Unit 3 Sea Exploration Period 4 listening and talking课件+教案+音视频


名称 Unit 3 Sea Exploration Period 4 listening and talking课件+教案+音视频
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-04-22 17:47:38


Unit 3 Sea Exploration
Period 4 Listening and Talking教学设计
课题 Unit 3 Period 4 Listening and Talking 单元 Unit 3 学科 English 年级 Grade 2
教材 分析 听力文本是关于在观鲸营的活动结束后,研究员与学生营员谈论参与的活动的内容。研究员提问,三位营员作答。活动内容依次是学员学习关于鲸类的基本知识,包括鲸的种类数量、鲸的食物、蓝鲸的长度和体重等;理解鲸类研究的意义是为了加深对鲸类习性的了解,通过追踪的方式保护鲸类种群;跟随研究者出海追踪鲸群、采集数据、建立名录;最后,联络世界上的其他鲸类研究小组进行信息共享,通过听对话,学生获得鲸类的有关知识,了解观鲸活动的基本内容,理解研究与保护鲸类的重要性,激发对鲸类乃至整个海洋研究和探索的兴趣与向往。此外,对话中出现多个顺序词,使得说话内容逻辑流畅、条理清晰,值得学生关注和模仿。活动设计:部分设计了六个活动。活动1为听前准备,要求学生阅读观鲸营的宣传海报,思考研究鲸类及其他海洋生物的现实意义。该活动一方面是为学生提供背景知识和语言信息,扫除认知障碍,降低学生的心理焦虑;另一方面是为了培养学生“看”的技能,引导他们结合文字与营地活动的广告理解观鲸主题。活动2至活动4 为听力理解,着重培养学生的听力技能和策略。其中,活动2训练学生获取主旨大意的能力,要求学生关注要点,记录观鲸活动的三项内容。活动3要求学生关注叙述逻辑,注意顺序词在语言表达中的作用,按先后顺序排列内容要点。活动4共有五个问题,主要考查学生获取关键信息的能力。活动5属于口语表达活动。基于听力文本,学生需要站在营员的角度,为其他没有去过的同学介绍观鲸活动的内容。学生需要内化所学知识和语言表达,用恰当的语言转述听力内容,实现语言输出。在表达过程中,学生需要利用顺序词确保表达内容的逻辑清晰。活动6通过“保护生态多样性”的视频向学生展示了美丽海洋世界中丰富的物种。学生观看之后,根据自己的兴趣,讨论想观察的海洋生物。
学习目标与核心素养 1.To get to know something about whales and other sea animals . 2. To practise listening for gist in natural English. 3.To practise listening for sequence. 4.To share opinions about sea animals.
重点 To practise listening for sequence. To practise listening for gist in natural English.
难点 To share opinions about sea animals.
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
导入新课 Lead –in The sea is full of life, what sea animals and plants do you know. What do you know is the biggest animal in the sea Students talk about what sea animals they know. To arouse the students’ interest in the class.
新课 Activity1 Here is a poster of whale watching camp, read it and discuss the questions. 1.What aspect of the camp would you like best 2.Do you think it is important to carry out research on whales and other sea animals? Activity2 Listen to the head researcher talking to the campers at the end of the day.What three things were the campers asked to do What three things were the campers asked to do 1.to find out some facts for a whale profile 2.to think about why they do whale research 3.to go out with and write a report of the work they do Activity 3 Notes Sequence: When people talk about a series of actions or events happening in sequence of time, they often use certain words or phrases, such as first, next then, after that, later,and finally. Circle the sequence words before listening again sequence words: after that, meanwhile, then, finally, first, later. Listen to Luck’s part of the conversation again. Number the information in the correct order. Activity 4 Before listening again, circle the important key words which can help to easily find the answers. Key words: species, main types, sounds, the whales’ fins, other research groups. Answer the questions 1. How many species of whales are there Over 80. 2. What is the criterion to divide the main types of whales The criterion is whether they have teeth or not. 3. What do whales use sounds for They use sounds to communicate and hunt. 4. Why do the campers take pictures of the whales' fins This can help them to tell the whales apart. 5. Why do they contact other research groups They want to share information with them. Activity 5 Tell your partner who could not make it to the camp about what happened. Expressing sequence Firstly,…Secondly,…Thirdly,… First of all ,Then/After that/Afterwards/Next/Later on In the end/At last,..At that time…Meanwhile… It began when… Later.. Finally… Example A:Today we learnt about whales and whale research. First, we found some information and facts about whales.We used the library and the Internet. B:What did you do after that A:Well, after that we thought about why we do whale research. B:But why do we do whale research A:There are lots of reasons.First of all, we need to know how many whales there are.Then, we need to know where they go. And finally,we need to understand more about them. B:Then what did you do next A:After that, we went out whale watching, following a group of whales in a boat. B:That sounds neat. Did you just watch them, or did you do anything else A:We started by taking pictures of their fins, so we could tell them apart. At the same time, we noted their location, so we could track them. B:What did you do afterwards A:We created a database and gave each whale a name and number. Finally, we shared our information with other whale research groups around the world. B:It all sounds so wonderful!I wish I could have joined you. A : I do, too. Activity 6 Watch the video protecting biodiversity, and then discuss what other sea animal you should like to see. Talk with your partner and make a plan for a trip to see the animals. Example For our trip, we would like to go to the Shanghai Ocean Aquarium, whose theme is “Spanning five continents by a connection of water”.We can first visit the special exhibition of saving sharks.Then we can go to see the seahorses whose number declined greatly for the past decade. However, most people do not know much about seahorses at all.I think we need to raise awareness about seahorses and marine conservation in China.The last spot will be The Chinese Pavilion, which displays the aquatic organisms and bio-system in the Yangtze River and some national endangered rare aquatic creatures, like Chinese alligator and Chinese Sturgeon. Discussion Do you think human beings can still see various sea animals in 100 years Do you think protecting biodiversity is an urgent matter and why Students read the poster and discuss the questions. Students answer the three things that the campers were asked to do Students circle the sequence words before listening again Students number the information in the correct order. Students circle the important key words Students answer the questions Students tell partner who could not make it to the camp about what happened. Students discuss what other sea animal you should like to see Students discuss the questions. To serve as a warn -up for the activities which follow. To practise listening for gist in natural English. To help easily find the answers. To practise listening for sequence. To help to easily find the answers To practise listening for details To help students summarize what happened at the whale watching camp using sequence words. To plan a trip like the whale watching camp to see other sea animals . To think and share opinions using what students have learnt in this unit.
作业 Homework Do the exercises on Page 77 of Workbook.
21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
Period 4 Listening and Talking
Unit 3 Sea Exploration
The sea is full of life, what sea animals and plants do you know
What do you know is the biggest animal in the sea
It is whale
Activity 1
Here is a poster of whale watching camp, read it and discuss the questions.
1.What aspect of the camp would you like best
2.Do you think it is important to carry out research on whales and other sea animals?
Activity 2
What three things were the campers asked to do
2. ____________________________________
3. ____________________________________
to find out some facts for a whale profile
to think about why they do whale research
to go out with and write a report of the work they do
Listen to the head researcher talking to the campers at the end of the day.What three things were the campers asked to do
Activity 3
When people talk about a series of actions or events happening in sequence of time, they often use certain words or phrases, such as first, next then, after that, later,and finally.
Activity 3
After that, we gave the group of whales a name, and each member a number.
They will be added to the directory so we can identify them in the future.
Most whales have slightly different fins and marks, which can help us to tell them apart.
Meanwhile, we also noted their location, so we can track their movements and plot their migration path.
Then we took pictures of their fins.
Finally, we contacted other whale research groups around the world to share the information with them.
First, we followed a group of whales with the boat.
Later, we created a database of their fins and locations.
Circle the sequence words before listening again
Activity 3
After that, we gave the group of whales a name, and each member a number.
They will be added to the directory so we can identify them in the future.
Most whales have slightly different ..., which can help us to tell them apart.
Meanwhile, we also noted their location, so we can track their movements and ...
Then we took pictures of their fins.
Finally, we contacted other whale research groups around the world to ...
First, we followed a group of whales with the boat.
Later, we created a database of their fins and locations.
Listen to Luck’s part of the conversation again. Number the information in the correct order.
Activity 4
1. How many species of whales are there
2. What is the criterion to divide the main types of whales
3. What do whales use sounds for
4. Why do the campers take pictures of the whales' fins
5. Why do they contact other research groups
Before listening again, circle the important key words which can help to easily find the answers.
Activity 4
Listen to the conversation again and answer the questions.
1. How many species of whales are there
Over 80.
2. What is the criterion to divide the main types of whales
The criterion is whether they have teeth or not.
3. What do whales use sounds for
They use sounds to communicate and hunt.
4. Why do the campers take pictures of the whales' fins
This can help them to tell the whales apart.
5. Why do they contact other research groups
They want to share information with them.
Activity 5
Tell your partner who couldnot make it to the camp about what happened.
Firstly,…Secondly,…Thirdly,…First of all Then/After that/Afterwards/Next/Later on
In the end/At last,..At that time…Meanwhile…
It began when… Later.. Finally…
Expressing sequence
Activity 5
A:Today we learnt about whales and whale research. First, we found
some information and facts about whales.We used the library and the Internet.
B:What did you do after that
A:Well, after that we thought about why we do whale research.
B:But why do we do whale research
A:There are lots of reasons.First of all, we need to know how many whales there are.Then, we need to know where they go. And finally,we need to understand more about them.
B:Then what did you do next
Activity 5
A:After that, we went out whale watching, following a group of whales in a boat.
B:That sounds neat. Did you just watch them, or did you do anything else
A:We started by taking pictures of their fins, so we could tell them apart. At the same time, we noted their location, so we could track them.
B:What did you do afterwards
A:We created a database and gave each whale a name and number. Finally, we shared our information with other whale research groups
around the world.
B:It all sounds so wonderful!I wish I could have joined you.
A : I do, too.
Activity 6
Watch the video protecting biodiversity, and then discuss what other sea animal you should like to see. Talk with your partner and make a plan for a trip to see the animals.
Activity 6
a plan for a trip to see the animals. Place
Routes (activities)
Activity 6
For our trip, we would like to go to the Shanghai Ocean Aquarium, whose theme is “Spanning five continents by a connection of water”.We can first visit the special exhibition of saving sharks.Then we can go to see the seahorses whose number declined greatly for the past decade. However, most people do not know much about seahorses at all.I think we need to raise awareness about seahorses and marine conservation in China.The last spot will be The Chinese Pavilion, which displays the aquatic organisms and bio-system in the Yangtze River and some national endangered rare aquatic creatures, like Chinese alligator and Chinese Sturgeon.
Do you think human beings can still see various sea animals in 100 years
Do you think protecting biodiversity is an urgent matter and why
Do the exercises on
Page 77 of Workbook.