Unit 4 Sharing Period 6 Assessing your progress&Project 课件+教案


名称 Unit 4 Sharing Period 6 Assessing your progress&Project 课件+教案
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-05-10 08:57:59


Unit 4 Sharing
Period 6 Assessing your progress & project教学设计
课题 Unit 4 Period 6 Assessing your progress & project 单元 Unit 4 学科 English 年级 Grade 2
教材 分析 该板块由三部分组成。第一部分是语言知识检测,设计了两个活动。活动1注重检测本单元部分生词在新的语篇中的巩固和运用。语篇内容继续围绕志愿服务的主题,通过讲述志愿者加入援助非洲抗击艾滋病的服务工作,进一步升华国际志愿服务的意义、提升学生共建人类命运共同体的意识。活动2鼓励学生活用短语,为简单的句子增加细节、充实信息,使句子表达更加生动。第二部分是单元内容评价和自我反思,进一步强化青少年参与志愿服务的意识,深刻理解构建人类命运共同体的意义,为讲好中国故事、分享中国方案做好准备。第三部分是以项目活动的形式综合考查学生本单元所学的内容。该部分的活动主题是“创作一张志愿服务工作的海报”(Create a poster for volunteer work) 。该项目旨在培养学生的创新思维和实践能力, 学生不仅要针对志愿服务工作的方式和价值进行讨论,还需要有一定的规划意识和创新能力,开发出能够帮助人、吸引人的志愿服务工作项目。
学习目标与核心素养 1)To complete a news report to review some important words students have learnt in this unit. 2)To expand some sentences by adding phrases to review useful structures in this unit. 3)To reflect what you’ve got from this unit. 4) To create a poster for volunteer work.
重点 1)To complete a news report to review some important words students have learnt in this unit. 2)To expand some sentences by adding phrases to review useful structures in this unit
难点 To activate all the skills and knowledge students have learnt in this unit by having them create a poster for volunteer work.
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
导入新课 Lead –in How do you understand the message “Sharing Matters” when it comes to China’s aid to other countries Sharing is ancient wisdom and a logical thing for a Chinese person living in a Chinese civilization of 5,000 years. For Chinese people, sharing doesn't mean that we share what we have, but we work together and on that basis we share.with the Belt and Road Initiative , we Chinese people's sharing helps many countries on their road to a better life. Pair work 1.What kind of volunteer work have you learnt in this unit 2.What kind of volunteer work do you think is suitable for teenagers to participate in Words Revision 1._________ n.包裹 vt.裹好;打包 2.______ n.果酱;堵塞 3._______ n.邮件;信件;邮政vt.邮寄;发电邮给 4.____________ adj.中学的;次要的→______________ adv.在第二,其次,在第二位 5._______ n.黏土;陶土 6._______ n.沙土;灰土 vi.& vt.擦灰→________ adj.布满灰尘的 7._______ vi. & vt.企盼;祈祷 8.________ n.情况;信息;投入;输入vt.输入 9._______ n.曲调;曲子vt.调音;调节;调频道10. __________ n.胶囊;太空舱 11.________ vt.转发;转播 n.接力赛;接班的人 12.__________ n.巡回;环形路线 13._____________ n.缺陷;障碍→___________ adj.残疾的,有缺陷的 14._______ n.管子;管状物 15._______vt.拖;拽 vt.& vi.缓慢而费力地移动 16.__________ n.化学家;药剂师;药房 17.________vt.给……遮挡(光线);加灯罩;把……涂暗 n.阴凉处;灯罩;阴影部分 18.______ n.颌;下巴 19.__________vt.&vi.(使脸上)起皱纹;皱起 n.皱纹 20.___________ n.额;前额 21.________ adj.死板的;固执的 Students talk about “Sharing Matters” and volunteer work Students revise some words learnt in previous classes. To review the topic of this unit. To prepare for the following activities..
Match the definition with a word. A.to get an illness or an official written agreement. B. a person whose job is repairing machines, especially the engines of vehicles. C. the quality or state of being steady and not changing or being disturbed in any way. D. a standard or principle by which sth is judged, or with the help of which a decision is made. E. the act of discussing sth with sb or with a group of people before making a decision about it. Answers: contract mechanic, stability, criterion, consultation
新课 Activity 1 Complete a news report using the correct forms of the words in the box. Then make a news headline for it. contract, disability, tune, input, share, mechanic, stability, criterion, consultation Many of us have worked as volunteers before. Some have experience as mechanics, repairing and maintaining machines. Others are experienced medical workers who have volunteered to help those with disabilities. This summer, one Chinese volunteer, Liu Fei, will serve as a management consultant for AIDS projects in an African country. Liu has never been there, and his impression of the country is that it is developing rapidly, but suffers from much instability and violence. Many people there have contracted AIDS.Liu will work with a local organisation engaging in AIDS prevention. Liu’s path to Africa was long and bumpy. Although he had met the criteria for the volunteer application, his family was opposed to his choice at first. It took Liu some time to explain the importance of building a shared future for mankind. Ultimately, his family decided to sing the same tune as Liu and respected his right to choose his own path. Liu is looking forward to sharing his knowledge and skills with needy communities. He hopes his input can make a difference in distant Africa. Headline A Chinese Volunteer in Africa Discussion : 1.Why does Liu Fei determine to volunteer to work in Africa and want to engage in AIDS 2.What kinds of difficulties would the volunteers meet in Africa Activity 2 Find out different phrases from this unit Expand the following sentences by adding different phrases. Try to make these sentences more vivid. 1. The chemist is doing an experiment. The chemist from Harvard University is doing an experiment on lab rats to see their reactions on a sinking ship. 2. A rat is chasing a cat. A large and crazy rat is chasing a cat through the house, knocking over furniture. 3. A train is crossing a bridge. A train full of passengers bound for Beijing is crossing a beautiful new bridge over a high mountain gorge. 4. Susan placed the cup on the saucer and swallowed the capsule. Susan, quite ill and weak, placed the cup of hot chocolate on the saucer with trembling hands and swallowed the capsule to save her life. 5. I drag myself off the bed. After trying to stand up only to feel myself fall back onto the bed with intense back pain, I dragged myself off the bed and into the chair next to the phone, and then called for help. 6. A tree shades the farmer. An old oak tree shades the farmer sitting down to eat his lunch. 7. The president is relaying his ambition to the audience. The president of the book club is relaying his ambition to become a famous author not only in his city but across the country to the audience. reflecting What kind of volunteer work have you heard about before What kind of volunteer work in this unit impressed you the most What story can you tell about China’s contribution to the development of the world What do you think you can contribute to the cause of building a shared future for mankind What can you do to improve your public speaking skills Overall, I thought this unit was interesting useful so-so difficult. Project Study the posters and fill the table. Group work In groups, decide on the volunteer work that you would like to do. Discuss the following questions. In what way could you help others How could others participate in your activities What business could you set up to help others Create a poster to explain more about your volunteer work, and then present it to the class. The table below may help you. Sample Take a class vote on the best three posters Students complete a news report using the correct forms of the words in the box. Students discuss the questions . Students find out different phrases from this unit. Students expand the following sentences by adding different phrases. Students have a reflection on this unit. Students study the posters and fill the table and discuss some questions related to volunteer work. Students create a poster for volunteer work. . To consolidate and check what students have learnt in this unit when it comes to vocabulary. To think and share opinions. To review different phrases To apply different phrases to make sentences more vivid. To think about the content of this unit and apply what they have learnt to their own lives. To prepare for creating a poster. To activate all the skills and knowledge students have learnt in this unit by having them create a poster for volunteer work.
作业 Homework Read the passage on Page 87-88 of Workbook.
21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
Period 6 Assessing your progress &Project
Unit 4 Sharing
How do you understand the message “Sharing Matters” when it comes to China’s aid to other countries
Sharing is ancient wisdom and a logical thing for a Chinese person living in a Chinese civilization of 5,000 years. For Chinese people, sharing doesn't mean that we share what we have, but we work together and on that basis we share.with the Belt and Road Initiative , we Chinese people's sharing helps many countries on their road to a better life.
What kind of volunteer work have you learnt in this unit
2.What kind of volunteer work do you think is suitable for teenagers to participate in
pair work
What can you do as a volunteer
Have you remembered the key words in this unit
1._________ n.包裹 vt.裹好;打包
2.______ n.果酱;堵塞
3._______ n.邮件;信件;邮政 vt.邮寄;发电邮给
4.____________ adj.中学的;次要的→______________ adv.在第二,其次,在第二位
5._______ n.黏土;陶土
6._______ n.沙土;灰土 vi.& vt.擦灰→________ adj.布满灰尘的
7._______ vi. & vt.企盼;祈祷
8.________ n.情况;信息;投入;输入 vt.输入
9._______ n.曲调;曲子 vt.调音;调节;调频道
10. __________ n.胶囊;太空舱
11.________ vt.转发;转播 n.接力赛;接班的人
12.__________ n.巡回;环形路线
13._____________ n.缺陷;障碍→___________ adj.残疾的,有缺陷的
Have you remembered the key words in this unit
14._______ n.管子;管状物
15._______vt.拖;拽 vt.& vi.缓慢而费力地移动
16.__________ n.化学家;药剂师;药房
17.________vt.给……遮挡(光线);加灯罩;把……涂暗 n.阴凉处;灯罩;阴影部分
18.______ n.颌;下巴
19.__________vt.&vi.(使脸上)起皱纹;皱起 n.皱纹
20.___________ n.额;前额
21.________ adj.死板的;固执的
Have you remembered the key words in this unit
to get an illness or an official written agreement.
B. a person whose job is repairing machines, especially the engines of vehicles.
C. the quality or state of being steady and not changing or being disturbed in any way.
D. a standard or principle by which sth is judged, or with the help of which a decision is made.
E. the act of discussing sth with sb or with a group of people before making a decision about it.
Match the definition with a word.
Activity 1
Many of us have worked as volunteers before. Some have experience as __________, repairing and maintaining machines. Others are experienced medical workers who have volunteered to help those with _________. This summer, one Chinese volunteer, Liu Fei, will serve as a management _________ for AIDS projects in an African country. Liu has never been there, and his impression of the country is that it is developing rapidly, but suffers from much _________ and violence. Many people there have __________ AIDS.
Complete a news report using the correct forms of the words in the box. Then make a news headline for it.
contract, disability, tune, input, share,
mechanic, stability, criterion, consultation
Activity 1
Liu will work with a local organisation engaging in AIDS prevention. Liu’s path to Africa was long and bumpy. Although he had met the __________ for the volunteer application, his family was opposed to his choice at first.
It took Liu some time to explain the importance of building a ________ future for mankind. Ultimately, his family decided to sing the same ______ as Liu and respected his right to choose his own path. Liu is looking forward to sharing his knowledge and skills with needy communities. He hopes his _______ can make a difference in distant Africa.
contract, disability, tune, input, share,
mechanic, stability, criterion, consultation
Activity 1
Many of us have worked as volunteers before. Some have experience as mechanics, repairing and maintaining machines. Others are experienced medical workers who have volunteered to help those with disabilities. This summer, one Chinese volunteer, Liu Fei, will serve as a management consultant for AIDS projects in an African country. Liu has never been there, and his impression of the country is that it is developing rapidly, but suffers from much instability and violence. Many people there have contracted AIDS.Liu will work with a local organisation engaging in AIDS prevention. Liu’s path to Africa was long and bumpy. Although he had met the criteria for the volunteer application, his family was opposed to his choice at first.
It took Liu some time to explain the importance of building a shared future for mankind. Ultimately, his family decided to sing the same tune as Liu and respected his right to choose his own path. Liu is looking forward to sharing his knowledge and skills with needy communities. He hopes his input can make a difference in distant Africa.
A Chinese Volunteer in Africa
Make a news headline for the report
1.Why does Liu Fei determine to volunteer to work in Africa and want to engage in AIDS.
2.What kinds of difficulties would the volunteers meet in Africa
Pair work
Activity 2
type of phrases Example from this unit
Find out different phrases from this unit
My secondary school; a bush school;The mixture;the test tube ...
led us; have been dying to; dragged ourselves...
down the mountain; upside down...
on the grill; with a strong jaw...
always nice; quite beautiful...
Activity 2
1. The chemist is doing an experiment.
2. A rat is chasing a cat.
3. A train is crossing a bridge.
Expand the following sentences by adding different phrases. Try to make these sentences more vivid.
The chemist from Harvard University is doing an experiment on lab rats to see their reactions on a sinking ship.
A large and crazy rat is chasing a cat through the house, knocking over furniture.
A train full of passengers bound for Beijing is crossing a beautiful new bridge over a high mountain gorge.
Activity 2
4. Susan placed the cup on the saucer and swallowed the capsule.
5. I drag myself off the bed.
6. A tree shades the farmer.
7. The president is relaying his ambition to the audience.
An old oak tree shades the farmer sitting down to eat his lunch.
The president of the book club is relaying his ambition to become a famous author not only in his city but across the country to the audience.
After trying to stand up only to feel myself fall back onto the bed with intense back pain, I dragged myself off the bed and into the chair next to the phone, and then called for help.
Susan, quite ill and weak, placed the cup of hot chocolate on the saucer with trembling hands and swallowed the capsule to save her life.
What kind of volunteer work have you heard about before What
kind of volunteer work in this unit impressed you the most
What story can you tell about China’s contribution to the
development of the world
What do you think you can contribute to the cause of building a
shared future for mankind
What can you do to improve your public speaking skills
Overall, I thought this unit was
interesting useful so-so difficult.
Name People's Shoes China Exchange
How to help
to create a better world
buying shoes,donating shoes, provide surgery and medical treatment.
70 countries around the world
People buy products and the company give to others.
to help people abroad through exchange with China
employees trade places for a period of time.
in Asia, Latin America, and Africa
People suggest an exchange and the organisation help to arrange and pay for it.
Study the posters and fill the table.
In groups, decide on the volunteer work that you would like to do. Discuss the following questions.
In what way could you help others
How could others participate in your activities
What business could you set up to help others
Group work
Create a poster to explain more about your volunteer work, and then present it to the class. The table below may help you.
Name:__________ Some questions:
What should be taken into account when designing a poster
In what way do you make the posters attractive
Do you plan to use pictures or colour pencils in the poster
Purpose:________ Activity:________ Place:__________ Project
Who are we
We are a volunteer organisation dedicated to help solve the problem of building a reading corner for schools in rural areas.
What do we do
We look for schools which lack reading materials.We donate many types of reading materials for them.We also organise various charity activities where people donate money or offer social services on line or offline to provide help for those schools.
Where do we work
We work in Beijing, but we provid helps to any schools in Tibet,Yunnan, Gansu,and Guizhou etc.
How can you help
Join us by donation or being one of our members.You can be a volunteer to read books to the children.Mail your old storybooks or magazines to us.
Help Build Reading Corners
Take a class vote on the best three posters
Group Name (0-5) Place (0-5) Purpose (0-5) Activities (0-5) Design
Read Expanding Your World on
Page 87-88 of Workbook.