Unit 4 Space Exploration Period 1 Reading and Thinking 课件(希沃版+PPT图片版)+教学设计+音视频


名称 Unit 4 Space Exploration Period 1 Reading and Thinking 课件(希沃版+PPT图片版)+教学设计+音视频
格式 zip
文件大小 100.5MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-05-20 09:28:42



Period 1 Reading and thinking

What do you think are the main
reasons for space exploration
To explore strange new worlds
To seek out new life forms and civilizations

To boldly go where no man has gone before
Space:The Final Frontier

(What do you expect
to read about in
Challenger after
the accident
this text
Read to fill gaps
Task 1
Choose the correct sentences A--D to fill
each gap in the text.
A.Although scientists try to make sure nothing goes wrong,
accidents can still happen.
B.They also really wish to discover other planets that are
suitable enough to support life.
C.The future of space exploration remains bright.
D.After many experiments,they succeeded in making
rockets that could escape Earth's gravity.
Read to fill gaps
"Are we alone What's out there "Looking up at the stars,people
have always wanted to learn more about space,and scientists work
hard to fnd answers.They make vehicles to carry brave people
into space to find out the secrets of the universe.B
A.Although scientists try to make sure nothing goes wrong,
accidents can still happen.
B.Theyalso really wish to discover other planets that are
suitable enough to support life.
C.The future of space exploration remains bright.
D.After many experiments,they succeeded in making rockets
that could escape Earth's gravity.《新人教版必修三Unit 4 Reading and Thinking》
本单元第2课时 Unit 4 : Space Exploration Reading and Thinking Space : The Final Frontier
【what】本板块Reading and Thinking的主题是:人与自然---太空探索。内容以时间为线索,介绍人类探索太空的发展历程及重大历史事件。详细阐述了人类为探索浩瀚的宇宙所付出了怎样的努力(包括宇航员在探索过程中所付出的生命代价,但是失败和挫折并没有阻止人类探索太空的脚步)。我国在太空探索领域所取得的辉煌成就以及对人类太空探索事业的贡献,从而激发学生热爱科学和勇于探索的精神,增强爱国情怀和民族自豪感。【why】通过阅读该语篇让学生了解人类探索太空的发展历程及重大历史事件,从而引起学生思考探索太空的意义和价值所在,增强民族自信心,学习科学家们的优秀品质,树立远大目标,体会到人类命运共同体的深层意义。【How】该语篇类型是科普文。文章按照时间顺序简要介绍了人类探索太空的历史。运用作比较(中西方太空探索的成就)、举例子(列举了一些著名的历史性事件)等说明方法准确客观地展现人类进行太空探索内容。通过仔细研读语篇和设置有效任务,帮助学生提炼语篇主题、挖掘科学家和宇航员们的精神以及树立个人正确的价值观和远大目标。通过本板块的学习,学生能够实现单元目标中的以下几点:熟练掌握并运用本单元词汇、短语、语法和句型。能够讲述太空探索的发展历程,并能就相关话题提出自己的想法和建议。能够识别和学习科学家们的优秀品质,并能说服他人鼓起勇气不畏艰难努力实现梦想。能够正确认识太空探索带来的积极影响,树立远大志向为世界贡献自己的力量。
At the end of this period, students will be able to :analyse the logical relationship between sentences and paragraphs.summarize the main ideas for each paragraph. figure out the main structure of the passage.introduce the development and achievements of space exploration to others.
Teaching important points:analyse the logical relationship between sentences and paragraphs.figure out the main structure of the passage.Learn about the development and achievements of space exploration.Instruct students to aim high and study harder to make great progress in the space career if possible.Teaching difficult points:talk about the development and achievements of space exploration using their own words.express their own ideas on the significance of space exploration. Teaching methods:Task-based Language Teaching ApproachCommunicative Approach
教学目标 教学活动 设计意图 活动层次 效果评价 深度学习
激发兴趣 Step 1 :Lead inPresentation and Video clip watchingQuestion :What do you think are the main reasons for space exploration 科幻性片头营造本节课课堂氛围,星球图结合视频将学生从地球带入太空,引入本节课话题:太空探索。 感知与注意 星球动态展示和视频的实效性很强,成功激发了学生的学习兴趣。 激活与主题相关的背景知识,对人类探索太空的原因发表自己的见解。
预测话题 Step 2 :PredictionAsk the students to look at the title and the pictures to think about the topic before reading. 通过读前预测使学生对课本话题有大致了解,为接下来的阅读做好准备。 感知与注意 根据标题和图片的预测方式训练学生的观察和分析能力。 根据标题和图片进行联想,预测本文内容,形成对文本内容的初步感知。
训练阅读技能 Step 3 :Read to fill gaps Skim the passage and fill each gap by choosing the sentences. 补充和梳理文本缺失内容,使学生能够根据文章的组织结构和上下文逻辑关系判断并还原文本中缺失的信息。 获取与梳理 学生能够感知和理解主题句和细节支撑句之间的差异。 学生积极思考并充分发挥自主性进行探究,体现学生主体性。
归纳段落大意 Step 4 :Read for main ideasAsk the students tosummarize the main idea for each paragraph. 锻炼学生的概括能力和提取信息能力。 概括与整合 能够掌握如何归纳段落大意的方法,抓住主题句和细节支撑的关系。 结合具体语境分析主题句和细节支撑句之间的关系,总结出段落大意。
文章精读 Step 5 :Read for details 培养学生扫读和概括能力。 概括与整合 学会找时间线索词并明白其代表发展的含义。 将孤立的知识要素联结起来,以结构化和整合的方式储存在记忆中。
Step 6 :SummaryAccording to the timeline, introduce the achievement of space exploration in human history.Fill in the blanks and understand the structure of the text. 培养学生对篇章结构整体理解把握的能力。 内化与运用 学生在填词的过程中深化所学知识,将孤立的知识要素联结起来。 将孤立的知识要素联结起来,以结构化和整合的方式储存在记忆中。
文章结构 Step 7 :Read for the structure 培养学生对篇章结构整体理解把握的能力。 概括与整合 学生在填词的过程中深化所学知识,将孤立的知识要素联结起来。 学生以思维导图的形式概括、整合太空探索的目的、内容、方式。
应用实践 Step 8 :Critical thinkingWhat is the significance of space exploration Enjoy a video clipIf you want to be an astronaut, what should you prepare at present Enjoy a video clip 意识到完成人类太空探索梦想需要有人类命运共同体的意识。引导学生内化语言和文化知识。 批判与评价,内化与运用 培养学生的批判性和创造性思维。引导学生树立远大志向,刻苦学习,为中国未来的航天事业贡献自己的力量。 学生在教师的引导下对文本进行深加工,挖掘文本背后的深层意义。
Write an article about the significance of space exploration and what you would do to become an astronaut.