A typhoon3Leisure timePoems7Before you listenWhile you listenAfter you listenCONTENTS PAGEBefore you listen4-1123A Look at the picture. What does it make you think of?A typhoon.44-2123B What may happen if there is a typhoon?44-3123C Read the poem about a typhoon.4In fact, there are some mistakes in the poem. You will be asked to correct the mistakes in the poem.To correct mistakes when you listen to a poem, you should:read through the poem in the text and check whether the words of the poem make sense.
read the poem again and pay attention to the word at the end of each verse. Make sure that it rhymes with the word at the end of the second line in the verse.
listen to each line carefully and pick out any wrong words.4-41234While you listen2-112 Benny has written a poem about a typhoon, but he made some mistakes. Listen to the recording. Cross out Benny’s mistakesand write down the correctwords. The first one has beendone for you.2-212Mayshipsgreyplaytrayquicklyhorseshayday Now, read the correct poem aloud.After you listenConsolidationWorkbook 8B, page 58.
thank goodnessthank God; thank heavens‘Your son’s alive.’‘Thank goodness.’