人教版2019高中英语必修第三册教案 Unit 2 Morals and Virtues教案(4课时打包)


名称 人教版2019高中英语必修第三册教案 Unit 2 Morals and Virtues教案(4课时打包)
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-04-21 22:23:48


Unit 2 Morals and Virtues
Reading and Thinking
Teaching Aims
1. Read quickly to get the detailed information about Lin Qiaozhi; read carefully to do the deductive information.
2. Learn the reading skills—deductive judgement according the context.
3. Study the structure features and language features.
4. Communicate about Lin’s life choices and reflect their own life choices.
Important And Difficult Points
1. Learn the reading skills—deductive judgement according the context.
2. Study the structure features and language features.
3. Communicate about Lin’s life choices and reflect their own life choices.
Teaching Procedures
Step 1 Lead in——Small talk
What are important life choices Name some.
Step 2 Analyze the title
Mother of Ten Thousand Babies
The Chinese meaning: 万婴之母
From the title and the picture, we can know that the article might be about a brief introduction of a female doctor, Lin Qiaozhi, who saved a lot of babies by using her super medical technology. It is a biography, not a narrative.
Step 3 While reading——Task 1
Read the text and answer the following questions.
Q1: What hard choices was Dr Lin faced with throughout her life
Q2: What were the results of her choices
Q3: What did she gave up and what did she choose
Step 4 While reading——Task 2
Read the following sentences and draw a conclusion.
1. “I’d rather stay single to study all my life.”
2. “Dr Lin, however, rejected the offer.”
3. “She charged very low fees to treat patients and often reduced costs for poor patients.”
4. “The OB-GYN department cares for two lives, we should be responsible for the patients and treat them as our sisters.”
From above sentences, have the Ss answer the following questions
Q1: What was the main principle guiding Dr Lin through the choices in her life
Q2: What kind of person do you think Dr Lin was
Q3: How do you feel after you read the passage about Dr Lin
Step 5 Post reading——Retell
Complete the passage according to the text.
Lin Qiaozhi is known (1) _______ the “mother of ten thousand babies” (2) _______ she had delivered over 50, 000 babies in her lifetime. When she was 18 years old, she chose (3) _______ (study) medicine instead of following the traditional path of marriage like the majority of girls. (4) _______ graduating from Peking Union Medical College, she immediately became the first woman (5) _______ (hire) as a resident physician in the OB-GYN department of the PUMC Hospital. Then during the war, she opened her own clinic to help the patients. After the foundation of the new People’s Republic of China, she held many important (6) _______ (position), but she was more interested in (7) _______ (tend) patients. Dr Lin didn’t retire (8) _______ the day she died, 22 April 1983.
Step 6 Summary---The structure
Step 7 Homework
Review what you have learned today.Unit 2 Morals and Virtues
Discovering Useful Structures
1. Learn the structure, form and features of v-ing as object complement and adverb.
2. Learn understand the functions and meaning of v-ing as object complement and adverb
in a real context.
3. Learn to describe someone’s behaviors and its causes, purposes, results and accompaniment.
Learn to understand the functions and meaning of v-ing as object complement and adverb in a real context.
Learn to describe someone’s behaviors and its causes, purposes, results and accompaniment.
Step 1 Lead in—Pair work
Observe the sentences below and discuss the function of the italicised -ing form.
1. ...her brother complained, thinking of the high tuition fees.(作状语,表原因)
2. Thinking of all the people still in need of help, Dr Lin opened a private clinic.(作状语,表原因)
3. The new People’s Republic of China saw Dr Lin Qiaozhi playing a key role.(作宾补see sb. doing sth.)
Step 2 Practice
A Mexican farmer was surprised to see smoke ________ (rise) from a small part of his land.
I felt my heart __________ (beat) violently when I was seeing the 70th anniversary of foundation of China.
They see a man _______ (come), _______ (hold) a bird cage.
The man may find the bird really ________ (annoy), who usually makes a noise.
Step 3 More about v-ing as the object complement
In the crowded cafe, I heard a friendly voice saying, “You can share my table.”
He saw a girl wandering on the street this time yesterday.
注意:see/ hear /watch/ feel/ notice+sb./ sth.+doing sth.强调动作正在进行;
see/ hear/ watch/ feel/ notice+sb./ sth.+do sth.强调动作发生的全过程/全过程
Today on my way home, I saw a man running along the street hurriedly.
I saw him enter the room and take something away.
It’s cold. We should have the fire burning all the time.
I won’t have you running about in the room.
1) have/ get+sb./ sth.+done包括两层意思:
have +宾语+do sth. 意思是“让某人去干某事”。
1. Mother has me go to the shop to buy some fruit. 妈妈让我去商店买些水果。
2. He had/ got his computer stolen the other day. 前天,他的电脑被偷了。
3. He will have/ get the computer repaired tomorrow. 他明天会去修电脑。
2) leave/ keep +sb./ sth. done sth.(使……处于/保持某种状态)
Many teachers keep parents informed of children’s performance in the kindergarten by sharing videos on WeChat.
3. 现在分词在with复合结构中的使用
Does Kilimanjaro deserve its reputation as a crowded mountain with lines of tourists ruining the atmosphere of peace
注意:在with的复合结构中, 也可以使用不定式和过去分词作宾语补足语。
All the afternoon he worked with the door locked(表被动).
I can’t go out with all these clothes to wash(表将来).
Step 4 Practice
1. China’s image is improving steadily, with more countries __________ (recognize) its role in international affairs.
2. Don’t leave the water _______ (run) while you brush your teeth.
3. Mr Smith suggested a good way to have her written English _________ (improve) in a short period.
4. Mother has the little girl ________ (play) the piano this afternoon.
5. I noticed a thief___________ (steal) money from the old woman’s pocket yesterday
6. Can you hear her ________ (sing) the song in the next room
Answers: 1. recognizing 2. running 3. improved 4. play
5. steal 6.singing
Step 5 More about v-ing as the adverbial
Hearing these stories, I’m skeptical about the place.
= When I heard these stories…
Not knowing his address, I can’t send this book to him.
= Because/Since/As I don’t know his address…
3. 表示结果。
His father died, leaving him a lot of money.
=…, and left him a lot of money
Going straight down the road, you will find the department store.
= If you go straight down the road…
Being tired, they went on working.
=Although they were tired…
He lay on the grass, staring at the sky for a long time.
=…, and stared at the sky for a long time.
The last bus having gone, we had to walk home.
(having gone的逻辑主语是the last bus,而不是we)
Weather permitting, the football match will be played on Friday.
(permitting的逻辑主语是weather,而不是the football match)
Step 7 Practice
1. ________ (study) hard, you are sure to get first prize.
2. People use plastic in their daily life, _______ (leave) large amounts of waste.
3. ________ (work) hard at your lessons, you are to succeed.
4. The old man, ____________ (work) abroad for twenty years, is on the way back to his motherland.
5. ______________ (finish) his homework, he was playing on the playground.
Step 8 Homework
Review the functions and meaning of v-ing as object complement and adverb in a real context.Unit 2 Morals and Virtues
Reading for Writing
1. Read quickly to get main idea; read carefully to get the detailed information about the fable.
2. Learn the structure of the reading article and language.
3. Write a story comment.
4. Learn to correct others’ comments.
1. Write a story comment.
2. Use the structure of the reading article and language.
Step 1 Lead in—Small talk
1. In our traditional culture, there are a lot of good morals and virtues. Can you list some
2. Do you know some fables or stories about them
Step 2 While reading—Task 1
Read the fable and answer the following questions:
Q1: What does the fable tell us
Q2: What was the king’s idea for teaching an important lesson to his people
Q3: What was the response from most of the people
Q4: What did the young girl think and do when she saw the coins
Step 3 While reading—Task 2
1.This story presented different people’s emotions and responses when they came across the same problem.
2. Have Ss complete the table according to the story and then check the answers.
Step 4 Post reading—Pair work
Have the Ss discuss the questions and then share their ideas.
Q1: What do you think this fable is trying to tell us
Q2: Do you think the king was wise Why or why not
Q3: Can you think of times in your own life when you felt and acted like the girl or like the other people in the story Give examples.
Step 5 Writing—The Outline
Step 6 Writing
1.寓言 fable
2.等着作某事 wait to do sth./ wait for doing sth.
3.负责任 take responsibility for/be responsible for
4.成功作某事 succeed in doing sth./be successful in doing sth.
5.因……让人印象深刻 have a deep impression on/ upon/ impress on/upon with sth.
6.目的 purpose
7.鉴于这一原因 for the reason
1.这个寓言是一个关于一位国王古寓言。This is an old fable about a king.
2.作者用这个故事让读者对于社区的问题负有个人责任的必要印象深刻。The author used the story to impress upon readers with the need to take personal responsibility for problems in the community.
3.这个故事十分成功的实现了它的目的。The story was quite successful in achieving its purpose.
Write a composition
Please write a review of the story according the outline above.
Step 7 Pair work
Exchange drafts with a partner. Use this checklist to help your partner revise his/her draft.
1. Does the writer give a short description of the story
2. Does the description include the most important details of the story
3. Does the writer give his or her opinion about the character or their actions
4. Is the review well-organized
5. Does the writer use the -ing form as the adverbial correctly in the writing
6. Are there any grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors
Step 8 Homework
Put up your revised draft in the classroom or read it to your class.Unit 2 Morals and Virtues
Listening and Speaking & Listening and Talking
Teaching Aims
1. Students can understand the definition of moral dilemmas and carry on good morals and virtues.
2. Students can judge the speakers’ attitudes and emotions by listening to what the speakers say, the tone and intonation of the speakers.
3. Students can talk about their opinions about a certain moral dilemma and the importance of good morals and virtues.
4. Students can learn and understand the rising intonation.
Important Points and Difficult Points
1. Students can judge the speakers’ attitudes and emotions by listening to what the speakers say, the tone and intonation of the speakers.
2. Students can talk about their opinions about a certain moral dilemma and the importance of good morals and virtues.
Teaching Procedures
Part A Listening and Speaking—Talk about moral dilemmas
Step 1 Lead in—Small talk
Can you list some Chinese good traditional morals and virtues
Answers: giving, friendliness, hope, kindness, generosity, help, honesty, responsibility, courage ...
Step 2 Before-listening
Before you listen, look at the definition and the picture below. Then tell your partner what happened to the boy. T asks several Ss to share their ideas.
Step 3 While-listening—Task 1
Activity 2
Listen to the conversation and complete the table to describe the moral dilemma that Jane is talking about. Then check the answers.
Step 4 While-listening—Task 2
Listen again and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) in Activity 3. Then check the answers.
Step 5 While-listening—Task 3
Listen to the conversation carefully and answer the questions.
1. What did the girl do to help the student
2. What was the girl’s name What was she famous for
3. What did Jane say about the girl’s life
Step 6 Post listening—Speaking
Talk about what you would do if you were ever faced with the same situation as the girl. Then share your thoughts with your group, and explain the reasons for your choice.
A: If I were ever in a situation like the one the girl faced, I think I would choose to help her and send her to the nearest hospital.
B: Why Are you sure
A: Because I think that life is the most important for us. What about you
B: I think I would do the same as you.
Step 7 Pronunciation—Rising intonation
1. A: Jean, can you bring me the newspaper
B: ↗Sorry
Jean用升调说Sorry,其意思是I didn’t hear you. Could you say that again, please
2. A: Jean, can you bring me the newspaper
B: ↙Sorry.
3. A: Mr. Smith thinks we ought to get the money in hand first.
B: ↗Who
A: Mr. Smith.
4. A: We’d like to have someone to say a word at the beginning to welcome the group.
B: ↙Who
A: We thought that you or Dr. Johnson might do it.
Step 8 Pronunciation—Exercise
1. Listen to the conversations and match each rising intonation with its meaning.
(1)A: You know Angela
B: ↗Yes.
(2)A: You volunteer at the local shelter, ↗don’t you
B: Yes. It’s a great experience.
(3)A: Did you hear that James helped an old woman who fell down while crossing the street
B: Yes. It was a bit ↗dangerous, but he got all the cars to stop.
Answers: B C A
2. Read the conversation and mark ↗in the correct places. Then listen to the recording to check. Notice the meaning of each rising intonation.
Peter: It’s a nice day, isn’t it
Nick: Yes, but it looks gloomy to me.
Peter: Why What happened
Nick: You know ↗Tony
Peter: ↗Yes.
Nick: He asked me to write an essay for him. But I don’t think it’s the right thing to do. ↗Do you
Peter: No, it’s not.
Nick: But I’m afraid to lose him as a friend.
Peter: Well, good friends should help each other. But it doesn’t mean you should help him cheat!
Why not help him with his ↗schoolwork
Nick: Good idea!
Part B Listening and Talking—Talk about the importance of kindness
Step 1 Before-listening—Small talk
Kindness is very important for the harmony of a society. Besides, it is also a good traditional virtue in our culture. We should cherish it and carry it on. But do you know what kindness includes
Have Ss write down some kindness that they know.
Step 2 While-listening—Task 1
Listen to a radio show and answer these questions. Then check the answers.
1. What is the name of the radio show
2. What does “Paying it forward” mean
3. What does the guest want the listeners to do
Step 3 While-listening—Task 2
Listen to the radio show again and fill in the blanks to complete the story in Activity 2.
Step 4 Post-listening—Talking
Think of a story of showing or receiving kindness, either your own story or one that you have heard of. Then share it with your group. In Activity 3, there are some words and expressions that may help you. Go through “Tell a story”, and then try to tell a story by yourself.
Tell a story
When telling a story, you can start by saying what the story is about. Give the background to the listeners, including when and where it took place. Say what happened step by step and be sure to use correct tenses. Do not forget to use sequencing words or linking words. Finally, finish your story by saying why it is important to you or why you remember it.