人教版(2019)选择性必修四 Unit 1 Science Fiction 重点词汇和句型(学案+同步训练)(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修四 Unit 1 Science Fiction 重点词汇和句型(学案+同步训练)(含答案)
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-05-19 17:35:02


高中英语新人教版选择性必修四 Unit 1 Science Fiction 学案
学生姓名 班级 序号
课题内容 选择性必修四 Unit1 Science Fiction词汇拓展和重点句型
学习目标 掌握本单元重点词汇短语;能够掌握单词的不同词性和固定搭配等;
学习重点 本单元重点词汇和句型;
学习难点 灵活将词汇和句型运用到写作中;
dismiss vt. 让(某人)离开; 解散; 解雇; 清除
* In consequence of his bad work, I was forced to dismiss him.
他工作表现不好, 所以我只好辞退他。
*He tried without success to dismiss her/her memory from his thoughts.
他尽量不去想她, 然而无济于事。
*Emil tried to dismiss from his mind the horrible thoughts.
declare vt. 表明; 宣称; 公布; 申报
*We must declare war against gang of terrorists.
*We declare these goods to be of China origin.
*You must declare your camera at the Customs.
declare for/against     声明赞成/反对
declare war on/against 向……宣战
declare. . . to be/as. . . 宣布……为/是……
declare that. . . 宣告; 宣称
nothing to declare 绿色通道; 不需报关
declare 正式用法, 用于比较严肃和重大的场合
announce 一般用法, 生活中常见的通知, 宣布(结果, 决定等)
claim 用于发表个人意见, 索赔, 认领等
①The opening of the 13th National Games of PRC___ (declare) on August 27, 2017 in Tianjin.
②The government has declared war ___ drug dealers.
③The students declare ___ cheating in exams.
(2)She ___ she didn’t want to forgive him.
(3)Soon they will ___ the leader of the company.
conflict vi. 冲突, 抵触;conflict n. 冲突, 矛盾; 斗争
*These results conflict with earlier findings.
*She found herself in conflict with her parents over her future career.
in conflict with 和……冲突
come into conflict with 和……冲突
resolve the conflict 解决矛盾
conflict of interest 利益冲突
(1)It is a statement___ conflict with other evidence.
(2)If so, your points of view are bound to conflict ___ his.
(3)My interests come ___ conflict with yours.
appointment n.& v. 预约;约会;委任
Mr Brown would like to make an appointment to see Mr Smith sometime this week.
They have appointed a new head teacher at my son’s school.
A lawyer was appointed to represent the child.
(1)Patients can make ___ appointment after registering through the hospital app or mini-programs on WeChat.
(2)I’d like to set up a doctor’s ___ (appoint)as soon as possible.
(3)I am very sorry, I will not be able to keep my appointment ___ you on Thursday.
(4)Our visitors arrived at the ___ (appoint)time.
suspend vt.悬;挂;暂停;暂缓
A large light was suspended from the ceiling.
He was suspended for four matches after arguing with the referee.
labour n. 劳动(者); 体力劳动 vi. 奋斗; 努力工作
*The company wants to keep down labour costs.
*She often does volunteer labour during holidays.
*We laboured all day in the fields.
(1) a labour of love     爱做的事情
manual(physical)labour 体力劳动
cheap labour 廉价劳动力
labour force 劳动力
(2) labour to do. . . 艰难地去做……
labour away 努力去做(艰难的事)
(1)It is necessary for us to take part in ___ .
(2)We ___ a matter of honour.
(3)The owner of the shop ___ please his customers.
division n. 分开; 分隔; 差异; 除(法)
*I taught my daughter how to do division at the age of six.
我女儿6岁时, 我就教她怎样做除法。
*He worked for a research division of it.
*The division between the rich and the poor remains.
(1)division of / in/ within. . .   某方面的差异/分割
division of. . . between A and B A 和B在某方面的差异/分割
(2)divide v. (使)分开; 分配; 分隔
divide (sth. ) into 分成; 分为; 把……分割成
divide(sth. ) by 除以; 用……除
divide(sth. ) up /out 瓜分; 分割; 分配
divide sth. between. . . and. . . 把(时间、精力等)分别用于……
divide 把整体分为若干部分, 常与into搭配
separate 指把原来连在一起或靠近的东西分隔开来, 常与from搭配
(1)There are deep___ (division) in the party over the war.
(2)The ideal ___ (divide) of labor in the computer age is very clear: The computer should do the work, and the person should do the thinking.
(3)We can also divide the screen___ quarters, sixths, and so on.
(4)England is separated ___ France by the English Channel.
8. urge n. 强烈的欲望; 冲动 vt. 催促; 力劝; 大力推荐
*It is all very well to urge people to give more to charity when they have less, but is it really fair
这样好倒是好, 当他们自己却没那么多东西的时候, 却敦促人们给慈善机构捐更多东西, 这真的公平吗
*Looking at all the accusing faces, she felt a sudden urge to run away.
看着一张张脸上那责备的神情, 她突然想赶快溜走。
*The authorities urged that every citizen focus attention on the security of food in the early spring.
在早春的时候, 政府敦促每个市民关注食品安全
(1)urge sb. to do sth.    催促某人做某事
urge/it is urged that. . . (should) do sth.
(2)have an urge to do sth. 渴望做某事
(3)urgent adj. 紧急的; 迫切的
urgency n. 紧急; 催促
(1)Our teacher urges us___ (study) hard with the College Entrance Examination drawing near.
(2)I have ___ urge to help people out when they’re in trouble.
(3)I make an ___ (urge) appeal that measures should be taken to cope with the situation.
(4)There happens to be a particular___ (urgent) in this case, and it would help if you could bend the rules.
9. random adj. 随机的; 不可思议的
*She opened the book at random and started reading.
*The information is processed in a random order.
*We based our analysis on a random sample of more than 200 males.
(1)at random      胡乱地; 随便地; 任意地
random sample/ selection 随机抽样; 随意采样
(2)randomly adv. 随便地, 任意地; 无目的地, 胡乱地
(3)randomness n. 随意; 无安排; 不可测性
(1)He read a great deal, but ___ random for pleasure.
(2)These temples are scattered ___ (random)over the mountain.
(3)Einstein declared that___ (random) rather than lawfulness is the characteristic of natural events.
10.explode vi. &vt. 爆炸; 爆破
They were clearing up when the second bomb exploded.
*The population explodes to 40, 000 during the tourist season.
*There was a huge bang as if someone had exploded a rocket outside.
突然一声巨响, 仿佛有人在外面引爆了火箭似的。
*Columbus helped to explode the theory that the earth was flat.
(1)explode sth.       使……爆炸; 推翻
explode sth. into 突然做起……来; 突然活跃起来
(2)explosion n. 爆炸; 爆发; 激增
bomb/nuclear/gas explosion 炸弹╱核╱气体爆炸
(1)The boss ___ (explode)with anger when he saw the sales report.
(2)He only felt the dull pain ___ (explode) in his skull.
(3)An underground organization has claimed responsibility for the bomb___ (explode).
11. whereas conj. 然而; 但是; 尽管
*His children are well bred, whereas those of his sister are naughty.
他的孩子们很有教养, 但他姐姐的孩子们却调皮得很。
however    adv. 无论如何; 不管怎样; 然而; 可是
while conj. (对比两件事物)而; 虽然, 尽管
nevertheless adv. /conj. 然而, 不过; 虽然如此
but conj. 但是; 而是; 然而
yet conj. 但是; 然而
take over 接收; 接管; 接替
*I’m going to take over the company one day.
*The state may take over urban or rural land.
*Try not to let negative thoughts take over.
take off    脱去(衣服等); (飞机等)起飞; 成功
take on 呈现; 雇用; 承担
take up 拿起; 着手处理; 占据(时间、空间等)
take in 收留; 吸收; 欺骗; 领会; 理解
选择适当的词语填空(take over, take on, take up, take off, take in)
(1)It’s still far from clear what action the government proposes to ___ the affair.
(2)While reading popular science books, we can ___ more basic knowledge.
(3)Our factory will ___ twenty more workers next month to increase output.
(4)We tried to find a table for seven, but they were all___ .
(5)The accident happened as the jet was about to___
2. turn out 关掉; 熄灭; 在场,出席; 使朝外; 结果是
*Remember to turn out the lights when you go to bed.
*No one could have foreseen (that) things would turn out this way.
*If a writer does not go deep among the masses, he cannot expect to turn out good works. 如果作家不深入群众, 就不会写出好作品来。
turn down    关小; 拒绝
turn away 拒绝……入内; 把……打发走
turn up 出现; 露面; 调大
turn to 转向; 变成; 求助于; 翻到(书的某页)
turn over 打翻; 翻身; 移交
(turn out, turn down, turn up, turn away, turn to, turn over)
(1)You can’t expect everything to ___ as you wish.
(2)Go down the street and___ the left, you’ll see the theatre.
(3)Hundreds of people had to be___ because the stadium was so full that couldn’t even admit one drop in.
(4)We arranged to meet at 7: 30, but she never ___ .
(5)It remains a question whether we should accept or___ his proposal.
(6)He has been very lazy but he is going to___ a new leaf and work hard.
3. on a. . . basis 根据; 以……的方式(基准)
*A good parent-children relationship should be set up on the basis of mutual understanding and respect.
*Some videos have been banned on the basis that they are too violent.
*The theory seems to have no basis in fact.
on the basis of        根据; 基于……
on the basis that 基于
on a daily/day-to-day/weekly/ regular basis
form the basis for 为……打基础; 构成……的基础
basis n. 基础; 根据 多指无形或抽象的事物
base n. /v. 基础; 基地 多指有形或物质的东西
foundation n. 基础; 基地 意义较具体, 常指基础或地基
 【即学活用】选词填空(basis, base, foundation)
(1)Our mission was over, and went back to our ___ .
(2)His research formed the ___ of his new book.
(3)He laid the ___ of his success by study and hard work.
4. fall away (逐渐)减少; 消失
*If you take this medicine, all your pains and aches will fall away.
你服下这个药, 一切疼痛就会消失。
*The houses fell away as we left the city.
随着我们离城市越来越远, 房屋也逐渐在视线中消失了。
*You will fall in love with life because you are no longer tied down by your insecurities, fears and negative beliefs.
你将爱上生活, 因为你不再被你的不安、害怕、消极的信念所牵制。
*It is easy to fall into the habit of getting up late in the morning.
fall ill 生病
fall asleep 睡着; 入睡
fall behind 落在后面
fall down 倒下; 跌倒; 倒塌
fall off 下降; 跌落
fall over 跌倒
fall in love with. . . 爱上……
fall into the habit of. . . 形成……习惯
①He always falls ___ when we climb mountain.
②Don’t put that glass on the edge of the table; it might fall ___ .
③I was unlucky to slip on a banana skin and fall ___ .
④The pupils of the class fall ___ four groups.
(2)I am very healthy, and I almost do not ___ .
我很健康, 几乎没有生病。
(3)Some people ___ easily, but then wake up time after time.
有些人很容易睡着, 但是会醒很多次。
test out 检验; 测试
(1)test sb. /sth. (for sth. ) (为……而)测验/考查/试验/检查/化验某人/物
test sth. 考验……, 测试……
test sth. out 对……进行检测
(2)test n. 测验; 考查
take / do a test 参加测验
pass/fail a test 通过╱没有通过测验
put sb. /sth. to the test 使……受考验; 使……受检验
stand the test of time 经得起时间的考验
(1)There is no doubt that higher-risk professions and communities should be the first___ (test).
(2)The model must be tested ___ before you put the product on sale.
(3)The recent quarrels in the artistic circles will put both sides___ the test.
Ⅰ. 用所给词的适当形式填空
1. The new robot is going to___ (test) out by Larry’s wife, Claire.
2. Jack didn’t answer my question and his___ (face)expression didn’t change.
3. The boy felt ___ (embarrass) at his mistaking a stranger for his teacher.
4. I think both of them will be glad ___ (accompany) our honored guest.
5. People are discouraged from participating in too many on-site___ (appointment) in order to stop further spread of the virus.
6. By the side of the temple there ___ (stand) the Druggist Pagoda.
7. They ___ (suspend) the delivery so far as they have to check the quality of their goods.
8. It is better___ (dismiss) the player as he often makes trouble and doesn’t work hard.
9. Are you carrying any items that need to___ (declare)
10. We’ll be ___ (arrive) by car about ten o’clock on Friday night.
1.The      (saleswoman ) at the supermarket were trying to keep up with the demand.
2.My sister      (suspend) from her job shortly after the incident.
3.Why do we need to issue a      (declare) from this summit
4.Students are allowed      (take) European history and American history.
5.Mr Smith made an      (appoint) for his son to see the doctor.
6.The parents felt ashamed for their son when he      (dismiss) by the boss.
7.He could not,      all,stop all the evil in the world.
8.The publishers planned to produce the journal      a weekly basis.
was declared;on/against;against;declared that;declare her to be/as;in; with; into;an; appointment;with;appointed;physical/ manual labour;regard labour as; laboured to;divisions;division; into;from; to study;an;urgent;urgency;at;randomly;randomness; exploded;exploding;explosion;take over; take in;take on;taken up;take off;turn out;turn to ; turned away;turned up;turn down;turn over;base; basis;foundation ;behind ; off.;over;into;fall ill.fall asleep;to be tested;out; to;
be tested ;facial;embarrassed;to accompany ;appointments ; stands ;have suspended;to dismiss;be declared ;arriving;
Saleswomen;was suspended;declaration;to take;appointment;was dismissed;after;on
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高中英语新教材选择性必修四 Unit 1 Science Fiction 同步训练
Life Changing Habits
Turn off your phone before bed.
Forcing yourself to bed earlier is a tall order,but you can at least aim for the most restful sleep when you finally do turn in for the night. 36 Quit trying to pay attention to more emails or get a new high score,and make some progress in your reading list instead.
Eat more fruits and vegetables.
Looking to eat healthier? 37 For a long term solution,make a point of adding fresh produce to your plate,rather than avoiding certain foods.You’ll naturally eat fewer unhealthy foods not because there will be less room on your plate,but because you will be filling it up with satisfying fruits and vegetables.
Make a point of looking for the beauty in the world, and you could improve your general happiness.Try to record the details of your life.Start a diary to keep track of the beautiful things in your own life. 39
Listen more,talk less.
During conversations,do you spend all your “listening” time thinking about how to respond to the speaker? 40 It includes learning what the other person really wants to get across.When it’s clear you truly care about what the other person is saying,you’ll make your relationships better.
A.Ask follow up questions.
B.Look for the beauty in life.
C.Start practicing active listening.
D.Look for solutions instead of problems.
E.You’ve probably found that diets simply don’t work.
F.You might be surprised by how much there is to be grateful for.
G.Games on your phone could be keeping you from getting your best night’s sleep.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
Scott had always been creative.As he finished university,he 41 to become an inventor.He often designed many new things.However, his best friend, Luke,who thought that he was misguided,was 42 Scott’s future.“Why don’t you 43 and get a job in the city?” Luke often asked.“This is my 44 ,” Scott said to Luke.“I have wanted to be an inventor since I was a small child.I am not going to 45 .”
Over several years, Scott developed many ideas that 46 to become a success.His first invention had many 47 and he was unable to sell it.His second idea received little support from people or companies.Therefore, Luke 48 to encourage him to find a(n) 49 career.“Scott, I think it is now time to 50 something else.” “But I cannot stop now.I am so close to coming up with something huge,” he replied.Luke nodded.
Then one day it happened.Scott 51 his design of a new wing for an airplane.He presented it to several companies who all loved his 52 .After some competition,a company offered to buy his design.
“I knew that one day I would 53 it!” he said to Luke as they celebrated at his apartment.Luke felt a little guilty for 54 suggesting that Scott should give up.“I don’t know how you kept going all these years, ” Luke said.“You certainly deserve every bit of your 55 .”
41.A.decided B.offered
C.waited D.managed
42.A.tired of B.interested in
C.disappointed at D.worried about
43.A.forget B.speak
C.reconsider D.reach
44.A.change B.dream
C.honor D.chance
45.A.look back B.fall behind
C.run away D.give up
46.A.failed B.started
C.happened D.appeared
47.A.secrets B.disadvantages
C.stories D.corrections
48.A.promised B.chose
C.continued D.seemed
49.A.different B.unusual
C.important D.happy
50.A.design B.check
C.try D.learn
51.A.began B.completed
C.used D.impressed
52.A.idea B.hobby C.job D.help
53.A.have B.finish
C.make D.keep
54.A.nearly B.only
C.almost D.ever
55.A.comfort B.success
C.patience D.wealth
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
I lost my last debate in the recent National High School Academic Debate & Speech Tournament held in Shanghai.But instead of focusing on my 56. (fail),I stopped to reflect on my experiences in the past few years 57. a debater.
In general,preparing for new debate topics usually 58. (include) brainstorming arguments,researching a resolution(解决),and doing debate practice.So if you spot a debating group,you might see us sitting together after school,or even all day at weekends,discussing arguments and researching evidence.You might also notice us arguing 59. (fierce) anywhere we can.
Not only are they supportive,but my debate friends also have similar passions and interests to mine.As we discuss debate topics,my fellow debaters and I can talk about anything,from 60. best way of rehabilitating(改造) criminals to the negative points of free immigration policies.However,our discussions are more than just a way 61. (practise) our debating skills.In my mind,they’re helping us to become calm and consider 62. (win) and solving real problems as well.
To me,the debating community is a great place 63. people help each other not only because they’re interested in a higher cause,but because they care about how people from different 64. (background) can lead better lives.I’m grateful to each of my debate friends and every single minute we get to spend together.Indeed,my high school life would be incomplete without them.So even though I 65. (defeat) in my last debate,I’m still thankful for being part of my wonderful debate family.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
假设你是高三学生李华,美国哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)正在你校组织招生活动。请你根据以下要点提示给你在美国的笔友Russ写一封电子邮件。内容包括以下要点:
1.通过校内选拔考试(selective test)的同学将参加该大学于1月份组织的英语笔试、口试和面试;
Dear Russ,
How is everything going?
Looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua
第二节 (满分25分)
Long ago,there was a big apple tree.A little boy loved to come and play around it every day.He climbed to the top of the tree,ate the apples,and took a nap under the shadow.He loved the tree and the tree also enjoyed playing with him.
As time went by,the little boy grew up and he no longer played around the tree.
One day,the boy came back to the tree,appearing sad.“Come and play with me,” the tree asked the boy gently.
“I am no longer a kid;I won’t play around trees any more,” the boy replied.“I want toys.I need money to buy them.”
“Sorry,but I don’t have money.However, you can pick all my apples and sell them.Then, you will have money.” The boy was so excited that he picked all the apples on the tree and left happily.The boy didn’t come back after that.
The tree was upset.
One day,the boy returned and the tree was so joyful.“Come and play with me,” the tree said.
“I don’t have time to play.I have to work for my family.We need a house for shelter.Can you help me?”“Sorry,I don’t have a house.But you can cut off my branches to build your house.”So the boy cut all the branches of the tree and left with delight.
The tree was glad to see him happy but the boy didn’t appear since then.The tree was again lonely and sad.
One hot summer day,the boy returned and the tree was delighted.“Come and play with me!” the tree requested.
“I am sad and becoming old.I want to go sailing to relax myself.Can you give me a boat?”“Use my trunk to build the boat.You can sail and be happy.” So the boy cut the tree trunk to make a boat.He went sailing and did not show up for a long time.
Many years later,the boy finally returned.
The apple tree is our mother.
56 failure 57as58.includes59.fiercely60.the61.to practise62.winning
63.where64.backgrounds65.was defeated
Dear Russ,
How is everything going You know, I am in Grade Three now.Our school has got an opportunity to help us apply for Columbia University.Those who can pass the selective test to be held by our school next week will have the chance to take part in the oral and written exams in English as well as the interview by the CU teachers in January.It has long been my dream to study abroad.Now,I am trying my best to get ready for the coming exams.Time is limited, so could you give me some advice on how to get well equipped with English knowledge before exams
Looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua
Many years later,the boy finally returned.Feeling tired,he went to see the apple tree.At the sight of him,the tree said,“I’m sorry,boy,but now I no longer have anything for you,no apples,no branches,no trunk.”“It doesn’t matter.I have no intention of getting anything from you this time.As you know,I’m getting old and nothing is better than a comfortable place to rest,” said the boy.Hearing this,the tree smiled with relief,adding,“My dying trunk is the right one for you.Please come here and have a seat.” The boy did as was told and the tree smiled again.
The apple tree is our mother.When we are young,she tries her best to take care of us and play with us.When we grow up,we leave her for some reasons and only come back when necessary or in trouble.But she is always there,waiting for us and ready to give what she owns without complaint.Never does she ask for rewards;instead,it is our happiness that she desires for.So,try to put ourselves in her situation and learn to show concern for her.
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