人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit 3 Diverse Cultures教案(4课时打包)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit 3 Diverse Cultures教案(4课时打包)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-04-21 22:25:30


Unit 3 Diverse Cultures
Listening and Speaking & Listen and Talking
Teaching Aims
1. Students can know American diverse cultures, especially eating and introduce Chinese ethnic minority.
2. Students try to learn to record key information by taking notes.
3. Students can introduce a kind of special Chinese food or dish and its cooking method.
4. Students can express their interest and attention properly during the conversations.
Important Points and Difficult Points
1. Students try to learn to record key information by taking notes.
2. Students can introduce a kind of special Chinese food or dish and its cooking method.
3. Students can express their interest and attention properly during the conversations.
Teaching Procedures
Part A Listening and Speaking—Talk about the origins of American food
Step 1 Lead in—Small talk
Read the sentence and then answer the question: What does it mean
The Chinese meaning: 世界之美源自人之多样性。
The diversity of its people reflects on: languages, races, religions, traditions, eating, clothes and so on, which make diversity of the world.
Step 2 Before-listening
Look at the photos of American food in Activity 1 and match them with their names. Then guess which countries’ cuisine influenced the food’s invention. Have the Ss share their views.
Step 3 While-listening—Task 1
Listen to a radio interview about American food and check whether your answers to Activity 1 are correct.
Step 4 While-listening—Task 2
Listen to the interview again and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) in Activity 3. Then check the answers in class.
Step 5 While-listening—Task 3
Listen to the interview again and complete the notes below. Pay attention to “Take notes”.
Then check the answers with the Ss.
Step 6 Post-listening—Speaking
Imagine you are invited to a potluck dinner at an American friend’s house. Work in pairs and discuss what special dish(es) you will take. The following questions may help you.
1. What food/snack from which area/ethnic group will you bring
2. How is the food prepared and what is it made of
3. How is the food special
Step 7 Pronunciation—Make the pause
(1)冠词和名词There is/ a coat.
(2)形容词和名词It’s my/ new dress.
(3)助动词和实义动词He/ will come/ next Monday.
(4)系动词和表语Tom/ is/ looks happy.
(5)介词和它的宾语He doesn’t work/ on Saturday.
(6)动词不定式It is hard/ to be a doctor.
(7)副词和动词、形容词和副词A week passed/ very quickly.
(8)分词短语He is/ holding a book.
(9)主语、动词和宾语Mary told me/ a secret.
(10)关系词与从句、连词及后面部分We sweat/ when it is hot.
a. Both my brother and I/ are fond of tennis. //
b. He was cheered/ by the large crowd/ which assembled at the station. //
Step 8 Pronunciation—Exercise
1. Listen to the passage about Native Americans. Mark the pauses that you hear. The first sentence has been done for you.
No one really know exactly/ when the first people arrived/ in what we now know as California. // It is likely/ that Native Americans moved to California/ at least fifteen thousand years ago. // Scientists believe/ that these settlers crossed the Bering Strait/ by a land bridge/ which existed in prehistoric times. // In the 16th century,/ the native people suffered greatly/ after the Europeans. // Thousands of them were killed/ or forced into slavery. // In addition, / many died from the diseases/ brought by the Europeans. // However, / some survived these terrible times, / and today there are more Native American living in California / than in any other state of America.
2. Listen again and repeat.
Part B Listening and Talking—Talk about ethnic cultures in China
Step 1 Before-listening
Look at the pictures in Activity 1 and guess what ethnic minority groups might be talked about. Discuss in groups and then share in class.
Step 2 While-listening
Justin met a new friend while traveling in Guizhou. Listen to their conversation and complete the summaries in Activity 2. Then check the answers with partners.
Step 3 Post-listening—Talking
Work in groups. Imagine Justin is telling some friends about his trip to Guizhou. One of you is Justin and the rest of you are his friends. Ask Justin questions about his trip and experience. The following expressions in Activity 3 may help you.
Then get several groups to show their talking.
Step 4 Homework
Finish the exercises in Workbook.Unit 3 Diverse Cultures
Reading and Thinking
Teaching Material Analysis
The topic of this part is “Learn about a city that has diverse cultures”.
This section is a travel journal. In the diary, a Chinese student Li Lan recorded her trip to California and mainly introduced her day trip to San Francisco and what she had seen, heard and felt, from the beginning interest in the city buildings to later better understanding of the diverse cultures’ influence to all aspects of the city. San Francisco is a place which shows the mix of American diverse cultures, like the Mission District where many from Mexico or Central America live and Chinatown where many Chinese made a living by running shops and restaurants because of the gold rush in the 19th century. Therefore, many different cultures have been mixed from the 19th century, among of which is the Chinese culture.
Diary is just a way of recording daily life and has its own format. The first line is the date, on the left or on the right. The body of diary is always used to record what the writer saw, heard, did and thought all day with the first person and past tense. Travel journal recording the writer’s travel attractions, activities and thoughts has the same format as the diary.
Concretely, Li Lan recorded her own day travel according to the timeline or time order. In the first paragraph, she told the reader her first impression on San Francisco. In the second, third and fourth paragraphs, she respectively described her activities, what she saw and heard and the next day’s plan in the morning, afternoon and tomorrow evening. In the day travel, the writer experienced and gradually understood diverse cultures are filled with every corner of the city, which is also the theme of the text.
Teaching Aims
1. Get the detailed information according the timeline; classify and organize information by drawing a diagram.
2. Learn the reading skills—finding the timeline and drawing a diagram to classify and organize information.
3. Know and understand the features and reasons of diverse cultures.
4. Think critically of the reasons, advantages and disadvantages of diverse cultures.
Important and Difficult Points
1. Learn the reading skills—finding the timeline and drawing a diagram to classify and organize information.
2. Know and understand the features and reasons of diverse cultures.
Teaching Procedures
Step 1 Lead in—Small talk
Have students find San Francisco on the map and discuss this question in groups:
What do you know and want to know about the city?
Step 2 Before reading—Predict the content
Format: diary
The heroine: Li Lan
What she did: visit San Francisco, US
Therefore, we can know the article is about Li Lan recording what she saw, heard, did and felt in her diary after visiting San Francisco, US. So it may be a travel journal.
Step 3 While reading
Task 1
Read the text and answer the following questions.
Q1: Where has she been to and where does she plan to visit (The captalised words)
Q2: When did the earthquake happen in the city of San Francisco
Q3: Why did Chinese immigrants(移民)go to San Francisco
Q4: Where did Li Yan go for dinner
Q5: How is the article organized
Task 2
Read the text again and complete the timeline of Li Lan’s trip in Activity 3.
Task 3
Answer the questions using information from the travel journal.
Q1: What impressed the writer first about San Francisco
Q2: What is so special about the Mission District
Q3: What examples of ethnic diversity can you find in the journal
Step 4 Post reading—Critical thinking
Discuss these questions in groups. And then get some Ss to share their opinions.
Q1: Have you ever been to a place that has a diverse culture What do you think about culture diversity
Q2: What are the benefits and challenges of cultural diversity
Step 5 Post reading—Retell
Complete the passage according to the text.
Today, I arrived back in San Francisco, and it feels good (1) _____ (be) back in the city again. The city succeeded in (2) _____ (rebuild) itself after the earthquake that (3) _____ (occur) in 1906, and I stayed in the Mission District, enjoying some delicious noodles mixed with cultures.
In the afternoon, I headed to a local museum (4) _____ showed the historical changes in California. During the gold rush, many Chinese arrived, and some opened up shops and restaurants in Chinatown to earn a (5) _____ (live). Many others worked on (6) _____ (farm), joined the gold rush, or went to build the railway that connected California to the east. The museum showed us (7) _____ America was built by immigrants from (8) _____ (difference) countries and cultures.
In the evening, I went to Chinatown, and ate in a Cantonese restaurant that served food on (9) _____ (beauty) china plates. Tomorrow evening, I’m going to (10) _____ jazz bar in the Richmond District.
Step 6 Homework
Review what you have learned today.Unit 3 Diverse Cultures
Reading for Writing
1. Read quickly to get main idea; read carefully to get the detailed information.
2. Learn the characteristics of writing and language.
3. Learn to introduce your own town according to the text.
4. Learn to correct others’ writing.
1. Learn the characteristics of writing and language.
2. Learn to introduce your own town according to the text.
Step 1 Lead in—Small talk
In the reading part, we mentioned the Chinatown in San Francisco. How much do you know about the Chinatown in San Francisco
Step 2 Before reading—Predict the content
What is the writer’s purpose of writing this text How do you know
(From the title Welcome to Chinatown and some key words from the text (tourist, visit, visitors, experience), we can know the purpose of the text is to introduce Chinatown and show the relationship between Chinese culture and American culture.)
Step 3 While reading—Task 1
Scan the text and match the main idea.
Para 1 The characteristics of Chinatown
Para 2 The history of Chinatown
Para 3 The introduction of Chinatown’s shops and products
Para 4 The origin of Chinatown
Para 5 The existence value of Chinatown
Para 6 The famous food and drinks of Chinatown
Step 4 While reading—Task 2
Have Ss read the text and answer the following questions.
Q1: What are the famous tourist sites in the Chinatown in San Francisco
Q2: Which is the best season to visit the Chinatown in San Francisco
Q3: What else can you do there
Step 5 While reading—Task 3
Study the organisation and language features.
1. What information is included in the introduction Tick the items that are mentioned.
location climate history
population ethnic groups languages
famous figures legends famous food/drink
tourist attractions business and industries other names
2. Underline the sentences that are used to describe the items above.
Step 6 Post reading—Summary
Step 7 Writing—The Outline
Step 8 Writing—Words and phrases
1. is located in/on 位于,坐落
2. has a history of...years 有……年历史
3. cover an area of... 占地……(面积)
4. has a population of 有……人口
5. take on a new look 呈现新的面貌
6. be home to... 是……的家园
7. 政治、文化中心 the political and cultural center
8. 四季分明 four distinct seasons
9. 改革开放政策 the reform and opening-up policy
10. 发生巨大变化 great changes have taken place
11. 为……做出贡献 make contributions to
12. 吸引……的注意力 draw the attention of
Step 9 Writing—make sentences
1.北京人口约2 000万,面积16 000多平方千米。
Beijing has a population of about 20,000,000 and covers an area of more than 16, 000 square kilometers.
2.北京位于华北平原北部。Beijing is located in the north of the North China Plain.
3.北京四季分明, 夏季炎热多雨, 冬季寒冷干燥。
Beijing has four distinct seasons. It is hot and rainy in summer and cold and dry in winter.
4.北京是中国的政治、文化中心。Beijing is the political and cultural center of China.
5.它成功举办了2008年奥运会, 吸引了世界的眼光。
It successfully hosted the 2008 Olympic Games and drew the attention of the world.
There are many places of interest, such as Tian’anmen Square, the Forbidden City, the Great Wall and the Bird’s Nest.
Step 10 Writing
Step 11 Pair work
Exchange drafts with a partner. Use this checklist to help your partner revise his/her draft.
Is the city/town introduction clear
Is the information specific and are the facts correct
Does the city/town introduction contain all the important information
Is the information arranged in a good order
Does the passage have a proper beginning and conclusion
Are there any grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors
Step 12 Homework
Put up your revised draft in the classroom or read it to your class.Unit 3 Diverse Cultures
Discovering Useful Structures
1. Learn the definition, structures, functions and features of ellipsis.
2. Learn to summarize some common ellipsis.
3. Learn to use ellipsis in oral and writing English.
1. Learn the definition, structures, functions and features of ellipsis.
2. Learn to use ellipsis in oral and writing English.
Step 1 Definition of Ellipsis
Read the following sentences and find the words that have been omitted to avoid repetition.
1. A: Oh, I just love nachos! Mexican corn chips covered in cheese!
B: Me, too.
A: Oh, I just love nachos! They are Mexican corn chips covered in cheese!(省略主语和谓语)
B: Me (I love nachos), too.(省略主语、谓语和宾语)
2. A: So it’s the food of many different cultures, all in one dish
B: Exactly.
A: So it’s the food of many different cultures, and they are all in one dish (省略主语和谓语)
B: Exactly, it’s the food of many different cultures, and they are all in one dish.(省略句子)
3. A real mix of cultures here!
There is a real mix of cultures here!(省略主语和谓语)
4. Can’t wait!
I can’t wait to go there!(省略主语)(省略宾语)
Step 2 Functions of Ellipsis
Rewrite the sentences by taking out the unnecessary parts.
1. You mean you are planning a trip across the Atlantic for a holiday It sounds like a good idea.
2. He tried to solve his financial problems, but he couldn’t solve the problems.
3. If it is necessary, I’ll finish my report on American poetry as soon as it is possible.
4. Are you going to dress like that Wearing a dress might be better than wearing jeans and boots.
5. Some wild mushrooms are poisonous and some are not poisonous.
6. I really like that paper folding book, and my son likes that paper folding book, too.
1. You mean you are planning a trip across the Atlantic for a holiday (It sounds like a) good idea.(简单句)
2. He tried to solve his financial problems, but (he) couldn’t (solve the problems).(并列句)
3. If (it is) necessary, I’ll finish my report on American poetry as soon as (it is) possible.(复合句)
4. Are you going to dress like that (Wearing) a dress might be better than wearing jeans and boots.(复合句)
5. Some wild mushrooms are poisonous and some are not (poisonous).(并列句)
6. I really like that paper folding book, and my son (likes that paper folding book), too.(并列句)
Step 3 Summary:
1. —Who is talking with our teacher
—Our headmaster.
2. —Maths is very difficult.
—But very important and useful.
3. —What do you think about this film
—Very disappointing.
4. Go and open the window.
5. What a good girl!
1. Wise men have their mouth in their heart, and fools their heart in their mouth.(and fools后省略了have)
2. She is not an emotional type and so cannot bring herself to tell him I love him.(and fools后省略了she)
—Why didn’t you come to class yesterday
— (I didn’t come to class yesterday) Because I was ill.
I know (that) she is a teacher and that she is an excellent writer.
(1)在as, before, till, until, when, while等引导的时间状语从句中。
While (I was) walking along the street, I heard my name called.
(2)在though, although等引导的让步状语从句中。
Though (they were) tired, they went on working.
You shouldn’t come to his party unless (you are) invited.
(4)在as,as if,as though等引导的方式状语从句中。He did as (he was) told.
Were I you (=If I were you), I should give that guy a good lesson.
The man (whom) you saw yesterday fell ill.
The man, whom you saw yesterday, fell ill.
(2)当先行词是way,且引导词在定语从句中作方式状语时,引导词可用in which或that,也可以省略。
The way (in which/ that) these comrades treat problems is wrong.
固定短语中的省略:not at all, what about, why not, if only, what if...
Step 4 Practice
Read the conversation. Find out which words have been left out.
Justin: Linlin, I’m going to Guizhou Province next month. I’m super excited! Any recommendations for places to visit
Linlin: Wow, cool! Guizhou is a province with a lot of cultural diversity. Places to visit...well, definitely the Huangguoshu Waterfall first.
Justin: What’s special about the waterfall
Linlin: Well, have you ever heard of the Chinese novel Journey to the West
Justin: Yes, I have. Why
Linlin: In the back of the waterfall, you will find a cave, which is the home of the Monkey King.
Justin: Really Cool! I’ll definitely check it out.
Linlin: And I strongly recommend the ethnic minority villages. You’ll find Chinese culture is much more diverse than you thought.
Justin: Sounds great, thanks.
Justin: Linlin, I’m going to Guizhou Province next month. I’m super excited! Do you have any recommendations for places to visit
Linlin: Wow, that’s cool! Guizhou is a province with a lot of cultural diversity. What are some places to visit in Guizhou Well, definitely the Huangguoshu Waterfall is the first place to visit in Guizhou Province.
Justin: What’s special about the waterfall
Linlin: Well, have you ever heard of the Chinese novel Journey to the West
Justin: Yes, I have heard of the Chinese novel Journey to the West. Why do you ask if I have heard of the Chinese novel Journey to the West
Linlin: In the back of the waterfall, you will find a cave, which is the home of the Monkey King from Journey to the West.
Justin: That’s really true It’s Cool! I’ll definitely check it out.
Linlin: And I strongly recommend the ethnic minority villages on your trip to Guizhou Province. You’ll find Chinese culture is much more diverse than you thought it was.
Justin: This all sounds great, thanks.