人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit 5 The Value of Money教案(4课时打包)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit 5 The Value of Money教案(4课时打包)
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-04-21 22:30:52


Unit 5 The Value of Money
Listening and Speaking & Listening and Talking
Teaching Aims
1. Students can get the detailed information from the listening and the video.
2. Students learn the listening strategy—make inferences in order to understand the inner information.
3. Students learn the value of money from the two stories and have a good attitudes towards the money.
4. Students can retell a story by using the sequencing words and connecting words.
Important Points and Difficult Points
1. Students can get the detailed information from the listening and the video.
2. Students learn the listening strategy—make inferences in order to understand the inner information.
3. Students can retell a story by using the sequencing words and connecting words.
Teaching Procedures
Part A Listening and Speaking— Discuss the good deed of returning lost money
Step 1 Before listening—Small talk
1. We know money is very important. What can you use it to do
2. What do people have to buy in order to lead a good life
3. What can people buy without money
Step 2 While listening—Task 1
Listen to the news report and match the people with the correct information.
1. Chen Liyan A. the owner of the lost money
2. Wang Zheng B. a cleaner at Taiyuan railway station
3. Ma Dongbao C. a police officer living in Chen’s apartment building
4. Liu Xia D. Chen’s 16-year-old daughter
Step 3 While listening—Task 2
Listen again and put these events in the correct order. Then check the answers in class.
Step 4 While listening—Task 3
Listen again and decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F) in Activity 4. Then have several Ss check the answers in class.
Step 5 Post listening—Speaking
1. Go through “Make inferences” in Activity 5. Then discuss your answers to the questions with
your partner and explain your reasoning.
(1)What kind of person do you think Chen Liyan is
(2)Did Chen return the money because she didn’t need it
(3)Is it common for people to do what Chen did
(4)How did Wang Zheng feel about the return of his money
(5)Why did Ma Dongbao tell Wang about Chen’s family
How did the news reporter feel about Chen’s actions
2. Work in groups of four. Discuss the following questions. Then ask some Ss to share their ideas.
(1)Do you agree with Chen Liyan What would you do if you were in her situation
(2)When we help someone, should we expect to get something in return
(3)What do you think is the best way to get money
(4)Should we judge people based on how much money they have
Step 6 Pronunciation—Intonation
(1)A:Jean, can you bring me the newspaper
Jean用升调说Sorry,其意思是I didn’t hear you. Could you say that again,please
(2)A:Jean, can you bring me the newspaper
(3)A:Mr. Smith thinks we ought to get the money in hand first.
A:Mr. Smith.
(4)A:We’d like to have someone to say a word at the beginning to welcome the group.
A:We thought that you or Dr. Johnson might do it.
Step 7 Pronunciation—Practice
1. Listen to the short conversation and mark the intonation with ↗, ↙ or ↙, ↗. Then discuss with a partner what they intend to convey by using different intonation.
Owner: You know what ↗ It’s a million-pound bank note↙.
Waiter 1: Really ↗(question)
Waiter 2: Really!↙(unbelievable and surprised)
Waiter 3: Really !↙↗(first question then surprised)
2. Listen to the conversations. Underline the parts that are stressed and mark the intonation. Then talk about the implied meanings of the responses with different intonations. Listen again and repeat.
(1)Henry: It’s a nice suit.
Owner: Oh, it’s perfect!↙(The intonation means it is very suitable for Henry.)
(2)Henry: Well, that’s very kind of you.
Owner: Kind, sir ↗(what you said is not right) No, it’s kind of you. You must come whenever you want and have whatever you like. Just having you sit here is a great honour!!↙(welcome you to come again)
(3)Henry: Well, to be honest, I have none.
Oliver:(happily) What luck!(excited) Brother↗, what luck!↙(It means “Didn’t you hear it ”)
Henry: Well, it may seem lucky to you but not to me!↗(angry) If this is your idea of some kind of joke, I don’t think it’s very funny. Now if you’ll excuse me, I ought to be on my way.↙(If so, I would leave.)
Roderick: Please don’t go↙...(hope Henry can wait for a moment)
Part B Viewing and Talking—Describe people’s changing attitudes in a film clip
Step 1 Before-listening—Talk about the film
1. You are going to watch part of the film The Million Pound Bank Note. Look at these photos and guess what happens in the film.
2. Have Ss try to tell us the story about the film and start with “The film tells…”
Step 2 While viewing—Watch the film
Watch the film and answer the following questions.
1. Why does the owner of the restaurant want Henry to sit somewhere else
2. What does Henry order Why is the waiter surprised
3. Why does the owner think Henry hesitates to pay the bill
4. Why does the owner think the bank note is probably real
5. What happens in the end
Step 3 Post viewing—Retelling a story
Work in groups. Retell the story in the film clip you have just watched. The pictures in Activity 1.
Retelling a story
Watch the film clip again and make up your own script to match it. Then watch the film without sound and act out your script for the class.
Step 4 Homework
Finish the exercises in Workbook.Unit 5 The Value of Money
Reading for Writing
Teaching Aims
1. Read quickly to get the main idea; read carefully to get the detailed information.
2. Learn the characteristics of writing and language.
3. Learn to write a new scene for the play where Henry will try to use the bank note.
4. Learn to correct others’ writing.
Important Points and Difficult Points
1. Learn the characteristics of writing and language.
2. Learn to write a new scene for the play where Henry will try to use the bank note.
Teaching Procedures
Step 1 Lead in—Small talk
We know that money is important, and is it everything What’s your opinion
Step 2 Before reading—Get the main idea
What is the main idea of this part
Have Ss answer the question.
Step 3 While reading
1. Read the text and answer the following questions. Then check the answers.
Q1: Where does Henry go What does he want
Q2: What do the clerks show Henry at first Why
Q3: What makes the people in the store change their attitudes towards Henry
Q4: Why would the owner be willing to wait for a long time to get paid
Q5: Is it right to judge people by their clothes Why or why not
Step 4 Post reading
Summarize the elements of the play. Get several Ss to try to retell the play.
Character names
Stage directions
Title of the play
Step 5 Post reading—Summary
Step 6 Before Writing—The requirement
亨利正走在大街上,看见了一家理发店,决定去理发;理发师用粗鲁的态度接待了他;亨利坐在椅子上等待;理发师问他是否付得起理发的费用;理发结束后,亨利出示了百万英镑的支票;理发师十分吃惊, 并告诉他可随时光临。
Step 7 Writing—Words and phrases
1. barber理发师
2. haircut理发
3. shocked震惊的
4. wear a big smile灿烂的笑容
5. in a rude manner以粗鲁的方式
6. walk down the street在大街上行走
7. a sign for ... ……的标志
8. much too long太长
9. come back回来
10. whenever/no matter when无论何时
Step 8 Writing—make sentences
Henry is walking down the street. At that time, he sees a sign for a place that cuts hair.
2.您能看到,我头发太长了。You can see that my hair is much too long.
3.无论什么时候,只要您想回来就回来。Please come back whenever you want.
4.您仅有很少的头发要理!You only have too little hair to cut!
5.为您服务是我的荣幸!It is my honour to serve you!
Step 9 Writing
Use what you have learnt to write a new scene for the play where Henry will try to use the bank note.
Work in groups. Brainstorm a place that Henry will go to, and what difficulties he might face.
In your group:
A. Make a list of the characters.
B. Make an outline of the events in the scene.
C. Decide how the characters’ feelings change during the scene.
D. Think of an exciting ending.
E. Write the dialogue.
F. Write the stage directions which tell the actors what to do or how to say something.
Step 10 Pair work
Exchange drafts with a partner. Use this checklist to help your partner revise his/her draft.
1. Are all the elements of a play included and in good order
2. Do the character use suitable language
3. Are the stage directions clear and useful
4. Is the plot clear and exciting enough
5. Are there any grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors
Step 11 Homework
Perform you scene in front of the class.Unit 5 The Value of Money
Reading and Thinking
1. Know the writer Mark Twain and his representative works.
2. Learn the main idea of the play and understand the implied meaning.
3. Critically think “Is money everything”.
1. Learn the main idea of the play and understand the implied meaning.
2. Critically think “Money is everything”.
Step 1 Lead in—Small talk
We know money is very important. We can use money to do a lot of things. So what would you do if you had a million-pound bank note
Get the sb. to discuss the question and share their opinions.
Step 2 Before reading—About Mark Twain
The Million Pound Bank Note is partly selected from the works by American writer Mark Twain. Now let’s know more about the greatest writer in the 19th century.
His main novels: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer(《汤姆索亚历险记》)
The Prince and the Pauper (《皇子与贫儿》)
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (《哈克贝利费恩历险记》)
Step 3 While reading—Task 1
Read the text and answer the following questions. Then have the Ss share their answers.
Q1: What bet did Roderick and Oliver make
Q2: How did Henry come to Britain
Q3: How does Henry want the brothers to help him
Q4: Why do you think Henry does not want the brothers’ charity
Q5: Why do you think the brothers chose Henry for their bet
Step 4 While reading—Task 2
According to the text, think about what kind of person Henry was and give the reasons.
He was honest.
1) Well, I can’t say that I have any plans. Well, to be honest, I have none.
2) I don’t want your charity. I just want a job that earns an honest income.
3) He promised not to open the envelope until 2 o’clock.
2. He was hard-working.
Could you offer me work here I just want a job that earns an honest income.
Step 5 Post reading—Study the language
1. Read these sentences and describe Henry’s feelings using suitable adjectives.
1) Who Me, sir (surprised)
2) Well, I can’t say that I have any plans. As a matter of fact, I landed in Britain by accident. (honest)
3) I’m afraid I don’t quite follow you, sir. (puzzled)
4) Well, it may seem lucky to you but not to me! If this is your idea of some kind of joke, I don’t think it’s very funny. (angry)
5) Well, why don’t you explain what this is all about (confused)
2. Explain what the speakers mean by saying these sentences.
1) I went to the American consulate to seek help, but...Anyway, I didn’t dare to try again.
The American consulate didn’t give him any help and might insult him, which made him gave up asking for help form American consulate forever.
2) You mustn’t worry about that. It’s an advantage.
We would help you. We want to find a person like you who can’t also seek any help.
3) What luck! Brother, what luck!
Roderick is very excited about finding such a right person.
4) Oh, this is silly.
Now that you give it to me, I can open it. It’s silly of you to ask me to open until 2 o’clock.
Step 6 Post reading—Retell
Complete the passage according to the text in Activity 5. Then check the correct answers with the class.
Step 7 Critical thinking
Some people think money is very important. Please write an essay with the topic “Is money important ” and present your own idea.
Step 8 Homework
Retell the story after class.Unit 5 The Value of Money
Discovering Useful Structures
Teaching Aims
1. Learn the definition, structures, functions and features of modal verbs and past future tense.
2. Learn to summarize the usage of modal verbs, especially guessing the past events.
Important Points And Difficult Points
Learn to summarize the usage of modal verbs, especially guessing the past events.
Teaching Procedures
Part A Modal verbs
Step 1 Definition of modal verbs
According the literal interpretation of modal verbs, we can know that its definition is: modal verbs
means the speaker’s tone, emotion or attitude to some kind of action and state, expressing requirement, obligation, intention and so on.(情态动词表示说话人对某一动作和状态的情感态度和语气,表示“需要、应当、可以、必须”等。)
Step 2 Kinds of modal verbs
原形 过去式 词义
can could 能;能够
may might 可以;或许;可能
must 必须;一定是
will would 将;将要;愿意
shall should 应该
need 需要;必要
dare dared 敢;敢于
have to had to 不得不;必须
ought to 应该
used to 过去常常
Step 3 Functions of modal verbs
Underline the modal verbs in the following sentences and understand its definition and functions.
1. Roderick: Young man, would you step inside a moment, please (表委婉请求)
2. Roderick: If you don’t mind, may I ask you how much money you have (表委婉请求)
3. Henry: It may seem lucky to you. Now if you’ll excuse me, I ought to be on my way.
(表推测) (表委婉请求)
4. Roderick: You mustn’t think we don’t care about you. (表推测)
5. May you have good journey! (表祝愿)
Summary: 情态动词表示委婉请求、推测、祝愿、建议、意愿、禁止等。
Step 4 Basic usage of modal verbs
1.不能单独作谓语,除ought to和used to以外,后面只能接不带to的不定式。
Step 5 More about modal verbs
1. can和could
I can speak Japanese, but I can’t write it. 我会说日语,但是不会写。
①—Can/Could I have a look at your photos 我可以看看你的照片吗
—Of course you can. 当然可以了。
②You can smoke in this room. 你可以在这间屋子里吸烟。
①—Can she be in the classroom 她可能在教室吗
—NO, she can’t be in it. 不,她不可能在教室里。
②Can what he said be true 他说的可能是真的吗
①Accidents can happen at any time. 事故随时会发生。
②It could be very interesting to go out for a drive.
辨析 can(could)/ be able to
(1)can只有现在时和过去时could,而be able to则有更多的时态变化,在将来时,完成时和非谓语动词中只能用be able to。
(2)can一般指自身具有的能力,而be able to则表示经过一段时间的努力后所具有的能力,相当于manage to do或succeed in doing。例如:
This time l failed in the exam, but I’11 be able to pass the exam next time. 这次我考试不及格,但下次我能考试及格。(经过努力)
2. may/might
①You may go home now. 现在你可以回家了。
②—May I come in 我可以进来吗
—Yes,you may/can. 进来。
—No, you can’t/mustn’t. 你不能。
①May you succeed! 祝你成功!
②May God bless you! 愿上帝保佑你!
(3)表示对现在或过去情况的推测,一般只用于肯定句中,may not表示“可能不”之意。might比may可能性小。
①He may be very busy now. 他现在可能很忙。
②—Why hasn’t he come 他为什么还没来
—He may have missed the train.他可能没赶上火车吧。
3. will /would
①Will you call back later, please 请过一会儿再打过来好吗
②Would you like a cup of coffee 你想来杯咖啡吗
I will do my best to help you. 我愿尽我最大努力帮助你。
①Oil will float on water. 油总是浮在水上。
②On Sunday he would go to the park to play chess. 以前每到星期天他总是到公园去下棋
①The room will seat 100 persons. 这个屋子能坐下100人。
②The door won’t open. 这门打不开。
Exercise: 用may, might, can, could 填空
(1) They (can/might) _____be away for the weekend but I’m not sure. (表_____)
(2) You (may/might) _____leave now if you wish. (表_____)
(3) (could/may) _____you open the window a bit, please (表_____)
(4) He (can/could) _____be from America, judging by his accent. (表_____)
(5) (may/can) _____you swim (表_____)
4. shall/should
①What shall we do this evening 我们今晚干什么呢
②When shall he be able to leave the hospital 他什么时间能离开医院
①You shall fail if you don’t work hard. 如果你不努力学习你会考试不及格。(警告)
②You shall not leave your post. 你不得离开岗位。(命令)
③He shall have the book when I finish reading it. 当我读完这本书时他可以拿走。(允许)
④He shall be punished. 他将受到惩罚。(威胁)
(3)should表示劝告、建议、命令,其同义词是ought to;在疑问句中,通常用should代替ought to,意为“应该”。(还常用于虚拟语气中)例如:
①You shouldn’t have left so soon. 你不应当走得这么早。
②Sal suggested that we should go for a swim. 萨尔建议我们去游泳。
①They should be at home by now for they have been away for two hours. 现在他们该到家了,因为他们离开两个小时了。
②If the train is on time,she should arrive in Beijing by seven. 如果火车准点的话,她应该7点前到达北京。
5. must/can’t
(1)must表示“必须;必要”,用于一般疑问句中,肯定回答用must。否定回答要用needn’t或don’t have to。例如:
—Must we hand in our exercise today 我们必须今天上交练习吗
—Yes, you must. 是的,你们必须。
—No, you needn’t/don’t have to. 不,你们不必。
You mustn’t lend the new book to others. 你不许把这本新书借给别人。
Must you shout so loudly 你非要这么大声嚷嚷吗
①They must be anxious to know the result. 他们一定急于知道结果。
②—I think the news must be true. 我想这个消息一定是真的。
—No, it can’t be true. 不,它肯定不是真的。
Exercise: 用will, would, shall, should, must填空。
(1)We _____ smoke here, because the worker is carrying some petrol. (表_____)
(2)It is dangerous. You _____ leave the room immediately. (表_____)
(3)He _____ go hiking with friends at weekends when young. (表_____)
(4)—Write to me when you get home.
—I _____. (表_____)
(5)—Need I hand in my exercise book at once
—Yes, you_____. (表_____)
(6)You have been working all day. You _____ be very tired. (表_____)
(7)It is a long time since we met last time. You _____ come and see us more often. (表_____)
(8)Why don’t you try on this dress It ______ look nice on you. (表_____)
6. need
You needn’t come here this afternoon. 你今天下午不必来。
You don’t need to go now. 你不必现在就走。
7. dare
How dare you say I’m unfair 你怎么敢说我不公平?
He daren’t speak English before such a crowd, dare he 他不敢在这么多人面前说英语,是吗?
He doesn’t dare (to) answer. 他不敢回答。
(1)—Must I stay here —No, you _____.
(2)You _____not be told twice about one single thing.
(3)Sarah doesn’t ______ hand in her task right now.
(4)How ____you fight against him No one ____say he had nothing on.
(5)I _____ to swim across this river.
8.情态动词+have done
(1)can(could)+have done的疑问或否定形式表示对过去发生的行为的怀疑或否定,另外could have done还表示“过去本能够做,但实际上未做……”。例如:
①He can’t/ couldn’t have finished so much work in so short a time. 他不可能在这么短的时间内完成如此多的工作。
②Where can/ could they have gone 他们会到哪去了呢?
③We could have gone there on foot. A taxi wasn’t necessary at all.
(2)may(might)+have done表示对过去所发生事情的推测。例如:
①He may have said so. 他可能这么说过。
②That was too dangerous. You might have killed yourself. 那太危险了。你当时可能会丧命的。
(3)should+have done表示过去本应该做而实际上未做,而shouldn’t+have done表示过去本不应该做但实际上做了。
①You should have started earlier. 你本应该早点动身。
②You shouldn’t have lent him money yesterday. 昨天你本不该把钱借给他。
(4)must+have done表示对过去发生情况的肯定推测。
例如:It must have rained last night. 昨晚肯定下雨了
Part B The future past tense
Step 1 Definition
According to the literal interpretation, the definition of the future past tense is: the action or state would take place or happen after a certain past time point, which is often used in the objective clause.(过去将来时表示从过去某一时间来看将要发生的动作或存在的状态, 常用在宾语从句中。)
Step 2 Structure
1. would/should+do
2. was/were going to+do
3. was/were about to+do
4. was/were to+do
5.was/were +doing
Other forms:
肯定结构 1. would/should+do 2. Was/were going to do
否定结构 1. wouldn’t/shouldn’t+do 2. wasn’t/weren’t going to do
一般疑问结构 1. Would/Should+主语+do 2. Was/Were +主语+ going to do
特殊疑问结构 1. 特殊疑问词+would/should+主语+do 2. 特殊疑问词+was/were+主语+going to do
Step 3 Meaning
She hoped that they would meet again someday. 她希望将来有一天他们能再见面。
2.was/were going to+动词原形:表示过去将要发生或很有可能发生的动作,常用于口语中,表示预言、意图或者打算等。
He was going to start work the following week. 他打算下星期开始工作。
3.was/were about to do:常用来表示即将发生的动作,“刚要/正要做……”。注意该结构不与任何时间状语连用。
I felt that something terrible was about to happen. 我感到某种可怕的事情即将发生。
4.was/were to do:表示“曾计划做某事”,如果表示“本来计划做某事,动作没实现”,则需用“was/were to have done”。
She said she was to have told me about the accident. 她说她本来想告诉我关于事故的事。
5.Start, go, come, leave, see, meet等动词的过去进行时:表示就过去某一时刻而言即将发生的动作。
She was coming later. 她随后就来。
I had just put on my overcoat and was leaving to visit a friend of mine. 我刚穿上外套要去看我的一个朋友。
Step 4 Homework
Complete the sentences with the correct forms.
(1)She said the bus _____(leave)at five the next morning.
(2)I wasn’t sure whether he _____(lend)me his book the next morning.
(3)At that time he did not know that quitting the job _____(become) the turning point in his life.
(4)He said he ______(visit) China the next week.
(5)In his introduction, he made it clear that our credits _____(be) hard-earned.