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Teaching Design for
Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines
By Jiang Shujuan Dec 27th, 2012
课题 必修2 Module5 课型 Reading & Writing
执教者 江淑娟 班级 高一6 授课时间 第17周 周四
节次 4/5 课时 第 2课时 授课地点 教学楼C 308
教材与学情分析 本课是必修2第5模块的第2课时,阅读材料为一篇约300字的新闻报道(P43)。文章介绍“中国航天第一人”杨利伟遨游太空的事迹。学生在上节课已经学习过与课文内容有关的词汇,因此在理解文章时不会有太大困难。本课通过设置三个不同形式的Reading Tasks进一步提高学生获取信息并准确理解文章内容的能力。其中Task3以表格形式总结出这篇新闻报道的大意,并由此引出新闻写作的基本步骤,为接下来的五句话作文--报道二外的外语节作铺垫。这样便把“读-写”任务贯穿在教学过程中,而且也将高考考点(如听说考试中的“三问”环节、基础写作))呈现在课堂教学中。
教学目标 知识与技能 1.Reading for information:--Grasp for the main idea of each part of the news;--Search for the details about Yang Liwei’s travel in space.2. Writing a piece of news:-- To sum up the basic structure of writing a piece of news;--To practice by writing a piece of news about the 3rd Foreign Languages Festival of SSFLS.
文化与策略 To emphasize the significance of the launch of Shenzhou V and Yang Liwei’s patriotism as Chinese first taikonaut.To develop Ss’ reading strategies by finishing three different reading tasks.To develop Ss’ ability to summarize the basic structure of writing a piece of news after reading the text.
情感与态度 To arouse Ss’ interest in learning the topic about news.To promote Ss’ patriotism and foster a sense of nationhood.To get Ss to be more cooperative.
教学重点 To help Ss comprehend the contents of the text Chinese Taikonaut Back on Earth;To guide Ss to learn how to write a piece of news.
教学难点 Ss might feel it a bit difficult to write the news about the 3rd Foreign Languages Festival of SSFLS.
教学方法 Task-teaching, information processing, cooperative learning
教学步骤教学活动设计意图Lead-in1.Greetings and introduce the topic;2. Play a video clip about Yang Liwei.引起学生对话题的兴趣;通过播放杨利伟的视频,可让学生感受到航天英雄的爱国情怀和人格品质,增强学生的爱国意识。ReadingTask1 Read the first sentences of each part and match the subheadings with the three parts.Task1为快速阅读,学生能确定文章大意及获取主要信息。Task2(1) Listen to Part 1. Ask the following questions in English and then find out the answers.Q1: 杨利伟从哪里起飞?Q2: 杨利伟在太空待了多久?Q3: 在杨利伟之前有多少人曾在太空旅行?Task2针对新闻的three parts分别设置不同的小任务。如Part1中让学生听完录音后用英语就文章相关内容提问,并找出答案。将高考听说考试中的“三问”环节贯穿在获取文章具体信息过程中,一举两得。Task2(2) Read Part 2 and finish the True or False. (T can invite one of the Ss to read this part for the whole class.)教师邀请一位同学为大家朗读Part2内容,体现个体性。读后集体完成True or False的任务,考察学生对文章细节的掌握程度。Task2(3) Read Part 3 together and fill in the blanks.集体朗读Part3,体现整体性。读后挖空部分的设计针对学生上节课学的单词,帮助学生巩固新单词。Task 3 Summary of the text; Summary of how to write a piece of news.通过表格形式帮助学生总结这篇新闻的时间、地点、事件、意义等,由此引出新闻写作的基本步骤,为随后的小组写作做铺垫。Group-writing1.T shows some pictures about the Foreign Languages Festivals held by other schools.这个设计是从Reading到Writing的一个过渡与承接。2. Group-Writing:To be a Reporter—Suppose you are a reporter from SSFLS DAILY. Now you’re going to write a piece of news about the 3rd Foreign Languages Festival of SSFLS.学生能通过小组写作任务及时练习如何写一篇新闻报道,同时培养团队合作精神。3. Time permitting, T can invite one or two groups to read their compositions to the class.若时间充足,每组派代表现场展示作文成果。SummarySum up what we have learned today.学生能反思本课所学。HomeworkPeer evaluation.(T makes sure that Ss know the standards of how to evaluate a composition.)学生能在课后对堂上作文形成自己的评价。
教学效果预测 杨利伟遨游太空的事迹学生都比较熟悉,但考虑到这个新闻事件已经过去许久,未免让学生觉得此话题比较过时。因此我利用二外少年科学院里的一幅杨利伟的照片作为引入点,让学生明白飞天英雄杨利伟一直是我们国家的骄傲,他的精神永远不会过时,他仍然是我们学习的榜样。在导入部分我还准备了一段介绍杨利伟成长经历的视频,以此渗透爱国主义教育与成长教育。另外,我为这段视频配上了英文字幕,这样一来,虽然视频是中文音频的,但还是可以为学生提供一个英语学习的氛围。在阅读部分,我采取“总-分-总”的方式,设计3个阅读任务帮助学生理解这篇新闻报道。Task1为整体阅读,先让学生大致了解文章内容与每一part的副标题。Task2为细节阅读,为每一part设计形式不同的小任务。这样分段、分任务、分形式阅读,比较不会让学生觉得阅读过程枯燥无味。其中Part1我利用高考听说考试中的“三问”环节让学生就文章内容提问,然后找出答案。这里可能对有些基础比较薄弱、口头表达能力较差的学生可能有些难度,在学生回答有困难的时候我要耐心加以引导。如第三个问题“在杨利伟之前有多少人曾在太空旅行?”,这个问题比较长,如果学生不懂怎么回答,那么要先引导学生确定疑问词、找出谓语动词、确定时态。Task3为归纳阅读,以表格形式帮助学生归纳概括这篇新闻的主要内容。同时归纳出新闻写作的基本步骤,即Headline,Introduction,Body和Ending四个部分,为下一步的写作做好铺垫。在小组写作部分,我让学生针对第三届二外外语节写一篇五句话的新闻报道。由于课文关于杨利伟的那篇报道的text structure并不是很典型,它没有体现一般新闻报道的结构。因此我从21st Century找了一篇题材相似的新闻报道,作为学生写作的参考模版(文本详见Students’ Handout),另外提供一些新闻写作的常用词汇。写作对于基础比较薄弱的学生来说可能比较困难,容易造成一个小组只有一人在写其他都不动笔的情况。为避免这种情况,我要强调每位同学都要参与,可由小组长分配写作任务,一人负责一句话。评价与反思部分如果堂上时间充足,可现场完成。若时间不够也没关系,我为学生准备了互评表,可让学生在课后进行作文互评。
Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines
Reading: Chinese Taikonaut Back on Earth
Part 1: October 16th, 2003
Part 2: Conversation in Space
Part 3: Congratulations from Around the World
21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品资料·第 3 页 (共 3 页) 版权所有@21世纪教育网(共23张PPT)
深二外 江淑娟
Newspapers and Magazines
Read the first sentences of each part and match the subheadings with the three parts.
Conversations in Space
October 16th, 2003
Congratulations from Around the World
Listen to the tape. Ask the following questions in English and then find out the answers.
Q1: 杨利伟从哪里起飞?
Q2: 杨利伟在太空待了多久?
Q3: 在杨利伟之前有多少人曾在太空旅行?
Where did Yang Liwei take off from
How long was Yang Liwei in space
Twenty-one and a half hours.
How many people had travelled in space before Yang Liwei
Read Part 2 and finish the True or False.
The two astronauts in the international space were from America and Russia.
The Russian cosmonaut spoke to Yang in English during his flight.
One of the astronauts aboard the International Space Station was born in China.
His parents were born in China.
Fill in the blanks according to Part 3.
Many countries around the world sent messages of _____________. Sean O'Keefe from NASA in the US said that Yang's space _____was “an important ________ ___________ and NASA wishes China continuing success with its space flight ___________.
United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan called the flight “a _______ forward for the whole world”.
Time October 16th, 2003
Inner Mongolia
Event China’s first taikonaut Yang Liwei_____ safely in the Shenzhou V capsule
Yang took off from______ in northwest China.
Yang spoke to two______from America and Russia during his _____.
Yang made 14 ______ of the earth.
(重要性) China became the ____ nation to send a man into space.
Yang Liwei is the ______ person to travel in space.
--Introduce the basic information of the news, such as time and location.
--Provide the readers with the details of this event.
--Sum up the significance of this event.
--Make the headline clear and concise.
Suppose you are a reporter from SSFLS DAILY. Now you’re going to report the 3rd Foreign Languages Festival of SSFLS.
A Voyage to
the Wonderland of Language
In libris graecis appetere mea. At vim odio lorem omnes, pri id iuvaret partiendo. Vivendo menandri et sed. Lorem volumus blandit cu has.Sit cu alia porro fuisset.
Ea pro natum invidunt repudiandae, his et facilisis vituperatoribus. Mei eu ubique altera senserit, consul eripuit accusata has ne.
In libris graecis appetere mea. At vim odio lorem omnes, pri id iuvaret partiendo. Vivendo menandri et sed. Lorem volumus blandit cu has.Sit cu alia porro fuisset.
Ea pro natum invidunt repudiandae, his et facilisis vituperatoribus. Mei eu ubique altera senserit, consul eripuit accusata has ne. Ignota verterem te nam, eu cibo causae menandri vim.
In libris graecis appetere mea. At vim odio lorem omnes, pri id iuvaret partiendo. Vivendo menandri et sed. Lorem volumus blandit cu has.Sit cu alia porro fuisset.
Ea pro natum invidunt repudiandae, his et facilisis vituperatoribus. Mei eu ubique altera senserit, consul eripuit accusata has ne. Ignota verterem te nam, eu cibo causae menandri vim.
December 27th, 2012
Students in SSFLS are celebrating their Foreign Languages Festival by attending all kinds of activities.
时间 2012年12月24日—27日
主办单位 教务处、团委
主题 奇幻的语言之旅
活动对象 全校在校学生
活动内容 词王争霸赛、超级模仿秀、电影配音大赛、外语角、英语短剧等。
活动意义 1、欢庆圣诞节,丰富学生课外生活;
The 3rd SSFLS Foreign Language Festival, held successfully from December 23rd to 29th , was organized by Teaching Affairs Office and Youth League Committee.
Titled “A Voyage to the Wonderland of Languages”, this festival welcomed all the students in SSFLS.
During the festival, students enjoy themselves very much by attending various kinds of activities, such as the Vocabulary Competition, Super Imitation Show, Foreign Language Corner, Movie Dubbing Contest, and English Short Play etc.
This festival aims to enrich students' after-school life.
At the same time, it increases students’ interest in learning foreign languages and promotes a better foreign language learning environment.
What have we learned today
1.The news about Yang Liwei’s travel in space.
2.The structure of writing a piece of news.
Today’s homework:
Peer evaluation of your writing based on the evaluation table on your worksheet.