4__
M:Let me think. No scarves or hats — I' m giving him a scarf and Grandpa just bought a hat last month.__5__ He reads a lot.
W:OK, good idea. Oh, what day should we plan to have the party
M:Well, his birthday's on Thursday, so we could do it on Friday — no, Saturday. Saturday is the best day for a party.
A.We really should have it here at our house.
B.Do you mean you want to have loud music and food everywhere
C.What about a book
D.What food should we have
E.What do you think I should get him
(Text 1)
M:Hello, Anna! I haven't seen you for a while. What've you been doing with yourself
W:Oh, hello, David. I've been studying a lot recently. The history class seems to have an exam during the week.
M:That's awful. Where are you going now
W:I'm headed to the gym. I've been sitting at my desk all day and I need some exercise. Do you want to go there with me
M:In fact, I'm on my way back from the gym. I just had swim exercise and I'm going to have lunch.
W:Well, see you.
M:Hey, why don't we meet at the dining hall this evening for supper Maybe we'll be able to relax and talk together.
W:All right. What time
M:How about seven o'clock
W:Sounds great. I'll see you there.
(Text 2)
W:Mike, do you know anything about the history of photography
M:No, I don't.Do you
W:Well, the first camera in the world was invented by a Frenchman named Joseph Niepce.
M:When was it
W:In the year 1826.He needed some pictures for his business.But he was poor, so he just invented a very simple camera to take pictures by himself.He put it in a window of his house and took a photo of his garden.
M:Was the photo clear
W:No.The first clear photo was taken by another Frenchman called Daguerre.After years of experiments, he finally succeeded in taking a clear photo in 1837.But it wasn't made public until two years later.As time went by, photography became a kind of art.Photos were not just copies of the real world.They showed people's ideas and feelings.
M:How did you get to know so much about photography
W:Oh, I've just read a book on it.
(Text 3)
In the US, the most popular way to welcome the new year is with a big party. Some parties are at private homes. But in recent years, it has become more and more common for Americans to go to a hotel or eating place on the night of December 31st. There, they can eat a big dinner, drink champagne, and dance to music.
Most New Years parties are usually noisy. The biggest and noisiest New Year's party in the US takes place in Times Square in New York. Thousands of people gather there. Some of them ring bells and set off fireworks. Others blow whistles.
The Times Square celebration includes another well known American tradition. Since 1929, the band of musician Guy Lombardo has given a concert on New Year's Eve. Guy Lombardo died in 1977. But Bill Lombardo, has kept the tradition alive with a band concert at a New York city hotel.
3.was called/had been called
5.to be told 
7.has become
BADECUnit 4 History and traditions-SectionⅡReading and Thinking同步课时训练
join ... to ..., belong to, break away from, as well as,
result in, take over, date back to, keep one's eyes open
1.As one of the most deadly natural disasters in the world, earthquakes often
many people being injured or killed.
2.Money is yours but resources (资源) the whole society.
3.Facing up to your problems rather than them is the best approach to working things out.
4. going to the movies and football matches with my friends, I spend a lot of time with my pets.
5.If you ,you will make few mistakes.
6.Some animals are put in danger when people their habitats.
7.My interest in stamp collecting my schooldays.
8.After she gave birth, he and his family the others in White Bird Canyon
the south.
1.The expression on his face showed that the question was . (puzzle)
2.There were a number of (locate) where the kings of Egypt built pyramids.
3.Looking back, Diana owes her (achieve) to the goal she set, and above all, the efforts she made.
4.The Beatles were to leave Liverpool and (征服) the world.
5.Thanks to his research, the UN has more tools in the (战役;搏斗) to rid the world of hunger.
6.It is a beautiful (港口) city with a fascinating scene.
7.There's a (fascinate) drive marked out for tourists.
8.What (evident) was there that Old Tom was helping the whalers out
9.Our milk powder is especially suitable for children under 6, as it helps a lot to build the body's natural (defend).
10.Professor Li stood there, (surround) by many students.
11.The UK's full and official name is “the United (王国) of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”.
12.Last of all, the (最高级别的) editor read the article and approved it.
13.He asked a number of (附近的) people for water.
14.Immigrants who entered the United States through the port of New York were _
(legal) and medically inspected there.
1.Last week we visited the British Museum, which .
,there were cheers.
Reading .
4.Each showroom several parts to display different historical collections.
5.We have it.
The way to prevent the air pollution was very good.
7.For convenience, we made a list of the things we wanted to see anything important.
8.We found the museum nine showrooms.
Please correct my mistakes .
In the 16th century, the nearby country of Wales was joined to the Kingdom of England. Later, in the 18th century, the country Scotland was joined 1. (create) the Kingdom of Great Britain. Finally, in the 20th century, the southern part of Ireland broke away from the UK, 2. resulted in the full name. They use the same flag, 3. (know) as the Union Jack, as well as share the same currency and military 4. (defend). However, they also have some differences.
The United Kingdom has a long and interesting history to explore. Some of the Romans' great 5. (achieve) including 6. (build) towns and roads. The Normans conquered England after the well known Battle of Hastings in the 11th century. They had castles built all around England, and made changes 7._ the legal system.The Normans were French, so many French words 8. (slow) entered into the English language.
Studying the history of the country will make your visit much more 9. (enjoy). If you keep your eyes open, you will be 10. (surprise) to find that you can see both its past and its present.
Life is just like a box. Inside it are happiness and sorrow, failure and success, hope and despair. Life is a learning process. Experiences in it teach us new lessons and make us a better person.
Love plays a key role in our life. Love makes you feel wanted. Without love a person could become cruel and violent. In the early stage of our life, our parents are the ones who show us with unconditional love and care. They tell us what is right or wrong, good or bad. __1__. It is only after marriage and having kids that a person understands and becomes sensitive to the feelings of others. Kids make a person responsible and mature and help us to understand life better.
Happiness and sorrow
Materialistic happiness is short lived, but happiness achieved by bringing a smile on others gives a certain level of fulfillment. __2__. No mind is happy without peace. We realize the true worth of happiness when we are in sorrow. Sorrow is basically due to death of a loved one, failure and despair. But these things are temporary and will pass away.
Failure and success
__3__. It helps us to touch the sky, teaches us to survive and shows us a specific way.
Hope and despair
Hope is what keeps life going. Parents always hope their children will do well. Hope makes us dream. Hope builds in patience. __4__, because after every night there is a day. Nothing remains the same. We have only one choice — keep moving on in life and be hopeful.
Life teaches us not to regret over yesterday, for it has passed and be right or dull. __5__, so that we will enjoy a better tomorrow.
A.Life teaches us not to despair even in the darkest hour
B.So the only alternative is to work hard today
C.But we always tend to take this for granted
D.Success lies in trusting yourself
E.So let's enjoy every day
F.Failure is the path to success
G.Peace of mind is the main link to happiness
People from all over the world have different wedding traditions and marriage customs. The one thing that all wedding ceremonies commonly seem to have is the commitment (承诺) of love for all time during a public ceremony.
Everyone at a wedding hopes for great happiness between the wedding couple. Wedding traditions are usually a way of showing signs of the hope for great happiness. Some of these traditions are very interesting.
In Sweden, the traditional bride will wear three rings by the end of the wedding ceremony. The first is the engagement (订婚) ring that she entered the ceremony with. The second, the wedding ring, is added to the first. A final ring, however, is added as well. This ring is known as the “motherhood” ring. This is said to show that marriage is about more than just love. It is about building a family.
Wedding traditions in the Philippines include the Pandango, a dance which can last for hours. During the Pandango, guests pin (用大头针别住) money to the bride's dress to pay for their honeymoon.
A traditional Irish bride may wear a blue wedding dress — believing blue to be a lucky color. English Lavender (薰衣草) is often mixed with her wedding flowers. It is traditional for the bride to braid her hair (梳头发) — as it is considered a good way to bring luck to the new couple.
There are many wedding traditions around the world which may differ from what they are used to, but if you are about to plan a wedding, you may find it interesting to include some of these traditions in your own wedding.
1.What do all wedding ceremonies seem to have in common
A.The commitment of love for all time.
B.Happiness between the wedding couple.
C.An interesting life.
D.Building a happy family.
2.In Sweden, the traditional bride's third ring shows ________.
A.the duties of the new couple
B.the great love between the new couple
C.the bride will be not only a wife but also a mother
D.the bride will take care of not only her husband but also his mother
3.In the Philippines, the new couple paid for their honeymoon with the money from ________.
A.the bride       B.the bridegroom
C.their parents D.visiting guests
4.What's the passage mainly about
A.The reason for different wedding traditions.
B.Interesting wedding traditions from different countries.
C.The way to prepare for a wedding ceremony.
D.Interesting engagement traditions around the world.
to create
ACDBUnit 4 History and traditions-SectionⅢDiscovering Useful Structures同步课时训练
1.With all his lessons (prepared/preparing),Peter went to bed, relaxed.
2.When he woke up, he found himself (surrounding/surrounded) by a group of children.
3.The girl answered the question in such a low voice that she couldn't make herself
(heard/hearing) by others.
4.The police promised that they would keep the relatives of the victim
(informed/informing) of everything about the investigation.
5.I've heard it (said/saying) that Elizabeth is a tough business woman.
6.Don't leave that man over there (waited/waiting) outside and show him in now.
7.He's a good watch repairer and can get the clock (going/gone) again.
8.The student likes reading stories (writing/written) by the famous writer.
9.Many (using/used) computers will be sold in this market.
10.I like that old private house (building/built) of wood and mud.
1.Earth Day, (mark) on 22 April, is an annual event aiming to raise public awareness about environmental protection.
2.With the couple (work) in a nearby town, the house seems pretty empty most of the time.
3.In the job interviews, some applicants often find themselves (ask) unexpected questions, some very difficult to answer.
4.The manager was satisfied to see many new products (develop) after great effort.
5.There was a look on her face because a problem her. (puzzle)
6.The producer comes regularly to collect the cameras (return) to our shop for quality problems.
7.Most colleges now offer first year students a course specially _ (design) to help them succeed academically and personally.
8.Larger amounts of caffeine can cause a problem (call) caffeinism.
9.—Do you think you could get this package (mail) for me, please
—No problem!
10.With the work (finish), they went to the seaside for a holiday.
,I have to improve myself by reading some books about Tianjin so as to know more about it.
2.If you want to make ,you are above all to respect yourself.
3.Addicted to computer games, he left .
4.The Internet keeps the latest news and also provides entertainment in the house. It is no wonder that it's so popular worldwide.
5.The players are expected to bring us honor in this summer game.
6.With reference to ,I have the pleasure to say that I am the just person you are asking for.
7.As for the phenomenon ,some people support it while others do not.
8.The news really .
9.Wherever we go, we will see .
10.Nowadays, more and more people like to hunt for what they want at www. and by the express company.
Germany is a highly developed country. Many people think its people lead a luxurious (奢侈的) life.
One day, my friend and I __1__ a restaurant. We noticed that a young couple were having their meal. There were __2__ two dishes and two cans of beer on their table. I wondered if such a(n) __3__ meal could be fine and whether the girl would leave that __4__ man.
As we were __5__, my friend ordered more food for us. When we left, there was still about one third of the food we had ordered on the table.
When we were leaving, the young man spoke to us in English. We __6__that he was unhappy about us __7__ so much food. “We paid for our food. It is none of your __8__,” my friend told him. The young man was so angry that he __9__ took his phone out and made a call to someone.
After a while, an officer from the Social Security Organization (社会保障组织) arrived. Upon knowing what had happened, he gave us a 50 fine (罚款), which __10__ us.
The officer told us in a __11__ voice, “ __12__ is yours but resources (资源) belong to society. There are many __13__ people in the world who are __14__ hunger (饥饿).We have no __15__ to waste resources.”
Their attitude to eating put both of us to __16__. We need to correct our wrong __17__. We are from a country which is not very rich. To save face, we often think we should order more than we can eat, which __18__ our friends our generosity (慷慨). We should realize that resources don't belong to a(n) __19__ person but they belong to everyone. We can't __20__ to waste them.
1.A.entered        B.opened
C.left D.called
2.A.still B.even
C.already D.only
3.A.cheap B.simple
C.expensive D.common
4.A.gentle B.stupid
C.mean D.friendly
5.A.full B.hungry
C.honest D.free
6.A.disagreed B.ignored
C.understood D.doubted
7.A.ordering B.eating
C.serving D.wasting
8.A.business B.power
C.action D.concern
9.A.slowly B.calmly
C.exactly D.immediately
10.A.surprised B.upset
C.worried D.satisfied
11.A.relaxing B.serious
C.grateful D.boring
12.A.Money B.Decision
C.Right D.Freedom
13.A.old B.young
C.rich D.poor
14.A.thinking about B.suffering from
C.bringing in D.getting along with
15.A.use B.reason
C.need D.way
16.A.interest B.trouble
C.shame D.joy
17.A.purpose B.method
C.education D.opinion
18.A.returns B.shows
C.lends D.passes
19.A.single B.wealthy
C.important D.special
20.A.expect B.manage
C.afford D.begin
I never thought that a little help would turn out to be the most satisfying thing in my life. I once met a young man __1__ seemed tired and in pain on my way home. With a smile, he asked __2__ I could lend him some money. He was paralyzed (瘫痪的) in both legs and was raising money for an __3__ (operate). Actually, I was full of doubts as every day many people play such tricks (诡计) __4__ (get) money. I even asked him to show me his legs. Then I gave him some money and___5__ (leave).
After a few days, he again arrived at my doorstep asking for more money. This time I was __6__ (entire) convinced he was cheating me. I still gave him some money and said it was all I had.
Years later, one day I got __7__ call from an unknown number. The man told me his name but I didn't recognize him. He said, “It is because of your help __8__ I'm now able to stand on my legs and have a good job.” What he said next made me __9__ (surprise). He said he wanted to return my money so I wouldn't feel __10__ (cheat) and would continue to help people in need in the future.
1-5ADBCB 6-10CDADA 11-15BADBB 16-20CDBAC
4.to get
10.cheatedUnit 4 History and traditions-SectionⅠListening and Speaking同步课时训练
1.She can't reply to fans' letters (individual); she is too busy.
2.Many visitors come to visit Confucius's (墓地) every year.
3.The (公馆) was declared a fire, which surprised all of us.
4.Levin sat there, an (express) of sadness on his face.
5.There are two among their recent (introduce) that have greatly impressed me.
6.I accidentally scuffed (磨坏) the (鞋跟) of one shoe on a paving stone.
7.The activity is about (culture) and educational exchanges between Britain and India.
8.Our teacher's teaching style is similar that of most other teachers.
9.Don't expect anything and you won't be disappointed, that's my (哲学).
1.My father for a walk after finishing my homework.
2.The members protection of cultural heritages.
3.I want to what you just said.
4.Do you the holiday camps in Hong Kong
1.Don'(t) tell me he's_asleep.
2.Come_along home_if you like.
3.Would_you like_a walk now
4.Can_I help you
5.Wha(t) can_I do for you
6.They've been_away fo(r)_ages.
7.The work_is hal(f) finished.
8.Put_i(t) down!
9.Don'(t) sto(p) them.
10.Can_I speak to John
(一)听第1段材料,完成第1至4题。 根据录音内容判断下列陈述是否正确,正确的在括号内填T,不正确的在括号内填F。
1.The man should move the coffee table near some chairs.
2.The woman doesn't think the furniture is good. (F)
3.The woman thinks the picture hanging on the wall should be moved.
4.The man thinks the furniture doesn't need to be moved.
5.How many books can the man borrow at a time
A.One.     B.Two.     C.Three.
6.What kind of books is the man interested in
A.Science. B.Sports. C.History.
7.When isn't the library open
A.On Tuesday.
B.On Wednesday.
C.On Thursday.
答案:5~7 BCB
8.Where does the conversation take place
A.In a park.
B.In the street.
C.At a hotel.
9.What is the weather like today
A.Sunny. B.Rainy. C.Cloudy.
10.How will the man probably go to Wrigley Field
A.By bus. B.By taxi. C.By subway.
11.What time is it probably now
A.3:00 p.m.
B.4:00 p.m.
C.5:00 p.m.
答案:8~11 CACA
Traveling to all corners of the world gets easier and easier.We live in a global (全球的) village.__1__
How should you behave when you meet someone for the first time An American or Canadian shakes your hand while looking you straight in the eyes.__2__ In Japan, you should bow (鞠躬).In Thailand, the greeting is made by pressing both hands together at the chest and bowing your head a bit.
__3__ In some Asian countries, you shouldn't reveal (显露) the body, especially women.In Japan, you should take off your shoes when entering a house or a restaurant.Remember to place them together facing the door you came in.This is also true in South Korea, Thailand, and Iran.
Food and drink
In Italy, Spain and Latin America, lunch is often the biggest meal of the day, and can last two or three hours.__4__ In Britain, you might have a business lunch and do business as you eat.In Mexico and Japan, lunch is a time to relax and socialize.And the Japanese rarely drink alcohol (酒) at lunchtime.
Doing business
__5__ You should include your company name and your position.In Japan, you must present your card with both hands, with the writing facing the person you are giving it to.
A.In many parts of Asia, there is no physical touch at all.
B.Sometimes, social events end with singing and dancing.
C.But this doesn't mean that we all behave in the same way.
D.For this reason many people eat a light breakfast and a late dinner.
E.Many countries have rules about what you should and shouldn't wear.
F.In many countries, business hours are from 9 or 10 to 5 or 6.
G.In most countries, showing business cards is important for all introductions.
The traditional Chinese Longtaitou Festival, or Dragon Heads raising Day, falls on the second day of the second lunar month every year, and recognizes the start of spring and farming. This year it falls on March 8.
Ancient people believed that after this day, rainfall increases because the rain bringing Dragon King has awakened from his winter sleep. A well known phrase goes,“Er yue er, long tai tou”, meaning,“On the second day of the second month, the dragon lifts his head.”
The festival celebrates ancient agrarian Chinese culture, and while some of traditional ways to celebrate it are no longer practiced, others continue to exist.
The most famous tradition is getting a haircut. Some believe that going to the barber on this day gets rid of bad luck, while others believe getting a haircut during the first month of the lunar ealendar bring bad luck. Another saying warns that cutting your hair in the first month will cause your uncle to die. Although today few pay attention to it, it was once a tradition to line up outside barbershops on the day of Longtaitou.
People eat tofu balls in East China's Fujian Province during the festival, and often make tofu and vegetable balls to pray for family and business. Fried beans are the traditional festival food for people in parts of Shandong Province. Eating chengyao cakes, which are made with sticky rice, during the festival is a tradition in Suzhou, East China's Jiangsu Province, owing to the saying,“If you eat chengyao on Longtaitou, your waist won't hurt all year.” Meanwhile other foods, like noodles, dumplings, and spring rolls, are named after dragon body parts to mark the day. Noodles are dragon's beard (long xu), dumplings are dragon's ears (long er), spring rolls are dragon's scales (long lin).
1.What did ancient people believe after Dragon Heads raising Festival
A.The dragon lifts his head.
B.There's more rainfall.
C.The dragon is still sleeping.
D.There's less rainfall.
2.What does the underlined word “agrarian” mean in Paragraph 3
A.Agricultural.     B.Industrial.
C.Travelling. D.Manufacturing.
3.What do people eat in Suzhou during the festival
A.Tofu balls. B.Fried beans.
C.Chengyao cakes. D.Dumplings.
4.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage
A.The history and development of China's Longtaitou Festival 
B.Cut your hair on China's Longtaitou Festival
C.The culture and traditions of China's Longtaitou Festival
D.Food about China's Longtaitou Festival
W:Why are you so interested in the history class
M:Our history teacher Mr. Zhang is really humorous. He 1. (关于孔子了解的很多).
W:Really, but he looks very serious and strict, 2. (像一位哲学老师).
M:No, not at all. The examples he gives are really interesting. And 3. (我知道了很多历史故事) from him,for example, many kingdoms. There is lots of laughter in his class.
W:What else is he good at
M:He has a good knowledge of 4. (军事力量).
W:No wonder you like him so much. I wish 5. (他是我们的历史老师) too.
W:Congratulations, Simon! __1__ How do you feel about winning this dancing competition
M:I'm proud. This is the first time I have won a dancing competition.
M:When I was 5 years old, my mom took me to a live dancing show. __3__
W:Did you take special dancing courses or did you just learn it by yourself afterwards
M:Some special courses.
M:I learn the piano to support my skill. But I didn't have too much time for it.
M:My parents didn't want me to be a dancer. I had to talk with them about it again and again.
A.And I started to love it.
B.When did you become interested in dancing
C.What was the hardest thing in your career
D.Did you also learn about music
E.It was quite an achievement!
(Text 1)
W:That doesn't look right. Can you put the sofa next to that side table
M:You mean across from the bookshelf
W:Yes. Oh, and maybe we should just move the coffee table over here by these chairs.
M:Anything else
W:Well, now the furniture looks good, but I think we should move the picture hanging on the wall.
M:I don't know why you're moving everything. It looked fine before.
(Text 2)
M:Excuse me, Miss White! Are there any books about the earth
W:Yes, here you are.
W:Are you interested in science, Henry
M:No. I was asked to give a talk about it.
W:Oh. I see.
M:How many books can I borrow at a time
M:Good! Can I have a look at the books about history I love them very much.
W:Sure. They're on that shelf over there.
M:Mm ... I'd like this one about the world history. And I'll return them next Wednesday afternoon.
W:Oh, our library is open every day except Wednesday. No hurry. Please take your time. You may keep them for two weeks.
M:OK. Thank you.
(Text 3)
M:Excuse me, madam
W:Yes, sir. How can I help you
M:I'm a guest in Room 514. I have some free time this afternoon, so I want to go to see a park, a landmark, something like that. What would you suggest
W:Uh ... Wrigley Field on a sunny day like today is nice.
M:Wrigley Field Don't the clubs play baseball there
W: That's right. In fact, they have a game there at 4:00. If you want to see a building with history, I think Wrigley Field is the Chicago landmark for you to see.
M:Great. How do I get there
W:Go north one block and take the subway. Nothing gets you in or out of Wrigley faster than it.
M:Well, the game starts in one hour, so I'd better go now. Thanks for your help.
W:Have a good time!
knows more about Confucius
I learn many good historic stories
EBADCUnit 4 History and traditions-SectionⅥAssessing Your Progress同步课时训练
do some research on, in ruins, make achievements, be combined with,
be positioned as, as to, leave behind, refer to
1.My life aim is to in everything.
2.He's very uncertain whether it's the right job for him.
3.Whenever we meet with new words, we may the dictionary.
4.He is so forgetful that he always one or two items in the restaurant.
5.If improved education other factors, results can be achieved.
6.Berlin was after World War Ⅱ.
7.He cancer when he was in England.
8.Tom is excited to a leader during this activity.
1.The experiment failed, (chief) because of high winds.
2.The Old Town of Lijiang, (locate) in the northwest of Yunnan Province, is an ancient town.
3.Old castles have a certain strange (fascinate) for me.
4.Take note of their contact numbers in the (announce) pages.
5.If children live with sharing, they learn (generous).
6.The professor is easy to (接近), and all the young teachers like to ask for advice from him.
7.But not all of us have the opportunity to receive such raining because of our
(个人的) work and activities.
8.The place was (拥挤的) and that made the situation dangerous.
9.He had just arrived there when he was (包围) by his fans.
10.Some began to reform their (合法的) systems and forbade research into human cloning (克隆).
11.Gibbons has been (指控) with murder.
12.Everyone was silent as the teacher (宣布) the winner of the competition.
13.Always read the instructions on the bottle carefully and take the right (量) of medicine.
14.Follow a few simple tips to (确保) you're not the awful roommate everyone's talking about.
15.Many art lovers would rather visit this small art (画廊) than any other in New York.
16.Paul was made welcome at the UN and received with (eager).
17.Visitors to Beijing are usually (strike) by the great number of trees in the city.
18.The bus we had been waiting for was too (crowd), so we decided to catch a later one.
I'd like you think of to improve your handwriting.
There is no doubt that staying up result in over anxiety.
3.他在竞赛中获得第一名不足为奇,毕竟,他做了充分的准备。(It is+adj.+that ...)
he has won the first prize in the competition. After all, he has got well prepared for it.
,he tried his best.
Problems, should be solved without delay.
London Tower was built long ago by the Normans of AD 1066. Fancy! This solid stone, square tower had remained standing for one thousand years.
St Paul's Cathedral was built after the terrible fire of London in 1666. It looked splendid when first built!
Westminster Abbey, too, was very interesting. It contained statues in memory of dead poets and writers, such as Shakespeare.
1.What do these pictures mainly tell us
2.What do the three pictures have in common
The Polish take great pride in their culture. Our culture has many different customs and traditions. I will discuss three of these traditions and customs.
The Polish will say “Dziekuje” (“thank you”) only after receiving their change. What I mean by this is that when you are in Poland, you should wait to say “thank you” until after you have been given your change back. If you do not, you are telling cashiers (收银员) that they can “keep the change.” Often, people visiting Poland will feel that things are very expensive, until they learn that they are giving the store clerk permission to keep the money that would have been given back.
Polish people break “bread” with their families during their Christmas Eve meal. The Christmas Eve celebration starts with the breaking of the Oplatek, which is a thin piece of “bread”. In my family, the eldest in the family (my grandfather) takes the big Oplatek and breaks it into large pieces that he then hands down to each of his four children (my aunt, uncles, and father). Then, these family members break their pieces into smaller sizes and pass them out to their own children. Once the last piece is passed down to the youngest, we say a prayer (做祷告) and eat the piece of thin bread.
Polish people celebrate “Imieniny”, or Name's Day. This day is more important than one's birthday. They often name their children after a saint (圣徒) whose day is closest to the date that they were born on. Then their saint's day that they were named after becomes their “new” birthday. On Name's Day, families and friends gather together and enjoy a variety of food, drinking, and dancing.
As you can see, Poland has a few very unique (独特的) traditions and customs. I honor my Polish culture and will pass it on to my own children because it is important to know one's own culture.
1.In Poland, if you say “Dziekuje” before getting your change, ________.
A.the store clerk will keep it
B.the product will be changed
C.the store clerk will check the money
D.the product will be returned to the store
2.On Christmas Eve, the author will receive “bread” from ________.
A.his grandfather    B.his uncle
C.his aunt D.his father
3.A Polish person's Imieniny is ________.
A.a day to visit families and friends
B.more important than Name's Day
C.near to his or her birthday
D.a day to honor a saint
4.What does the author think of Polish traditions and customs
A.He feels proud of them.
B.He shows no interest in them.
C.He is worried about them.
D.He considers them very funny.
I was touched through experiences, memories, books, stories, animals, angels, and most of all other people. People have moved me and molded (塑造) me with moments of love and examples of kindness.
One time on the day before Christmas many years ago when I was a minimum wage mill worker, I found myself with very little money and very little time to buy my small children a few simple toys. I knew that they would have to be cheap ones and I hoped my children would like them. I hated not having enough to give them more. I hated being poor. And I hated feeling bad at Christmas rather than happy.
I pulled_into a store parking lot and counted my money again. It wasn't much but maybe I could get something small with it. As I was getting out of the car I noticed the Salvation Army bell_ringer (撞钟人) at the entrance. I felt bad again because I didn't feel I could spare anything to give him. I started walking towards the entrance when two cars pulled into empty parking spots in front of me. The first was a shiny, new Cadillac and I felt kind of jealous when I saw it. “How nice,” I thought, “would it be to have enough money to buy a car like that.” The second car, though, was an ancient sedan more beat up (破旧的) and rusty than the one I was driving.
A man hopped out of the Cadillac and hurried into the store right past the bell ringer without a second glance. Out of the old sedan came a young mother with three small children in tow. Her clothes looked as worn out as her car, yet she stopped in front of the bell ringer, smiled, opened her purse,_and dropped a bill in his red kettle.
Paragraph 1:
I stood there for a minute in astonishment. 
Paragraph 2:
In that second a warmth touched me, my jealousy and hatred left me, and all the love and joy that are Christmas filled me. 
Paragraph 1:
I stood there for a minute in astonishment. “Maybe,” I thought to myself, “it's better to be rich on the inside instead of the outside.” That rich man should have done something to help the poor, but he didn't. Sometimes it was really wrong to judge a person by his or her appearance. I really had respect for the poor mother from the bottom of my heart. She set a good example for her children.
Paragraph 2:
In that second a warmth touched me, my jealousy and hatred left me, and all the love and joy that are Christmas filled me. I fished a bill out of my own purse,_dropped it in the Salvation Army kettle,_and wished the bell_ringer a merry Christmas. I found a few fun things to give my kids and drove home with my heart singing. I knew it was going to be a wonderful Christmas. I could hardly wait to see my children enjoying the presents bought for them, including a special gift — love for those in need.