外研社新课标2011版七年级下册Module10 Unit3
教材版本 外研社新课标2011版 七年级下册
课题 Module 10 A holiday journey Unit 3 Language in use
课型 Revision and practice
计划课时 1课时
教学目标 语言知识 To summarise and consolidate the new vocabulary and some past tense verbs
To summarise and conclude the rules of past simple wh-question
语言技能 To use the past simple questions to get the information about journey
To write an email about journey with the help of wh-question and the new vocabulary in this module
学习策略目标 通过情境创设让学生学会在具体语境中运用相关语言知识提高语言技能
情感态度目标 要提高在外地旅行时尊重当地文化的意识
重点及解决措施 Use past simple questions correctly 录制微课讲解其构成规律并在学生理解不充分之处利用微课可以随时随处暂停及重播的特点有选择性的重新播放致使理解透彻为止。在理解理论的基础上配以改错题加以聚焦练习。最后为学生创设具体语境使其在真实语境下实际应用该语言技能。
难点及解决措施 Writing an email about the journey you are on 在为学生创设真实语境的基础上,运用问题化教学手段,即抛出一系列有逻辑有联系且层层递进的问题系统,以此为学生搭建解决终极问题(完成写作)的阶梯。与此同时培养学生自主且有效解决问题的思维习惯。
教学环节与内容 媒体内容与形式 教师活动 学生活动 环节设计意图 时间
I Review 板书 Ask wh-questons about Betty’s first journey : Where did Betty go Who was Betty with When did Betty go How did Betty get there What did Betty do How did Betty feel about the journey Answer these questions by going over Unit 1 ①通过这些问题的设置梳理出本堂课的重点知识结构,即过去时的特殊疑问句结构 ②利用这些问题为之后的写作环节做好铺垫 ③通过回答这些问题复习Unit1的相关语言知识 1分钟
PPT Let students prepare wh-questions about Betty’s second journey in Unit2 by themselves Prepare wh-questions about Betty’s second journey by going over Unit2 ①复习Unit2中文章内容和相关语言知识 ②练习使用本课需其掌握的语言技能(过去时的特殊疑问句) 2分钟
one asks a wh-question and orders another one answers it
II Grammar 微课 Play a Micro-course about the rules of past simple wh-questions Watch the micro-course 以微课的形式展示语法内容的目的是如果学生对于某一处掌握不够好时,可以随时暂停并调到合适的进度重新播放直到孩子能够理解为止 1分30秒
白板 Let students do some exercise about the rules: Do the exercise :try to find out the mistakes and correct them ① -Where did you go for a holiday - We went for a holiday in July ② How do you get to Tokyo - I got there by plane. ③ Who did met you at the airport ④ -What did they do after dinner - They see a film ⑤ When did Tony fly to the USA last month Do the exercise :try to find out the mistakes and correct them ① -Where did you go for a holiday - We went for a holiday in July ② How do you get to Tokyo - I got there by plane. ③ Who did met you at the airport ④ -What did they do after dinner - They see a film ⑤ When did Tony fly to the USA last month 用改错题的方式使学生聚焦本课语法知识在使用过程中易出现的错误形式,并因此在其自己使用时提高重视程度。 3分钟
III Using 视频 Play the video about the teacher’s journey Watch the video about teacher’s journey ①为下一学习环节做铺垫 ②在学生注意力容易涣散的时间提供视听享受,缓解学习疲劳 1分15秒
ppt Let students use past simple wh-question to ask me about my journey Use past simple questions like those on the blackboard to ask the teacher about her journey such as : Where did you go What did you do there How did you feel
.................... ①创设情景让学生使用本课语言技能(过去时的特殊疑问句)去获取他人旅行信息 ②通过”what did you do ”的答案配合图片呈现本课需要学生掌握一些词汇e.g. went took bought met wore... ③通过回答“how did you feel ”来传递旅行时需要最终当地文化的意识以达成本课的情感态度目标 1分45秒
ppt Let students use the words to complete the email to my mum about my journey Use the correct form of the words in the box to complete the email 让学生在情境下练习使用本单元需要其掌握的语言知识(词汇方面) 2分钟
ppt Let students check the answers by reading the email out including the beginning and the ending of the email. Check the answers by reading out the email including the beginning and the ending of the email 呈现正确答案的同时,提醒学生关注email 的格式 1分30秒
IV writing 板书 Let students think about: what they plan to write about their journey if they are on journey Think about what to write in the email when being on journey ①培养学生在动笔写作前构思作文内容的意识 ②引导学生运用本课梳理出框架结构(板书上的6个wh-questions )进行写作 1分钟
ppt Show some standards of writing to students Focus on the standards of writing 让学生在写作前明晰写作应具备的基本规则,并以此引导接下来的写作 1分钟
Give students about 8 minutes to write their emails about their journey that they are on And tell them to use the wh-questions and the standards to help write Write an email about the journey with the help of the wh-questions on the blackboard and the standards of writing 此环节为输出环节,使此前课上所习得的语言知识和语言技能得以实际应用并在这个过程中将其内化 8分钟
Let students share their emails in groups and then choose the best one to show in class later Share the email in the group and let group members give some advice about it . ①运用小组合作组内互评的方式激发学习兴趣,提高学习效率 ②在品评他人作文的同时诱发对优秀文章该具备的特征产生更深刻的认识 3分钟
苹果镜像 Let students comment the writing that has been shown in class Try to give opinions about the writing that was shown in class ①唤醒学生写作时的读者意识 ②展示相对优秀的作文以起到榜样引领的作用 ③引导学生用正向的态度面对他人提出的不同意见 5分钟
V Homework ppt Show the homework to students Focus on the requirement of the homework 巩固本堂课所学语言知识和技能 1分钟
课件内容形式与来源 PPT课件制作、白板课件制作、微课制作、图片、视频截取均授课教师本人自己完成。
板书设计 Module10 A holiday journey Unit 3 Language in use Where did you go Who was you with When did you go How did you get there What did you do there How did you feel about your journey
课后反思 本堂课较好地实现了课前设计的所有教学目标,学生对于本堂课的语言知识能够正确掌握并合理使用,对于本课语言技能得以充分运用和实践,最终在输出环节将语言知识和语言技能完美整合。并且有效地贯彻了相应的文化意识传递和合作意识的培养。对于重点(即过去时的特殊疑问句)的讲解和情境下的练习非常充分,对于难点(即写一篇关于旅行的邮件)采取的是层层递进式的攻克方式,由浅入深地达成终极目的。课堂气氛活跃,学习氛围自主且民主,学习效果显著。