Unit 3 Sea Exploration Period 6 Assessing your progress 课件+教案+音视频


名称 Unit 3 Sea Exploration Period 6 Assessing your progress 课件+教案+音视频
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-04-22 17:48:55


Unit 3 Sea Exploration
Period 6 Assessing your progress & project教学设计
课题 Unit 3 Period 6 Assessing your progress & project 单元 Unit 3 学科 English 年级 Grade 2
教材 分析 活动1主要检测学生对本单元重点词汇的掌握情况,要求学生用方框中单词的适当形式完成 句子。活动2是语篇填空,故事源于北欧的民间传说。学生首先要读懂语篇内容,然后根据语境用动词的适当形式填空。这是考查学生综合运用动词不定式的能力。完成填空后,学生需要根情节推断故事的结局。设计意图除了语法训练,还有阅读理解和探究主题意义的功能。语篇从民间传说的角度探索人与自然的关系,展现了自古以来不同文化中人们对海洋和生命的朴素情感。故事里善良的老夫妇和勇敢的海豹儿子体现了珍视亲情、知恩图报的价值取向。 单元内容评价和自我反思部分设计了五个问题,让学生回顾和总结关于海洋探索的信息以及 说明文和议论文的文体知识,总结自己在学习过程中的闲难,评价解决方式的有效性,表述对单元的整体印象。项目活动的主题是“为世界海洋门设计海报”。“世界海洋日”(World Oceans Day) 由联合国于2008年设立,旨在呼吁全世界关注人类赖以生存的海洋,共同努力,解决污染、过度捕捞等严重威胁海洋生态的问题。该活动一方面鼓励学生去主动了解关于海洋保护的行动与意义,增强从我做起,保护海洋的意识;另一方面希望学生能够积累与海洋相关的语言知识,充分发挥创造力,为如何保护海洋贡献自己的智慧和力量。该活动要求学生以小组合作的形式完成,先选择一个具体的话题作为海洋日的主题,再收集、整理相关资料,然后共同商定宣传语、海报内容和版面设计,完成海报制作,最后在课堂上进行展示。
学习目标与核心素养 1)To complete the sentences to review some important words you’ve learnt in this unit. 2)To complete the passage to review useful structures in this unit. 3)To reflect what you’ve got from this unit. 4) To create a poster for World Oceans Day.
重点 To learn to use words in proper situations and with the right forms. To learn to use useful structures in proper situations and with the right forms.
难点 To activate all the skills and knowledge students have learnt in this unit by having them create a poster for world oceans day.
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
导入新课 Lead –in In this unit, we talked about sea exploration. Now let’s consolidate and check the key words related to the topic. 1.Say out the words (N) according to the pictures. 2.Say out the words (V) according to the pictures. 3. Fill in the blanks according to part of speech. extend extension extensive Negotiate negotiation profession professional professor mixture mix mixed coverage cover migration migrate exploit exploitation murder murderer mercy merciful 4.Match the definition with a word. A. To clap hands to show approval, for example when they have enjoyed a play or concert. B. A book or list of names, address, telephone numbers, facts etc. usually arranged in alphabetical order. C. A kind or forgiving attitude towards someone that you have the power to harm. D. A level of quality, ability, etc. E. To officially record something. Answers: applaud directory mercy league logged Students revise some words learnt in previous classes. To prepare for the following activities..
新课 Activity 1 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in the box. applaud directory opponent murder log 1. After finishing his workout, he updated his fitness _____________. 2. In the final match, his_____________ will be stronger and more experienced. 3. In a classical music concert, the audience_____________ politely at the end of the performance. 4. I couldn't find your name in the telephone_____________. 5. A $5 million reward has been announced for information leading to the arrest of those responsible for the _____________. Answers: log, opponent, applauded, directory, murder Activity 2 Complete the passage below with the proper forms of the verbs in brackets. What do you think happened to the son Have you ever seen a seal It has a round belly with a thick skin _____________ (keep) itself warm. Its big eyes seem _____________ (be) those of an innocent child. When you look into its eyes, you may feel closely _____________ (connect) to it. Actually, people in ancient times did believe seals and human beings___________ (be) the same. As legend has it, an old couple by the sea once heard a baby__________ (cry). They hurried to the water, only__________ (find) a baby seal there. They took it back home, fed it, and raised it as their son. Gradually, the baby seal grew up, ___________ (look) just like a human being. The old couple allowed him ___________ (go) anywhere except near the sea. The son loved his parents so much that he promised ___________ (not swim). What do you think happened to the son The son had changed into a seal and discovered that he was much happier living in the sea. Sadly, he tried to go back and visit his parents, but he discovered that he could not become a human again. Reflecting What interesting things about science fiction did you learn in this unit What new vocabulary and structures did you learn in this unit How well can you use them Do you think comparing and contrasting, and listening for discourse markers were useful strategies for you to understand the texts What problems did you have with this unit How did you solve them Overall, I thought this unit was ◎inspiring ◎useful ◎SO-SO ◎difficult Project Create a poster for World Oceans Day. World Oceans Day World Oceans Day takes place on 8 June every year. It is now celebrated in over 100 countries with hundreds of special events broadcast across the globe. The day is marked in a variety of ways, including the launching of new campaigns and initiatives, and holding special events, all working to advance ocean conservation and education.Young people are an important part of the project. World Oceans Day provides them with a platform where they can express their concerns and share their ideas.Each year, World Oceans Day has a theme for the campaigns and events on that day. For example, in 2016 and 2017 the themes were “Healthy oceans, healthy planet” and “Our oceans, our future”,respectively. 1. Pick a theme you want the day to be about. Surf the Internet for stories about the sea to inspire you. You can pick a serious issue, or you can focus on a theme to show people how amazing the sea is. overfishing wonders of the sea tourism biodiversity pollution beautiful beaches coral reefs deep-sea exploration 2. Research your theme. Find out as much about your theme as you can. Use the Internet and your school library. 3. Come up with a short slogan for your theme. Choose a short, catchy title. You can also think of ways to promote your theme on social media. 4. Brainstorm ideas for the design of your poster and what to include. What do you want it to look like What design would be most effective What information do you want to include What images do you want to use 5. Create an event that will take place on the day. Beach/river cleanup activity Zoo/aquarium (水族馆) tour Art/photography competition A play about the sea Film festival Presentations by sea scientists Sustainable seafood lunch Interviews with scientists, explorers, etc. EvaluationCriterion 6.Put everything together to complete your poster. Then give a short presentation to the class. Sample the wonders of the sea This year for World Oceans Day, we'd like to focus on the wonders of the sea.Did you know that the ocean has almost 230,000 animal species in it And these are just the species that we know about. And there maybe 2 million ocean animals that we don't even know about yet. Of these species, 1,349 are threatened or endangered. Obviously, to help protect our oceans ' wildlife and diversity, we need to get the word out.That's why, this year, we are having a Sister Species programme.This is like a Sister City programme, where cities from around the world are paired up with each other, so that they can learn more about the world. Except in this case, people choose different animal species and pair up with them.They will then do research on that species, and spend the next year keeping track of any news regarding that species and telling others about their wonderful sister species.To help kick this off, we will meet this Tuesday, June 8, at the city aquarium at10a.m.to see some presentations by wildlife experts. Then you will be free to roam around the aquarium to find a species you would like to pair up with. Bring your notebook, sketchpad, camera, and of course, a friend. See you there! Students complete the sentences using the correct forms of the words in the box. Students fill in the blanks using the appropriate forms of the verbs in brackets. . Students think what happened to the son. Students reflect what they have learnt in this unit according to the questions Students create a poster for World Oceans Day. . To consolidate and check what students have learnt in this unit when it comes to vocabulary. To consolidate and check what students have learnt in this unit when it comes to grammar. To develop thinking skills in English. To think about the content of this unit and apply what they have learnt to their on lives. To activate all the skills and knowledge students have learnt in this unit by having them create a poster for world oceans day.
作业 Homework Read the two poems on Page 80-81 of Workbook.
21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
Period 6 Assessing your progress &Project
Unit 3 Sea Exploration
In this unit, we talked about sea exploration. Now let’s consolidate and check the key words related to the topic.
Say out the words (N) according to the pictures.
Say out the words (V) according to the pictures.
1. ____________ vt. 扩展;使伸长;延长
→____________ n. 延长;扩展;延长物;延伸
→_________ adj. 广阔的;大量的;大规模的;广泛的;全面的
2. _________ vt. 商定;达成(协议) vi. 谈判;磋商;协商
→___________ n. 协商;谈判
3. __________ n. 职业;行业
→____________ adj. 专业的;职业的
→_________ n. 教授;讲师;教员
Fill in the blanks according to part of speech.
4. _______ n. 混合;结合体;混合物
→__________ vt. & vi. 混合
→____________adj. 复杂的;混合的
5. ________ n. 新闻报道;覆盖范围
→_____ vt. 报道;覆盖;盖;包括;涉及
6. _________ n. 迁移;迁徙;移居
→_______ vi. 迁移;迁徙;移居
Fill in the blanks according to Chinese.
7. _____________ vt. 开发;利用;剥削
→____________ n. 开发;利用;剥削;压榨;开采
8. ______ vt. 谋杀;凶杀;毁坏 n. 谋杀;凶杀
→________ n. 谋杀犯;杀人犯;凶手
9. ____________ n. 仁慈;宽恕;恩惠
→_____________ adj. 仁慈的;宽容的;宽大的
Fill in the blanks according to Chinese.
A. To clap hands to show approval, for example when they have enjoyed a play or concert.
B. A book or list of names, address, telephone numbers, facts etc. usually arranged in alphabetical order.
C. A kind or forgiving attitude towards someone that you have the power to harm.
D. A level of quality, ability, etc.
E. To officially record something.
Match the definition with a word.
Activity 1
1. After finishing his workout, he updated his fitness _____________.
2. In the final match, his_____________ will be stronger and more experienced.
3. In a classical music concert, the audience_____________ politely at the end of the performance.
4. I couldn't find your name in the telephone_____________.
5. A $5 million reward has been announced for information leading to the arrest of those responsible for the _____________.
Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in the box.
applaud directory opponent murder log
Activity 2
Have you ever seen a seal It has a round belly with a thick skin _____________ (keep) itself warm. Its big eyes seem ____________ (be) those of an innocent child. When you look into its eyes, you may feel closely _____________ (connect) to it.
Actually, people in ancient times did believe seals and human beings___________ (be) the same. As legend has it, an old couple by the sea once heard a baby__________ (cry). They hurried to the water, only__________ (find) a baby seal there. They took it back home, fed it, and raised it as their son.
to keep
to be
Complete the passage below with the proper forms of the verbs in brackets. What do you think happened to the son
to find
Activity 2
Gradually, the baby seal grew up, ___________ (look) just like a human being. The old couple allowed him ___________ (go) anywhere except near the sea. The son loved his parents so much that he promised ___________ (not swim).
One day, the father went ___________ (fish) out at sea, when the weather suddenly changed. The ship struggled on the stormy sea, ___________ (roll) with each heavy wave. His wife watched the horrible scene, ___________ (cry) hopelessly. All of a sudden, the son jumped into the wild sea ___________ (save) his father. He swam as fast as lightning, just like a seal! Finally, the father was pushed to the shore alive, but this old couple never saw their son again.
to go
not to swim
to save
Activity 2
The son had changed into a seal and discovered that he was much happier living in the sea. Sadly, he tried to go back and visit his parents, but he discovered that he could not become a human again.
What do you think happened to the son
What interesting things about science fiction did you learn in this unit
What new vocabulary and structures did you learn in this unit How well can you use them
Do you think comparing and contrasting, and listening for discourse markers were useful strategies for you to understand the texts
What problems did you have with this unit How did you solve them
Overall, I thought this unit was ◎inspiring ◎useful ◎SO-SO ◎difficult
Create a poster for World Oceans Day .
World Oceans Day
World Oceans Day takes place on 8 June every year. It is now celebrated in over 100 countries with hundreds of special events broadcast across the globe. The day is marked in a variety of ways, including the launching of new campaigns and initiatives, and holding special events, all working to advance ocean conservation and education.
Young people are an important part of the project. World Oceans Day provides them with a platform where they can express their concerns and share their ideas.
Each year, World Oceans Day has a theme for the campaigns and events on that day. For example, in 2016 and 2017 the themes were “Healthy oceans, healthy planet” and “Our oceans, our future”, respectively.
1. Pick a theme you want the day to be about.
Surf the Internet for stories about the sea to inspire you. You can pick a serious issue, or you can focus on a theme to show people how amazing the sea is.
overfishing wonders of the sea tourism
biodiversity pollution beautiful beaches
coral reefs deep-sea exploration
promote your theme on social media.
Find out as much about your theme as you can. Use the Internet and your school library.
What do you want it to look like
What design would be most effective
What information do you want to include
What images do you want to use
3. Come up with a short slogan for your theme.
4. Brainstorm ideas for the design of your poster and what to include.
2. Research your theme.
5. Create an event that will take place on the day.
Beach/river cleanup activity
Zoo/aquarium (水族馆) tour
Art/photography competition
A play about the sea
Film festival
Presentations by sea scientists
Sustainable seafood lunch
Interviews with scientists, explorers, etc.
Give a time and date for the event, and some details of what will happen.
Content Theme Is the theme clear and valuable
Slogan Is the slogan closely related to the theme
Is the slogan short and memorable
Event What is the time and the place of the event
What activities are included in the event
Design Colour Are the colours fit in the message
Images Are helpful images used
Fonts Are the fonts simple and clean
Balance Is the most important information emphasised
Evaluation Criterion
6. Put everything together to complete your poster. Then give a short presentation to the class.
a Sister Species programme.
Tuesday, June 8, the City Aquarium at 10 a.m
it is everyone's resposibility to protect the sea
everyday is ocean day
The Wonders of the Sea
This year for World Oceans Day, we'd like to focus on the wonders of the sea.Did you know that the ocean has almost 230,000 animal species in it And these are just the species that we know about. And there maybe 2 million ocean animals that we don't even know about yet. Of these species, 1,349 are threatened or endangered. Obviously, to help protect our oceans ' wildlife and diversity, we need to get the word out.That's why, this year, we are having a Sister Species programme.This is like a Sister City programme, where cities from around the world are paired up with each other, so that they can learn more about the world.
Except in this case, people choose different animal species and pair up with them.They will then do research on that species, and spend the next year keeping track of any news regarding that species and telling others about their wonderful sister species.To help kick this off, we will meet this Tuesday, June 8, at the city aquarium at 10a.m. to see some presentations by wildlife experts. Then you will be free to roam around the aquarium to find a species you would like to pair up with. Bring your notebook, sketchpad, camera, and of course, a friend. See you there!
Read two poems on
Page 80-81 of Workbook.