人教版(2019) 必修第一册 Unit 2 Travelling Around 大单元教学设计


名称 人教版(2019) 必修第一册 Unit 2 Travelling Around 大单元教学设计
格式 docx
文件大小 381.4KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-05-05 20:29:21



新人教版必修一travel around the world 大单元教学设计
学校 年级 高一 执教教师 电话
科目 英语 课题 新人教版必修一travel around the world 大单元教学设计
解读学生 学情分析 本校新入学的高一学生,英语基础普遍比较薄弱,词汇量积累较少。学生对于新课改所需学内容的接受理解有一定的困难,需要老师按单元整合进行教学设计时,抓住常考点同时对繁杂的教材内容进行化简删除、并使知识脉络清晰化,方便学生易于理解接受。
解读教材 教材分析 新人教版的教材对每个单元的模块重新进行了编排设置,主要为:listening and Speaking(听说)、reading and thinking(阅读)、Discovering useful structures(语法)、reading for writing(写作)四个部分。本单元以Get ready to travel作为话题导入,以问题讨论和图文提示展开。接着听力的 训练有选择、填空形式进一步加深对该话题的了解。阅读课Travel Peru 是从brochure中截取四段,内容涉及亚马孙雨林、马丘比丘、库斯科、的的喀喀湖,描述了秘鲁国比较有特色的四个地方,相关历史及作者在旅途中的所见所闻。语法模块主要研究现在进行时的用法,写作部分是write to a friend about a travel plan。围绕“travel journey and plan”进行听说读写的训练,听力、单词、阅读、写作的难度及要求相对于老版教材有所增加,需要我们老师在日常上课进行整合归纳、化繁为简。教材设置这样一个话题,比较贴近学生生活,不仅是为了提高学生的语言技能,也是为了拓宽学生的视野,激发学生对异域风情历史的学习兴趣。
教学目标 know what 、how and why to get ready for a trip Identify and summarize the structure of writing about travel plan by example in page 30. Write a formal travel plan to your friend
教学重点 Can summarize some useful way of preparations for a trip Analyze the example reading in page 30 by scan 、skim and careful reading Copy the structure of example and write a travel plan to friend
教学难点 Know to write a reasonable travel plan
解读方法 教学方法 按“话题—功能—结果—任务”脉络的大单元教学法对单元内容重新整合、 按“2W1H”的方法导入话题、图表法分析文章脉络、支架结构辅助写作法
学习方法 头脑风暴、详略阅读法、仿写法
教学手段 多媒体、同频投影
教学过程 教学环节 教学活动 设计意图
Pre-reading 活动1 把课本Page 24的listening and speaking中的“Get ready to travel” 作为导入话题,以下面两个问题进行展开: T1:“If you have the chance to travel anywhere in the world ,where will you go ” T2: “What do you need to do to prepare for a trip ” 创设情境导入课时主题,以两个问题为学生提供思考方向,帮助学生进行有效地思考。
活动2 从“what 、how 、why ”角度启发学生对“preparations for a trip”进行头脑风暴,结合课本后面的重点单词进行整合归纳。 启发思维图如下; (
) (
Ready for a trip
) (
Package tour

Apply for .....



check in....
Open sight

amazing sight\civilization....
) (
) (
Travel plan
) (
) (
) 用“2W1H”的围绕话题进行启发,有助于学生围绕中心话题从大单元的角度对后面零碎的单词应用进行归纳分类、在话题语境的条件下熟记单词,为后面的阅读及仿写作铺垫。
活动3 学生根据以上两个问题和思维导图分小组进行头脑风暴,然后根据提示做出合适自己的Travel Plan. 锻炼学生合作与自主学习的能力。
While-reading 活动1 T1:“Very Good!I see everyone finish a simple Travel plan for yourself . I have a friend named Richard. He share his travel plan. Please turn to Page 30.Read Richard’s email to his friend and the brochure that he found .Do you sound his plan is interesting Why Give you 3 minutes to read.” After reading pick up some students to share his feelings. S1:“Yes, the author’s plan sounds interesting He share his trip in China, write down some amazing places and what he prepared for a trip.” S2:..... S3:...... 激励学生自主阅读课本范例,并分享个人感悟,锻炼学生略读技能。
活动2 Task 1 :框架宏观建构: 整体理解 Task2:文本微观剖析: 特色表达 Try to recite the following useful sentences for planning. ①Over the October holiday, my parents and I are planning to go to Xi’an to see the Terracotta Army. ②We’re also going to the Xi’an City Wall and a few other famous sights. ③We’re taking the train, leaving the day before the October holiday begins. ④We’re arriving at 9: 30 a. m. and will start sightseeing right away. T2: From above sentences in passage, we can know if you want to express your plan in future , you can use the form of “be-ving.” Here are some good uses, such as “ be planning to do、be going to do 、be taking to 、be arriving at、start sightseeing…..” 培养学生仔细阅读的能力,为travel plan 的仿写作铺垫,分析特色句子,总结归纳准确的时态用法与表达。
活动 3 Task 3:analyze the structure of travel plan 通过课文分析文章的结构,为后面的自主写作打基础。
Write 活动1 1. 话题特点   旅行计划类的书信要求我们针对旅行的地点、时间和出行方式等进行准确的描述, 学生应该注意描述的重点和顺序。在写作过程中力争做到: 紧扣主题; 句子结构完整; 信息内容准确; 篇章结构连贯。 2. 话题词汇 (1)places of interes名胜古迹 (2)tourist attraction 旅游景点 (3)take a tour 游览 (4)set out/off 出发 (5)leave for 动身去某地 (6)enjoy the scenery 欣赏风景 (7)a seven-day trip 七日游 (8)go sightseeing 观光 (9)package tour 全包游 (10)public transport 公共交通 分析travel plan 计划书的写作要求,并提供相关的话题词汇。
活动2 3. 话题句式 (1)开头句式 ①I’m writing to share my travel plan with you. 我写信与你分享我的旅行计划。 ②Over the holiday, my parents and I are planning to go to England. 假期期间, 我和爸妈计划去英格兰。 ③You have asked for some information about/concerning my travel to Germany. 你询问我去德国的旅行。 ④The schedule and details are as follows: 时间表和细节如下: (2)正文句式 ①I’m planning to travel to Suzhou, a city called Eastern Venice. 我计划到苏州旅游, 它被称为东方威尼斯。 ②The May Day is coming/approaching/around the corner, and I am going to travel to Shanghai to admire its beautiful scenery. 五一就要到了, 我要去上海欣赏它美丽的风景。 ③You will be amazed at the beautiful scenery there. 你将会惊讶于那里美丽的景色。 ④We are going to the destination by High-speed train. 我们将乘坐高铁去目的地。 (3)结尾句式 ①The Forbidden City is really worth your visiting. Looking forward to your coming. 紫禁城确实值得你参观, 期待着你的到来。 ②I’ll travel here again if I have time in the future. 如果将来我有时间, 我将还会来这里旅行。 ③I hope you will have a trip with me. 我希望你和我一块旅行。 ④ I believe we’ll have a good day. 我相信我们将会度过美好的一天。 摘录课本有效的开头、结尾语句,方便后面仿写。
活动3 4.自主写作 假如你是校学生会主席李华, 学校安排你下周末作为导游带领外籍教师Mr Smith进行一次近郊游。请你用英语给Mr Smith写一封电子邮件, 包括以下内容: 1. 自我介绍; 2. 出游的时间、目的地等信息; 3. 需要提前做的准备工作。 要求: 1. 词数80个左右; 2. 可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。 Dear Mr Smith, __________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Yours sincerely, Li Hua 参考例文: Dear Mr Smith, I’m Li Hua, chairman of the Student Union of our school. And I feel it a great honour to act as a tourist guide for you next weekend. The schedule and details are as follows: We’ll have a wonderful and well-organized trip, not far from the downtown. Since you are new here, you will be amazed at the scenery and surroundings there. In terms of the meeting time, 8 o’clock on the morning of Saturday will be fine, at which time I will be waiting for you at the school gate. Remember not to take too many things. Just a bottle of water, some pieces of bread or other kinds of food, a cap or a pair of sunglasses will be enough. Also, you’d better wear a pair of sports shoes. Looking forward to seeing you. I believe we’ll have a good day. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 根据上面所给的词汇、句子,依据题目要求进行自我写作。
教学反思 本课时为绕主题“travel plan” 按“话题—功能—结果—任务”脉络展开,因站在比较宏观的大单元的角度进行教学设计,对学生话题展开、阅读分析、框架仿写的基本英语综合素养要求有点高,只适合有点英语基础的尖子班进行培优教学,不适合基础非常薄弱班级日常的补差教学。