人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit 5 The Value of Money-Section B 课时基础+综合全面训练(word版,含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit 5 The Value of Money-Section B 课时基础+综合全面训练(word版,含答案)
格式 doc
文件大小 80.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-05-15 20:27:36



Unit 5 The Value of Money-Section B Discovering Useful Structures
1. He said there be a concert that evening.
2. He has waited outside for half an hour. he come in
3. she be ten years old next month
4. Can you help me I never understand this.
5. We are going for a walk. you like to join us
6. you tell me what time it is, please
7. You be Mr Smith. I was told to pick you up.
8. Henry walk when he was one year old.
9. I love the weekends, because I get up early on Saturdays and Sundays.
10. You give me a lift. I want to walk home for exercise.
11. Life is unpredictable; even the poorest become the richest.
12. It was so noisy that we hear ourselves speak.
13. —Can’t you stay a little longer
—It’s getting late. I really go now. My daughter is home alone.
14. — you interrupt now Can’t you see I’m on the phone
—Sorry, sir, but it’s an emergency.
15. You feel all the training a waste of time, but I’m a hundred percent sure later you’ll be grateful you did it. (情态动词)
16. It was really annoying; I get access to the data bank you had recommended. (情态动词)
17. You be Carol. You haven’t changed a bit after all these years.
18. You be careful with the camera. It costs!
19. I’ve ordered some pizza, so we worry about cooking when we get home tired.
20. I have a word with you It won’t take long.
1. In today’s information age, the loss of data for a company.
在今天的信息化时代, 丢失数据可能会给公司造成严重的问题。
2. She said that without your help.
她说, 要是没有你的帮助, 她不能做成。
3. My room is a mess, but I before I go out tonight. I can do it in the morning.
我的房间很乱, 不过今晚在我出去之前, 我没必要打扫它。我可以在(明天)早晨打扫。
4. She said she her trip.
5. Samuel, the tallest boy in our class, on the top shelf.
塞缪尔是我们班最高的男孩, 他能轻而易举地拿到书架顶层的书。
6. He when he saw a shark.
7. If you attempt to practice yoga, at the beginning, but you’ll grow stronger in the long run.
当你尝试去练习瑜伽, 也许在刚开始时你会感到疲倦, 但是从长远来看这让你变得更强壮。
我仍然记得我快乐的童年, 我的母亲周末会带我去迪士尼乐园。
8. I know you have an important performance tonight. !
我知道你今晚有个重要演出, 祝你成功!
9. When I was small, my mom at night.
当我小时候, 我妈妈经常在晚上给我读故事。
10. I wondered when we for Paris.
11. You so much cash with you. you know—that shop accepted checks.
你本不必带这么多现金。你知道, 那家商店接受支票。
12. I still remember my happy childhood when my mother
Disneyland at weekends.
13. — that left the door unlocked
—It might be Mike. He is always forgetting things.
——是谁没锁门 ——可能是迈克。他总是忘记事情。
14. Jack, look! Everybody is doing homework quietly. in class
杰克, 你看! 每个人都在安静地做作业。你一定要在课堂上大声喧哗吗
15. Sometimes smiles around the world , hiding other feelings like anger, fear or worry.
有时, 世界各地的微笑可能是假的, 隐藏着其他的感觉, 如愤怒、恐惧或担忧。
16. When he was there, he that coffee shop at the street corner after work every day.
当他在那里的时候, 他每天下班后都会去街角的那家咖啡店。
17. —Tell me your secret.
— . It wouldn’t be a secret if I told you.
——我不会。如果我告诉你, 那就不是秘密了。
18. —Can I go now, sir
—If , do it quietly.
——我现在可以走了吗, 先生
——如果你一定要走, 那就悄悄地走。
19. —The deadline is drawing but I failed to challenge the task a third time. —
——截止日期快到了, 但我又一次没能完成任务。
20.—Are you coming to Jeff’s party
—I’m not sure. I instead.
War Horse is a children's novel by English author Michael Morpurgo. When it first came out in 1982, few 1.________ (copy) were sold. That changed in 2005 when War Horse 2.________ (perform) on stage at the National Theatre. Today, Morpurgo's short story has sold over one million copies and the play is being performed in theatres worldwide; it has even been turned into a film directed by Steven Spielberg.
War Horse is set during the First World War and follows the lives of soldiers 3.________ (fight) on the front as well as ordinary people 4.________ lives have been turned upside down by the war. What makes it special 5.________ (be) that Joey, the narrator, is 6.________ (actual) a horse. The other main character is Albert, Joey's best friend and 7.________ (own), who watches helplessly as Joey is sold to the British army. There Joey joins thousands of other men and horses in the war.
Joey's narration is not only deeply moving, 8.________ accurate (准确的). Horses played 9.________ important role in the armies during the war; they transported heavy machine guns, rescued 10.________ (wound) soldiers from the front and so on. Throughout the war, over eight million horses died.
I'm Alina Morse, a fifth grader from Michigan. I have always wanted to __1__ my own business. Since I was about four years old, I have been writing a journal of business ideas.
During a trip to the bank with my dad, a teller __2__ me a sugary lollipop (棒棒糖). I love candy. __3__, my dad had told me that too much sugar was bad for my teeth. So I asked, “Why can't we make some __4__ lollipops?” At last, I __5__ my family — both of my parents have professional experience in sales and marketing — to get my idea __6__ the ground.
Our first step was research. We spoke to __7__ and food scientists. We went into stores and searched online for information. We __8__ that tooth decay (蛀牙) was being a serious problem in America. Then we decided to make lollipops with the teeth cleaning materials at home but it didn't __9__. So we found a factory.
The idea quickly __10__. I started a company that sells Zollipops, a kind of sugar free lollipop, to help __11__ the risk of tooth decay. Its sales were topping $70,000 in 2014 and increasing more than four times in 2015, __12__ $100,000. We have been working to make the lollipops more stable and less __13__ in hot or wet environments. We are very __14__ because the new Zollipops will be __15__ later this year.
1.A.set up     B.carry on
C.put off D.take over
2.A.bought B.awarded
C.ordered D.offered
3.A.However B.Instead
C.Otherwise D.Besides
4.A.tasty B.healthy
C.popular D.good quality
5.A.attended to B.backed up
C.relied on D.stood by
6.A.off B.beyond
C.against D.into
7.A.dentists B.physicists
C.chemists D.psychologists
8.A.suspected B.assumed
C.concluded D.complained
9.A.end B.act
C.fail D.work
10.A.paid up B.paid off
C.paid back D.paid out
11.A.reduce B.remove
C.avoid D.involve
12.A.costing B.valuing
C.making D.hitting
13.A.harmful B.sticky
C.sweet D.poisonous
14.A.astonished B.confused
C.appreciative D.excited
15.A.drawing out B.sending out
C.coming out D.giving out
Some 70 countries, mostly in the Americas and Europe, apply Daylight Saving Time during the summer months. Europe's clocks will move forward once again this weekend. Yet last week the European Union voted to end this long established practice from 2021.
In the 18th century, Benjamin Franklin came up with the idea of moving the clocks forward in the summer. But the practice really took hold during World War Ⅰ and since then it has brought several benefits. It might increase consumer spending, as shoppers are encouraged to stay out later into the evening. It might even reduce crime. As the saying goes, “The longer the daylight, the less I do wrong.”
In spite of all that, clock changing is unpopular. When the European Union ran a poll (民意调查) among its citizens, it got nearly 5 million responses. Over 80% want to scrap clock changing, and for good reasons. Although it has not been proven eventually, many scientists think that changing the clocks messes up humans' biological clock, which may increase the chances of heart attacks and strokes. It could cause car accidents to increase, as drivers who are used to going to work in the daylight, for example, suddenly have to do so in the dark. In addition, many businesses find it extremely inconvenient that countries change their clocks at different times.
So, will Europeans choose to stick with winter or summer time This has not been decided. It could be that each country will choose for itself, though each is likely to take careful note of neighbors' decisions. The benefit, it seems, is not so much in deciding how long the evening is, or how dark the morning. It is in keeping it consistent throughout the year.
1.What can be learned from Paragraph 2
A.People might spend more money after clock changing.
B.Clock changing has more benefits than expected.
C.People adopted clock changing after World War Ⅰ.
D.Clock changing makes people sleepy in the day time.
2.Which of the following best explains “scrap” underlined in Paragraph 3
A.Favor. B.Obey.
C.Stop. D.Delay.
3.What can we infer about clock changing
A.People will continue to use it.
B.More changes will be added to it.
C.It remains to be seen whether to use it.
D.European countries will change their clocks at same times.
4.What is the author's purpose in writing the text
A.To recall the history of clock changing.
B.To stress the benefits of clock changing.
C.To show people's opinions on clock changing.
D.To introduce the bad effects of clock changing.
用适当的情态动词、动词的过去将来时介绍一下你的高考备考情况。1. 还有三个月就要高考了, 这让我压力很大。
2. 因为我晚上熬夜, 我竟然在课堂上睡着了。
3. 以往考得不好的时候, 我的父母都会安慰我。
4. 现在我能进行自我调节了。
5. 我要遵守科学的作息规律。
6. 祝我在高考中取得好成绩。
can cause serious problems
she couldn’t make it
needn’t clean it
was going to prepare for
can easily reach the books
was about to dive
you may/might feel tired
May you succeed
would read me stories
should /would leave
needn’t have taken
would take me to
Who could it be
Must you make a noise
can be false
would go to
I won’t
you must leave
Shall my brother have a try
might go to the movies
was performed
The College Entrance Examination will be in three months, which makes me under great pressure.
Because I stay up late at night, I should fall asleep in class. My parents would comfort me when I didn’t do well in the exam. Now I can adjust myself. I shall observe scientific work and rest rules. May I gain good results in the College Entrance Examination.