外研(新标准)版七年级下Module 12 Western music Unit 2 Vienna is the centre of European classical music.教案(表格式)


名称 外研(新标准)版七年级下Module 12 Western music Unit 2 Vienna is the centre of European classical music.教案(表格式)
格式 doc
文件大小 348.4KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 外研版
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-04-23 14:22:28



章节名称 外研社七年级下册Module 12 Western music Unit2 The city of music 学时 1
Analysis of the book This module mainly talks about western music; it introduces the well-known city Vienna and the famous composes like Strauss and Mozart. It will help students to know more about western music which cultivate their taste and broaden their horizon. In this class, the students are going to learn some useful reading skills and how to profile a person.
Analysis of the students The students are familiar with Strauss、Mozart and some famous composers, so it will be easy for them to understand the passage, but they but they often lack the strategy of reading. Besides, writing is more difficult for them.
学习 目标描述 知识点编 号 学习目标 具 体 描 述 语 句
1 2 3 Knowledge aims Ability aims:Emotion aims: 1. To grasp the important words and phrases.2. To understand the description of Vienna and the composers. 1. To be able to write a passage about Xian Xinghai.2. To use the important words and phrases freely. 3. To improve the students’ reading skills.To create their taste of music.
项 目 内 容 解 决 措 施
Teaching important points To improve the students’reading comprehension ability with the help of the reading skills, skimming,scanning,understanding the meaning of the word. 1. 通过多种课堂活动熟悉课文内容,了解阅读步骤,掌握阅读思路;2. 利用语境猜测单词的含义。
Difficult points To help them learn to profile a famous person. 通过文章的学习,掌握如何描述。
教学媒体(资源)的选择 知识点编 号 学习目标 媒体类型 媒体内容要点 教学作用 使用方式 所 得 结 论 占用时间 媒体来源
123 知识和能力过程和方法情感态度和价值观 课件1-2课件3-5课件6-9课件10课件12课件13-14 Free talk导入主题听力和词汇 维也纳介绍及小斯特劳斯和老斯特劳斯的主要成就介绍维也纳风景 介绍莫扎特情感升华作业 B、GE、IJIB、CI EB、E、GAGAF、G 激发学生学习兴趣掌握重点词汇 掌握课文主要内容并学习阅读技巧展示维也纳的美丽风景和著名人物对莫扎特有初步认识,分组复述课文,掌握阅读技能。情感升华,激发学生的学习兴趣,感受音乐魅力并向学习音乐家的伟大精神 3mins5mins18mins2mins10mins2mins 自制自制自制自制自制自制
①媒体在教学中的作用分为:A.提供事实,建立经验;B.创设情境,引发动机;C.举例验证,建立概念;D.提供示范,正确操作;E.呈现过程,形成表象;F.演绎原理,启发思维;G.设难置疑,引起思辨;H.展示事例,开阔视野;I.欣赏审美,陶冶情操;J.归纳总结,复习巩固;K.自定义。②媒体的使用方式包括:A.设疑—播放—讲解;B.设疑—播放—讨论;C.讲解—播放—概括;D.讲解—播放—举例;E.播放—提问—讲解;F.播放—讨论—总结;G.边播放、边讲解;H. 边播放、边议论;I.学习者自己操作媒体进行学习;J.自定义。
课堂教学过程结构的设计 教学模式:探究合作式 教学过程结构: Teaching procedures:Step One: lead-inStep 2: Pre-readingStep 3: While-readingStep Four: Post-reading Step Five: Homework
形成性练习 知识点编 号 学习目标 练 习 题 目 内 容
123 知识和能力过程和方法情感态度和价值 观 Listen and choose the words you hearperfect musician another center not only…but also… play famous where composer EuropeanWhat made Johann Strauss the elder famous all over Europe 2 How many waltzes did Johann Strauss the younger write 3.What did Johann Strauss the younger write in 1867 another elder European perfect poor famousVienna is the dream place for musicians, many musicians come here. Not only Strauss the elder (1) ________ Strauss the younger wrote some ___________ music. (3) _______ successful (4)_________ from Vienna was Mozart, but he became very poor and died at the age of thirty-five. Many people think Mozart’s music is (5) _________. All three were great (6) ___________ musicians.
形成性评价 坚持“以学生为主体,教师为主导”的教学方法,注重由学生自己进行研究和探索,教师为学生创设探索情境,营造氛围。在教学中,学生们能够认真听讲,参与课堂活动的积极性很强,探索新知识热情比较高,但是发音有所欠缺,教师的引导就显得尤为重要了。2.学生们通过自己的探索以及小组的力量,很好的掌握了重点并解决了难点,课堂效果突出。在复述的过程中,学生对重点信息的把握较为准确,虽然有语法方面的错误,但是通过锻炼学生的语言运用能力,大大的激发了学生的自信心和学习兴趣。达到了本节课的教学目的,形成性练习较为成功。
教学反思 教学反思本节课是一节阅读课,本文围绕西方古典音乐这一主题向学生介绍了小斯特劳斯、老斯特劳斯和莫扎特三位欧洲18世纪的伟大音乐家的主要成就和生平简介,是学生感兴趣的话题。七年级的学生有一定的语言基础,但是还不能流畅的表达自我观点和看法,同时学生对音乐非常感兴趣,对知名的音乐家有一定的了解,但是对于音乐家的英文名和地名不太熟悉。讲完课后,我也在反复的思考和反思。有成功的地方,可以在以后的教学中继续使用,也有不足的地方,以后在改善和避免。优点有以下几点:1.在备课的最初我给自己提出了一个问题,如何能让学生们在本节课中有所收获,得到更多的语言知识的同时又可以感受音乐的美。针对这个问题,我在设计教学上,不拘于课本知识,适当的根据学生的能力拓展和音乐相关的知识。选取了维也纳著名的景点,并一一向学生进行讲解,可以把篇章中的文字生动化,形象化。并且补充了像金色大厅以及莫扎特的相关知识,不脱离教材,又不局限于教材,不仅使学生掌握了课本内容,还使他们学到与课文主题相关的课外知识。2.英国著名语言学家cc埃克斯利说过,教英语最好的方法就是能引起学生学习英语的兴趣的那种方法,因此,在重点词汇的讲解上,我特意找到我的朋友Michael,在他的帮助下自创了一段和本节课息息相关的对话,这段对话中既对UNIT1的内容进行了复习又呈现出了本节课的需要掌握的重点单词,让学生通过上下文推断单词的意思,并进行paraphrase,学生可以用英文阐述单词的含义并造句达到了预期的效果。我们的合照让学生们很感兴趣,因此在听听力的过程中可以充分调动他们的积极性。3.整体设计风格从音乐的选取到课件的设计都是复古风,让学生能够在短短的40分钟课堂中感受到古典的魅力。不足之处:1. 学生的参与度不均衡,有一些学生习惯当听众,很少发言甚至从不发言,习惯了做学习活动的旁观者,在以后的教学中要想办法调动这部分学生的积极性。2. 学生的发音准确性不够,在以后的教学中要关注学生的英语发音。3. 课堂上没有时间让学生给出课堂评价。课后,我想起三句话:Tell me, and I will forget.Show me, and I will remember.Involve me, and I will understand.在以后的教学中,尽量为学生创设良好的课堂气氛,寓教于乐,让学生感受英语的美!
Answer the question.
Ask students what they will do to entertain themselves in their free time.
CAI 1-2
Listen to the dialogue about classical music and choose the words they hear
Play a dialogue and ask students to choose the words they hear
Finish the passage using the new words
Paraphrase the words and fill in the blanks
CAI 4-5
If not
If they have mastered
Match the main idea with each paragraph
Read P1 and later do the matching
Lead them to find the key words of each paragraph and summarize the reading skills: skimming.
Summarize the reading skills they use just now
Read each paragraph carefully and finish the tasks.
Careful reading
CAI 8-11
If not
If they have mastered
To get more details of Mozart.
Find out the meaning of numbers
CAI 12
Learn how to profile a person
Teach them how to profile a person according to the part of Mozart.
CAI 12
Write a passage about Xian Xinghai according to the information.
Write a passage about Xian Xinghai according to the information.
CAI 14
活 动
应 用