【牛津深圳版】小学英语六年级上册 第6讲 Unit 5 Animals in danger 学案+素材(pdf版,含答案)


名称 【牛津深圳版】小学英语六年级上册 第6讲 Unit 5 Animals in danger 学案+素材(pdf版,含答案)
格式 zip
文件大小 7.0MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 牛津深圳版
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-05-09 17:10:57


第6讲Unit5 Animals in danger
Part One
掌握there be句型的过去式
In the past,there were many
pandas,but now there are
only about one thousand six
hundred pandas in the wild.

In the past,there were many
South China tigers,but now there
l.I had breakfast at7o'clock this morning.(改一般疑问句)
are only about thirty in the wild.
2.They went to the bookshop yesterday.(做-般疑间句)
In the past,there were many blue
whales,but now there are only
3.I saw a film yesterday evening.(对划线都分提间)
about ten thousand in the wild.
Part Two
Joy and Elsa
Warm up

Joy worked with wild animals.
She found Elsa on her way home.
Elsa's mother died,so Joy took
care of her.
One day,Joy and Elsa went
for a walk.They saw a rhino.
What animal wears big
Elsa drove away the rhino
What key can run itself
black glasses
and saved Joy.
Joy and Elsa lived together
for many months.Elsa grew
I'm an animal kept by
I have eight legs.I eat
up and learnt a lot.Then Joy
farmers to produce milk
bugs.I catch them in
sent her back to the wild.
my web.
Three years later,Joy saw
Elsa again.Elsa had three
babies.Joy was very happy
I have a very long neck.I can eat
to see her.
the leaves on the top of trees.
Talk:Do you know any other animal stories
Talk about them with your classmates.六年级秋季一期课程答案册(深圳)
4. Was Jack in the library yesterday
第 01讲 Unit 1 Growing up
5. How were their summer holidays
【Pretest】 【Listening】
题型一:1. 1-C-b; 2. 2-D-e; 3. 3-A-d; 4. 4-E-c;
5. 5-B-a
题型一:1-5 CBCAB 6-7 BA
题型二:1.shopping 2.legs 3.were
4.has 5.meets
题型四: CCBAB
题型三:1. Tom was seven years old.
2. His umbrella was not new.
3. We were all junior high school students. 1. catch; 2. holiday; 3. turtle; 4. spend; 5. pretty
【Listening】 【Challenge】
题型一:3-1-2-5-4 题型一:1-5 √×√×√
题型二:1-5 CABBB 题型二:1-6 ABAACB
题型三:1-5 BCBCB 题型三:1. does housework; watched TV
题型四:1-5 √×√√× 2. goes home; went home
题型五:1.baby; 2.cute; 3.junior; 3. goes to the library; went to the cinema
4.primary; 5.handsome. 4. do my homework; visited my friends
题型五:1-4 CBDC
题型一:ACBAC 第 03讲 Unit 3 Healthy or unhealthy
题型二:1-6 ×××√×√ 【Pretest】
题型三:1. is 2.was 3.was 4.is 1. had; 2. went; 3. was; 4. swimming; 5. watches
题型四:1-5 CCBAB 6-7 CA 【Exercise】
题型一:1-5 CCBBA 6-10 ABCBC
题型五:1-5 CCBCA
题型二:1.took 2.cut 3.caught 4.had
5.got 6.spent 7.played 8. drove
第 02讲 Unit 2 My summer holiday 【Listening】
【Pretest】 题型一:1-6 HFCDAE
CAB 题型二:7-11 BCCAB 12-14 DDD
【Exercise】 题型三:15-20 FTFTTF
题型一:1-6 ABCBCA 题型四:21.was ill; 22.ten minutes; 23.too much;
题型二:During; spent; visited; took; had. 24.too fat; 25.less, exercise.
题型三:1. I visited my cousin yesterday.
2. He spent three days in Beijing.

3. She went to the Palace Museum.

【Challenge】 【Exercise】
题型一:××√ 题型一:1-5 CBBAA
题型二:1. I had a hamburger for breakfast. 题型二:1.neighbour; 2.son, daughter; 3.chess
2. Adam had noodles for breakfast. 4. owl; 5.noise; 6.dug;
3. Peter had some milk and an egg for lunch. 7.slept
4. Sally had rice for dinner. 【Listening】
题型三:1.got; 2. brushed 3.washed; 4.ate; 5.played; 题型一:1-5 BBACA
6.went 7.went; 8. saw; 9.was; 10.enjoyed; 题型二:1-5 ABCBC
11.didn’t. 题型三:5-3-2-4-1
题型四:1-5 BADCE 题型四:1.reading; 2.photos; 3.under;
题型五: 4.neighbour; 5.daughter. 1-5 TFFTT

第 04讲 Revision: Unit 1-3
【Pretest】 题型一:1-5 BCBAC
1. got; 2. took; 3. taught; 4. told; 5. rode
题型二:1-6 BCABAB
题型三:1. I didn’t watch TV last night.
题型一:1-5 BAACA
Did you watch TV last night
题型二:told; went; played;
Yes, I did. No, I didn’t.
studied; planned; read;
2. Lily didn’t do her housework at home
worked; stopped; liked;
ran; cut; put
Did Lily do her housework at home
题型二:1. cola; 2. chicken; 3. sandwich; 4. hamburger;
5. pizza
Yes, she did. No, she didn’t.
3. Where did Peter go last month
题型四:1-6 BACBAC
题型五:1-5 ABCAA
题型三:cute; months; spent; cola; unhealthy
【Challenge】 第 06讲 Unit 5 Animals in danger
题型一:1-5 EDGBF 6-7 AC 【Pretest】
题型二:1.of; 2.up; 3.for; 4.with; 5.to 1. Did you have breakfast at 7 o’clock this morning
题型三:1.reading; 2.are; 3.took; 4.bread; 5.an 2. Did they go to the bookshop yesterday
题型四:1-5 CDEBA 3. What did you see yesterday evening
题型五: 【Exercise】 1-5 CACBC 6-7 BC
题型一:1-5 ABCAC
题型二:I. one hundred and seventy-four
第 05讲 Unit 4 Our neighbours two thousand and eight
【Pretest】 six hundred and eighty
six thousand and thirteen 题型五:1-5 TTFFF
II. 206 1070 5150 6482 【Upgrading】

题型一:1-5 CBAAC 【Challenge】
题型二:1-5 CBCBC 题型一:1-4 ×√×√
题型三:2-1-3-5-4 题型二:1-5 BABCA
题型四:CBACB 题型三:1.the UK;2.Australia;3.the US;4.Canada
题型五:1.lovely; 2.friendly; 3.interesting; 题型四:A 篇 1-5 CBBBA
4.past; 5.danger. B 篇 1-5 BBCCA
略 第 08讲 Revision:Unit 4-6
题型一:1-4 BCAC
1. were; 2. countries; 3. playing; 4. to go; 5. climb
题型二:1. In 2. up 3. about 4. on 5. so
题型三:1. Emily had three babies.
题型一:1-5 BCAAB
2. Joe sent her back to the wild. 题型二:1-5 EBDCA
3. What can we do to help them 【Listening】
4. Were there computers in the past 题型一:1-5 BACBA
5. There are only about ten thousand blue 题型二:6. played; 7. danger; 8. way; 9. e-friends;
whales in the wild. 10. Australia
题型四:1-5 BCAAB 题型三:11-15 ABBAB
题型五:1-5 FTTTTF 题型四:16-20 DBEAC
第 07讲 Unit 6 E-friends 【Upgrading】
【 】 1. Japan; 2. Italy; 3. India; 4. Russia Pretest
1. is; 2. is; 3. Are; 4. are; 5. is 【Challenge】
【Exercise】 题型一:√×√√×
题型一:1-6 CCABAC 题型二:1-5 BAACB
题型二:1-5 CACBB 题型三:1-5 DBCBA 6-10 DBABA
题型三:1. My mother would like me to clean my room. 题型四:1-4 CCBC
2. I would like some bread and milk.
3. Would you like to play football with us this
【Listening】 第 09讲 期中复习
题型一:1-5 BABBA 【Pretest】
题型二:1-5 BACBC 1. months; 2. famous; 3. Everyone; 4. fruit; 5. danger
题型三:TFFTF 【Warm up】
题型四:1.lights, green; 2.tall, smart; 3.date, 12th; nothing
4.windows, cleaned; 5.heavier, bigger.
题型二:1. I would like; 2.dangerous; 3.unhealthy; 题型三:1-5 ECDBA
4. short; 5.made; 6.grew; 题型四:1-5 CDEAB
7.child; 8.ate 题型五:1-5 TFFFT
【Listening】 题型六:略
题型一:1-5 CBACA
题型二:6-10 AAAAB
题型三:11-15 ECDBA
第 11讲 Unit 7 Seeing a film
题型四:16.past 17.thousand 18.wild 19.tigers
20.danger 【Pretest】
1. bee, she; 2. sandwich, bag; 3. pen, pet; 4. cook, book;
5. arm, sharp
BDACE 【Exercise】
【Challenge】 题型一:1-5 BACCB 6-10 BCAAA
题型一:1-5 CABCA 题型二:1-5 ABA
题型二:1. hamburgers, vegetables; 2.important; 题型三:1. When shall I leave
3.neighbour; 4.countryside 2. How many birds can you see in the tree
5.catches; 6.past; 3. There wasn’t a bike just now.
7.breakfast, sandwiches 4. It’s a film about a policeman.
题型三:1.in; 2.with; 3.also; 4.for 5. What would you like to see
5.much; 6.or 【Listening】
题型四:CEBAD 题型一:1-5 CBABC 6-10 ABCBA
题型五:1-5 TFFFF 题型二:1-5 CBACA
题型三:Shall; Police; bee; ants; tourists
第 10讲 期中检测

题型一:1-5 BABAC
题型一:1-5 BA BCA
题型二:1-5 BCACB
题型二:1. sleepy 2. exciting/excited
题型三:1-5 BCACC
3. saw 4. policemen
题型四:1-5 BCAAC
5. could 6. interesting/interested
题型五:1-5 ABCBC
题型三:1-5 EBACD
题型四:1-5 ABBBB 6-10 BBACB
题型七:1.bread; 2.hamburgers;
题型五:1-5 CBCBA
3.sandwiches; 4.noodles;
【Challenge】 第 12讲 Unit 8 Visiting museums
题型一:1-5 CACAC; 6-10 BCAAC 【Pretest】
题型二:1.went, saw; 2.walked; 3.had; AABB
4.are; 5.like; 6.learnt; 【Exercise】
7.grew 题型一:1. went 2. ran 3. stopped
4. stayed 5. lived 6. stood 7. learnt 题型一:ACABC
8. saw 9. drank 题型二:1-5 CCABC 6-10 AABCC
题型二:1-5 ABCBC 6-10 ACAAB 题型三:1. Guangzhou 2. 10 October 3.7:05 p.m.
题型三:1. Jim and I went to school at 7:30 a.m. 4. take 5. 2 hours and 50 minutes
2. There were many sheep on the mountain. 题型四:1-5 DBACB 6-10 CBACB
3. Did she put her books into your school bag 题型五:CBCAB
4. What did you do last Sunday
5. Where were they two days ago
第 14讲 Revision 7-9
题型一:1-5 CBABC 6-10 BACBA 【Pretest】
1. to see; 2. was; 3. went; 4. move; 5. kinds
题型二:1-5 BACBC
题型三:kill; fingers; buildings; insects; asleep
题型一:1. 这个周末 2. 看这个照片
3. 一面魔镜 4. 半小时
ABEDC 5. 中国的首都 6. in the past
【Challenge】 7. next time 8. in the north of
题型一:1-5 CAABB
9. fall asleep 10. many kinds of
题型二:1. did 2. butterflies
题型二:1. boring 2. interesting 3. ants
3. bought 4. ugly
4. buildings 5. tourists
5. bees 6. take
题型三:1. What did; 2. Shall
3. How long; to 4. Did, buy
题型四:1-5 CBBDD 6-10 ACDBD
5. brave policeman
题型五:1-5 CBCBB
题型一:1-6 CFADEH
第 13讲Unit 9 Great cities of the world 题型二:7-14 DDCBBBAA
题型三:15-20 TTFFTF
CAACC 题型四:21. May 25
th; 22. call; 23. daughter, sister;
【Exercise】 24. river; party; 25 months
题型一:1. photos 2. building 3. tourists 【Upgrading】
4. shopping 5. quick 6. south BEDAC
题型二:1-5 BCBAA 【Challenge】
题型三:ACA 题型一:1-5 ×××√×
【Listening】 题型二:1-5 CBCBB 6-10 BAAAA
题型一:1-5 CBABC 6-10 BACBA 题型三:1. How long does it take from Jinan to Nanjing
题型二:1-5 CABCA by train
题型三:1-5 museum; saw; kinds; was; bought 2. Where is Shanghai
【Upgrading】 3. What is it
BDACE 4. Yes, I did.
【Challenge】 5. Did you play ball games yesterday
题型四:CBCBA chairs
题型三:1. We should plant more trees.
第 15讲 Unit 10 Air
2. Some workers took him to the factory.
3. She often sings songs for her mother.
1. Did you buy a model car
4. What do people use wood to make
2. Do you have a great time at school
5. We use wood to make pencils, desk and
3. He is a policeman.
【Exercise】 chairs.
题型一:BCBAB AB 【Listening】
题型二:1. alive 2. factory; 3. plants 题型一: 1-5 trees; matches; factory; south;
4. smoke 5. everywhere 6. dirty make drinks
题型三:1. We cannot see the air. 题型二:1-branches 2-leaves 3-trunk 4-roots
2. It keeps them high. 题型三:1-5 TFTFF
3. We should plant more trees. 题型四: important; clean; wonderful; plant;
4. Eating breakfast is important to us. beautiful
5. Does it have any colour or taste 【Upgrading】
【Listening】 略
题型一:1-4 √××√ 【Challenge】
题型二:1-4 clean; dirty; factories; trees 题型一:1-5 ACACC
题型三:1-4 CBBA 题型二:1. see 2. has 3. to make 4. clean 5.
题型四:1-5 smoke; bikes; plant; important; wood
alive 题型三:CACBC
【Upgrading】 题型四:1. at the top 2. desk, toy box
略 3. tree, home 4. sunny and hot
第 17讲 Unit 12 The Earth
题型二:1. plant trees 2. clean
3. smoke; factories
题型三:1-5 CDBCA 6-10 DDCBA
题型四:1-5 FTTTT
第 16讲 Unit 11 Trees 题型三:1. The Earth gets sick.
【 】 2. Some people throw rubbish into rivers. Pretest
1. is; 2. is; 3. is; 4. is;5. are 3. We can recycle paper and glass.
【Exercise】 4. The Earth was beautiful and clean.
题型一:1. cool the water 2. keep the air clean 5. What should we do to save the Earth
3. plant more trees 4. I will miss you. 【Listening】
5. cut down trees 6. use wood to make 题型一:1-5 BCABA
题型二:1-5 536142 3. We should plant more trees.
题型三:1-5 BCBAC 4. We should stop cutting down so many trees.
题型四:Earth; sick; forest; oceans; plastic 题型四:BCBBD
1. 横七竖八;2. 三长两短;3. B 第 19讲 期末复习
题型一:1. cut sown trees 2. in the past 1. C him; 2. C 去掉; 3. C any
3. pick up rubbish 4. get sick 【Exercise】
5. help the Earth 6. stop smoking 题型一:1. were 2. came 3. drank
题型二:1. can’t 2. can 3. couldn’t 4. went 5.rode 6. ate
4. must 5. mustn’t 6. shouldn’t 7. liked 8. studied 9. shopped
7. Can 10. walked 11. played 12. wrote
题型四:FFTFT 【Listening】
题型一:1-4 FFFT
题型二:1-5 CCBBB
第 18讲 Revision: Unit 10-12
题型三: important; vegetables; chocolate; strong;
【Pretest】 keep; sport
1. are 改为 is; 2. throw 改为 throwing; 3. much 改为
many; 4. is 改为 are; 5. something 改为 anything
题型一:1. 使……活着 2. 种树
题型二: summer; past; countries; museum;
3. 砍伐 4. 这么多 5. 捡起
6. have to 7. look for 8. shopping bags
题型三:1. What did you see yesterday
9. plastic bags 10. make a fire
2. Would you like some tea
题型二:1. see 2. gave 3. bought
3. Did you play chess with him last night
4. stood
4. How long does it take to finish the task
【Listening】 题型四:1-5 FFFTT
题型一:1-5 CBABC 题型五:略
题型二:1-5 CABCA 第 20讲 期末检测
题型三:factories; miss; oceans; rubbish; cool
【Upgrading】 题型一:1-5 BACAC 6-10 BCBCA
BCC 题型二:1-5 BCACA 6-10 BCABA
【Challenge】 题型三:1-5 factory; neighbours; E-friend; past;
题型一:CADAB tourists
题型二:ABACA AAA 【Writing】
题型三:1. It makes the air dirty. 题型一:1-5 FTFFF 6-10 TTFTT
2. We use wood to make pencils. 题型二:1-5 BABBB 6-10 ABCAA
题型四:1. fresh 2. hundred 3. month 4. plant
5. sent 6. noisy 7. south 8. idea 9. vegetables
10. policeman
题型五:insects; eating; matches; flies; cut
题型六:1. She was two months old.
2. She had some bread and milk.
3. He had a wonderful summer holiday.
4. What did you see at the car museum
5. I visited the Great Wall with my friends
last weekend.
题型七:1. B go; 2. C from; 3. C make; 4. D see;
5. C throwing
题型八:1-5 BDACA