Unit 8 Playtime
Part A(预习+展示)
Let’s do and chant
jump kick play throw; catch skip go go go
skip catch throw play; kick jump every day
I can jump I can walk
I can kick I can talk
I can catch I can throw
I can skip I can go
I can swim I can run
I can skate How about you
Block1: listen and repeat
Block2: Read in groups
组长带读:Read after me, please.
组长点人读:Tim, can you read
齐读:Let’s read together.
读完安静坐好:Hey, hey, finish.
Block3: matching game
What can you see in the Sheep Village
Look! That’s Tim.
He’s playing badminton.
Freezing game
Come to our Sports Groups!
Say it like this:
Hello, my name is…
I am…years old.
I can...
Look, I am…
I want to go to …Group.
Sports Groups of Sheep Village
Photo album
You can write like this:
We all have fun today!
Look! That's...
She's/He's playing...
They're playing...
play football
table tennis
play table tennis
Draw and write something about the sport stars. Using: ‘Look! That’s… He/ She/ They …playing…’登陆21世纪教育 助您教考全无忧
单位及作者:石厦学校小学部 林晓丹
教材版本:Primary English for China
课题名称:Unit 8 Playtime A, Book 5
1. 语言知识目标:能熟练掌握并能运用有关于球类运动的单词,如 “football, play football ”等;能熟练运用“Look! That’s…. He/ She/ They (is/ are) playing…”等句型。
2. 语言技能目标:能将所学的语言灵活运用于日常生活的交际中。
3. 情感态度目标:通过各种有趣的教学方法培养学生浓厚的学习兴趣;教育学生要爱护球类;教育学生平时要做适量的运动。
教学重难点:1. 单词“football, basketball, volleyball, badminton, table tennis”的掌握及运用是本课时重点。
2.现在进行时的结构及主谓一致。掌握be playing 句型与单数人称及复数人称的搭配是本课时的难点。中文中因为没有单复数的说法,所以学生在理解上有一定的困难,使用过程当中经常出错。
1、 组织教学及复习:
1. Greeting and introduction
Class begins! Good afternoon boys and girls. Please turn back and say hello to the teachers. OK! Sit down, please.
Hello, boys and girls! Nice to meet you here. I’m your new English teacher today. You can call me Mickey! Look, I like sports, and I like singing. Now I will sing a song for you!(走下台清唱)
Hello. Hello. Hello. How are you (停下来等学生回答)
Hello. Hello. Hello. Nice to meet you.(与生握手)
Hello. Hello. Hello. How are you
Hello. Hello. Hello. What’s your name
2. Sing a song.
I know we all like singing. Let’s sing a song. OK Stand up. Please!
3. Leading in.
Good job! Sit down, please.
How about you Can you run/jump/kick My friend Xi Yangyang can kick(手偶). Look! He’s coming!(PPT, 喜羊羊踢球)
Do you want to play with him
Today we are going to learn Unit8 Playtime (Part A)(板书课题).
2、 新知识的呈现与归纳
1. 进羊村第一关:Listen and repeat(Present the words):
Oh, 灰太狼is coming. (出示手偶,PPT,用灰太狼的声音说)To play with them, you need to pass three blocks! Block1 Listen and repeat.(PPT,点击,让学生跟读。师课前先在黑板上贴着五个球,此时一边挨个单词带读一边将准备好的单词贴在球旁边)。
2. 进羊村第二关:Read in groups
Good job! Now let’s move to Block2. Read in groups. You can read like this(出示PPT, 读的指示). When you finish, please sit up straight and say hey hey finish! Ready Go!(按小组完成的顺序,给小组在评价表上升篮球)
3. 进羊村第三关:Matching game
Wow! Now we can move to Block3.(点击PPT). Oh no! The words are mixed up!!Who did it Now we have to match them. Let’s welcome Group1! They will help us! Welcome~(小组表演拼单词)
4. 进羊村后所见1:Listen and repeat the sentences
(PPT)Now, we finally come to羊村!(指着屏幕问)What can you see in 羊村?Tim Badminton Look! That’s Tim! He’s playing Badminton.(贴句子到黑板)Follow me, please!(带读一遍)
(PPT)What else can you see (引导学生说图,说到复数的图时,贴句子)
Look! They’re Bob and Pam. They are playing basketball.(贴句子)
5. 进羊村后所见2:Freezing game
Now let’s play a freezing game! Welcome Group2 to show us!
You can do whatever you want to do.(老师用动作举例,刷牙,唱歌,跳舞 等)When you hear ‘freeze’, please stop and do one of these 4 actions. OK Now, Music!(音乐播到freeze时停下,台上六位学生不动。问台下学生,What’s he doing 当有重复的时候,说What are they doing 及时给台下学生评价)
Thank you! Group2!
1. 羊村体育组选拔活动: Come to our Sports Groups
T: OK now, there are so many sports groups in the sheep village. Now let’s welcome Group3! You can say like this to come to the sports group!(老师示范)
2. 制作相册,保留美好回忆:Make a photo album
T: We all have fun in the sheep village today. Now we are going to make a photo album. I will give a piece of paper like this to each group. You will draw your pictures and write something like this on the back.(PPT,师示范). Later I will collect your pictures, and make a photo album. Now you have 3 minutes. Ready Go
3、 小结:
德育教育: Thank you! You all did a very good job. Boys and girls, balls are our friends. They can bring us fun and make us happy. Exercise can make us healthy. Please love the balls and do more exercise from now on!
4、 作业布置:
1. Write something about the sport stars. Using: ‘Look! That’s… He/ She/ They …playing…’.
5、 板书设计
Unit 8. Play time
Look! That’s….
He is playing….
Look! That’s….
She is playing….
Look! That’s … and ….
They are playing….
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Unit 8 Playtime A教学反思
本节课讲授的是深港版Primary English for China, Book5 Unit 8 Playtime A部分。要求学生能熟练掌握并能运用有关于球类运动的单词,如 “football, play football ”等;能熟练运用“Look! That’s…. He/ She/ They (is/ are) playing…”等句型。本节课围绕闯关游戏与进羊村后所见所闻,穿插了童话故事、卡通形象、歌谣、角色扮演以及小组竞赛等,使学生在习得语言的过程中始终保持浓厚兴趣。
1. 以闯关进羊村为主线,把孩子们喜欢且熟悉的卡通形象喜羊羊和灰太郎带进课堂,层层设疑,创设情境,让学生在情境中习得语言。
2. 教学中注意遵循孩子的认知规律。如教单词时音义领先,形随后;再如按照从单词到短语再到句子的顺序进行教学。
3. 活动多样、新颖且有趣,如matching game, freezing game以及制作小组活动相册等。借助多种能引起孩子兴趣的道具进行教学,如儿歌、手偶、拼图等。激发学生的兴趣,活跃课堂气氛。
4. 运用活动教学法,让学生在小组合作中学习,获取信息,培养学生合作探究的能力,转变“教与学”,突出学生的主体地位。运用Group show的方式,让学生展示小组合作学习成果,增强学生的自信心,给学生提供展现自我的机会,培养学生的语言表达能力。
1. 不熟悉本班学生,与他们配合不够默契。
2. 有些活动的讲解不到位,导致一些学生还不明白活动的具体要求,所以不能有效参与。如“好声音”游戏,如能讲解得再细致些,或找个别学生先做示范,可能效果会大不一样。
3. 活动的设计还不够完善。如玩Freezing game时,只请了一个小组到台上表演,台下的同学很难调动,导致活动不够有效。如果这个活动改成让所有孩子一起做动作,音乐停下时再让大家说说其中一些学生的动作,则课堂会更有效,气氛也会更活跃。
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