人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit2 Iconic Attractions-Words and expressions课件14张PPT


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit2 Iconic Attractions-Words and expressions课件14张PPT
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-05-18 20:54:19



Unit 2 Iconic Attractions
words and expressions
1. iconic adj. 符号的; 图标的; 标志性的
icon n.图标; 偶像
2. foundation [C]n. (机构、组织等的)创建;基础;地基 without/have no foundation无根据/虚构 lay foundations/the foundation for... 为…奠定基础/打地基
found vt. 创办;成立;建立 (founded founded)
find -- found -- found (发现; 找到)
founder n. 创办人;创立者
3. political adj. 政治的 politically adv政治上
politics n. 政治 politician n. 政治家; 政客
4. locate vt.位于;找出…的准确位置 location n. 位置
local adj. 本地的;当地的 located adj.位于,坐落于
be located in/at/near 
be situated in/at/near
lie in....
There stands/lies. . .
5. joint n.公共场所;关节 & adj.联合的;共同的
a joint effort 共同的努力 out of joint (关节)脱位; 杂乱无章
a joint declaration/statement 联合声明
join vt.& vi. 连接;联结;加入
6. premier adj.最著名的;第一的;首要的 n.总理;首相
take the premier place 占第一位,占首席
eg: Safty takes the premier place during the manufacturing.
be of premier importance to...对……非常重要
7. vibrate v(使)振动 vibration n. 振动;心灵感应
vibrant [ va br nt] adj. 充满活力的; 鲜艳的; 生气勃勃的;
8. straightforward adj.坦率的;简单的
be straightforward with sb. about sth. 关于…对某人坦率
9. entitle vt.给……命名(或题名); 使享有权利
entitle sb. to (do) sth. 有权做.../享有...权利
10. dive vi.&n.(dived/dove,dived)潜水;跳水;俯冲
dive from/off sth. into sth. 从…跳入…
11. freedom n.自由;不受……影响的状态
have the freedom to do有做某事的自由
free adj. 自由的; 空闲的
be free from/of…不受……影响
set…free: 释放 free of charge: 免费
12. sponsor vt.倡议;赞助;主办 n. (法案等的)倡议者
sponsor sb. / sth. 资助某人/某事
be sponsored by 由……资助
13. liberty n.自由 liberation n. 解放 liberate v. 解放
at liberty 不受限制的,自由的
take the liberty of doing something 自由做某事
14. distribution n.分布;分配;分发 distributor n. 分销商
distribute v. 分发; 分配; 使分布; 分散
distribute sth. to .sb. 把某物分发给某人
15. temporary adj.暂时的 temporarily adv. 暂时地
16. frequency n.发生率;重复率; (声波或电磁波振动的)频率
frequent adj.频繁的;frequently adv. 频繁地
17. capacity n.能力;容量 capable adj.有能力的
be capable of (doing) sth.有能力(做)
have a capacity to do... 有能力做什么
18. a handful of少数人(或物);一把(的量)
a flock of一群(羊或鸟)
a mouthful of 满嘴的…
a bagful of 满满的一袋…
19. prison n.监狱;监禁 prisoner n. 囚徒;犯人
in prison 坐牢 send/put sb. into prison把某人送进监狱
out of prison 出狱 escape from prison 越狱
1. They claim that some computer games encourage ________ (violence)
behaviour in children.
2.The volunteer group is in charge of the___________ (distribute) of aid
3. I'm afraid we're__________ (temporary) out of stock.
4. The ___________(frequent) of this illness in the area is of concern to all
5. What I want to talk about now is_________ (politics) questions.
6. The earthquake shook the __________(found) of the house.
7. Women have gained the __________ to decide whether to marry or not,
and they are ________ to choose their jobs at present. (free)
8. Ethnic minority groups in China ____________( entitle) to special funds
from the government to help protect their cultural heritage.
9. Let us make a________(join) effort for the noble cause of advancing
peace and human progress!
10. Fatal road accidents have decreased in ________ (frequent) over recent
11. Is that gun ________ (license)
12. Limited resources are restricting our ________ (能力) for developing
new products.
13. He was quite__________ (坦率的) with us about the difficulties involved.
14. ____________(主办) by the National Department of Education,the
project attracts many students.
15. The project is only in the initial ________ (阶段) yet, but it's looking
quite promising.
16.我迫不及待地见到了分别了整整一个暑假的同学们。 I          my classmates       I haven’t seen for a
whole summer holiday. 17.第二年, 埃菲尔得到批准, 铁塔及时建造起来以庆祝1889 年在巴黎举办
的世界博览会。 The next year, Eiffel gained approval and  to
celebrate the 1889 World Expo in Paris. 18.众所周知, 大熊猫的产地是中国。 As we all know, pandas            China. 19. 除了为数不多的几篇短篇小说, 他没发表过什么东西。 He published nothing except              short stories. 20.黑龙江位于中国的最北端, 冬天非常冷。              , Heilongjiang has an extremely cold winter.
1.They claim that some computer games encourage __________ (violence)
behaviour in children.
2.The volunteer group is in charge of the___________ (distribute) of aid
3. I'm afraid we're__________ (temporary) out of stock.
4. The ___________(frequent) of this illness in the area is of concern to all
5. What I want to talk about now is_________ (politics) questions.
6. The earthquake shook the __________(found) of the house.
7. Women have gained the __________ to decide whether to marry or not,
and they are ________ to choose their jobs at present. (free)
8. Ethnic minority groups in China ____________( entitle) to special funds
from the government to help protect their cultural heritage.
are entitled
9. Let us make a________(join) effort for the noble cause of advancing
peace and human progress!
10. Fatal road accidents have decreased in ________ (frequent) over recent
11. Is that gun ________ (license)
12. Limited resources are restricting our ________ (能力) for developing
new products.
13. He was quite__________ (坦率的) with us about the difficulties involved.
14. ____________(主办) by the National Department of Education,the
project attracts many students.
15. The project is only in the initial ________ (阶段) yet, but it's looking
quite promising.
16.我迫不及待地见到了分别了整整一个暑假的同学们。 I          my classmates     I haven’t seen for a whole
summer holiday. 17.第二年, 埃菲尔得到批准, 铁塔及时建造起来以庆祝1889 年在巴黎举办
的世界博览会。 The next year, Eiffel gained approval and  to
celebrate the 1889 World Expo in Paris. 18.众所周知, 大熊猫的产地是中国。 As we all know, pandas        China. 19. 除了为数不多的几篇短篇小说, 他没发表过什么东西。 He published nothing except         short stories. 20.黑龙江位于中国的最北端, 冬天非常冷。
             , Heilongjiang has an extremely cold winter.
can’t wait to see
the tower was built in time
are native to
a handful of 
Located in the far north of China