Unit 4 Sharing Period 4 Listening and talking 课件+教案


名称 Unit 4 Sharing Period 4 Listening and talking 课件+教案
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-05-06 17:19:37


Unit 4 Sharing
Period 4 Listening and Talking教学设计
课题 Unit 4 Period 4 Listening and Talking 单元 Unit 4 学科 English 年级 Grade 2
教材 分析 该文本是一段三人对话, 主要内容是美国在华留学生Tony打算在中国参与志愿服务活动,因此向所在学校的学生志愿者社团了解相关情况。对话中,学生们一边讨论、交流志愿服务的活动形式,一边互相启发、提出活动建议。听力对话中有较多句式用于提出建议, 与该板块中所提示的语言功能项目形成呼应, 例如:“May I suggest that...”“Perhaps we could...”“Wouldn't it be better if...”“It might be a good idea to...”“How about...”“I was also thinking we could...”, 等等。学生讨论结束时的一句话可谓点晴之笔, 明确表达了志愿服务的意义, 即“Volunteering is something we should all do.”。 活动设计:活动1是一个听前活动,激活学生的背景知识,引导学生讲述自己或他人参与志 愿服务的经历或故事。活动2和活动3聚焦听力理解,同时结合练习训练学生掌握本单元的听力策略——识别举例。活动4属于高阶思维训练,引导学生正确认识志愿服务工作的价值,并讨论志愿者提供什么样的援助更为合适。活动5是一个完整的口语输出活动,分为一个步骤:学生先用表格梳理志愿者能为社区、学校、城镇和国家做些什么,再联系个人实际,反思自己的能力和特点,最后以小组讨论的方式展现参与志愿服务的方式,并在表达中使用相关语言功能项目,有礼貌地提出建议。
学习目标与核心素养 1.To listen to a conversation about student volunteers experience and understand the general meaning of the conversation. 2.To learn on important listening skill: recognize examples. 3.To learn about the importance and meaning of doing volunteer activities during school years.
重点 1.To learn on important listening skill: recognize examples. 2.To learn about the importance and meaning of doing volunteer activities during school years.
难点 To learn about the importance and meaning of doing volunteer activities during school years.
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
导入新课 Lead –in Watch a video named Teaching in a village school with only eight students left Questions : If you have a chance to be a volunteer to teach in a remote village, would you like to take the volunteer work Discuss in pairs and share your opinions. Students watch a short video and share opinions in pairs. To arouse students interest in the class.
新课 Activity1 Have you or someone you know ever worked as a volunteer Tell your partner about the experience. Volunteer work purposeplaceactivities
Pair work: Share your opinions about your partner’s volunteer work Are you interested in your partner’s volunteer work Do you think your partner’s volunteer work is meaningful Would you like to do such volunteer work Activity2 Listen to the conversation and complete the table below. Listening strategy: recognize examples An example is a thing, person, or situation that helps explain or illustrate what one is talking about. An example is nearly always introduced by words such as: like, such as, for example, for instance, to illustrate, and to demonstrate. Listen again and note the words which introduce an example, then complete the sentences. Perhaps we could organize donations of things ____________________________________________ Wouldn't it be better if we did something different this year,___________________________________________ 3.Every year, our whole school raises money to give to a different charity.______________________________________ last year, and to an education charity before that. Answers: 1.Such as pens and notebooks, or other school supplies for poor students. 2.like organizing students to volunteer their time 3.For instance, we donated to a medical charity Catch the sentences which express “giving suggestions”and “giving responses”. Activity 3 Listen to the conversation again and then answer the following questions. 1. Why does Tony want to join the meeting for student volunteers 2. What is the objective of the meeting today 3. What kind of volunteer work did the students do last year 4. What kind of volunteer work does Tony's entire school do every year 5. Who suggests going to the children's hospital for this year's volunteer project Answers: 1.He used to volunteer at his high school in America, so he wanted to try it in China. 2.It is to talk about what kind of volunteer project they should do this term. 3.They organized donations of school supplies for poor students. 4.Every year, they raise money to give to a different charity. 5.Wang Li. Activity 4 Think about the following questions and write down your ideas. 1. Do you think students doing volunteer work is of any use Why or why not 2. In your opinion, which is better, giving people things, time, or money Why do you think so Answers: 1.Yes, it is of great use. While it is true that often they may be making only a small, temporary difference to the lives of others, the overall effect of a society helping each other can be quite great. volunteering also makes a difference to volunteers, making them more aware of the needs of others. 2.I think all three are important. People should give what they have. Not everyone has money, but they may have time. On the other hand, some people have a lot of money to give, but are quite busy. Giving people things may not always be the best, as so often money is more useful – with money people can easily buy things they need. However, if the things are given with love and the things are given with love and the person receiving that gift can feel that love, then it is a good gift. Activity 5 In groups, talk about ways to help others. 1. What kinds of help do you think people need How do you think volunteers could help 2. What kinds of skills and qualities could you offer as a volunteer 3. Discuss where and how you can help Where would it be possible for you and your classmates to volunteer What kind of volunteer work could you and your classmates do, based on your group’s skills and qualities Sample A: So, what kind of volunteer project should we do this term B: There are many elderly people living in my neighbourhood Perhaps we could go visit them and see how we can help them. C: Well, that’s true of your neighbourhood, but it isn’t true of mine. D: It isn’t true of mine either. C: You know, there are a lot of empty plots of land in our city that are full of rubbish. We might try cleaning them up. D: The problem is that there are only a few of us. We don’t have enough people to do all that work. A: Well, my advice would be to start a public campaign to get others involved. B: That’s a great idea! I volunteer at a local radio station. I could appeal for help. A: And I love to write. I could write the text for those posters. C: Wonderful! So we’re all set B: It looks like we are. Pronunciation 1. Read the conversation below. Decide which type of stress the words in red show: 1) strong emotion; 2)emphasis of important information; 3) correction of a mistake; 4)contrast or comparison. Listen to the conversation and then practise it with a partner. Students share experience and evaluate each other’s volunteer work. Students listen to the conversation and complete the table Students listen again and note the words which introduce an example, then complete the sentences. Students catch the sentences which express “giving suggestions”and “giving responses”. Students answer the questions Students think about the following questions and write down their ideas. Students talk about ways to help others. Students discuss the questions. Students read the conversation and decide which type of stress the words in the box show: To serve as a warn -up for the activities which follow and introduce key vocabulary and concepts. To practise listening for gist using a true-to-life conversation in natural English. To practise listening for details To practise listening for details To consolidate what they have learnt. To form opinions to support the activity which follows.. To review and confirm all that students have learnt thus far In the unit and allow them to share their own opinions To review and differentiate the purpose of added stress in the conversation.
作业 Homework Do the exercises on Page 84 of Workbook.
21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
Period 4 Listening and Talking
Unit 4 Sharing
Watch a video named Teaching in a village school with only eight students left
If you have a chance to be a volunteer to teach in a remote village, would you like to take the volunteer work Discuss in pairs and share your opinions.
Activity 1
Have you or someone you know ever worked as a volunteer Tell your partner about the experience.
purpose place activities
Volunteer Work
Activity 1
Are you interested in your partner’s volunteer work
Do you think your partner’s volunteer work is meaningful
Would you like to do such volunteer work
Pair Work
Share your opinions about your partner’s volunteer work
Activity 2
recognize examples
An example is a thing, person, or situation that helps explain or illustrate what one is talking about. An example is nearly always introduced by words such as: like, such as, for example, for instance, to illustrate, and to demonstrate.
Listening strategy
Listen to the conversation and
complete the table below.
Activity 2
Student suggestions for volunteer project donations for ____________________
helping to ________________________
spending time with ________________
things such as pens and notebooks
clean up the community, take down ads from walls and pick up litter
the elderly, play games, sing or chat
Activity 2
Volunteer activities at Tony’s school raise __________________________________
serve _________________________________
go to __________________________________
Final decision for volunteer project ____________________________________________________________________________
money to give to a different charity
food to homeless people
a children’s hospital to cheer up all the little kids there
contact a children’s hospital and ask how they could help
Activity 2
Perhaps we could organize donations of things _____________________________________________________
Wouldn't it be better if we did something different this year,______________________________________________
3.Every year, our whole school raises money to give to a different charity.__________________________________________ last year, and to an education charity before that.
Such as pens and notebooks, or other school supplies for poor students.
like organising students to volunteer their time
For instance, we donated to a medical charity
Listen again and note the words which introduce an example, then complete the sentences.
Activity 2
Function Expression
May I suggest that we... Perhaps we could...
Wouldn'tit be better if..., like...
It might be a good idea to... How about...
I was also thinking...
Good idea, but... Like what
That soundslike...
That sounds interesting.
I love that idea!
Giving suggestions
Giving responses
Catch the sentences which express “giving suggestions”
and “giving responses”
Activity 3
Listen to the conversation again and then answer the following questions.
1. Why does Tony want to join the meeting for student
2. What is the objective of the meeting today
He used to volunteer at his high school in America, so he wanted to try it in China.
It is to talk about what kind of volunteer project they should do this term.
Activity 3
3. What kind of volunteer work did the students do
last year
4. What kind of volunteer work does Tony's entire school do
every year
They organized donations of school supplies for poor students.
Every year, they raise money to give to a different charity.
5. Who suggests going to the children's hospital for this year's volunteer project
Wang Li.
Activity 4
Think about the following questions and write down your ideas.
1. Do you think students doing volunteer work is of
any use Why or why not
Yes, it is of great use. While it is true that often they may be making only a small, temporary difference to the lives of others, the overall effect of a society helping each other can be quite great. volunteering also makes a difference to volunteers, making them more aware of the needs of others.
Activity 4
2. In your opinion, which is better, giving people things, time,
or money Why do you think so
I think all three are important. People should give what they have. Not everyone has money, but they may have time. On the other hand, some people have a lot of money to give, but are quite busy. Giving people things may not always be the best, as so often money is more useful – with money people can easily buy things they need. However, if the things are given with love and the things are given with love and the person receiving that gift can feel that love, then it is a good gift.
Activity 5
In groups, talk about ways to help others.
1. What kinds of help do you think people need
How do you think volunteers could help
Place What are the needs How could voluunteers help
There are many elderly people in my neighbourhood who are living alone.
Volunteers could visit the elderly, make sure they are OK, and provide companionship and support.
The school owns some land not being used.
Volunteers could clear it, plant grass, and put a fence around it so that it can be used by students.
Activity 4
Place What are the needs How could voluunteers help
City/ Town
We live in a scenic area, but there is a bad issue of litter on empty plots of land.
Volunteers can go out and pick up the litter. They can also install public rubbish bins along the streets.
There are some poor people in rural areas who do not have access to many of the things people living in the city take for granted.
Volunteers could join or help the poverty alleviation programmes to revitalize the poor areas, send money, or provide trainings and support to the needy.
Activity 4
2. What kinds of skills and qualities could you offer as
a volunteer
Skill Quality
I am good at writing and photography, and I know how to organize things...
I am patient and hardworking
Activity 4
3. Discuss where and how you can help
Where would it be possible for you and your classmates to volunteer
What kind of volunteer work could you and your classmates do, based on your group’s skills and qualities
Activity 5
We might try… Couldn’t you/ we…
Perhaps we could… May I suggest that…
Would you consider… My advice would be to …
Wouldn’t it be better if … If I may suggest an idea, …
It might be a good idea to…
I’d like to suggest/ recommend that …
How does the idea of … appeal to you
Making Suggestions
Activity 5
A: So, what kind of volunteer project should we do this term
B: There are many elderly people living in my neighbourhood.
Perhaps we could go visit them and see how we can help
C: Well, that’s true of your neighbourhood, but it isn’t true of
D: It isn’t true of mine either.
Activity 5
C: You know, there are a lot of empty plots of land in our city that are full of rubbish. We might try cleaning them up.
D: The problem is that there are only a few of us. We don’t
have enough people to do all that work.
A: Well, my advice would be to start a public campaign to
get others involved.
B: That’s a great idea! I volunteer at a local radio station. I
could appeal for help.
A: And I love to write. I could write the text for those posters.
C: Wonderful! So we’re all set
B: It looks like we are.
1. Read the conversation below. Decide which type of stress the words in red show: 1) strong emotion; 2)emphasis of important information; 3) correction of a mistake; 4)contrast or comparison.
Jessie: Hi, Susan! Did you see the animal shelter advertisement I
think it'd be great for our volunteering project!
Susan: Hello, Jessie. Yes, I did see it. I'd love to help out in a shelter.
Think of all those cute, little animals!
Jessie: Exactly, and it would also look great on our CVs. But maybe
it's too good to be true...
Susan: Yeah, what if we have to clean out the smelly cages I'd hate
1) strong emotion
2)emphasis of important information
Jessie: Well, we can ask for gloves. How about you clean the outside of
the cages, and I'll clean the inside
Susan: Thanks, Jessie, you're a true friend! Anyway, we should check
the timing. Did the ad say Saturday afternoons I'm usually
busy on Saturday afternoons
Jessie: No, it said on Sundays, and in the mornings. So let's not just
talk about it– let's do it! It's so exciting– do you like cats best,
or dogs
Susan: Oh, hey wait, Jessie, do you think it matters that I'm allergic to
cats And what if there are snakes
2)emphasis of important information
4)contrast or comparison
3) correction of a mistake
1) strong emotion
Listen to the conversation and then practise it with a partner.
Do the exercises on
Page 84 of Workbook.