Unit 10 How many people are there in your family
Let’s talk
Listen and say(Page 56)
Learning and teaching objectives:
To learn how to ask how many people there are in the family and the apostrophe-s for referring to specific families.
1. Children, please look at the picture of Jiamin’s family in the book ( Page 56).
2. Present the apostrophe-s for referring to specific families by saying to pupils: This is Jiamin’s family.
3. Present the meaning of How many … By saying: How many people are there in Jiamin’s family One, two, three, four, five. (Point to the individual family members while counting.) There are five people in Jiamin’s family.
4. Prepare pupils for listening to the dialogue by saying: Ms White is asking Jiamin about his family. What are they saying Write down some of their answers on the board.
5. Play the recording all the way through and check the pupils’ predictions.
6. Play the recording again, pausing after every sentence to guide or check understanding.
7. Conduct reading aloud practice on the dialogue.
8. Point to the picture of Jiamin’s family and say: This is Jiamin’s family. What about these families
9. Ask pupils to look at the pictures of the 4 families ( Page 57). Guide pupils to say the names of the other families.
10. For further practice, point to a family photo randomly for pupils to say aloud the name of the family.
11. Point to each photo and ask: How many people are there in …’s family
Pupils find the right picture and answer accordingly.
首先同孩子们复习了数字,在谈论玩具的数量中进行新句型的教学,然后和孩子们一起看课件,描述图中的人物,复习Unit 9 的内容,接着让他们运用刚刚学习的内容,运用How many … are there … 这样学生学得轻松又高效。
Unit10 How many people are there in your family
1. Fun with language
Listen and number ( Page 58)
To practice listening for adjectives describing appearance, and the apostrophe-s denoting family relationships.
(1) Have pupils look at Jiamin’s family photo (Page 56). Talk about the picture to present examples of Jiamin’s father.
(2) Ask pupils to look at the 8 small pictures in Task 1, Revise adjectives describing appearance with pupils using the pictures: heavy, short, cute, tall, strong, and old. For example: Look at this boy. What is he like Is he tall or short Now, look at this man. What is he like (And so on.)
(3) Explain the task, using the first picture as an example.
(4) Play the recording, pausing after each sentence for pupils to write in the correct number.
(5) When pupils have done the last one, play the recording again for pupils to check their answers.
2. Look, write and say.
(1) Revise the words grandmother, grandfather, mother and father using Jiaming’s family photo in the dialogue.
(2) Let Ps study the family tree in Part 2. Point to the family tree and say This is Li Fang’s family.
(3) Invite pupils to find Li Fang in the family tree diagram.
(4) Have pupils compare the two names Li Tao and Wu Shuying. Ask Pupils which of them is Li Fang’s father and which is Li Fang’s mother. Ps then write down the correct answers.
(5) Continue the process to work out Li fang’s grandfather and grandmother.
(6) present the dialogue below the family tree. Conduct some reading aloud practice on the dialogue. Check that Ps understand that the dialogue is derived from the family tree.
Who are they?的句型已经在Unit 9完成了教学任务,那么在Unit10 的教学中就进行得很好。备课的过程中整个单元去准备还是具有很大的优势的。