课件36张PPT。Module 6Why Do We Need
Dictionaries?IntroductionBrainstorm1.What can you see in the picture?
2. Does everybody have a dictionary?
3. How often do you use your dictionary?
4. When do you usually refer to your dictionary?Think of as many words connected with dictionaries as possiblerefer to … look up…. consult… hard paper… Read the questions and add an extra exampleWhat part of speech is the word?
Example: (1) dictionary (none) (2) ____________
2. Is the plural form irregular?
Example: (1) man-men (2) __________
3. Does it usually have a capital letter?
Example: (1) Monday (2) _________
4. Does the word have more than one meaning?
Examples: (1)book (2)___________
5. Are there any synonyms (words with the same meaning)?
Examples: (1)fast-quick (2) ___________ writesheep-sheepMuslimrivaltired-exhaustedComplete the sentences in Part 2 with the words in the boxcommonly correctly explanation expression history mainIn addition, a good dictionary should have the following:
At least one sentence or _____________ with the word used __________
A(n) ___________ of any special uses of the word
Any words which are ___________ used in combination with the word
The ___________ of the word– does it come from Latin, Greek, etc.?
Other words which are derived from the headword (i.e.the ________ word)expressioncorrectlyexplanationcommonlyhistorymainReading and vocabulary (1)1.Samuel Johnson's
DictionarySamuel JohnsonHave you heard of his name?
How do you know about Samuel Johnson?
What do you think he is? Pre-reading DiscussionFast-readingRead Passage 1 quickly and answer the questions1. During the 18th century, where were the best dictionaries produced?France and Italy2. How many years did it take to produce the dictionaries?About 9 years3. What kind of faults did Samuel Johnson’s dictionary have?Old-fashioned; no help with pronunciation; use old spellingsWord Practicebasic critic illustrate obscure omit quotation simplifiedThe _________ of something is what it starts with.
A _________ is someone who writes about books, plays,etc. and gives their opinions of them.
Something that is ____________ has been made much easier.
When you ________ something, you do not include it.
A ___________ is a piece of speech or writing that you use as an example.
Something that __________ is unusual and hard to find.
If you ___________ the meaning of something. You use an idea or a picture to show what it means. basiscriticsimplifiedomitquotationobscureillustrateCareful-readingSamuel Johnson was one of the greatest literary figures of all time in America
Samuel Johnson finished his dictionary in three years.
Johnson’s dictionary was the first to illustrate the meanings of words by using literary quotation.
Johnson’s dictionary had many faults, including old-fashioned and older wordsT or FFFTTWho were originally responsible for the concept of the OED?
How did the editor James Murray the production of the dictionary?
How long did it take before the first part was published?
How have things advanced since the publication of the first dictionary?
Fast-readingTrench, Coleridge, FurnivallBy asking readers to report many instances of a word on the slips27 yearsIt has been computerisedWord Practiceobsolete based on publication filing system comprehensiveA ________ ___ is a way of keeping pieces of information in the correct order so that you can find them easily.
If something is _________ a particular idea, that idea is used to start the new thing.
If something is ___________, it includes all or nearly all the information possible.
Something that is ___________ is no longer used or produced.
A _____________ is a book, magazine,etc. that has been published.filing systembased oncomprehensiveobsoletepublicationDiscussionWhich do you prefer, Samuel John’s Dictionary or Oxford English Dictionary?HomeworkUse your dictionaries to consult the words in the vocabularyReading and
Vocabulary (2)Do you remember James Murray? Here is what happened to him when he was working on the OED. What do you think the astonishing discovery might be?BrainstormRead part One of the passage. Decide what the astonishing discovery might be.Dr. W.C.Minor sent thousands of quotation to the editor James Murray. Dr Minor described himself as a surgeon and gave his address as Crowthorne, Berkshire. Murray invited Dr Minor to visit him in Oxford, but Dr Minor was never able to travel the short distance between Crowthorne and Oxford.Careful-reading part (1)Why did James Murray want to visit Dr W.C. MINOR?
What kind of man do you think he imagined Dr W.C.to be?
Was the man behind the desk someone important after all?
He had sent so many quotation slips to Murray.A rich learned intellectualYes, he was.Word PracticeBefore coming to the passage 2, let’s deal with some difficult words.1. It’s ordered that everyone passing by the general bow to him.
2. If you want to improve your English, you’d better take every chance to practice using it.
3. Your shoes need polishing badly.
4. It’s not astonishing that many people recommended that the temple be restored as soon as possible.
5. The second letter in this word can be omitted.
6. His worried look on his face suggested that he hadn’t found his missing child.
7. It happened when we went to watch the musicians’ rehearsal the other day.
8. The little girl stood beside her father watching him correcting her spelling.
9. Last week the young teacher failed to control the class.
10. I managed to spoil some wine on the hostess--- I was so embarrassed.Consolidation sounding quieter than normal
2. mentally ill
3. unfriendly or frightening
4. very sad and serious
5. producing a lot of work
6. an old-fashioned word for a hospital for mentally ill people muffled
insane prolific
asylum Careful-reading (2)Read and find:
1. Three words that describe sounds
2. Two words that have the same meaning as enormous
3. Three words to describe a person who is living in an asylumDiscussionWork in pairs. Four students a group. Discuss your answers to the questions.
How does the writer imply that the house James Murray was visiting impressed him greatly? List the words and phrases he uses.Reading PracticeFrom Quotation
Slips to Online
王 林 波Can you remember:
1. how many words there are in the Oxford English Dictionary?
2. who James Murray was?
3. when it was first prepared?
4. how many volumes it has today?SkimmingLook at the title of the passage. Choose the most likely main idea.A. Past, present and future of the OED
B. New developments in writing dictionaries.
C. The future of the OED online.
D. A history of dictionaries.Careful-readingread the text carefully and finish the table according to the text DiscussionHow often do you use a Chinese dictionary? What kind of information are you usually looking for?HomeworkDo a survey about the history of Oxford DictionaryCultural CornerRead the passage and answer the questions.
1. Would you prefer to use Roget’s Thesaurus or an A-Z Thesaurus?
2. What Chinese language reference books do you know?See You!