Module 5 Unit 2 I want a Chinese pen friend. 教案(表格式)


名称 Module 5 Unit 2 I want a Chinese pen friend. 教案(表格式)
格式 doc
文件大小 33.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 外研版(一年级起点)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-05-19 09:30:43



教 案
课 题 Module5Unit2I want a Chinese pen friend. 授课时间
主备教师 课型 巩固 课时 1 授课人
教学目标 知识技能 听说读写功能句I want a Chinese pen friend.和单词French phone
过程方法 听读懂课文,会进行自我介绍
情感态度价值观 善于交流,敢于开口
教学重点 单词与功能句的掌握
难点关键 介绍自己的方法
学情分析 关于want的句型比较简单,关键在于引导学生学会在熟练掌握第一人称:I want a Chinese pen friend的情况下掌握单三句型的运用:例如:She wants a Chinese pen friend. She is pretty.等,也就是说要让学生掌握在什么情况下运用原型,什么情况下运用动词单三。
教学准备课程资料 课件。
教 学 流 程 设计意图要求程度 动态调整
Warmer-up and lead-ina. Greeting. b.Free talkWhat can you do What pen friend do you want c.What about Sam,Amy and Tom Let’s see.d. Listen and repeat Activity 1.Teach FrenchTask presentationThe task:通过自我介绍征求笔友Text learning1. Learn the text in groups.2. Show some questionsa.What’s your name b.Where are you from Where do you come from c.What can you do d.What do you want Answer the questions3. Listen and repeat.4. Read四、Practice1.Activity3 write and say .Retell the text2.Activity4 Sing a song3. Ss:Practice the text in groups.This is Carol. She’s from America. She can speak some Chinese. She wants a Chinese pen pal.五、Task completion(当堂检测)一、填空Carol is from America. She can _____________________. She wants _____________________.Tingting is________. She is learning_______. She wants a_______________________. They can __________________.Brain comes from ________. He can’t _________________. But he __________. He wants new friends _________. Do you want to be his pen friend 二、小练笔I’m________________.I come from_____________.I can __________.I can _______________.I want a \an _____________pen friend.六、Summary and Homework1. 引导学生总结这节课学到了哪些知识,老师借助单词卡片和板书做必要的补充。2.a.抄写单词French和功能句I want a Chinese pen friend.b.背诵课文。 复习Unit1的内容通过Activity1的学习,呈现任务通过小组合作的形式学习课文巩固本单元的知识通过检测检验教学目标的达成情况
作业设计 a.抄写单词French和功能句I want a Chinese pen friend.b.背诵课文。
板书设计 Module5Unit2I want a Chinese pen friend.