Unit 3 Sea Exploration period 5 Using langusge 课件+教案+音视频


名称 Unit 3 Sea Exploration period 5 Using langusge 课件+教案+音视频
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-04-22 17:48:41


Unit 3 Sea Exploration
Period 5 Using language
Express your opinions on sea exploration教学设计
课题 Unit 3 Period 5 Express your opinions on sea exploration 单元 Unit 3 学科 English 年级 Grade 2
教材 分析 该部分的语篇是两篇议论性质的短文,针对“海洋探索的利弊”表达针锋相对的观点。议论文围绕一个鲜明的观点展开,往往包含数个分论点,每个分论点都需要相应的论据作为支撑。短文一的观点认为,海洋探索对海洋造成了很大的伤害,弊大于利。第一段开门见山地指出海洋探索往往意味着对海洋的过度开发,导致许多问题。第二至第四段分别阐述海洋开发带来的问题,包括海洋污染、气候变化、过度捕捞等。针对这三个问题,作者通过举例等方式进行论证。在第五段,作者总结全文,发出呼吁:海洋是生命的家园,保护海洋迫在眉睫。短文二的第一句话阐明观点:要更好地了解我们的星球,就必须探索占据地球绝大部分面积的海洋。紧接着,作者就反对者的担忧提出第一个分论点,即为了更好地理解和解决气候变化等全球问题,我们需要进行海洋探索活动。第二段是第二个分论点,指出海洋探索有利于人类更好地利用资源,并以生物研究、医药开发、地震预报等为例据。第三段是第三个分论点,指出海洋探索事关未来的人类生存。第四段,作者再次回应反对意见,认为在环保与发展之间需要谋求平衡,并相信随着技术进步,将更有能力取得这种平衡。通过阅读正反观点的文章,学生对于海洋探索议题涉及的争议有了较为全面的了解。通过比较正反观点,学生需要思考争议的根源。教师可以提醒学生,短文一的论断有一个隐含的前提,即海洋探索往往意味着过度开发;第二篇短文则更多地关注海洋探索对人类发展的意义。总之,尽管两种观点对人类海洋活动的侧重点有差异,但本质上都主张要保护海洋、谋求可持续发展、对未来负责,形成正确的海洋发展观。此外,两篇短文都为如何有理有据地表述观点提供了参考,可供学生在之后的议论文写作中模仿。
学习目标与核心素养 To analyzes the arguments and evidence in the texts. To express your opinions on sea exploration. To learn to write an argumentative essay with the help of PEEL method.
重点 To analyzes the arguments and evidence in the texts. To express your opinions on sea exploration.
难点 To learn to write an argumentative essay with the help of PEEL method.
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
导入新课 Lead –in Should sea be explored The ocean is a treasure. Just as Xi Dada says, oceans provide a breeding ground for life, connect the world and the promote development. Despite regular discoveries about the ocean, much remains unknown. Scientists predict that 95% of the ocean is unmapped and unexplored. So human being is keeping on exploring the ocean. However, there are arguments about sea exploration. Students discuss if the sea should be explored. To warm up for the reading.
新课 Skim Skim the two texts and answer the questions. 1.What is the text type of the two passages (Four types of essay:1. Narrative 2.Descriptive3. Expository4. Argumentative) Argumentative essay. 2.What are the three parts in argumentative essay Argument, evidence, restatement/ recommendation/ a call to action. Read 1. Read the two texts below and find the arguments and evidence in them. Text 1 Text 2 Read the two texts again and analyze the structure of them. 2.Look at the two charts below and decide which one supports which text. Answers: Decline in oil spills:Text 2 Global trends In the state of world marine fish stocks: Text 1 Discussion In groups, discuss the following questions and take notes. 1.What is your opinion about sea exploration Do you agree with one argument more than the other I think sea exploration is a wonderful idea, because even if there are no immediate rewards for it, to explore and find out more about our world is always a good thing. 2. Has your opinion changed after reading the two texts Why or why not Yes, my opinion has changed. Before reading Text 1, I did not know that sea exploration could add to sea pollution, via deep sea drilling for example. 3. Are there any other aspects of sea exploration not mentioned that you think are important We do not know what we don’t know; We need to explore the ocean so that we can better understand issues such as acidification which leads to seawater to become more acidic, and how to fight these problems; Studying the ocean causes the creation of new technologies that can help us in other areas. Pre-Writing Based on your note, write an argumentative essay on sea exploration, expressing your opinions with supporting facts. 1) The following questions may help you. What is the purpose of sea exploration How does sea exploration help us to protect the sea How does sea exploration cause damage to the sea Is there a good balance between protection and exploitation 2) Use the PEEL method to help structure your argument. Point What point do you want to make Evidence What facts and examples can you find to support your point How reliable are the sources Explanation Explain how the facts support your opinion and show other opinions to be incorrect. Link Connect this point to the next point, or back to the main point of the essay or paragraph. 3) Write your draft and exchange it with a partner. Use the checklist to help each other revise the drafts. YesNoIs the point clear enough Are there any examples or facts that support the argument strongly Is there any explanation on how the evidence supports the opinion Are there some connectives linking one point to another
4) Get your feedback and revise your draft. Sample Even though the oceans make up about 70% of the earth’s surface, more than 80% of the oceans remain unexplored. While some people say that we should not explore the oceans, their reasoning is not very sound. Exploring is not the same as exploiting. When we explore a place. We go just to see and understand what is there. We should explore the ocean, first and foremost, because we do not know what we do not know. We thought we knew many about the ocean, but we were wrong. There could be life forms in the ocean, for example, that fit none of the neat categories we have for life while we have no clue that they even exist. This brings up the second point. We already know many things about the ocean, but we need to learn more. A good example is ocean acidification. We know that it is causing coral to die. We know that using less fossil fuel would cause the process to slow down. However, we need to learn more to find out how to stop it. We need more research to see what is going on, and to come up with plans and solutions. Finally, to do this research, we have to enter an extreme environment not very friendly to humans. This requires the development of new technologies that can also benefit us in other areas. For example, in many ways, the deep ocean resembles outer space.The technologies can benefit each other. For another instance, the technology of a mechanical arm to collect samples with has been used in factories and development of artificial limbs for humans. All in all, there are many good reasons to explore the oceans. If we care about science, about protecting our oceans, and about developing new technologies, we need to do all we can to support ocean exploration. Students skim the first paragraph of each text and answer the questions. Students read the two texts and find the arguments and evidence in them. . Students read the two texts and analyze the structure of them. Students look at the two charts decide which one supports which text. Students discuss the questions in groups. Students read the questions and PEEL method before writing an essay. Students write a draft using what they have learnt thus far. Students exchange and present their work. To skim for the text type of the two passages. To read to find the arguments and evidence To read for structure of an argumentative essay. To practise matching charts to texts. To develop ideas in group discussion for the preparation of writing an argumentative essay. To provide both the framework for writing an argumentative essay on sea exploration and a chance to practise what students have learnt. To help students learn from each other and get advice on improving their work.
作业 Homework Do the exercises on Page 78-79 of Workbook.
21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
Period 5 Using language
Express your opinions on sea exploration
Unit 3 Sea Exploration
Lead in
Should sea be explored
The ocean is a treasure. Just as Xi Dada says, oceans provide a breeding ground for life, connect the world and the promote development. Despite regular discoveries about the ocean, much remains unknown. Scientists predict that 95% of the ocean is unmapped and unexplored. So human being is keeping on exploring the ocean. However, there are arguments about sea exploration.
Lead in
Skim the two texts and answer the questions.
What is the text type of the two passages
Four types of essay
Narrative 2. Descriptive
3. Expository 4. Argumentative
Three parts in argumentative essay:
Argument, evidence, restatement/ recommendation/ a call to action.
Argumentative essay.
Read the two texts below and find the arguments
and evidence in them.
argument evidence
Text 1
More exploration causes more pollution.
Mining for resources is damaging.
Overfishing is an issue.
Deepwater Horizon oil spill Plastic pollution
It hurts the Arctic.
Burning fossil fuels adds to climate change.
Whales and dolphins are hunted.
Banned, but some countries still doing it.
argument evidence
Text 2
Sea exploration is important for our future.
Understanding more about the sea will also help us manage its resources better.
We need new resources for future development.
Scientific research ships can help address important issues like climate change.
New medicines, food resources and energy.
Predict events such as earthquakes.
Vast amounts of resources may be under the sea and ice.
Point 1
Point 2
Point 3
Read the two texts again and analyze the structure of them.
Text 1
Point 1
Point 2
Point 3
Text 2
Post -read
Look at the two charts below and decide which
one supports which text.
Text 1
Text 2
In groups, discuss the following questions and take notes.
1. What is your opinion about sea exploration Do you agree with one argument more than the other
I think sea exploration is a wonderful idea, because even if there are no immediate rewards for it, to explore and find out more about our world is always a good thing.
2. Has your opinion changed after reading the two texts
Why or why not
Yes, my opinion has changed. Before reading Text 1, I did not know that sea exploration could add to sea pollution, via deep sea drilling for example.
3. Are there any other aspects of sea exploration not mentioned that you think are important
We do not know what we don’t know; We need to explore the ocean so that we can better understand issues such as acidification which leads to seawater to become more acidic, and how to fight these problems; Studying the ocean causes the creation of new technologies that can help us in other areas.
4. Based on your note, write an argumentative essay on sea exploration, expressing your opinions with supporting facts.
1)The following questions may help you.
What is the purpose of sea exploration
How does sea exploration help us to protect the sea
How does sea exploration cause damage to the sea
Is there a good balance between protection and exploitation
Argument /Point What argument/point do you want to make
Evidence What facts and examples can you find to support
your point How reliable are the sources
Explanation Explain how the facts support your opinion and
show other opinions to be incorrect.
Link Connect this point to the next point, or back to the main point of the essay or paragraph.
2) Use the PEEL method to help structure your argument.
Even though the oceans make up about 70% of the earth’s surface, more than 80% of the oceans remain unexplored. While some people say that we should not explore the oceans, their reasoning is not very sound. Exploring is not the same as exploiting. When we explore a place. We go just to see and understand what is there.
We should explore the ocean, first and foremost, because we do not know what we do not know. We thought we knew many about the ocean, but we were wrong. There could be life forms in the ocean, for example, that fit none of the neat categories we have for life while we have no clue that they even exist.
This brings up the second point. We already know many things about the ocean, but we need to learn more. A good example is ocean acidification.We know that it is causing coral to die. We know that using less fossil fuel would cause the process to slow down. However, we need to learn more to find out how to stop it. We need more research to see what is going on, and to come up with plans and solutions.
Finally, to do this research, we have to enter an extreme environment not very friendly to humans. This requires the development of new technologies that can also benefit us in other areas. For example, in many ways, the deep ocean resembles outer space.The technologies can benefit each other. For another instance, the technology of a mechanical arm to collect samples with has been used in factories and development of artificial limbs for humans.
All in all, there are many good reasons to explore the oceans. If we care about science, about protecting our oceans, and about developing new technologies, we need to do all we can to support ocean exploration.
3) Write your draft and exchange it with a partner.
Use the checklist to help each other revise the drafts.
Yes No
Is the point clear enough
Are there any examples or facts that support the argument strongly
Is there any explanation on how the evidence supports the opinion
Are there some connectives linking one point to another
4) Get your feedback and revise your draft.
Language points
Important words
1. exploit vt.开发;利用;剥削
When people talk of exploring the sea more,they usually mean exploiting it.当人们谈论更多地探索海洋时,他们通常意味着开发它。
They decided to exploit natural resources.
exploit sth.to do sth.利用某事做某事
exploit sb.with sth.用······剥削某人
exploitation n.开发;利用;剥削
explorer n. 开发者;剥削者
Important words
Language points
1)You must exploit every opportunity ____________(learn) new things.
2)The large desert land is waiting for exploration and ____________.
3)Children must go to school, not be financially___________ (exploit).
to learn
Language points
Important words
2. mercy n. 仁慈;宽恕;恩惠
Although this was banned in 1982,some countries are still “murdering” these intelligent creatures without mercy.
尽管早在1982年就已禁止,但有的国家仍地无情地 “谋杀”这些聪明的动物。
It's a mercy she wasn't seriously hurt.
merciful adj. 仁慈的;宽大的
be merciful to/ towards sb 对某人仁慈
at the mercy of 任……处置; 对……无能为力; 任由…摆布
show mercy to sb. 对某人表示怜悯
have mercy on/upon sb. 对某人表示怜悯
beg for mercy 恳请宽恕
Important words
Language points
1) They showed mercy ________ their enemies.
2) The ship was ________ the mercy of the storm.
3) She got on her knees and begged ________ mercy.
Language points
Important words
3. possession n.个人财产;拥有;控制
The sea is home to life, not human beings’ possessions.
This ring is my most treasured possession.
be in possession of 拥有……(主语为人)
be in the possession of (sb)(某物)被 (某人)拥有
take / come into possession of 占有;拥有
possess v. 占有,拥有;控制,支配。
Important words
Language points
1) 这伙人被逮住了,人赃俱获。
The gang was caught ________ ________ ________ stolen goods.
Prisoners were allowed no _________ ____________except letters and
3) Justin 是个有很多好品质的男孩。
Justin is a good boy who _______ _______ _______ ________.
possesses many good qualities
in possession of
personal possessions
1. Our English teacher is a_________ (mercy) woman, and she seldom criticises us.
2.It really was a _______(mercy) that he'd died so rapidly at the end.
3.Repairing our____________ (possess) and changing our spending habits may be the best way to reduce the amount of rubbish and take care of our environment.
4. He is __________ (possess)of an extraordinary fund of energy.
5. Although Ross Sea is abundant in species, it is in danger of ___________
(exploit) by humans.
Do the exercises on
Page 78-79 of Workbook.