教 案
课 题 M7U2 She couldn’t see or hear. 授课时间
主备教师 课型 新授 课时 1 授课人
教学目标 知识技能 能听懂会说单词 born, illness, round, all over the world,学习目标语句 She couldn’t see or hear. 能运用所学语言 could, couldn’t进行简单的信息交流
过程方法 在猜一猜的活动中充分进行语言的学习和知识的运用
情感态度价值观 在参与实践活动的过程中,建立自信,学习自强不息的精神
教学重点 用could,couldn’t谈论某人的过去能力
难点关键 讲述故事
学情分析 在教学过程中学生学习出现差距是不可避免的。一旦出现,就应该及时找学生谈,分析他们掉队的原因,课下及时找她们谈话,了解她们的内心想法。同时给予学习方法的指导,耐心帮助他们补习功课。对于这些有可能掉队的学生,及早指出,说明掉队的严重后果,做到防患于未然。
教学准备课程资料 CD-ROM,单词卡,CAI.
教 学 流 程 设计意图要求程度 动态调整
一、Warm-up and lead-in 1.Greeting.2.Free talk3.What could / couldn’t you do when you were a baby Ss make some sentences with “could / couldn’t”.4.Learn to sing : When I was a baby.5.T: I’m 42 now. I can do many things. I can swim. I can play ping-pong. But when I was a baby, I couldn’t’t swim. I couldn’t play ping-pong. I just could cry. Teach could and couldn’t.二、Task presentation 课件出示Helen Keller的照片,然后问学生Who is she What do you know about her 让学生充分展示他们搜集的资料,讲解并介绍Helen Keller的事迹。三、 Text learning1.Listen and underline the sentences with “born /could / couldn’t”. 2.Learn the important sentences.3.Summary: could / couldn’t, can / can’t. 4.Do some exercises about couldn’t could.5.Read the Passage 2 and answer other questions.T: Helen’s life was sad . Do you want to know more about her T: Ok. Let’s ask her some questions.Who’d like to read?Question1:Did Helen try hard Question2:What did Helen learn Question3:Was it difficult for her 6.Part3.Question4:Where did Helen go and what did she do Question5:What did she also do . 7.Ask and answer in pairs.8.Read after the CD-ROM.四、Practice 1.Read the text by themselves.2.Try to retell the text.五、Task completion(当堂检测) 请以“My Trip”为题,写一篇小作文。注意语句通顺,书写工整。(不少于6句话)六、Summary and homework 1.summary2.Retell the story to your friends and your relatives. 背写M7单词和功能句 通过简单的交流拉近师生距离,渗透本课难点生词,为本课教学做铺垫。教师利用多媒体课件出示Helen Keller生前的部分照片,引导学生大致了解Helen Keller的生平,为课文学习做好准备。通过简单的问题整体感知课文,讲解重点知识,做应用练习,加深理解通过这些事例激励学生要像Helen Keller、邰丽华一样意志坚强,弃而不舍,关爱他人,同时珍惜现在的幸福生活,并学会感恩。)通过本课的学习学生形成自强的意识。
作业设计 Retell the story to your friends and your relatives. 背写M7单词和功能句
板书设计 M7 U2 Helen Keller She was deaf. So she couldn’t hear.But she could learn.