Unit 5 Launching your career period 4listening and talking 课件+教案


名称 Unit 5 Launching your career period 4listening and talking 课件+教案
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-05-23 16:38:20


Period 4 Listening and Talking
Unit 5 Launching your career
The National College Entrance Examination of this year is approaching, many senior three students are looking forward to being admitted into universities. Here is a short video which says there are a variety of newly opened specialties set up in many universities this year.
As a Chinese ,we are proud that our country surprises the world with new technology and rapid economic development . So in order to meet the needs of scientific and economic development, a variety of newly opened specialties are set up in many universities. Can you say some names of majors in college or universities
Science of Law法学
Science 理学
Management 管理学
Computer Applied Technology计算机应用技术
What is your dream university What major do you want to study
Group work
Renewable energy management
Emerging media studies
Genetic engineering
Block chain technology
Do you know some newly opened university majors in recent years?
Bio-medical engineering
Computer game design
Public health
Data science
Cyber Security
Do you know some newly opened university majors in recent years?
Activity 1
Public health
Computer game design
Data science
Cyber Security
Look at the pictures below. Discuss in pairs which university major each picture might show.
Activity 1
How much do you know about some newly opened university majors
Biomedical engineering, or bioengineering, is the application of engineering principles to the fields of biology and health care.
Data science combines the scientific method, math and statistics, specialized programming, advanced analytics, AI, and even storytelling to uncover and explain the business insights buried in data.
Activity 1
How much do you know about some newly opened university majors
Cyber Security refers to the complete universe of tools, practices, and rules that protect data assets from malicious actors.
Public health is the field related to promoting and maintaining health in a community.
Activity 1
How much do you know about some newly opened university majors
Computer game design is a major in which you can learn how to design computer games.
Robotics is a major to make any sensor-based robots that attempt to mimic human intelligence. which are used in a variety of fields ranging from manufacturing, nuclear, construction, space and underwater exploration, and health care.
Are you interested in these newly opened university majors
Group work
Activity 2
Listen to the conversation and tick the chart according to what is needed to get into a good university in each country.
Requirement China UK US
Get a good grade
Pass the entrance exam
Write an essay

Activity 3
Listen to the conversation again, and take notes on what each student would like to study and why.
Student Chosen major Reason
Liu Ming
Computer game design
International business
To design fun games for children to learn with
Interested in futuristic things
To find work overseas and
see more of the world
Activity 4
Identify references
When we speak, we often refer to someone else’s opinion or what we have heard,read,or been told. When expressing this in speech, we use phrases such as I heard/read that...,according to...,I was told that...,etc
Listening strategy
Listen again and finish the
tasks below.
Activity 4
1.______________________that my future career might depend on what university I end up getting into.
2.______________________________________it could help me find work overseas.It would be great to see more of the world!
3.________________that they're really fascinating subjects if you're good at computer programming. But I'm hopeless at programming!
4._________________that there's no point choosing a subject that you like but you're not very good at.
My parents said
According to the school's careers advisor
I read
I was told
Used to refer to someone else’s opinion.
Used to refer to what we have read or been told.
Complete the sentences.
Activity 4
2 What did Susan say she was told
There is no point in choosing a subject that you like but you are not good at it.
We need to start studying even harder.
They are really fascinating subjects if you are good at computer programming.
1 What did Liu Ming say about cybersecurity and date science
3 What did Olivia say they need to do to get into good universities
Answer the questions.
Activity 5
1.Do you agree with Olivia’s parents when they say that a person’s career might depend on what university/major they get into Why or why not
2. Do you agree that there is no point studying something that you like but are not very good at Give your reasons.
Work in groups. Discuss these questions.
Some careers need highly specialised knowledge, such as doctors, astronauts, pilots, engineers, interpreter...
Some careers are not related to which university you have been to, or what you have studied at university, such as salesman, managers,writer……
Activity 5
Lu Xun, a famous writer who majored in medicine.
Bill Gates , the head of the software company Microsoft who majored in law in Harvard University.
Some famous persons whose career do not match their specialty.
Activity 5
Ma Yun,the lead founder, chairman, and CEO of the Hangzhou-based Alibaba Networking Technology company who majored in English in Hangzhou normal college.
Li Jian, a renowned music person who majored in electronic and information engineering in Qinghua university.
Activity 5
a person’s career might depend on what university/major they get into For against
Work in groups. Discuss these questions.
Activity 5
there is no point studying something that you like but are not very good at For aginst
Work in groups. Discuss these questions.
Activity 6
In pairs, tell each other about the majors you would like to choose. Use the expressions below to help you.
Pair work
Activity 5
I’d choose...because... My goal/dream is to...
I’ve always wanted to... I plan/hope/wish to...
If possible, I’d really like to... I'm not sure if that suits you, because...
I think that is really difficult because...
I think you are really suited to that because...
That’s a good choice, but I think you should...
Are you sure that sa good choice Have you thought about..
I’m not sure what I want to study yet, but rightnow Im thinking about...because...
Expressing choices,wishes,intentions,and opinions
Reference : some majors related to work personality type
stronger manipulative ability
persistence, tenacity, like to study, curious, independent and cautious
pursue for freedom,creative
Science of Law
Emerging media studies
Emerging media studies
Bio-medical engineering
like communicating and conversing with others
purse power, authority and material wealth
responsible,patient, reliable,practical
Medical science
Social Science
Activity 5
A:What major will you choose in university
B:I'm not really sure yet. My goal is to work at a large company, so I guess Business administration.
A:Are you sure that's a good choice Most of the people I know
who are working at large companies majored in something else.And a lot of companies want employees with different education backgrounds, as they have different skills and points of view.
Activity 5
A:Have you thought about history You love that subject.
B:That'sa good choice, but I still think I should study something more useful for my future career.What about you What major will you choose
A:I plan to study nutrition and child health after I go to medical school.
B:So, you want to be a doctor
A:Yes, if possible, I'd really like to become a pediatrician.
B:Wow!I think that might be quite difficult for you.Your grades in science have been weak so far.
A:That might be true, but it is my dream.I'll study harder when it comes to science from now on.
Do the exercises on
Page 91 of Workbook.
Unit 5 Launching your career
Period 4 Listening and Talking教学设计
课题 Unit 5 Period 4 Listening and Talking 单元 Unit 5 学科 English 年级 Grade 3
教材 分析 听力文本的内容是三位来自不同国家的高中生对大学申请和专业选择问题的讨论。高中生可塑性很强,专业选择是每位希望继续在大学深造的青少年将要面临的重要问题。专业的选择很大程度上也决定了他们未来的发展方向,但是要作出适合自己的选择并不容易。文本中三位中外学生的交流也展示出青少年在选择过程中可能会有的困惑,可能是因为来自父母的建议和压力,也可能是因为对自己的职业方向还没有明确的想法。即使有了喜欢的专业,还要面临是否能够进人心仪的学校的问题。这些问题具有一定的普遍性,能够激发高中学生的共鸣。对话文本还自然融人了中国、英国、美国的大学巾请的一些不同要求,希望学生能够构建多元文化视角,并能通过听力活动了解一些与信息和科技发展相关的专业领域,如数据科学、网络安全等。对话的每个轮次各有重点。中国学生Liu Ming是对话的发起者和组织者。他首先抛出自己申请大学的话题,期待能够就此与两位同伴进行交流。在发起话题时,说话者有多种方法。为了引发对方交流的意愿, Liu Ming发起话题的策略是先说出自己的考虑:“Tv e been thinking a lot recently about...”再询问对方:“Have you guys made any plans yet ”这样的句式用在朋友之间发起对话,显得轻松自然,即使被拒绝也不会尴尬。这个问题在得到另外两位交流者的积极响应之后,后面的对话很快就围绕大学入学要求和专业选择展开,最后用相互鼓励和祝福的语言结束对话。对话的语言包括了寻求意见、提出建议,表达意愿和选择、陈述观点及理由等表达,与本单元的语言功能项目对应,也是学生学习和模仿的范本。活动设计:活动设计中的六个步骤均围绕选择大学专业的主题展开。活动1要求学生将图片与专业名称相匹配。提供的图片和专业选自近年来与社会、科技发展相关的热门专业,如生物医学工程、网络安全、数据科学、公共卫生、机器人技术等。与这些学科相关的还有许多可以关联的专业和择业方向,能够开拓学生的视野和就业的思路。活动2至活动4围绕文本信息设计,需要学生听取文本中提到的中、英、美三国大学入学申请的要求,以及三位对话者各自的专业选择和理由。这三个活动需要学生既关注对话交流中的重要信息,又关注重要的语言表达,同时有助于拓宽学生的文化视野。活动5和活动6需要学生通过回答问题和小组讨论,再次深入分析听力文本中的信息,同时联系自身实际,交流自己选择的大学专业和理由。关于专业和未来职业选择的话题。
学习目标与核心素养 Knowledge objectives:.Be able to listen for a gist of a conversation about choosing university major. Skill objectives: Be able to learn on important listening skill: identify references. Emotional objectives: Be able to cooperate with others . Thinking quality objectives: Be able to think about choosing university majors from different aspects and the interest and potential related to the major.
重点 Be able to think about choosing university majors from different aspects and the interest and potential related to the major.
难点 To talk about the majors students would like to choose.
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
导入新课 Lead –in The National College Entrance Examination of this year is approaching, many senior three students are looking forward to being admitted into universities. Here is a short video which says there are a variety of newly opened specialties set up in many universities this year. .As a Chinese ,we are proud that our country surprises the world with new technology and rapid economic development . So in order to meet the needs of scientific and economic development, a variety of newly opened specialties are set up in many universities. Can you say some names of majors in college or universities Group work What is your dream university What major do you want to study What are the Chinese names of the follow university majors? Students watch a short video and talk about university majors in pairs. To arouse students interest in the class and prepare for the following activities.
新课 Activity1 Look at the pictures below. Discuss in pairs which university major each picture might show. How much do you know about some newly opened university majors Biomedical engineering, or bioengineering, is the application of engineering principles to the fields of biology and health care. Data science combines the scientific method, math and statistics, specialized programming, advanced analytics, AI, and even storytelling to uncover and explain the business insights buried in data. Cyber Security refers to the complete universe of tools, practices, and rules that protect data assets from malicious actors. Public health is the field related to promoting and maintaining health in a community. Robotics is a major to make any sensor-based robots that attempt to mimic human intelligence. which are used in a variety of fields ranging from manufacturing, nuclear, construction, space and underwater exploration, and health puter game design is a major in which you can learn how to design computer games. Are you interested in these newly opened university majors Activity2 Listen to the conversation and tick the chart according to what is needed to get into a good university in each country. Activity 3 Listen to the conversation again, and take notes on what each student would like to study and why. Activity 4 Listen again and finish the tasks below. Identify references When we speak, we often refer to someone else’s opinion or what we have heard,read,or been told. When expressing this in speech, we use phrases such as I heard/read that...,according to...,I was told that...,etc 1.Complete the sentences. 1.______________________that my future career might depend on what university I end up getting into. 2.______________________________________it could help me find work overseas.It would be great to see more of the world! 3.________________that they're really fascinating subjects if you're good at computer programming. But I'm hopeless at programming! 4._________________that there's no point choosing a subject that you like but you're not very good at. 2.Answer the questions. 1 What did Liu Ming say about cybersecurity and date science They are really fascinating subjects if you are good at computer programming. 2 What did Susan say she was told There is no point in choosing a subject that you like but you are not good at it. 3 What did Olivia say they need to do to get into good universities They need to start studying even harder. Activity 5 Work in groups. Discuss these questions. 1.Do you agree with Olivia’s parents when they say that a person’s career might depend on what university/major they get into Why or why not 2. Do you agree that there is no point studying something that you like but are not very good at Give your reasons. Tips 1.Some careers need highly specialized knowledge, such as doctors, astronauts, pilots, engineers, interpreter... Some careers are not related to which university you have been to, or what you have studied at university, such as salesman, managers,writer…… 2.Some famous persons whose career do not match their specialty. Lu Xun, a famous writer who majored in medicine. Bill Gates , the head of the software company Microsoft who majored in law in Harvard University. Ma Yun,the lead founder, chairman, and CEO of the Hangzhou-based Alibaba Networking Technology company who majored in English in Hangzhou normal college. Li Jian, a renowned music person who majored in electronic and information engineering in Qinghua university. Work in groups. Discuss these questions. Activity 6 In pairs, tell each other about the majors you would like to choose. Use the expressions below to help you.
Students look at the pictures below and discuss in pairs which university major each picture might show. Students talk about the newly opened majors. Students listen to the conversation and tick the chart Students listen to the conversation and take notes. Students listen again and finish the tasks below. Students listen again and note the words which introduce an example, then complete the sentences. Students answer the questions. Students work in groups. Discuss these questions Students think about the following questions and write down their ideas. Students talk about the majors they would like to choose. To serve as a warn -up for the activities which follow and introduce key vocabulary and concepts. To learn something about some newly opened majors. To practise listening for details to fill in a table using a true-to-life conversation in natural English. To practise listening skills. To practise listening for references to other people’s opinions. To practise listening for details To begin forming opinions in support of the activity which follows. To form and share opinions. To review and confirm all that students have learnt thus far In the unit and allow them to share their own opinions
课堂小结 Talk about university majors. Listen for a gist of conversation about majors. Share about opinions about majors students would like to choose. Students sum up the content of this lesson. To review what they have learnt in this lesson.
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