Unit 5 Launching your career Period 3 Review useful structures 课件+教案


名称 Unit 5 Launching your career Period 3 Review useful structures 课件+教案
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-05-18 11:59:19


Unit 5 Launching your career
Period 3 Review useful structures教学设计
课题 Unit 5 Period 3 Review useful structures 单元 Unit 5 学科 English 年级 Grade 3
教材 分析 本单元的语法项目聚焦复杂句句法的分析与运用。长句的学习可以分为三个层次:感知一理解一运用,即在感知的基础上,能够利用有关句法知识分析和理解句子成分和句子意义,再运用到语篇写作中,结合语篇特点综合运用句法知识,写出符合文体要求、语义流畅、句子连贯的语篇。由一个主句和一个或一个以上从句合成的句子叫作复合句(complex sentence) ;由并列连词或其他并列手段连接两个或两个以上的简单句而成的句子叫作并列句(compound sentence) ;如果并列句中的两个分句又含有从句的话, 那就成为更加复杂的并列复合句(compound-complex sentence) 。值得提醒学生注意的是, 有的句子虽然含有从句, 但语言简洁, 句子简短, 不会造成理解障碍, 如“What he said is true.”。本单元主要从复合句、并列句、并列复合句出发, 帮助学生理解复杂句的句法,在掌握句法结构的基础上,理解句子的语义逻辑和语篇功能。活动设计:活动1主要聚焦学生对三种复杂句句法结构的辨认,从阅读语篇中找出这些句子,理解其句法结构,感知其语义逻辑和语篇功能。活动2提供了五组与职业话题有关的句子,需要学生运用句法知识,将“短句”转变为“长句”。活动3提供了一些打乱顺序的句子,学生需要补全这些句子,并且重新排列句子顺序,使其成为一篇语义流畅的短文,然后理解短文中对如何做好职业规划提出的建议。最后一个开放性的活动4要求学生用句法知识组织语言,将零散信息组织为成段的语言后输出;要求学生能够结合语境运用较长的句子,并且确保句子语义流畅、自然连贯。活动中的材料介绍了卡尔·马克思和钟扬的有关信息。这两位人物都属于身体力行,践行自己为人类服务的理想,并且为人类文明和社会进步作出了巨大贡献的典范。这样的选材也能激励学生,希望他们在未来职业的选择中,能够考虑人类社会进步和发展的需要,具有更博大的胸怀、更长远的眼光;能够找到自己理想职业的榜样,理解并继承这些伟大人物对事业矢志不渝地奋斗和追求的精神。
学习目标与核心素养 Knowledge objectives:1.Be able to understand the three types of sentences: 2..Be able to analyze long sentences and difficult sentences. Skill objectives: Be able to use long sentence knowledge to organize language and enrich sentence patterns to make the text coherent and fluent. Emotional objectives: Be able to cooperate with others. Thinking quality objectives: Be able to think about the importance of making a career plan and the direction one should strive for in favorite career.
重点 To analyze long sentences and difficult sentences. To think about the importance of making a career plan and the direction one should strive for in favorite career.
难点 To use long sentence knowledge to organize language and enrich sentence patterns to make the text coherent and fluent.
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
导入新课 Lead in Watch a short video and discuss in pairs. After watching the short video , are you proud of the achievements that Chinese expedition team has made Do you want to be a member of scientific expedition team if you have a chance What qualities are needed to be a member of expedition team Review types of sentences 1.In the video ,A total of 13 members of a Chinese expedition team reached the summit of Mount Qomolangma which is the world's highest peak at a height of 8,848.86 meters, on May plex sentence 2.At the summit, the squad(小组)which is part of a larger scientific research team of more than 270 members measured the thickness of ice and snow using high-accuracy radar for the first time and later they collected samples for further pound-complex sentence 3.It is a challenging work but the expedition team overcame various difficulties and eventually made pound sentence Students watch a short video and discuss in pairs. Students review three types of sentences. To activate class atmosphere To warm up for the following activities.
新课讲授 Activity 1 Find the following types of long sentences in the reading text. A.compound sentence B.complex sentence C.compound-complex sentence A.compound sentence There are many free tests online, so give one a try. So try a few tests online and start thinking about your future career right now. B.complex sentence As an adult, one of the first questions you are asked when meeting someone new is, “what do you do ” The best time to start thinking about possible careers is while you are still at school, before you make any choices about your further education. The top three scores are used to make a code that indicates the participants overall work personality. However, it is important to remember that they are only meant for guidance. The secret to a good career is finding something that you are passionate about. C.compound-complex sentence The career you have defines your life, and so taking time to think about it is an essential exercise for young people. Some people know what they want to do from a young age, but many others just have a few ideas bouncing around in their heads. The results of the test will tell you about your strengths and interests, and some tests also suggest careers that you may be suited to. The career suggestions are also based on your education and experience level, but you can look at higher-level careers as well, which is very useful for high school students. For example, you could look at the basic careers to see what work you might like now, and then look at the more advanced careers so you know what you may like to aim for in the future. Activity 2 Change these simple sentences into long sentences. Pay attention to the connectors you need to use. 1.Career guidance ought to be included at high school, and the school should also offer a work experience programme. 2. Dreaming to become somebody great is easy but working to achieve your dream can be quite hard. 3.You never know where you’ll be working in the future so learn as much as possible and study a foreign language because it is wise to do these things for the sake of your future. 4. Social occupations, which often involves helping or providing service to other people, require communicating with people. 5. Many people believe that since AI is developing rapidly, lawyers, teachers, librarians, drivers and receptionists may find their jobs replaced by AI in the future. Activity 3 Complete the sentences using what, which, that, who, and how.Then put the sentences into the correct order to make a complete passage. Advice on Making a Career Plan A The plan will require you to focus on________you want to do and_______to achieve it. B A career plan makes you think about your future,including _____ careers interest you most and____________skills and training you will need to succeed. C Of course, the CV should be tailored to match the careers in your plan, _______will leave you well prepared to make the most of all Opportunities ___________become available to you. D Finally, for useful information on _____to decide on careers and____to put in your CV, find some websites __________specialize in career advice or go to someone ___________can help. E Along with your career plan, you should also think about a CV,______is essential for showing your potential employers your skills and experiences. F These two things are _____you should start thinking about right now, as they will safeguard your future,_______is important to everyone. Answers: what how what which which which/that how what which/that who which what which Put the sentences into the correct order to make a complete passage. A2 B1 C4 D5 E3 F6 Group work 1.What do you think of the advice on making a career plan 2.What about the following advice Which piece you think is more important to you Define your goals. Short-term Medium-term long-term .Evaluate your current skillset. Reflect on what you’ve achieved. Get a mentor to support you with your plan. Identify who can help(explore your connections)in the future career. look for training & development opportunities. 3.What factors will you take into consideration when you plan your career Select a representative to report your team’s opinions. Activity 4 Read the two profiles below. Write a paragraph about one of them or any other person you admire. Karl Marx is one of the greatest men who changed the course of history. Others include Confucius; Newton;Albert Einstein;Columbus;Mao Zedong etc. Zhong Yang is a famous person who made great contributions to the society. In our country. There many great men like Zhong Yang such as Yuan Longping; Qian Xuesen; Deng Jiaxian ; Zhu Kezhen; Zhong Nanshan; Tu Youyou; Mei Lanfang etc. Meanwhile ,there are ordinary dedicators from different occupations such as firefighters, poverty alleviation cadres ,teachers……who deserve our respect. Added profiles Tu Youyou, born on 30 December 1930, Ningbo, China; studied at the Peking University; the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine 2015; prize motivation:“for her discoveries concerning a novel therapy against Malaria”; China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Beijing, China Mei Lanfang, 1894-1961,notable Peking opera artist in modern Chinese theatre,exclusive ly known for his female lead roles(dan) and particularly his“verdant-robed girls”(qing yi) ; considered as one of the“Four Great Dan”, along with Cheng Yan qiu, Shang Xiaoyu n, and Xun Huisheng Writing tips Example Karl Marx was born in Germany in 1818 and died in London in 1883. At university he studied law and philosophy, but he wore many hats in his long career: He was a philosopher and thinker, economist, historian, and sociologist. As a revolutionary socialist, he was the creator of Marxism, the founder of international communism, and the co-writer of The Communist Manifesto. Students find the following types of long sentences in the reading text. Students change the simple sentences into long sentences. Students complete the sentences using what, which, that, who, and how.Then put the sentences into the correct order to make a complete passage. Students discuss some questions. students read the two profiles below. students talk about more famous figures. Write a paragraph about one of them or any other person you admire. . To see how sentence types are used in context and learn inductively the purposes of their use. To practise making long sentences. To apply what students have learnt thus far in creating a paragraph with long sentences using different clauses. To develop thinking ability and speaking skill. To prepare for writing. To have more option. To apply what students have learnt thus far in writing a paragraph with long sentences
课堂小结 1. Three types of sentences: 2.Change simple sentences into long sentences. 3. Use what, which, that, who, and how to complete long sentences. 4.Use long sentences to write a profile. Students sum up the content of this lesson. To review what they have learnt in this lesson.
板书 Three types of sentences: compound sentence complex sentence compound-complex sentence
21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
Period 5 Review useful structures
Unit 5 Launching Your Career
Lead in
After watching the short video , are you proud of the achievements that Chinese scientific expedition team has made
Do you want to be a member of scientific expedition team if you have a chance
What qualities are needed to be a member of scientific expedition team
Pair work
having an independent mind
good at cooperation
ready to accept difficulties and challenges.
having a strong will .
having a strong body
In the video ,A total of 13 members of a Chinese expedition team reached the summit of Mount Qomolangma which is the world's highest peak at a height of 8,848.86 meters, on May 4th.
At the summit, the squad(小组)which is part of a larger scientific research team of more than 270 members measured the thickness of ice and snow using high-accuracy radar for the first time and later they collected samples for further research.
It is a challenging work but the expedition team overcame various difficulties and eventually made it.
compound sentence
complex sentence
compound-complex sentence
Read the video information and recall types of sentences
Activity 1
Find the following types of long sentences in the reading text.
A.compound sentence B.complex sentence C.compound-complex sentence
A.compound sentence
There are many free tests online, so give one a try.
So try a few tests online and start thinking about your future career right now.
Activity 1
As an adult, one of the first questions you are asked when meeting
someone new is, “what do you do ”
The best time to start thinking about possible careers is while you are
still at school, before you make any choices about your further education.
The top three scores are used to make a code that indicates the
participants overall work personality.
However, it is important to remember that they are only meant for
The secret to a good career is finding something that you are
passionate about.
B.complex sentence
Activity 1
The career you have defines your life, and so taking time to think about it is an essential exercise for young people.
Some people know what they want to do from a young age, but many others just have a few ideas bouncing around in their heads.
The results of the test will tell you about your strengths and interests, and some tests also suggest careers that you may be suited to.
C.compound-complex sentence
Activity 1
The career suggestions are also based on your education and experience level, but you can look at higher-level careers as well, which is very useful for high school students.
For example, you could look at the basic careers to see what work you might like now, and then look at the more advanced careers so you know what you may like to aim for in the future.
C. compound-complex sentence
Activity 2
1 Career guidance ought to be included at high school.The school should also offer a work experience programme.
Change these simple sentences into long sentences.
Pay attention to the connectors you need to use.
Career guidance ought to be included at high school, and the school should also offer a work experience programme.
Career guidance ought to be included at high school which should also offer a work experience programme.
Activity 2
2 Dreaming to become somebody great is easy.working to achieve your dream can be quite hard.
Dreaming to become somebody great is easy but working to achieve your dream can be quite hard.
3 You never know where you’ll be working in the future. Learn as much as possible. Study a foreign language.It is wise to do these things for the sake of your future.
You never know where you’ll be working in the future so learn as much as possible and study a foreign language because it is wise to do these things for the sake of your future.
Activity 2
4 Social occupations. This often involves helping or providing service to other people, require communicating with people.
Social occupations, which often involves helping or providing service to other people, require communicating with people.
5AI is developing rapidly, lawyers, teachers, librarians, drivers and receptionists may find their jobs replaced by AI in the future.Many people believe this to be true.
Many people believe that since AI is developing rapidly, lawyers, teachers, librarians, drivers and receptionists may find their jobs replaced by AI in the future.
Activity 3
Advice on Making a Career Plan
A The plan will require you to focus on________you want to do and
_______to achieve it.
B A career plan makes you think about your future,including _____ careers interest you most and____________skills and trainings you
will need to succeed.
C Of course, the CV should be tailored to match the careers in your
plan, _______will leave you well prepared to make the most of all
Opportunities ___________become available to you.
Complete the sentences using what, which, that, who, and how.Then put the sentences into the correct order to make a complete passage.
Activity 3
D Finally, for useful information on _____to decide on careers and
____to put in your CV, find some websites __________specialise
in career advice or go to someone ___________can help.
E Along with your career plan, you should also think about a
CV,______is essential for showing your potential employers your
skills and experiences.
F These two things are _____you should start thinking about right
now, as they will safeguard your future,_______is important to
Complete the sentences using what, which, that, who, and how.Then put the sentences into the correct order to make a complete passage.
Activity 3
A career plan makes you think about your future,including what careers interest you most and what/which skills and trainings you will need to succeed.The plan will require you to focus on what you want to do and how to achieve it.Along with your career plan, you should also think about a CV,which is essential for showing your potential employers your skills and experiences.Of course, the CV should be tailored to match the careers in your plan, which will leave you well prepared to make the most of all opportunities which/that become available to you.Finally, for useful information on how to decide on careers and what to put in your CV, find some websites which/that specialise in career advice or go to someone who can help.These two things are what you should start thinking about right now, as they will safeguard your future,which is important to everyone.
Put the sentences into the correct order to make a complete passage.
The key words to prompt sequence
1.What do you think of the advice on making a career plan
2.What about the following advice Which piece do you think is more important to you
Define your goals.
Short-term Medium-term long-term
2.Evaluate your current skillset.
3.Reflect on what you’ve achieved.
4.Get a mentor to support you with your plan.
5.Identify who can help(explore your connections)in the future career.
6.look for training & development opportunities.
Group work
3.What factors will you take into consideration when you plan your career Select a representative to report your team’s opinions.
Group work
Activity 4
Read the two profiles below. Write a paragraph about one of them or any other person you admire.
Activity 4
Karl Marx is one of the greatest men who changed the course of history. Others include Confucius;Newton;Albert Einstein;Columbus;Mao Zedong etc.
More optional persons
Activity 4
Zhong Yang is a famous biologist who made great contributions to the society. In our country. There many great men like Zhong Yang such as Yuan Longping; Qian Xuesen; Deng Jiaxian ; Zhu Kezhen; Zhong Nanshan; Tu Youyou; Mei Lanfang etc.
Activity 3
Meanwhile ,there are ordinary dedicators from different occupations such as firefighters, Poverty alleviation cadres ,teachers……who deserve our respect.
Activity 4
Tu You you, born on 30 December 1930, Ningbo, China; studied at the Peking University; the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine 2015; prize motivation:“for her discoveries concerning a novel therapy against Malaria”; China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Beijing, China
Me iL anfang, 1894-1961,notable Peking opera artist in modern Chinese theatre,exclusively known for his female lead roles(dan) and particularly his“verdant-robed girls”(qing yi) ; considered as one of the“Four Great Dan”, along with Cheng Yan qiu, Shang Xiaoyu n, and Xun Hui sheng
More profiles
Activity 4
1. Content:
Writing tips
date of birth
Activity 4
2. Useful structure
Writing tips
Phrases (NP; VP; AdvP; AdjP; PrepP)
Sentences(compound sentence;
complex sentence; compound-complex sentence)
the Non-Finite Verbs
emphatic sentence
Activity 4
Karl Marx was born in Germany in 1818 and died in London in 1883. At university he studied law and philosophy, but he wore many hats in his long career: He was a philosopher and thinker, economist, historian, and sociologist. As a revolutionary socialist, he was the creator of Marxism, the founder of international communism, and the co-writer of The Communist Manifesto.
Do the exercises on
Page 90 of Workbook.