人教版(2019) 选择性必修第四册 Unit 3 Sea Exploration Reading and Thinking教案


名称 人教版(2019) 选择性必修第四册 Unit 3 Sea Exploration Reading and Thinking教案
格式 docx
文件大小 25.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-04-25 23:06:36



共 案 个 案
Unit 3 Sea exploration Period1: Reading and thing 教学目标 (1)Read about sea exploration in the past and now. (2)To learn about the text structure. (3)To learn some useful expressions. 2. 教学重难点 (1)Read about sea exploration in the past and now. (2)To learn some useful expressions. 三、教学过程 Step 1 Lead in Look at the picture on page 25,and answer what do you think of when you see the photo Possible answer:The human being is keeping on exploring the great wonders ocean has . To appreciate the sentence:They (oceans) provide a breeding ground for life, connect the world and promote development. —Xi Jinping 海洋孕育了生命;联通了世界;促进了发展。(2019年中国海洋经济博览会) 3.What information can you give about these pictures Step 2 pre-reading Brainstorm:Do you know any stories about sea voyages Share your story with a partner. Step3 skimming 1.Look at the title and skim the text. Decide what type of essay it is Tips: The first or the last paragraph is extremely important when giving information on a subject, leading the topic to the point the author wants to stress.Pay attention to the first sentence of each paragraph. Four types of essay ① Narrative : a story with a beginning + middle + end. ②Descriptive : a subject + interesting details ③Expository : a subject+ factual information ④Persuasive : an idea + to convince the reader Step4 fast reading Reading for the main idea (1)What is the theme of the text about A. Looking ahead to the exploration of the sea B. Describing trade and curiosity influence on e sea. C. Analyzing the causes of human exploration of the sea D. Introducing the achievements and future of human exploration of the sea. 2. Find out the main idea of each paragraph. Para 1 A. The aim of the Belt and Road Para 2 B. The Silk Road in ancient China Para 3 C. The Belt and Road in the 2lst Century. Para 4 D. The Zheng He's fleets in the Ming Dynasty. Para 5 E. The foundation of mankind's greatest achievements. Para 6 F. China's goal to reach out across the sea in the future Para 7 G. China's cooperation with other countries across the sea Step5 scanning Scan the text and fill in the table with the correct names.(activity4) Step6 careful reading Read each paragraph carefully and analyse the function of each part. Step7 comprehension 1.How is the passage developed
Answer:The passage is developed by time order. 2.Multiple choice (1)Why did European explorers look for sea routes from west to east A. They intended to develop their own business B. They were curious about the outside world C. They were ambitious to make a great achievement D. They were inspired by Marco Polo's tales (2)What made the regions to the west of China explored more A. People’s curiosity B. Chinese silk C. Further development of trade D. Awareness of each other's culture (3)What's the purpose of the Belt and Road Initiative A. To satisfy people's curiosity and desire B. To promote trade cooperation and enhance the relationship C. To revisit the ancient sea routes travelled by Zheng He D. To invest billions in systems and services. (4)Now the advantage to reach out across the sea is A.that we have done it for hundreds of years B.that we have advanced technology C.The need to trade D.the desire to enhance relationship Step8 post-reading Discussion : In groups, discuss the following questions. Make notes under two columns: Facts and Opinions 1.Which countries reached out across the sea in the past and why 2.What benefits and problems did those countries get form doing so 3.What effects did reaching out across the sea in the past have on the world 4.What do you think is the significance of the Belt and Road Initiative Step 4 summary Fill in the blanks Trade and curiosity have often formed the foundation of mankind’s greatest 1.____________ (achieve) In ancient times, silk from China found its way along 2.____ became known as the Silk Road. A trading route across the sea 3.____________ (extend) along the coasts of the Indian Ocean, 4_______ (centre) around Ceylon (now Sri Lanka). Here, merchants from China and many other places met 5____________ (negotiate ) trade deals. Between 1405 and 1433, seven large fleets, 6_____ the command of Zheng He, sailed west on voyages of trade and exploration. To reach out across the sea7________ (remain) a strong desire today. The Belt and Road Initiative has been proposed, 8___________ (encourage) cooperation and strengthening the bonds between China and the world, Trading has grown 9_______(great) in China, and there is still 10____ urgent need to study other important projects, which will drive China to reach out across the sea far into the future Step5 Homework 1. Review what has learnt during this class. 2.Write down your opinion about sea exploration. 四、教后反思(不少于100字)