Unit 5 Launching your career period 1 Reading and Thinking 课件+教案


名称 Unit 5 Launching your career period 1 Reading and Thinking 课件+教案
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-05-11 17:27:34


Unit 5 Launching Your Career
Period 1 Reading and Thinking教学设计
课题 Unit 5 Period 1Reading and Thinking 单元 Unit 5 学科 English 年级 Grade 3
教材 分析 该板块的阅读文本是一篇介绍职业能力倾向测验的说明文。标题“Working Out What You Want to Do”点明了文本的写作意图。并非每人都对自己的未来有明确的认识和规划。如何了解自己想要做什么、适合什么样的职业 这不仅要听从自己内心的声音,更需要对自己有深人、 全面的客观认知。从内容上分析,文本指出了学生应该尽早进行职业规划的必要性,提出了职业规划的实施建议,具体介绍了职业能力倾向测验的方法。此外,文本还强调了学生应该客观认识测验结果,并综合考虑各种因素,包括自身的教育背景和经历,这样才能更加客观和全面地给自己定位并确立目标,最后还强调了热情在职业选择中的重要性。本文共有七个自然段,分为三个主要部分。第一段和第二段作为总起,提出学生应该尽早明确自己的职业规划的观点。第二部分是第三段至第六段,主要介绍职业能力倾向测验,包括其意义和种类。第七段是第三部分,提出学生要客观看待测验结果,并指出热情是职业成功的秘诀。第二部分是本文的重点。在语言运用上,为更清晰地表达观点,以及客观介绍测验的重要性,作者运用了“One of the most effective ways to...is...”“There are many different kinds of...“Some...Others...” 等句式;用被动语态来解析职业能力倾向测验的过程,如“Their answers ’“The participant is then given a chart...”“The top three scores are then analyzed and divided up... “This code is then used to...”,等等;还有使用动名词作主语的结构,如“Having this used to...information will provide you with...”“Getting ahead start in...may...”等,用来强调建议的内容。文木中的两个图表,分别是职业能力倾向测验的表格和列举测验结果的条形图,需要与本单元“运用图表”的学习策略相结合,理解图表在文中的作用。理解和运用图表是培养课标中所提出的“看”的能力的方式之一。 活动设计:该板块的活动围绕对主题意义的探究进行设计,分别从不同角度和层次帮助学生 建立职业规划的意识,并能够有所行动。活动1中的两个读前问题,启发学生思考有哪些有助于职业选择的方法,并思考青少年是否有必要早做职业规划,引导学生带着问题展开后续阅读。活动2是让学生从文本中找出有关活动1中两个问题的答案,也是快速获取文本大意的训练。活动3中的前两个问题基于文本理解,帮助学生正确认识职业能力倾向测验的作用和被测验者应有的态度。第三个问题引导学生结合阅读策略,解读条形图显示的测验结果。该问题还可以与活动4相结合,对适合的职业给出具体的建议。第四个问题从训练学生的批判性思维的角度出发,鼓励学生就热情在职业选择中的作用发表自己的看法。活动4旨在从词汇的角度,扩展学生对职业的认识,需要学生建立词汇语义网络,并尽量扩充和积累与职业名称有关的词汇。活动5中的两个问题让学生对职业能力倾向测验和职业规划进行反思,旨在鼓励学生联系自身实际,在客观看待职业能力倾向测验的作用的基础上,加深对尽早开始职业规划的理解和认识。
学习目标与核心素养 1.To develop interest in launching career. 2. To be able to use charts and graphs to assist reading comprehension. 3. To be able to understand dialectically career aptitude test in career planning. 4. To learn key words and phrases of this period.
重点 To be able to use charts and graphs to assist reading comprehension. To learn key words and phrases of this period
难点 To be able to understand dialectically career aptitude test in career planning.
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
导入新课 Lead –in 1.What can you see in the picture How do you interpret the picture A businessman is working down a remote country road with a briefcase in hand. It symbolizes a person beginning his career with infinite possibilities ahead. 2.What is this unit probably about What does “launching your career” mean here It is probably about work and career. Starting to be better prepared to embark upon careers and find a bright future. 3.Look at the quote and voice your opinion The future depends on what you do today. —— Mahatma Gandi How do you understand it 4.What does “get a head start” mean here We should begin earlier or further ahead to gain a career advantage to help us succeed in our future career. Students look at some pictures and talk about Launching your career and head start . To arouse students interest in the topic of career.
新课 Pre-reading Pair work 1. Discuss the questions in pairs, then share your discussion result. What are some of ways that can help people decide which career is appropriate for them 2. Is it essential that teenagers decide on a career before they become adults Skim 1.Skim the title and predict what the text is probably about It is probably about planning your career. 2.Skim the text and find the main advice given to readers. You should use a career aptitude test to help you determine the career you want to take. 3.Skim the text for the main idea of each paragraph. Para 1 Taking time to think about dream career is an essential exercise. Para2 Starting to think about dream career at a young age is not easy. Para3 career aptitude tests can help to get head start for future career. Para4 There are many different kinds of career aptitude tests. Para5 One popular test works to indicate the participant's overall work personality Para6 Career suggestions is also based on education and experience level. Para7 Career aptitude tests are a very useful tool,but only meant for guidance. 4.Divide the text into three parts . Part 1(para1-2) Starting to think about dream career at a young age is not easy. Problem Part 2 (3-6) Different career aptitude tests can help us to get ahead start in considering our future career. Solution Part 3(7) Career aptitude tests area very useful tool, but they are only meant for guidance. Conclusion Read 1.What are some of the career aptitude tests mentioned in the text. How are the career aptitude tests introduced 1.Ask questions about personal interests and attitudes. 2. Focus more on asking you to rate different kinds of work scenarios. Using Chart and graph Charts and graphs are a great way to convey a wide range of information in a limited space. To understand them, first read the title and then the labels on the edges of the chart(often called the x-axis, y-axis, and the key/legend). 2.Complete the career aptitude test, then work in pairs, ask your partner the following questions. 1.Does your personality match with the careers that your are interested in 2.If not, how will you choose between the suitable ones and interested ones. Share answers with the whole class. 3.Sort out the information about another career aptitude test. 4.Analyze the result of the career aptitude test. 5.According to the participant’s work personality code, what careers would you recommend Writer, architect, designer, and engineer... Various answers Post-reading Answer the questions: What is one of the most effective ways of helping you see which career may be right for you To complete a career aptitude test. 2. What is very important when you are completing the test It is important to be honest. 3. Do you agree with the text when it says “the secret to a good career is finding something that your passionate about ” Give your reasons. I do not agree with that statement. For example, a person maybe passionate about singing, but lack the talent for it or the ability to turn It into a career.It might be better to find something that he or she is good at and can be successful at, and pursue it instead, as that way he or she can at least earn an income.People can still pursue their passions as hobbies. Look at these jobs and then decide on which work personality type they most closely relate to. Add more jobs to each category. Discussion 1.Would you like to take a career aptitude test Why or why not Yes, I would like to take such a test,because I think it might help me understand what kind of career I am suited to. 2.What could be some problems with this sort of test What other things could you do to help you decide on possible future careers It does not really tell me what kinds of things I am good at, or what kind of job I can best earn a living with. I think another option is to take an internship at a company in a field I think I might like and try the job out to see if it is suitable. 3.What factors will you take into consideration when you plan your future career Summary The first question most people hear upon_________someone new is “what do you do ” It is no wonder that your career defines your life.So it's essential for young people to think about________ careers while they are at school.There are many effective ways to get some insight on a possible career path, one of________ is to complete a“career aptitude test”. It can give you________ better understanding of your strengths and interest.Some tests even suggest careers that you may be suited to, which allows you to have a better chance of finding a job you like. There area variety of free career aptitude tests.Some focus________ questions about your present interests and attitudes, and others ask you______ different kinds of work scenarios.One popular test asks you to grade your preferences for various work_________. You will________some career suggestions based on your score, your education and experience level. If you can complete the tests_________, you will get some good suggestions on your true careers.In conclusion, career aptitude tests area very useful tool. However,do remember they are only meant for guidance.The secret to a good career________ in what you have passion for. Answer: meeting their which a on to rate tasks be given honestly lies Students discuss the questions in pairs, then share discussion result Students skim the title and predict what the text is probably about Students skim the text for the main idea of each paragraph. Students divide the text into three parts. . Students find the main advice given to readers. Students find out the two career aptitude tests mentioned in the text. Students complete the career aptitude test, then work in pairs, ask partner questions and share answers. Students sort out the information about another career aptitude test and analyze the result of it. Students answer the questions. Students decide on which work personality type they most closely relate to. Students discuss the following questions in groups. Students fill the blanks. To prepare for the reading. To get a general idea. To skim for the main idea of each paragraph. To get the structure of the text. To catch the main information To know chart and graph and develop reading skill. To think and share opinions. To read for details. To check the important information of the text. To further refine students’ understanding of work personality type. . To discuss and relate it to students’ own experiences and lives. To check the main content of the text.
Language points 1. bounce v.(使)弹起;反射;试探地透露(主意);蹦;颠动 n.弹跳;跳动;弹性;反弹力;活力;精力 【教材原句】 Some people know what they want to do from a young age,but many others just have a few ideas bouncing around in their heads.有些人年轻时就清楚自己想做什么,但更多的人往往是只有一些想法在脑子里晃来晃去。 【实例品读】 No one could watch her bounce around like that and hold on to a bad mood. 没有人可以看着她在旁跳着而仍处于坏情绪之中。 【热点归纳】 bounce around蹦来蹦去;弹来弹去 bounce back恢复健康(或信心等);重整旗鼓 bounce sb. into sth. 追逼(或催逼)别人做某事 bounce sth. off sb. 向某人透露某事 【考点精练】 [一词多义] 写出下列句子中bounce的汉语意思 (1)The ball bounced twice before he could reach it. __________ (2)He bounced his ideas off colleagues everywhere he went. ___________ (3)Your arms need protection from light bouncing off glass. ____ (4)Patsy had picked up the baby and was bouncing him on her knee. ____ Answer: 弹跳 透露 反射 颠动 2.debt n.债务;欠款 【教材原句】 Help and advise people in serious debt. 帮助和提供建议给负债累累的人 【实例品读】 The company can no longer service its debts. 那家公司已无力支付债务利息。 【热点归纳】 in debt负债 out of debt不欠债 pay off one’s debt还清某人的欠款或债务 【考点精练】 (1)They made a contract that they should pay ______ all their debts in a year. 他们签了合同,一年之内还清所有债务。 (2)Don’t get the merchant to lend you money any more,because he himself is_________too.别再让那个商人借钱给你了,因为他自己也负债。 (3)He had run up credit card _________ of thousands of dollars. 他积欠了数千元的信用卡借款。 Answers: off in debt debts 3.participant n.参与者;参加者 【教材原句】 According to the participant’s work personality code, what careers would you recommend 根据这个参与者的个性密码,你会推荐他什么样的事业? 【实例品读】 40 of the course participants are offered employment with the company. 上这门课的人中有40个被该公司聘用。 【热点归纳】 participate vi.参与;参加 participate with sb. in sth. 与某人分担某事;同某人参与某事 participate in (doing) sth. 参加(做)某事 participation n.参与;参加 【考点精练】 1)I suggest that you should participate ____your friend in his sufferings. 我建议你应当分担朋友的苦恼。 2)Things will turn for the better if we can work out some _______________rules for people to obey.如果我们能制定一些让人们遵守的参与规则,事情就会好转。 Answers: with participation 4. spy n.密探;间谍 vi.从事间谍活动 vt.突然看见;发现 【教材原句】police spy 警探 【实例品读】 His work as a civil servant was a cover for his activities as a spy. 他以公务员的工作作为搞间谍活动的掩护。 【热点归纳】 spy out sth. 查清楚/搞明白某事 spy on sb. /sth. 暗中监视某人/某事;侦查某人/某事 【考点精练】 1)East and West are still spying ______ one another . 东西方仍在互相进行间谍活动。 (2)To his horror,he saw a man ________ him from behind a tree. 令他感到恐惧的是,他看见一个人躲在树后监视他。 (3)I generally like to spy______restaurants before I go to eat in them. 我一般喜欢在进餐馆吃东西前先对其有所了解。 Answers: on spying out in conclusion总而言之;最后 【教材原句】 In conclusion,career aptitude tests are clearly a very useful tool. 总之,职业能力测试显然是一个非常有用的工具。 【实例品读】 In conclusion, walking is a cheap, safe, enjoyable and readily available form of exercise. 总而言之,散步是一种廉价、安全、愉快的锻炼方式,而且随时随地都可以进行。 【归纳拓展】 draw/reach/come to/arrive at a conclusion得出结论 conclude v.断定;推断出;得出结论;(使)结束, conclude...from...从……中推断出…… conclude...with...以……结束…… 【考点精练】 (1)He concluded ____ their remarks that they were not in favour of the plan. 他从他们的话语中推断出他们不赞同此项计划。 (2)When the prime minister is about to finish his speech,he always concludes it _________important points.当首相即将结束他的演讲时,他总是以几个要点来结束(演讲) Answers: from with Exercises: 1.He folded the papers and stuck them in his desk _______(抽屉). 2.The president beat his _____(胸部) and called that deal a mistake. 3._______(氢) combines chemically with oxygen to form water. 4.The people went up to the __________(新郎) and the bride to bless them. 5.The __________ in the office were knocked on the head, and when they came to, they had difficulty _______ the two robbers. (account, profile) 6._____ from neighboring countries were sent to the country, _______ on its military bases. (spy) 7..Even a slight change in mood can be _________ by the experienced________ who are looking into the case. (detect) 8.The ___________ who have __________ in the activity will have something in return for their ____________. (participate) 9.They majored in _____ at college, hoping to become _____. (law) 10.He failed to catch the ball on both ________ when it was ________ much too high. (bounce) Answers: drawer breast hydrogen bridegroom accountants profiling spies spying detected detectives participants participated participation law lawyers bounces bouncing Pay attention to the usage of each word. Students do the exercises by themselves. Learn the how to use the key words. To grasp the usage of important words.
作业 Homework Do the exercises on Page 89 of Workbook.
21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
Period 1 Reading and Thinking
Unit 5 Launching Your
A businessman is working down a remote country road with a briefcase in hand. It symbolises a person beginning his career with infinite possibilities ahead.
What can you see in the picture How do you interpret the picture
What is this unit probably about
What does “launching your career” mean here
Starting to be better prepared to embark upon careers and find a bright future.
It is probably about work and career.
The future depends on what you do today.
——Mahatma Gandhi
Lead in
Look at the quote and voice your opinion
How do you understand it
What does “get a head start” mean here
We should begin earlier or further ahead to gain a career advantage to help us succeed in our future career.
Discuss the questions in pairs, then share your discussion result.
What are some of ways that can help people decide which career
is appropriate for them
2.Is it essential that teenagers decide on a career before they become
Pair work
Skim the title and predict what the text is probably about
It is probably about planning your career.
You should use a career aptitude test to help you determine the career you want to take.
Skim the text and find the main advice given to readers.
Para 2
Starting to think about dream career at a young age is not easy.
Para 3
career aptitude tests can help to get head start for future career.
Para 5
One popular test works to indicate the participant's overall work personality.
Para 1
Taking time to think about dream career is an essential exercise.
Para 6
Career suggestions is also based on education and experience level.
Skim the text for the main idea.
Para 4
There are many different kinds of career aptitude tests.
Para 7
Career aptitude tests are a very useful tool,but only meant for guidance.
Part 2
Different career aptitude tests can help us to get ahead start in considering our future career.
Part 3
Career aptitude tests are a very useful tool, but they are only meant for guidance.
Part 1
Starting to think about dream career at a young age is not easy.
Divide the text into three parts .
1.Ask questions about personal interests and attitudes.
2. Focus more on asking you to rate different kinds of work scenarios.
Using Chart and graph
What are some of the career aptitude tests mentioned in the text. How are the career aptitude tests introduced
Use charts and graphs
Charts and graphs are a great way to convey a wide range of information in a limited space. To understand them, first read the title and then the labels on the edges of the chart(often called the x-axis, y-axis, and the key/legend).
1.Does your personality match with the careers that your are interested in
2.If not, how will you choose between the suitable ones and interested ones.
Complete the career aptitude test, then work in pairs, ask your partner the following questions.
Share your answers with the whole class.
Participants grade their preference for a variety of work tasks
Sort out the information about another career aptitude test.
The answers are analysed and divided up between six different types of work personalities.
The code is used to generate a list of career suggestions.
The top three scores are used to make a code that indicates the participant’s overall work personality
The participants is given a chart showing their score for each type of work peraonality.
Analyze the result of the career aptitude test.
According to the participant’s work personality code, what
careers would you recommend
Writer, architect, designer, and engineer...
Group work
Various answers ...
What is one of the most effective ways of helping you see which
career may be right for you
2. What is very important when you are completing the test
It is important to be honest.
To complete a career aptitude test.
Answer the questions .
3. Do you agree with the text when it says “the secret to a good career is finding something that your passionate about ” Give your reasons.
I do not agree with that statement. For example, a person maybe passionate about singing, but lack the talent for it or the ability to turn It into a career.It might be better to find something that he or she is good at and can be successful at, and pursue it instead, as that way he or she can at least earn an income.People can still pursue their passions as hobbies.
Look at these jobs and then decide on which work personality type they most closely relate to. Add more jobs to each category.
engineer mechanic dentist biologist surgeon astronomer actor director detective graphic designer photographer nurse teacher waitress restaurant manager estate agent accountant police spy librarian secretary
mechanic, accountant...
actor, director, graphic designer,
astronomer, detective,police spy,
engineer mechanic dentist biologist surgeon astronomer actor director detective graphic designer photographer nurse teacher waitress restaurant manager estate agent accountant police spy librarian secretary
estate agent, salesman,
restaurant manager,
secretary, human resource administrator
dentist surgeon, nurse, teacher,
waitress, firefighter, counsellor
2.What could be some problems with this sort of test What other things could you do to help you decide on possible future careers
1.Would you like to take a career aptitude test Why or why not
Yes, I would like to take such a test,because I think it might help me understand what kind of career I am suited to.
It does not really tell me what kinds of things I am good at, or what kind of job I can best earn a living with. I think another option
is to take an internship at a company in a field I think I might like and try the job out to see if it is suitable.
Group work
Work in groups. Discuss these questions.
3.What factors will you take into consideration when you plan your future career
Subjective factor
Objective factor
Personal interest
Skills and qualities
Work personalities
Socio-economic status
Influnces from the family
Development and needs of the society
The first question most people hear upon_________someone new is “what do you do ” It is no wonder that your career defines your life.So it's essential for young people to think about________ careers while they are at school.
There are many effective ways to get some insight on a possible career path, one of________ is to complete a“career aptitude test”. It can give you________ better understanding of your strengths and interest.Some tests even suggest careers that you may be suited to, which allows you to have a better chance of finding a job you like.
There area variety of free career aptitude tests.Some focus________ questions about your present interests and attitudes, and others ask you______ different kinds of work scenarios.One popular test asks you to grade your preferences for various work_________. You will________some career suggestions based on your score, your education and experience level. If you can complete the tests_________, you will get some good suggestions on your true careers.
In conclusion, career aptitude tests area very useful tool. However,do remember they are only meant for guidance.The secret to a good career________ in what you have passion for.
to rate
be given
Language points
Important words
1. bounce v.(使)弹起;反射;试探地透露(主意);蹦;颠动 n.弹跳;跳动;弹性;反弹力;活力;精力
Some people know what they want to do from a young age,but many others just have a few ideas bouncing around in their heads.有些人年轻时就清楚自己想做什么,但更多的人往往是只有一些想法在脑子里晃来晃去。
No one could watch her bounce around like that and hold on to a bad mood.
bounce around蹦来蹦去;弹来弹去
bounce back恢复健康(或信心等);重整旗鼓
bounce sb. into sth. 追逼(或催逼)别人做某事
bounce sth. off sb. 向某人透露某事
[一词多义] 写出下列句子中bounce的汉语意思
(1)The ball bounced twice before he could reach it. __________
(2)He bounced his ideas off colleagues everywhere he went. ___________
(3)Your arms need protection from light bouncing off glass. ____
(4)Patsy had picked up the baby and was bouncing him on her knee. ____
Important words
Language points
Important words
2.debt n.债务;欠款
Help and advise people in serious debt. 帮助和提供建议给负债累累的人
The company can no longer service its debts.
Language points
in debt负债
out of debt不欠债
pay off one’s debt还清某人的欠款或债务
(1)They made a contract that they should pay ______ all their debts in a year.
(2)Don’t get the merchant to lend you money any more,because he himself is_________too.别再让那个商人借钱给你了,因为他自己也负债。
(3)He had run up credit card _________ of thousands of dollars.
Important words
in debt
Language points
Important words
3.participant n.参与者;参加者
According to the participant’s work personality code, what careers would you recommend
40 of the course participants are offered employment with the company.
Language points
participate vi.参与;参加
participate with sb. in sth. 与某人分担某事;同某人参与某事
participate in (doing) sth. 参加(做)某事
participation n.参与;参加
1)I suggest that you should participate ____your friend in his sufferings.
2)Things will turn for the better if we can work out some _______________
rules for people to obey.如果我们能制定一些让人们遵守的参与规则,事情就会好转。
Language points
Important words
4. spy n.密探;间谍 vi.从事间谍活动 vt.突然看见;发现
police spy 警探
His work as a civil servant was a cover for his activities as a spy.
Language points
spy out sth. 查清楚/搞明白某事
spy on sb. /sth. 暗中监视某人/某事;侦查某人/某事
1)East and West are still spying ______ one another .
(2)To his horror,he saw a man ________ him from behind a tree.
(3)I generally like to spy______restaurants before I go to eat in them.
Important words
Language points
Important phrases
in conclusion总而言之;最后
In conclusion,career aptitude tests are clearly a very useful tool.
In conclusion, walking is a cheap, safe, enjoyable and readily available form of exercise.
draw/reach/come to/arrive at a conclusion得出结论
conclude v.断定;推断出;得出结论;(使)结束,终止
(1)He concluded ____ their remarks that they were not in favour of the plan.
(2)When the prime minister is about to finish his speech,he always concludes it _________important points.当首相即将结束他的演讲时,他总是以几个要点来结束(演讲)
Important phrases
1.He folded the papers and stuck them in his desk _______(抽屉).
2.The president beat his _____(胸部) and called that deal a mistake.
3._______(氢) combines chemically with oxygen to form water.
4.The people went up to the __________(新郎) and the bride to bless them.
5.The __________ in the office were knocked on the head, and when they came to, they had difficulty _______ the two robbers. (account, profile)
6._____ from neighbouring countries were sent to the country, _______ on its military bases. (spy)
7.Even a slight change in mood can be _________ by the experienced
________ who are looking into the case. (detect)
8.The ___________ who have __________ in the activity will have something in return for their ____________. (participate)
9.They majored in _____ at college, hoping to become _____. (law)
10.He failed to catch the ball on both ________ when it was ________ much too high. (bounce)
Do the exercises on
Page 89 of Workbook.