Module 7 English for you and me 模块表格式教学设计
教材及年级名称 《英语》(新标准)九年级下册 模块名称 Module 7 English for you and me
教材分析 本模块的选题从学生的实际出发,选取了与同学们息息相关的“英语语言”这一话题,不仅谈英语学习,也谈英语的历史、发展和变化,为学生打开眼界,了解英语的发展史提供了载体;同时,引导学生分析英语成为国际性语言的发展过程,培养学生分析问题的能力,发展学生思维。第一单元的对话内容主要是关于 Lingling 学习英语的情况,对学生学习英语的动机、情感态度和学习策略都进行了指导,鼓励学生在学习中克服困难,享受学习的乐趣;同时还要讲究方法和策略,利用好的条件,选择好的方法等。第二单元的课文是一篇议论文。作者从说英语的国家、使用英语的人、英语与其他语言的联系、英语的发展等方面进行了阐述。本模块的语言技能和语言知识都围绕这一话题展开。语法方面,主要复习状语从句和动词不定式的用法。本模块的任务是给出英语学习的建议。这是一个非常有实际意义的任务,可以引发学生思考,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,帮助学生掌握英语学习方法,从而提高自己的英语水平。初三下册内容较多,单词相对较少,可以布置学生提前预习。
模块教学目标 语言知识目标:词汇:achieve, include, speaker, boss, secretary, quarter, industry, zero, type, Indian语法:复习状语从句和动词不定式的用法。语音:能够在使用状语从句和动词不定式时,用正确的语音语调来达意。语言技能目标:听:能听懂包含状语从句的表达和有关英语学习的谈话,能够理解和转述具体信息。说:能够描述自己英语学习的状态和取得的进步,在描述中能够正确使用状语从句,能够提出一些学习英语的建议。读:能读懂有关英语发展的课文,并能转述主要信息。写:能够模仿课文结构写一篇关于汉语发展的文章。情感目标:能够通过学习,加强英语学习的信心,学会关心和鼓励他人。学习策略:自学策略:能够反思自己的学习,采用适当的策略进行复习。合作学习策略:能够与人交流与合作,共同完成任务。文化意识:通过学习,理解英语的重要性,激发学习英语的动机;同时了解汉语日益增强的影响力,培养学生对汉语的热爱,加强民族自豪感。
教学重点及难点 重点:掌握与课文内容相关的词汇句型。复习状语从句和动词不定式。难点:1.能够理解和使用状语从句和动词不定式。2.能够完成一篇展望中文的未来的文章的写作。
教学辅助 多媒体、图片、卡片、黑板
教学策略 交际教学法、PWP、任务型教学法
教材分析 课型:Listening and speaking第一单元的对话是围绕英语学习的话题展开,主要是关于 Lingling 学习英语的情况和感受,以及 Betty 对她的帮助和鼓励,内容和情节都很符合初三下学期年龄段学生的实际,非常能够吸引学生兴趣,对于学生学习英语的方法和自信心都很有帮助。本单元需要学生能听懂包含状语从句和不定式的表达和有关英语学习的谈话;能够理解和转述具体信息;能够描述自己英语学习的状态和取得的进步,并在描述中正确使用状语从句和不定式;能够提出一些学习英语的建议。
课时教学目标 1. Knowledge objectives:A. Key vocabulary: achieve, include, speakerB. Key structures: structures of adverbial clauses and infinitives2. Ability objectives:A. To identify how Lingling learns English.B. To be able to ask and give information about one’s English learning experience3. Moral objectives: To learn to care about and encourage others.
教学重点与难点 1. Key points: To master some useful words and expressions about the subject.To improve the abilities of listening and speaking.2. Difficult point: To say something about one’s English learning experience.
教学辅助 多媒体、黑板
教学策略 交际教学法
教学内容 教学活动 设计意图
教师活动 学生活动
Step 1: Warming-up: Show the Ss some pictures of a English and ask questions.What can you see in the pictures Can you speak English How long have you learnt English How do you learn English What are your problems in learning English What do you think are the good ways to learn English 通过图片吸引学生注意力,激发学生兴趣,引出主题,激活学生背景知识,为下一步骤做好铺垫。
Step 2: Free talk.Get the Ss to look at the photo in Activity 1 and answer the questions.Ss give answers.Check answers as a class. 通过看图和讨论,导入英语学习的话题。
Step 3: Listening.T: Now, we are going to listen to a conversation between Tony and his Dad.Get the Ss to read the questions so that they know what they are going to listen for.Play the tape, Ss listen and answer the questions.Ask Ss to compare their answers with their partners.Play the tape again for them to check answers.Check answers as a class. 本活动是正式听力教学前的微技能听力训练,同样具有导入话题的功能。让学生带着问题去听,可以让学生在听的时候目的性更强,更专注。与搭档讨论答案可以调动学生的参与积极性,加强合作学习。
Step 4: Listen and read.1. Tell the Ss they are going to watch the flash about Betty and Lingling. Watch and tell what they are talking about.Check the answers.2. Get the Ss listen and read to decide who might agree with the following sentences in Activity 3.Check the answers.3. Play the tape for the Ss to listen and follow.Focus on everyday English.Then Ss read aloud together.4. Get the Ss to work in pairs to read in roles.5. Check some pairs. 让学生们观看 flash 可以让学生得到更直观的感受,便于学生对课文的理解,也更能吸引学生兴趣。虽然是初三学生,对于语音语调的训练还是应该常抓不懈。让学生分角色朗读课文可以调动学生的积极性,并且可以让学生互相帮助,加强合作学习。本步骤是学生的输入阶段,通过大量的输入,为学生的输出创造可能性。
Step 5: Practice.1. Get the Ss to read the conversation again and complete the sentences in Activity 4.2. Check the answers with the whole class.3. Get the Ss to complete the questions with the correct form of the words in the box in Activity 5.4. Check the answers.5. Get the Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer.6. Check some pairs. 活动 4 是一个半开放性的活动,旨在培养学生运用定语从句进行表达的能力,也是检查学生对对话内容是否理解;活动 5 旨在检查学生是否已经掌握新学词汇。
Step 6: Pronunciation.Activity 6: Get the Ss to read and predict which words the speaker is likely to stress.Play the tape, Ss listen and mark the stresses in the paragraphs in Activity 6 & 8.Get the Ss to read aloud.Invite individual Ss to read the paragraphs. 本活动主要训练学生在朗读中找准重读单词、准确把握意群并正确断句。
Step 7: Practice: Free talk.Get the Ss to work in pairs to talk about their progress in English learning.Ask some pairs to share their conversations. 本活动是一个口语活动,是输出的环节,主要培养学生的口头表达能力,训练学生的英语应用能力。本活动的设计符合学生的实际,给学生提供了真实的语境。
Classroom Assessment: Can you say the following now Check (√) the square brackets.1. I can talk about my progress in English. [ ]2. I can give some tips for learning English. [ ]
Homework: Read the conversation aloud and try to memorize the conversation. 作业是课堂的延续,目的是巩固今天所学。
教材分析 课型:Reading and writing.第二单元的课文是一篇议论文,讲述了英语作为国际性语言被广泛使用的现状,追述了它成为国际性语言的过程,回答了“英语属于谁?”这个问题,同时还预测了英语未来发展的状况。文章不仅从不同角度给学生提供了有关英语的知识和信息,并且引发学生去思考语言发展的原因,思考语言发展与社会、经济发展的关系等。这些对于学生的思维发展都有促进作用。本单元要求学生理解文章所传达的信息和观点,能够对英语和汉语的发展给出自己的观点,能够写一篇有关汉语的发展的文章。
课时教学目标 1. Knowledge objectives:A. Key vocabulary: boss, secretary, quarter, industry, zero, type.B. Key structures: structures of adverbial clauses and infinitives.2. Ability objectives:A. To learn how English has become an international language.B. To comment on the future of English and Chinese.C. To be able to write a passage about the future of Chinese.3. Moral objectives:A. To lead the Ss to love Chinese.B. To cultivate the interest of English learning through study.
教学重点与难点 Key points:A. To master some useful words and expressions about the subject.B. To improve the ability of reading and writing.Difficult point: To write a passage about the future of Chinese.
教学辅助 多媒体、图片、黑板
教学策略 PWP 方法
教学内容 教学活动 设计意图
教师活动 学生活动
Step 1: Warming-up.Ask questions about Unit 1:Do you remember what were Betty and Lingling talking about in Unit 1 How much progress has Lingling made What do they think of English corner Have you ever been to an English corner 此热身活动既是对课后作业的检查,也是为引出本节课即将学习的内容做铺垫。
Step 2: Pre-reading.1. Let Ss look at the photos and talk about them in pairs.2. Check answers as a class. 本活动为阅读前的导入活动,起导入话题和激活学生已有背景知识的作用。
Step 3: While-reading.T: You see, English has become an international language. How did this happen What is the future of English Now Let’s read the passage to find out about these.1. Fast-readingRead the passage and answer the questions:a. How many people in the world use English b. Who owns English Check the answers.2. Careful- readingRead the passage again and answer the questions:a. How did English become an international language b. When do you think Chinese will become an international language Check the answers.3. Read the passage again and match the ideas with the paragraphs in Activity 3.Get the Ss to check their answers in groups.Then check answers with the whole class. 首先让学生快速阅读,了解文章大概内容,完成之前两个比较简单问题;然后再进行细节阅读,完成另外两个理解性的问题。然后再读,给段落和段落大意配对,旨在考查学生把握段落大意的能力。这样的活动设计是为了让学生们由浅入深,逐步深入了解故事内容,符合学生的认知规律,并且可以有效地训练学生的阅读技能,提高学生的阅读能力。
Step 4: After-reading.1. Get the Ss to complete the questions in the box in Activity 4.2. Check with the whole class.3. Get the SS to work in pairs to ask and answer the questions.4. Check some pairs. 本活动是一个词汇练习,旨在帮助学生复习强化本模块的重点词汇。在一定的语境下,对这些句子的问答更能巩固学生对词汇的记忆。
Step 5: Writing.Write a composition the future of ChineseRead learning to learn with the class.Get the Ss to work in groups to read through the tips in Activity 5.Get them to take notes before writing.As a class, discuss what made it a good composition.Get Ss to write down their composition if time permits.Get some Ss to share their composition with the class.Ss and teacher give advice.Ss rewrite their composition. 本活动要求学生仿造课文,结合题目列出的要点,写一篇展望中文的发展的文章。本步骤采用的过程性写作教学,符合循序渐进的原则,为学生完成写作任务提供了可能。
Class room Assessment: Can you say the following now Check (√) the square brackets.1. I can understand the passage. [ ]2. I can write a composition about the future of Chinese. [ ]
Homework: Write a composition about the future of Chinese.
教材分析 课型:Revision and application第三单元是对本模块的语言知识点,即状语从句和不定式的复习和巩固,要求学生理解状语从句和不定式的概念和用法,理解含有状语从句、不定式的句子的意思,并注意在运用状语从句和不定式时常出现的问题。Around the world 栏目介绍的是一种新创的语言 Esperanto,对于开阔学生知识面,让学生了解不同的语言的发展很有帮助。
课时教学目标 1. Knowledge objectives:To summarize and consolidate the new vocabulary;Revision of the adverbial clauses and infinitives.2. Ability objectives:To be able to use the adverbial clauses and infinitives correctly.To make a list of tips for learning English.3. Moral objectives:To cultivate the interest of English learning through study.To learn to care about and encourage others.
教学重点与难点 Key points:To summarize and consolidate the new vocabulary, the adverbial clauses and infinitives.Difficult points:To be able to use the adverbial clauses and infinitives correctly.To give tips for learning English.
教学辅助 多媒体、黑板
教学策略 Formal and interactive practice, task-based approach
教学内容 教学活动 设计意图
教师活动 学生活动
Step 1: Language focus:1. Get the Ss to read through the sentences 1-3 in the language box. Check the meaning.2. Get them to try to sum up the adverbial clauses.3. Teacher reminds the Ss what they need to pay special attention to. 本步骤通过归纳法的教学方式让学生观察句子结构特点,自己总结语法现象和规律,可以深化学生对语法的理解,有助于学生分析和注意力的培养。
Step 2: Practice.Get the Ss to read through the words in the box.Then complete the sentences with the words.Then get the Ss to work in pairs to check answers.Check the answers with the whole class. 本活动为针对状语从句的练习,每一个句子都为学生提供了具体的语境,旨在培养学生的语法应用能力。
Step 3: Get the Ss to read through the sentences 4-5 in the language box. Check the meaning.Get them to try to sum up the infinitives.Teacher reminds the Ss what they need to pay special attention to. 同样让学生总结语法规律,可以深化学生对语法的理解,有助于学生分析和注意力的培养。
Step 4: Practice.Get the Ss to complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.Ss work in pairs to check answers.Check as a class. 本活动是针对动词不定式的练习。
Step 5: Practice.Ss read and think about the questions in Activity 3.Work in pairs to discuss the questions.Then check answers with the whole class. 本活动是一个词汇学习活动,其中包含了一些有关学习的词汇和短语。创设的语境有助于学生对词汇和短语的理解。
Step 6: Practice.Get the students to complete the conversation with the correct form of the words in brackets in Activity 4.Then get them to check the answers in pairs.Check the answers as a class. 本活动是活动 3 的跟进练习,着重训练学生在语境中运用词汇的能力。构词法。
Step 7: Reading.Get the Ss to read the passage and answer: what is the passage about Get the Ss to read and choose the correct answers.Get the Ss to discuss the answers in pairs first, then with the whole class. 本活动是阅读拓展训练,主要训练学生的阅读理解能力和获取信息的能力。
Step 8: Listening.Get the SS to read through the three alternatives and play the tape for the Ss to listen for what the passage is about.Check the answer.Play the tape again, Ss listen and answer the questions in Activity 7.Play the tape a third time for the Ss to listen and check.Check the answers as a class. 本活动让学生收听广告,然后判断是关于什么的广告,具有真实性和实际意义。主要训练学生通过听获取信息的能力。
Step 10: Around the world1. Get the Ss to look at the photo and the title of the passage. Ask: what do you think the man did 2. Get the Ss to read the passage.3. Answer any questions from the Ss. 引导学生阅读 Around the world,了解其他的语言,开阔学生眼界,激发学生兴趣。
Step 11: Module task: make a list of tips for learning English.1. Get the Ss to work in groups to talk about problems they have in learning English. Then give tips for the problems.2. Get the Ss to take notes.3. Discuss problems and tips as a class.4. Get the Ss make a list of the tips and put them on a poster for others to read.5. Hold a class vote to decide upon the best poster. 本模块的任务是一个制作海报的任务,要求学生提供一些学习英语的建议,并分小组展示,最后评出最佳海报。这是一个很有意义的语言输出活动,可以激发学生反思自己学习中存在的问题,并从同学处得到帮助,可以加强学生学习英语的信心;同时也训练了学生的英语应用能力。海报的评比可以激发学生兴趣,让学生体验成功和学习的快乐,激发学习动力。
Classroom Assessment: 一、课堂学习效果评估Can you say the following now Check (√) the square brackets.1. I can use the adverbial clauses and infinitives. [ ] 2. I can give some tips for learning English. [ ]二、一分钟问题1. Do you know how to use adverbial clauses 2. Can you use infinitives correctly 3. Can you write a passage to describe the future of Chinese
Homework: Finish the module task.