教 案
课 题 Module3Unit1Have you got the Harry Potter videos 授课时间
主备教师 课型 新授 课时 1 授课人
教学目标 知识技能 掌握四会句子:Have you got the Harry Potter videos Yes, we have. No, we haven’t. 四会短语:return the books.
过程方法 通过听音、看图、情景表演等方式,听读懂课文,在老师和同学的帮助下尝试模仿在图书馆借书。
情感态度价值观 养成爱读书,读好书的好习惯。
教学重点 四会句子:Have you got the Harry Potter videos Yes, we have. No, we haven’t.四会短语:return the books.
难点关键 能熟练的使用Have got句型。
学情分析 关于句型have got同学在三年级和四年级都有过相应的学习,所以句型和语法方面不是难点,关键是帮助学生形成热爱读书,乐于帮助同学,了解班级图书角的图书分类和各类图书的位置这一点好习惯
教学准备课程资料 CD-ROM cards
教 学 流 程 设计意图要求程度 动态调整
一. Warm-up and lead in1..Free talkT: Have you got the pencil-box 板书:Have you got…. Yes, I have / no, I haven’t.二. Task Presentation这节课我们为图书角选拔图书管理员,学习课文,看看图书管理员是怎么工作的?三. Text learning1. T: Boys and girls. I’ll show you a part of film. Please watch carefully.what’s this film about Ss: Harry Potter. T: Yes, It’s Harry Potter film. Do you like Harry Potter films I have got the Harry Potter videos Look, they’re here.Have you got the Harry Potter videos “Yes, I have/No, I haven’t”T: I have got the videos. But I haven’t got the Harry Potter book.Have you got the Harry Potter book T: Wow, great! Can I borrow your book Thank you! I will give it back next week.2.Listen and answer: a.Have they got Harry Potter videos at the library b.What have they got about Harry Potter at the library c.Where are the Harry Potter books d.What card do they need(需要) to borrow the books e.When will Amy and Lingling return the books 3、进行小组表演,去图书馆借书的场景。四.PracticePractice in paris.Sa: Excuse me. Have you got… Sb: Yes, we have./ No, we haven’t.五. Task completion(当堂检测) Role Play去商店购物或图书馆借书(A=商店营业员或图书管理员 B=顾客)A: Hello, welcome to our shop/ library , can I help you B1: Have you got________ B2: Have you got________ A: Yes, we have. They are on shelf___. B: Thank you.B: Here is my shopping card / Library card.A: Please return the books in 3 weeks./ welcome backB: Thank you.六 .Summary and Homework. 1.summary学生总结本课知识点。2.Have a test:用have got的正确形式填空:A: _______ you _______ the Harry Potter videos B: Sorry, we _________ ________ the videos. But we _______ ________ the books.3.homework 1.必做:copy the words and sentences2.选做:模仿图书馆的场景,表演借书的情节 复习have got 的用法通过Activity1的学习,呈现任务利用现代化教学手段的整合,通过直观形象的教学呈现,调动了学生的直观思维,使学生初步感知课文。通过让学生自主听音找出问题的答案,培养了学生的自主学习以及自主发现问题和解决问题的能力。在活动中巩固功能句通过实际场景的操练,巩固功能句的应用。
作业设计 1.copy the words and sentences 2.模仿图书馆的场景,表演借书的情节
板书设计 Module3 Unit 1Have you got the Harry Potter videos Yes, we have. No, we haven’t.return the bookborrow the books