Unit 3 Diverse Cultures Period 2 Reading and Thinking 课件+导学案


名称 Unit 3 Diverse Cultures Period 2 Reading and Thinking 课件+导学案
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-05-06 17:18:19


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课题内容 Unit 3 Diverse Cultures Period 2 Reading and Thinking
教材分析 The theme of this lesson is "understanding a Diversity City". The text is a travel magazine and a travel diary that records the author's attractions, activities and thoughts. It's about the experience of a Chinese student, Li Lan, who traveled to California. She was interested in urban architecture at first, and finally learned about the influence of different cultures on all aspects of the city. San Francisco is a diversity place in the United States. Many people from Mexico or Central America live in the church district and Chinatown. During the gold rush of the 19th century, many Chinese people made a living by running shops and restaurants. Since the 19th century, many different cultures, including Chinese culture, have immigrated. Or the first line on the left and right is the date format. A diary usually record what the author has seen, heard, does and feels all day. Use the first person and past tense. Specifically, Li Lan recorded her daily schedule according to the time line or time sequence. In the first paragraph of the article, the writer gives her first impression of San Francisco.In the second, third and fourth paragraphs, she described her activities in the morning, afternoon and tomorrow evening, what she saw and heard, and her plan for the next day. During my trip, the author experienced and learned that every corner of San Francisco is full of Cultural diversity.
学习目标与核心素养 1.Knowledge objectives: ①Learn and master the usage of key words and phrases.②Let students know and understand the characteristics and causes of different cultures in San Francisco.③Students summarize the characteristics of this city by analyzing what the author has seen, heard and felt.④Students can find the timeline, draw charts and sort out the information.2.Skill objectives: ①Students can use reading skills to find out the key information of travel magazines, and learn some basic information about San Francisco.②Students can get detailed information according to the time line; Classify and organize information by drawing diagrams.3.Emotional objectives: Students can critically think about the reasons, advantages and disadvantages of different cultures. 4.Thinking quality objectives: Cultivate students' reading skills, cultivate their independent and critical thinking.
学习重点 ①Students can get detailed information according to the time line; Classify and organize information by drawing diagrams.②Let students know and understand the characteristics and causes of different cultures in San Francisco.
学习难点 Students can think critically about the reasons, advantages and disadvantages of different cultures.
探究点一:What does "graffiti" mean
A. to make (a picture, image, etc.)by making lines on a surface especially with a pencil, pen,marker, chalk, etc., but not usually with paint
B. writing or drawing made on a public structure without permission
C. to make a picture or design by using paints
探究点二:Do you know where San Francisco is located in America
探究点三:Look at the map and fill in the information of San Francisco in the following paragraphs.
San Francisco is located on the west coast of __________, California the midpoint of the west coast in the United States,with an area of 121.73 _________________. California, the second largest port on the _______ coast, is a world-famous tourist destination and the fourth largest city in California. It is surrounded by water on _____ sides and has a beautiful environment, and the third largest city of California.
探究点五:Do you know the origin of the name San Francisco
探究点六:Discuss in groups. Can you name the famous scenic spots in each photo
探究点八:According to the text, fill in the blanks.What's the main idea of the passage
This passage is _____________a about Li Lan's travel in ______________. She has visited _______________, ____________, ______________, ______________, ___________, ________________. She likes the city very much. She experienced _______________ in San Francisco.
探究点十一:Read the passage on Pages 28-29 and match the main idea with each paragraph.
______A.The author was back in San Francisco again and felt very good.
______B. The author was going to a jazz bar.
______C. The author selected a Cantonese restaurant to have a meal in China town.
______D. The author visited a local museum that showed the historical changes in California.
______E. The author made a brief introduction to the Mission District and told us what she had done there.
探究点十二:Read the passage and judge whether the following sentences are true(T) or false(F).
( )1. Li Lan went to San Francisco, camped in the Redwood Forest and then visited the wine country of Napa Valley.
( )2.Li Lan's trip was not as good as she had thought.
( )3. Mission District is the oldest part of San Francisco.
( )4.In 1848, gold was discovered near San Francisco.
( )5.In Chinatown of San Francisco, there were lots of good cafes and restaurants to choose from.
单词:Words and expressions.
1. ________v.(1)承认;供认;招认(2)n.接纳;允许加人(某组织机构、单位等)
2. ________vi.发生;出现
4. ________(1)n.寻求,谋求;(向人)请求;寻找(2)v.试图,设法
三、Language points
I have to admit that it definitely feels good to be back city again.
admit (to) sth.承认某事
admit (to) doing sth.承认做过某事
admit (to sb.) that(向某人)承认......
例句:She admits to being strict with her children.她承认对自己的孩子很严厉。
例句: She admitted to having stolen the car.她供认偷了那辆轿车。
常见搭配:admit sb. to/into 允许某人进入......;接纳某人为......的成员
例句:Each ticket admits one adult.每张票只准许一位成人入场。
①I couldn't admit to my parents _____ I was finding the course difficult.
②She ________(admit) having driven the car without insurance.
And what a city that was able to rebuild itself after the earthquake that occurred in 1906.这是怎样的一个城市啊——这个城市能够在1906年发生的地震中重建起来。
occur vi.发生;出现
occurs to sb.某事被某人想到;(观念想法)出现在某人的头脑中
In occurs to sb. that...某人突然想到......, It做形式主语,that引导主语从句且不能省略。
例句:When exactly did the incident occur
例句:The idea occurred to him in a dream.
①The department denies responsibility for what ______(occur).
②It did not occur ______me to check my insurance policy.
This district used to be a poor area of town, but is now a centre for an muse, and food.这个区曾是商业区很穷的地方,但它现在是艺术、音乐和美食的中心。
used to(用于过去持续或经常发生的事)曾经,表示指过去常常做某事,而现在则不了:
例句:We used to go sailing on the lake in summer.从前的夏天,我们经常泛舟湖上。
例句:I used to smoke, but I gave up a couple of years ago.我以前抽烟,但几年前就戒掉了。
①All I know is that she used __ work in a bank.
②All I know is that she used ___ work in a bank.
It's influenced by graffiti art and comic art. 它被涂鸦和漫画艺术影响。
influence sb. /sth.影响某人/某物
influence sb. to do sth.影响某人做某事
例句:Her parents no longer have any real influence over her.
例句:He used his influence to make sure she was not selected as a parliamentary candidate.
have a good bad harmful/strong influence on/upon...对......有好的/坏的/有害的/很强的影响
under the influence of.......的影响下
①How much a mother eats at the time of conception may influence whether she gives birth __ a boy or a girl, a new report shows.
②This situation can be __________ (influence) by a multiplicity of different factors.
Over 300 ,000 people came from all over the world to seek their fortune,and San Francisco quickly became a big city.30多万来自世界各地的人来寻找发财机会,圣弗朗西斯科很快成为一个大城市。
常见搭配:seek (for) sth. /sb.寻找某物/某人 seek...from sb.向某人请求帮助
例句: Drivers are advised to seek alternative routes.
seek one's fortune寻找发财机会,外出闯荡
(2)v.试图,设法 常见搭配:seek to do sth.(=try to do sth. )试图做某事,设法做某事
例句:Many young people went to seek their fortune abroad.
①She managed to calm him down and seek help ______ a neighbour.
② A bright boy left his family, going to new York to ______ his fortune.
To earn a living, some opened up shops and restaurants in Chinatown.为了谋生,一些人在唐人街开商店和餐馆。
earn vt.赚,挣得;获得;赢得
earn one's/a living = make a living谋生 earn one's own living自食其力
earn one's respect reputation赢得尊敬/名誉
earn money = make money挣钱
例句:He wished to earn a living through writing but despaired of doing so.
①These people earn a ______ (live) wage for their professional knowledge and skills.
② Since his parents died early, he had to earn his own ______(live) when he was a teenager.
I selected a Cantonese restaurant that served its food on beautiful china plates. 我挑了一家用精美的瓷盘上菜的广东餐馆。
select vt.选择;挑选;选拔;选定
①select sb./sth. (as/for sth.)挑选......作为......
②select sb./sth. (from sth.)从......中挑选......
例句:He hasn't been selected for the team.他未能入选进队。
例句:This model is available at selected stores only.这种款式只在特定商店有售。
①we have over 30 beautiful designs to select ______.
②If the coaches select Wade ___ a reserve this year, it would be to honor his basketball legacy.
Over 3,000 lives were claimed in the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and the series of fires that occurred after it.有3000多人丧命于1906年的旧金山大地震以及震后发生的一系列火灾。
series n.一系列;连续;接连;系列节目;系列比赛
a series of一连串;一系列;套 a series of 表示“一系列”,后跟复数名词,该结构做主语时,谓语动词通常用单数。
in series连续地;串联
例句:A series of movies will be shown to commemorate the 30th anniversary of his death.
①He's begun a series ___ personal attacks on my character
②A series ___ laws against discrimination have been issued.
Apart from being the kingdom of flowers, it is home to many ethnic minority groups. (云南)除了是花的王国以外,还是许多少数民族的居住地。
(1)除......以外还.......,相当于besides/in addition to。
Apart from his earnings as a football coach, he also owns and runs a chain of sports shops.除了当足球教练的收入之外,他还拥有并经营着体育用品连锁店。
Apart from Jane ,I didn't know a single person there.除了简之外,那儿的人我一个都不认识。
(3)除......外都,相当于except for,表示细节上的修正。
Apart from some spelling mistakes,the composition is well written. 除了有一些拼写错误外,这篇作文写得不错。
①The room was empty __________(除......之外)one man seated beside the fire.
②___________ my host, I didn't know a single person there.
After visiting the southern part of Yunnan,I have to admit that it is the best region of China to escape the cold winter.在游览了云南南部后,我得承认它是中国最棒的可供躲避寒冬的地方。
escape v.&n.逃跑, 逃走;避免
escape from从......逃跑 escape (doing) sth. 避免/逃脱(做)某事 escape death死里逃生
例句: More people are going to want to escape from the town into the country.
例句: No one can escape from death. however, the death may be different.
①There is no escape ______ (从......逃跑) the long arm of the law.
② He had the luck to escape______ (死里逃生)in the fire.
In fact, an art movement called the"Mission School" started here.
本句基个简单句, called the"Mission School"是过去分词短语做后置定语,表示被动含义,相当于which/that is called the"Mission School" 。
The concert given by their friends was a success.他们的朋友举办的音乐会很成功。
They are cleaning the fallen leaves in the yard.他们正在打扫院子里的落叶。
例如:Most of the artists invited to the party were from South Africa.=Most of the artists who had been invited to the party were from South Africa.多数受邀来参加聚会的艺术家来自南非。
①Who were the so-called guests ______(invite) to your party last night
②John Snow told the story about the __________(astonish) people in Broad Street.
There are so many good cafes and restaurants to choose from.那里有很多好咖啡店和餐馆可供选择。
本句是使用了“There be + n./ pron.+ to do sth.”句型,其中to choose from做后置定语,修饰many good cafes and restaurants.
考点:There be + n. / pron. + to do sth.
例如:Last night,there were millions of people watching the opening ceremony live on TV.
①Laura was away in Paris for over a week.When she got home,there was a pile of mail ________(wait) for her.
②There's a note________(pin) to the door _______(say) when shop will open again.
( https: / / fanyi. / " \l "en / zh / javascript:void(0); )
1.Henry tried to s______ help from the embassy but he failed.
2.San Francisco is a special city that was able to rebuild itself after the earthquake that o________in 1906. (根据首字母单词拼写)
3.It's i_______by graffiti art and comic art.(根据首字母单词拼写)
4.Faced with the evidence, he had no choice but to______(承认) his crime. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
5.You'll feel pressed onto the floor when_______(逃离)the gravity of the earth. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
6.They divide the city into sections, each______(区域) having its own streets or blocks. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
7. She attended all the lectures in the_______(一系列). (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
8.They _______ (声称) to have discovered a cure for the disease. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
9. He kept a________(日记) during his visit to Japan (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
10.You have to go_______(市中心) in a hurry. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
1.Spielberg, the great American director, got poor grades in high school and_________to any film schools when young.
A.was admitted B.wasn’t admitted C.has admitted D.hasn’t admitted
2.Knowing the milk delivery service was suspended without notice, I did not ________ to call the courier for a check, because I trusted him and it ________ me that he might be under quarantine.
A.feel like; hit B.prompt; occurred
C.request; dawned D.bother; struck
3.We have all come into the world with a/an ________ in life and we can all contribute to making the world a better place.
A.mission B.substance C.authority D.collision
4.Some experts think, ______ genes, intelligence also depends on an adequate diet, a good education and a nice home environment.
A.instead of B.except of C.apart from D.rather than
5."Hug 2020"will invite fashion designers and photographers to take photos of ordinary people. Around 50 photos________ and exhibited to tell impressive stories of the year.
A.has selected B.will select
C.will be selected D.has been selected
6.When Mark Twain was young he did ________ he could ________.
A.all; earn his leaving B.what; earn his living
C.all; to earn his living D.what; earning his living
7.Did it ever ________to you to contact the police when you saw the suspect
A.occur B.refer
C.happen D.apply
8.—Who won the election for mayor —A man _____ to represent every minority group in the city.
A.claiming B.claims
C.is claimed D.having claimed
9._________ Lucy and Tom, I have two more close friends at school.
A.Apart from B.Except
C.As well D.Except that
10. “Perhaps we need to send for Dr. Smith to see what we can do about it,” Father suggested ________ to his neighbor who had come to discuss the problem.
A.tentatively B.thoughtlessly C.definitely D.rudely
________ _______its geographical diversity. Canada's many rural areas and urban centers reflect the diversity of its residents.
Over 30.000 people_______ ________in San Francisco and thus it quickly became a big city.
3. It______ ______ her that these were signs of an approaching tsunami.
The band longed to have a secure income and succeed.but first they had to play to passers-by_______extra money.
They ______ in vain ______ somewhere to shelter.
Few Americans stay in one place for a lifetime. We (1) from the city to the suburbs, from high school to college in a different state, from a job in one region to a better job (2) , from the home where we (3) our children to the home where we plan to live in (4) . With each move we are (5) making new friends, who become part of our new life.
For many of us the summer is a special time for forming new (6) . Today, millions of Americans go on vocation (7) , and they go not only to see new sights but also — in those places where they do not feel too (8) — with the hope of meeting new people. No one really (9) a vacation trip to produce a close friend, but the beginning of a friendship is possible. Surely in every country people (10) friendship
The word "friend" to American people can be (11) to a wide range of relationships — to someone one has known for a few weeks in a new place, to a close business companion, to a childhood playmate, to a man or woman, to a (12) colleague. There are real (13) among these relations for Americans — a friendship may be (14) , casual, situational or deep and lasting. But to a European, who sees only our surface behavior, the differences are not clear.
As Europeans see it, all kinds of "friends" flow (15) of Americans' homes with little ceremony. They may be parents of the children's friends, house guests of neighbors, members of a committee, business associates from another town or even another country. (16) as a guest into an American home, the European visitor finds no (17) differences. The atmosphere is (18) . Most people, old and young, are called (19) first names. Americans' characteristic openness to different styles of relationship makes it possible for us to find new friends abroad with whom we feel (20) .
(1)A.drive B.commute C.move D.settle
(2)A.abroad B.elsewhere C.somewhere D.nowhere
(3)A.deliver B.protect C.educate D.raise
(4)A.retirement B.death C.illness D.sadness
(5)A.mostly B.mainly C.rarely D.forever
(6)A.championships B.friendships C.hardships D.leaderships
(7)A.along B.freely C.together D.abroad
(8)A.alone B.strange C.scared D.remote
(9)A.allows B.desires C.expects D.imagines
(10)A.form B.develop C.ignore D.value
(11)A.used B.applied C.stuck D.dedicated
(12)A.kind B.generous C.trusted D.helpful
(13)A.differences B.varieties C.distinctions D.diversities
(14)A.informal B.reliable C.shallow D.fragile
(15)A.in and out B.on and on C.by and by D.up and down
(16)A.Moving B.Flowing C.Going D.Coming
(17)A.obvious B.heavy C.apparent D.strong
(18)A.weird B.stressed C.relaxed D.strange
(19)A.with B.on C.for D.by
(20)A.at best B.at home C.at heart D.at hand
British chemist David Evans has become an overnight
celebrity on Chinese social media. His chemistry experiments have attracted
over 2 million followers in just a few months. Evans is a chemistry professor
at Beijing University of Chemical Technology. The 60-year-old always wears a
white lab coat, a pair of safety goggles (护目镜), and smiles often. Some web users say he looks just like "the
Grandpa of KFC".
Evans has posted videos of various experiments. His most
popular experiments have attracted millions of hits on video-sharing apps.
Excited children's cheers and shouts can be heard in his videos. "I hope
my experiments can arouse people's interest in science," he says.
Evans has been interested in China since childhood. In the early
1970s, before the reform and opening up, he viewed China as "a country full of
mysteries". He first visited the Chinese mainland in 1987 to attend a
chemistry conference in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. He quit his job in the United Kingdom
and moved to Beijing
in 1996. Many of his friends thought he was crazy. But Evans said they just saw
challenges but not its potential.
Since 2011, Evans has turned to the Internet to
popularize science. He learned short-video apps are also popular in small
cities and rural areas. And he realized this enables him to reach more students,
who lack opportunities to perform fun experiments. But even a one-minute video
requires a considerable amount of work. Still, he thinks it's worth it to
fulfill his responsibility to popularize science.
His experiments always fill schools' lecture halls with
laughter. Some viewers call him "a Harry Potter-like magician", but
he disagrees." A magician never tells the secrets behind his tricks, but a
scientist always gives an explanation." He sees himself as a teacher. He
performs experiments to spread knowledge, inspire thinking, remove
misunderstandings and show that science can create change. Evans says he looks
forward to more "chemical reactions" with China.
(1)What can we learn from Paragraph 3
A.Evans considered the U. K. to be a country full of mysteries.
B.Evans first visited the Chinese mainland in the 1970s.
C.Evans didn't fancy moving to Beijing.
D.Evans attended a chemistry conference in China in 1987.
(2)Why did Evans begin to post videos of experiments on the Internet
A.To popularize science. B.To rise to fame.
C.To use short-video apps. D.To make much money
(3)What can we infer from the passage
A.Evans knows exactly how a magician works.
B.Evans will continue to post videos of experiments in China.
C.Evans' students like to interrupt his experiments with laughter.
D.Evans' friends thought highly of his decision to move to China.
探究点三:[答案]California square kilometers Pacific three
探究点八:[答案]travel journal San Francisco Redwood Forest Napa Valley Hotel downtown A local museum Chinatown Richmond District cultural diversity
探究点十一:[答案]1, 5,4,3,2
单词:Words and expressions.
1. [答案]admit
2. [答案]occur
1.[答案]apart from
2.[答案]used to
三、Language points
[答案]occurred to
[答案]to to
[答案]to influenced
[答案]from seek
[答案]living living
[答案]from as
[答案]of of
[答案]apart from Apart from
[答案]from death
[答案]invite astonished
[答案]waiting pinned saying
( https: / / fanyi. / " \l "en / zh / javascript:void(0); )
1.[答案] seek/seek
[解析]考查动词。句意:亨利试图寻求使馆帮助但他失败了。根据单词首字母以及句意“寻求”可知应填动词seek,且上文为短语try to do sth.。故填seek.
2.[答案] occurred
[解析]考查动词。句意:旧金山是一座特殊的城市一座在 1906年地震后能够自我重建的城市。根据单词首字母以及语境表示“发生”可知应填动词occur,根据后文in 1906可知为一般过去时。故填occurred。
3.[答案] influenced/influenced
[解析]考查动词。句意:“它受到涂鸦艺术和漫画艺术的影响。根据单词首字母以及句意影响”可知,应填动词influence, 结合后文by graffiti art and comic art以及It's可知,为一般现在时的被动语态。故填influenced.
4.[答案] admit
[解析]考查动词。句意:面对证据,他别无选择,只能承认他的罪行。根据句意和汉语提示,应填动词admit“承认”, have no choice but to do sth.“除了做某事别无选择”,to是不定式符号,接动词原形。故填admit.
5.[答案] escaping
6.[答案] district
7. [答案] series
[详解]考查名词。句意:她参加了该系列的所有讲座。根据汉语提示“一系列”可知, 此处应填入名词series作宾语, in the series表示“在某系列中”,故填series。
8.[答案] claimed
9.[答案] journal
[详解]考查名词。句意:他在访问日本期间坚持写日记。根据汉语提示“日记”和空前的kept a可知,应填名词journal作宾语,处journal为可数名词,不定冠词a修饰单数可数名词。故填journal。
10.[答案] downtown
[解析]考查动词语态。句意:伟大的美国导演斯皮尔伯格在高中时成绩很差,年轻时没有上过电影学校。根据题干中的谓语动词got以及时间状语when young可知,句子的时态为一般过去时;因主语Spielberg与动词admit是被动关系,因此使用一般过去时的被动语态;根据any film school以及句意可知,Spielberg没有被录取。故选B。
[解析]考查动词词义辨析。句意:知道牛奶配送服务在没有通知的情况下被暂停了,我没有打电话给配送员核对,因为我信任他,突然想到他可能正在被隔离。A. feel like想要;hit打击;B. prompt促进;occurred发生;C. request要求;dawned开始出现;D. bother烦扰;struck(使)突然想起。bother to do sth.费心做某事。It struck sb. that …某人突然想到……。故选D。
[解析]考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们都带着人生的使命来到这个世界,我们都可以为让世界变得更美好做出贡献。A. mission使命;B. substance物质;C. authority权力;D. collision碰撞。根据句意可知,“为让世界变得更美好而做出贡献”应该是我们每个人的使命,“mission”意为“使命”,名词词性,符合句意。故选A项。
[解析]考查固定短语辨析。句意:一些专家认为,除了基因,智力还取决于充足的饮食、良好的教育和良好的家庭环境。A. instead of而不是;B. except of无此种搭配;C. apart from除……之外;D. rather than而不是。根据后文“genes, intelligence also depends on an adequate diet, a good education and a nice home environment”可知,表示除了基因,智力还取决于充足的饮食、良好的教育和良好的家庭环境。故选C。
[解析]“拥抱2020”将邀请时装设计师和摄影师为普通人拍照。大约50张照片被展出,讲述了当年令人印象深刻的故事。来并且展览,去讲述这一年里给人印象深刻的故事。根据句子结构和意思可知,本句为一般将来时,主语Around 50 photos与谓语select为被动关系,所以这里考查一般将来时的谓语动词的被动结构。故选C。
[解析]考查代词及非谓语动词。句意:马克·吐温年轻的时候,为了谋生,他竭尽全力。分析句子可知,空1应填代词all,作did的宾语,(that) he could (do)作定语从句修饰all;空2应使用to引导的不定式,作目的状语。故选C项。
[解析]考查动词词义辨析。句意:你看到嫌犯的时候有没有想过报警?A. occur发生,想起;B. refer提到;C. happen发生;D. apply申请,应用。occur to sb.表示“某人突然想起”。故选A。
[解析]考查现在分词。句意:——谁赢得了市长的选举?—— 一个宣称代表这个城市每一个小团体(利益)的人。动词claim和man之间是主谓关系,应用现在分词形式作后置定语,意为“一个宣称会代表这个城市每一个小团体(利益)的人”。故选A项。
[解析]考查介词词义辨析。句意:除了Lucy和Tom之外,在学校里我还有另外两个好朋友。A. apart from除……之外(既可以表示包括在内,也可以表示不包括在内);B. except除……之外(不包括在内);C. as well也;D. except that除……之外(不包括在内,后接从句)。根据句意“我还有两个朋友”可知,作者将Lucy和Tom包括在内了。故选A项。
[解析]考查副词词义辨析。句意:“也许我们需要请史密斯医生来看看我们能做些什么,”父亲试探地向前来讨论这个问题的邻居提议。A. tentatively试探性地;B. thoughtlessly欠考虑地;C. definitely明确地;D. rudely粗鲁地。根据“perhaps”和“suggested”可知,父亲试探地向前来讨论这个问题的邻居提议。故选A。
1.[答案] Apart from
[详解]查短语。apart from除了。根据句意,故填Apart from。
2.[答案] sought their fortune
[详解]考查固定短语和时态。根据汉语意思“闯世界”,可以使用短语seek one's fortune,再根据became可知,句子的谓语动词使用一般过去时,seek的过去式为sought。 故填①sought ②their③fortune。
3. [答案]occurred to
[详解]考查固定句型和时态。对比中英文句子可知,空处涉及固定句型it occurs to sb. sth. ...“某人突然想起意识到......”. it是形式主语,that引导的句子是真正的主语;结合语境和下文were判断此处为一般过去时。故境occurred; to。
4.[答案]to earn
[解析]查不定式。表达:赚钱,英语用earn money;空格处是状语,表目的,因此要用动词不定式。故填to earn。
5.[答案]sought for
[详解]考查时态和固定搭配。“寻找......”应用固定搭配seek for,分析句子机构可知,第一空是谓语,且句子描述的是过去发生的事,所以应用seek的一般过去时sought, 故填①sought②for。
[解析]本文是一篇说明文, 介绍了美国人的交友特点——对各种关系都持开放态度, 这让美国人即使在国外也很容易交到新朋友。
(1)句意:我们从城市搬到郊区,从一个州的高中搬到另一个州的大学,从一个地区的工作搬到另一个有更好工作的地方,从养育孩子的家搬到退休后打算住的家。A. drive“驾驶”;B.commute“通勤” ;C.move“搬家”;D. settle“定居”。根据上文“Few Americans stay in one place for a lifetime”可知,我们从城市搬到郊区,从高中到大学,故选C。
(2)句意:我们从城市搬到郊区,从一个州的高中搬到另一个州的大学,从一个地区的工作搬到另一个更好的工作,从养育孩子的家搬到退休后打算住的家。A. abroad“海外”;B. elsewhere“别处”
C.somewhere“某处” ;D. nowhere“没有地方”。表达从一个地方的工作到另一个有更好工作的地方,故选B。
(3)句意:我们从城市搬到郊区,从一个州的高中搬到另一个州的大学,从一个地区的工作搬到另一个有更好工作的地方,从养育孩子的家搬到退休后打算住的家。A. deliver“送达”;B. protect“保护”;C. educate“教育”;D. raise“上升,养育”。从养育孩子的家到计划退休居住的家。故选D。
(4)A. retirement“退休”;B. death“死亡”;C. illness“疾病”;D. sadness“悲伤”。从养育孩子的家到计划退休居住的家。故选A。
(5)句意:随着每次移动,我们都永远会交新朋友,他们成为我们新生活的一部分。A. mostly“多半”;B. mainly“主要地”;C. rarely“几乎不”;D. forever“永远”。根据常识可知,随着每次移动,人们都会交新朋友。故选D。
(6)句意:对我们许多人来说,夏天是建立新友谊的特殊时期。A. championships“冠军”;B.friendships“友谊”;C.hardships“艰难”;D. leaderships“领导能力”。根据下文“the hope of meeting new people”可知,夏天是建立新友谊的特殊时期。故选B。
(7)句意:今天,数以百万计的美国人出国度假,他们不仅去看新的风景,而且去那些他们不觉得太陌生的地方,希望结识新朋友。A. along“一起”;B. freely“自由地”;C. together“同时”;D. abroad“海外”。根据上文“Today, millions of Americans go on vacation”可知,今天,数以百万计的美国人去国外度假,故选D。
(8)A. alone“单独的”;B. strange“奇怪的”;C. scared“害怕的”;D. remote“遥远的”。在度假的那些地方遇见新朋友他们并不感到太陌生,故选B。
(9)句意:没有人真的期望假期旅行能交到亲密的朋友,但友谊的开始是可能的。A. allows“允许”;B. desires“欲望”;C. expects“期待,期望”;D. imagines“想象”。根据下文“a vacation trip to produce a close friend, but the beginning of a friendship is possible. ”可知, 没有人真的指望假期旅行能交到亲密的朋友, 但友谊的开始是可能的, 故选C。
(10)句意:当然,在每个国家,人们都重视友谊。A. form“形成”;B. develop“发展”;C. ignore“忽视”;D. value“重视”。在每个国家,人们都很重视友谊;故选D。
(11)句意:对美国人来说,“朋友”这个词可以广泛应用于各种关系中,包括在一个新地方认识几个星期的人,亲密的商业伙伴,儿时的玩伴,男人或女人,值得信赖的同事。A. used“使用”;B. applied“申请,应用”;C. stuck“刺”;D. dedicated“奉献”。美国人能把“朋友”这个单词广泛地应用在人际关系中。故选B。
A. kind“和蔼的”;B. generous“慷慨的”;C. trusted“可信的”;D. helpful“有益的”。对一个诚实的同事。故选C。
(13)句意:对美国人来说,这些关系之间存在着真正的差异,友谊可能是肤浅的、随意的、情境化的,也可能是深厚而持久的。A. differences“差异”;B. varieties“种类”;C. distinctions“区别”;D. diversities“多样性”。对美国人来说,上文提到的这些关系有真正的区分。故选A。
(14)句意:对美国人来说,友谊可能是肤浅的、随意的、情境化的,也可能是深厚而持久的。A. informal“非正式的”;B. reliable“可靠的”;C. shallow“肤浅的”;D. fragile“脆弱的”。根据下文的“casual, situational or deep and lasting. ”可知, 友谊可以是肤浅的、随意的、情境的, 也可以是深厚而持久的, 故选C。
(15)句意:在欧洲人看来,各种各样的“朋友”进出美国人的家里几乎没有什么礼节。A. in and out”进进出出“;B. on and on“继续不停地”;C. by and by“不久以后”;D. up and down“上上下下”。正如欧洲人所看到的,各种各样的朋友进进出出美国家庭,毫无礼仪可言。故选A。
(16)句意:欧洲客人以客人的身份来到美国家庭,没有发现明显的不同。A. Moving“搬家”;B. Flowing“流动”;C. Going“离开”;D. Coming“来”。根据下文“as a guest into an American home, the European visitor finds no 17 differences. ”可知, 作为客人进入美国人的家, 欧洲人发现没有什么明显的不同, 故选D。
(17)句意:欧洲客人以客人的身份来到美国家庭,没有发现明显的不同。A. obvious”明显的”;B.heavy“沉重的”;C. apparent“显然的”;D. strong“强壮的”。根据下文可知,欧洲游客会发现没有明显的区别,故选A。
(18)句意:气氛是放松的。A. weird“怪异的”;B. stressed“紧张的”;C. relaxed“放松的”;D. strange“陌生的”。根据下文“are called 19 first names.”可知,气氛是放松的,故选C。
(19)句意:大多数人,无论老少,都是直呼其名。call by name固定短语,“叫某人的名字”,故选D。
(20)句意:美国人对不同类型的关系具有独特的开放性,这使我们有可能在国外找到我们感到宾至如归的新朋友。A. at best“至多”;B. at home“在家”;C. at heart“内心里”;D.at hand“在手边”。美国人对不同风格的关系的开放性,所以我们有可能在国外找到新的朋友和我们在一起的家人一样的感觉。故选B。
[解析]本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了David Evans从最初喜欢中国,然后从英国搬到中国后,一直致力于用短视频的方式来推广科学,传播知识。
(1)考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“He first visited Jiangsu Province. ”可知,他在1987年参加了江苏南京的一次化学研讨会,这也是他第一次来到中国,可以排除B。根据本段中“In the early 1970s,“a country full of mysteries. ”可以排除A。根据本段中“He quit his job in 1996. ”可以排除C。故选D。
(2)考查细节理解。根据第四段中的“Since 2011,science. ”可以了解到他在网上上传视频就是为了推广科学。故选A。
(3)考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的“Evans says he China. ”可知,Evans期待着能与中国产生更多的“化学反应”。由此可推断出他期待更多的人了解科学、敬畏科学。故选B。
Unit 3 Diverse Cultures
Period 2
Reading and Thinking
1.People from _______ (不同) cultures work together in this company.
2.Soul food is a varied cuisine: it includes spicy ________(秋葵汤) , black-eyed peas, and collard greens.
3.You need a lesson in Cultural _________(差异) at work.
4.I'll also take an order of ________(烤干酪辣味玉米片) and a beef roll(牛肉卷饼).
5.The two _______(奶酪) were very different in both taste and texture.
6.Good_______ (好运) will follow you, both in this world and the next.
7. At the end of the meal, Amy was given a ______________(幸运饼干).
8. If political and ______(民族)problems are not resolved the situation could become uncontrollable.
9.All main courses are served with ______(炸土豆) or baked potato.
10. This soup is a ______ (香料) variation on a traditional favourite.
fortune cookie
[ d m t] v.
admit (to) sth.
admit (to) doing sth.
admit (to sb.) that
[ k (r)] vi.
occurs to sb.
In occurs to sb. that
[ nflu ns] vt.&n.
[搭配]influence sb. /sth.
influence sb. to do sth.
Key words
Key words
[si k] n.&v.
[搭配]seek (for) sth. /sb.
seek...from sb.
seek one's fortune
[ n] vt.
[搭配]earn one's/a living
earn money
[s lekt] vt.
[搭配]select sb./sth. (as/for sth.)
select sb./sth. (from sth.)
Key words
[ s ri z]n.
a series of
in series
[ ske p] v.&n.
escape from
escape (doing) sth.
apart from
used to
Lead in
A. to make (a picture, image, etc.)by making lines on
a surface especially with a pencil, pen,marker, chalk,
etc., but not usually with paint
B. writing or drawing made on a public structure without
C. to make a picture or design by using paints
What does "graffiti" mean

Do you know where San Francisco is located in America
San Francisco is located on the west coast of __________, California the midpoint of the west coast in the United States,with an area of 121.73 _________________. California, the second largest port on the _______ coast, is a world-famous tourist destination and the fourth largest city in California. It is surrounded by water on _____ sides and has a beautiful environment, and the third largest city of California.
Look at the map and fill in the information of San Francisco in the following paragraphs.
square kilometers
1 Find San Francisco on the map and discuss this question in groups: What do you know and want to know about the city
Learn about a city that has diverse cultures
Chinese Name: 旧金山
Foreign name: San Francisco
Population: San Francisco: 880000
Famous scenic spots : Golden Gate Bridge, Golden Gate Park,
Lombard Street, Chinatown in San Francisco, Fisherman's Wharf.
Famous universities: Stanford University, San Francisco University.
San Francisco is a city that truly advocates "diversity" and is usually known as "the most
popular city among Americans".
1 Discuss following question in groups: What do you know and want to know about the city
San Francisco is a world-famous tourist destination and the
fourth largest city in California. San Francisco is near Silicon
Valley, which is a world-famous high-tech industrial zone. It
is one of the most important high-tech research and
development bases in the world and the most important
financial center on the west coast of the United States. It is also the birthplace of the United Nations.
1 Discuss following question in groups: What do you know and want
to know about the city
In the 19th century, San Francisco was the center of the
American gold rush. After the early Chinese workers
moved to the United States, they mostly lived here, called
"Golden Mountain". But until the discovery of gold in
Melbourne, Australia, In order to make a difference from
Melbourne, which is called the "new Golden Mountain",
it was renamed as "San Francisco".
Do you know the origin of the name San Francisco
Fisherman's Wharf
Lombard street
Golden Gate Bridge
Chinatown in
San Francisco
San Francisco City Hall
St.Mary's Cathedral, San Francisco, U.S
Discuss in groups. Can you name the famous scenic spots in each photo
2 Scan Li Lan's travel journal and find out the places that she has
been to or plans to visit.
Wednesday, 21 June
Today was my first day back in San Francisco after camping in the Redwood Forest and visiting the wine country of Napa Valley. I have to admit that it definitely feels good to be back in the city again. And what a city- a city that was able to rebuild itself after
the earthquake that occurred in 1906. There are so many beautiful old buildings ——many sitting on top of big hills,offering great views of the city, the ocean, and the Golden Gate Bridge.
My hotel is near downtown, in the Mission District, one of the oldest parts of the city. Many of the people living here are from Mexico or Central
America. This district used to be a poor area of town, but is
now centre for art music, and food. In fact, an art movement
called the "Mission School" started here. It's influenced by
graffiti art and comic art. I waked around looking at the street
art for a few hours. It was quite modern and lively. Afterwards,
I ate some delicious Mexican-Chinese noodles from a food truck. A real mix of cultures here!
In the afternoon, I headed to a local museum that showed the historical
changes in California. I learnt that America got California from Mexico
in 1848. In the same year, gold was discovered near San Francisco, which
started a gold rush. Over 300,000 people came from all over the world to
seek their fortune, and San Francisco quickly became a big city. Many
Chinese arrived during this period. To earn a living, some open up
shops and restaurants in Chinatown.
Many others found jobs on farms, joined the god rush, or went to build the railway that joined California to the eastern region of the country. The museum did a really good job of showing how America was built by immigrants from different countries and cultures.When these immigrants left their courtiers, they carried a bit of home in their hearts, but a new home here.
This evening, I went to Chinatown. There were so many good cafés and restaurants to
choose from.I selected a Cantonese restaurant that served its food on beautiful china
plates. What great food!That's enough for today. Tomorrow evening, I'm going to a
jazz bar in the Richmond District. Can't wait!
337 miles
over 6 hours' drive
San Jose
Today was my first day back in San Francisco after camping in the Redwood Forest and visiting country of Napa Valley.
San Francisco,CA
National Park
Napa Valley
feel good
A local
A real mix
of cultures
A new home
built by those
who carried a
bit of home in
their hearts
Great food
Can't wait
Mind map
Hotel near downtown,
in the Mission District
① one of the oldest part of the city
② People:Mexico & Central America
③ Used to be poor
④ a central for art,music and food
A local
①1848 America got California from Mexico
gold rush
①SF became
a big city
①opened up shops & restaurants
②join the gold rush
built the railway
③found jobs on the forms
This passage is _____________a about Li Lan's travel in ______________. She has visited _______________, ____________, ______________, ______________, ___________, ________________. She likes the city very much. She experienced _______________ in San Francisco.
According to the text, fill in the blanks.What's the main idea of the passage
Reading task
travel journal
San Francisco
Redwood Forest
Napa Valley
Hotel downtown
A local museum
Richmond District
cultural diversity
3 Read the travel journal again and complete the timeline of Li Lan's trip.
Reading task
Classify and organise information
We can better understand a passage by classifying or organising the information in it. Classifying means deciding the kind of information, e.g. dates, numbers, opinions Organising means putting things in order, e.g. according to how old, how much what
kind. Sometimes it is a good idea to draw a diagram to organise the information in the passage.
① got the first _________ of the city
② walked around the ______________
③ ate ________________
① visited a ________
② learned about the
① Will go to a _____
______ in the Richmond District
Mission District
history of California
①went to__________
②ate at a __________
3 Read the travel journal again and complete the timeline of Li Lan's
1 What impressed the writer first about San Francisco
2 What is so special about the Mission District
3 Why did Chinese immigrants go to San Francisco
4 What examples of ethnic diversity can you find in the journal
4 Answer the questions using information from the travel journal
The beautiful old buildings, many sitting on top of big hills.
It is a vibrant, historical area full of culture and life.
To seek their fortune in the gold rush.
The Mission District which is full of people from Mexico or Central America; Mexican-Chinese noodles from a food truck; Chinatown.
Reading task
______A.The author was back in San Francisco again and felt very good.
______B. The author was going to a jazz bar.
______C. The author selected a Cantonese restaurant to have a meal in China town.
______D. The author visited a local museum that showed the historical changes in California.
______E. The author made a brief introduction to the Mission District and told us what she
had done there.
Read the passage on Pages 28-29 and match the main idea with
each paragraph.
Reading task
Reading task
( )1. Li Lan went to San Francisco, camped in the Redwood Forest and then visited
the wine country of Napa Valley.
( )2.Li Lan's trip was not as good as she had thought.
( )3. Mission District is the oldest part of San Francisco.
( )4.In 1 848, gold was discovered near San Francisco.
( )5.In Chinatown of San Francisco, there were lots of good cafes and restaurants
to choose from.
Read the passage and judge whether the following sentences are true(T) or false(F).
1 Have you ever been to a place that has a diverse culture What do you think brought about the cultural diversity
2 What are the benefits and challenges of cultural diversity
5 Discuss these questions in groups.
1. Over 3,000 lives were claimed in the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and the series of fires that ________ after it. More than 80% of the city was destroyed, including much of the __________ area. One area that was hit the hardest was the Mission ________.
2. Yunnan Province is _________ one of the most diverse provinces that I have ever been to. Apart from being the kingdom of flowers, it is home to many ethnic minority groups. After visiting the southern part of Yunnan, I have to _____ that it is the best _______ of China to escape the cold winter.
6 Complete the following sentences using words from the travel journal. Be sure to use the correct forms.
Language point
1. I have to admit that it definitely feels good to be back city again.
admit (to) sth.承认某事 admit (to) doing sth.承认做过某事
admit (to sb.) that(向某人)承认......
例句:She admits to being strict with her children.她承认对自己的孩子很严厉。
例句: She admitted to having stolen the car.她供认偷了那辆轿车。
常见搭配:admit sb. to/into 允许某人进入......;接纳某人为......的成员
例句:Each ticket admits one adult.每张票只准许一位成人入场。
① I couldn't admit to my parents _____ I was finding the course difficult.
②She ________(admit) having driven the car without insurance.
Language point
2. And what a city that was able to rebuild itself after the earthquake that occurred in 1906.这是怎样的一个城市啊——这个城市能够在1906年发生的地震中重建起来。
occur vi.发生;出现
occurs to sb.某事被某人想到;(观念想法)出现在某人的头脑中
In occurs to sb. that...某人突然想到......, It做形式主语,that引导主语从句且不能省略。
例句:When exactly did the incident occur
例句:The idea occurred to him in a dream.这个主意是他在梦中想到的。
①The department denies responsibility for what _________(occur).
② It did not occur ___me to check my insurance policy.
Language point
used to(用于过去持续或经常发生的事)曾经,表示指过去常常做某事,而现在则不了:
例句:We used to go sailing on the lake in summer.从前的夏天,我们经常泛舟湖上。
例句:I used to smoke, but I gave up a couple of years ago.我以前抽烟,但几年前就戒掉了。
3.This district used to be a poor area of town, but is now a centre
for an muse, and food.这个区曾是商业区很穷的地方,但它现在
①All I know is that she used __ work in a bank.
② All I know is that she used ___ work in a bank.
Language point
influence sb. /sth.影响某人/某物
influence sb. to do sth.影响某人做某事
例句:Her parents no longer have any real influence over her.
例句:He used his influence to make sure she was not selected as a parliamentary candidate.
4. It's influenced by graffiti art and comic art. 它被涂鸦和漫画艺术影响。
Language point
have a good bad harmful/strong influence on/upon...对......有好的/坏的/有害的/很强的影响
under the influence of.......的影响下
①How much a mother eats at the time of conception may influence whether she gives birth __ a boy or a girl, a new report shows.
②This situation can be __________ (influence) by a multiplicity of different factors.
Language point
常见搭配:seek (for) sth. /sb.寻找某物/某人 seek...from sb.向某人请求帮助
例句: Drivers are advised to seek alternative routes.
seek one's fortune寻找发财机会,外出闯荡
(2)v.试图,设法 常见搭配:seek to do sth.(=try to do sth. )试图做某事,设法做某事
例句:Many young people went to seek their fortune abroad.
5. Over 300 ,000 people came from all over the world to seek their
fortune,and San Francisco quickly became a big city.30多万来自世
①She managed to calm him down and seek help ______ a neighbour.
② A bright boy left his family, going to new York to ______ his fortune.
Language point
earn vt.赚,挣得;获得;赢得
earn one's/a living = make a living谋生 earn one's own living自食其力
earn one's respect reputation赢得尊敬/名誉
earn money = make money挣钱
例句:He wished to earn a living through writing but despaired of doing so.
6.To earn a living, some opened up shops and restaurants in
①These people earn a ______ (live) wage for their professional knowledge and skills.
② Since his parents died early, he had to earn his own ______(live) when he was a teenager.
Language point
select vt.选择;挑选;选拔;选定
①select sb./sth. (as/for sth.)挑选......作为......
②select sb./sth. (from sth.)从......中挑选......
例句:He hasn't been selected for the team.他未能入选进队。
例句:This model is available at selected stores only.这种款式只在特定商店有售。
7. I selected a Cantonese restaurant that served its food on beautiful
china plates. 我挑了一家用精美的瓷盘上菜的广东餐馆。
①we have over 30 beautiful designs to select ______.
②If the coaches select Wade ___ a reserve this year, it would be to honor his basketball legacy.
Language point
series n.一系列;连续;接连;系列节目;系列比赛
a series of一连串;一系列;套 a series of 表示“一系列”,后跟复数名词,该结构做主语时,谓语动词通常用单数。
in series连续地;串联
例句:A series of movies will be shown to commemorate the 30th anniversary of his death.
8. Over 3,000 lives were claimed in the 1906 San Francisco earthquake
and the series of fires that occurred after it.有3000多人丧命于1906年的
①He's begun a series ___ personal attacks on my character
②A series ___ laws against discrimination have been issued.
Language point
9. Apart from being the kingdom of flowers, it is home to many
ethnic minority groups. (云南)除了是花的王国以外,还是许多少
(1)除......以外还.......,相当于besides/in addition to。
Apart from his earnings as a football coach, he also owns and runs a chain of sports shops.除了当足球教练的收人之外,他还拥有并经营着体育用品连锁店。
Apart from Jane ,I didn't know a single person there.除了简之外,那儿的人我一个都不认识。
(3)除......外都,相当于except for,表示细节上的修正。
Apart from some spelling mistakes,the composition is well written. 除了有一些拼写错误外, 这篇作文写得不错。zhong'e
①The room was empty __________(除......之外)one man seated beside the fire.
②___________ my host, I didn't know a single person there.
apart from
Apart from
Language point
escape v.&n.逃跑, 逃走;避免
escape from从......逃跑 escape (doing) sth. 避免/逃脱(做)某事 escape death死里逃生
例句: More people are going to want to escape from the town into the country.
例句: No one can escape from death. however, the death may be different.
10. After visiting the southern part of Yunnan,I have to admit that it
is the best region of China to escape the cold winter.在游览了云南
①There is no escape ______ (从......逃跑) the long arm of the law.
② He had the luck to escape______ (死里逃生)in the fire.
Language point
本句基个简单句, called the"Mission School"是过去分词短语做后置定语,表示被动含义,相当于which/that is called the"Mission School" 。
11. In fact, an art movement called the"Mission School" started here.
The concert given by their friends was a success.他们的朋友举办的音乐会很成功。
They are cleaning the fallen leaves in the yard.他们正在打扫院子里的落叶。
Language point
Most of the artists invited to the party were from South Africa.=Most of the artists who had been invited to the party were from South Africa.多数受邀来参加聚会的艺术家来自南非。
①Who were the so-called guests ______(invite) to your party last night
②John Snow told the story about the __________(astonish) people in Broad Street.
Language point
12. There are so many good cafes and restaurants to choose from.那里有很多好咖啡店和餐馆可供选择。
本句是使用了“There be + n./ pron.+ to do sth.”句型,其中to choose from做后置定语,修饰many good cafes and restaurants.
考点:There be + n. / pron. + to do sth.
例如:Last night,there were millions of people watching the opening ceremony live on TV.
①Laura was away in Paris for over a week.When she got home,there was a pile of mail ________(wait) for her.
②There's a note________(pin) to the door _______(say) when shop will open again.
Travel Journal
take pictures
What made me happy today
What surprised me today?
What have you learned
Verb tense:the simple past
mood and tone
engage senses
1. admit (1)承认;供认;招认(2)n.接纳;允许加人(某组织机构、单位等)
2. occur vi.发生;出现
3. influence (1)vt.影响,......起作用;支配,左右(2)n.影响;影响力
4. seek(1)n.寻求,谋求;(向人)请求;寻找(2)v.试图,设法
5. earn vt.赚,挣得;获得;赢得
6. select vt.选择;挑选;选拔;选定
7. series n.一系列;连续;接连;系列节目;系列比赛
8. escape v.&n.逃跑,逃走;避免
9. apart from (1)除......以外还......(2)除......之外(3)除......外都
10. used to(用于过去持续或经常发生的事)曾经
1.What are your opinions about cultural diversity
2. Discuss with your partner and share your views next time.