Unit 4 Adversity and Courage Period 4 Learn how to handle challenges课件+教案


名称 Unit 4 Adversity and Courage Period 4 Learn how to handle challenges课件+教案
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-05-24 17:24:46


Unit 4 Adversity and Courage
Period 4 Learn how to handle challenges 教学设计
课题 Period 4 Learn how to handle challenges 单元 Unit 4 学科 English 年级 Grade 2
教材 分析 The theme of the listening and Speaking section is "Learn How to Handle Challenges". Students will listen to the journey of explorer Shackleton leading his rescue team, especially the difficulties and challenges they faced in getting to South Georgia. After that, students need to discuss and communicate with their peers how to select the right crew members to participate in the rescue work according to the needs of the rescue work at that time.
教学目标与核心素养 Knowledge objectives: To analyze the background information and predict the following plot according to the pictures. Skill objectives: To find foreshadowing in reading and listening texts. Emotional objectives: To motivate students to prepare for the challenges of the future. Thinking quality objectives: Make logical inferences based on known storylines and learn to weigh the pros and cons.
重点 How to guide students to analyze the background information and predict the following plot according to the pictures.
难点 How to guide students to pay attention to causal words and correctly understand characters' words and actions and decisions in the process of listening.
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
导入新课 Lead –in (PPT2) 1.Look at the following picture and discuss the questions. Who was Ernest Shackleton Answers:Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton was an Irish-born British explorer who was one of the giants of Antarctic exploration in the Heroic Age in the early years of the 20th Century. Guide students to discover more details and predict the listening content. Help students observe the pictures carefully.
讲授新课 Task 1 (PPT3-4) 1.Look at the following picture and discuss the questions. What challenges may adventurers face on this island Answers:1. It was very cold and there was snow and ice everywhere. 2.The area is very mountainous, so they had to climb with their essentials. 3.It would be hard to know where they were going as the place is very large and all looks the same. 4.Not knowing what to expect and whether they would succeed,they would have great mental challenges. Task 2 (PPT5-6) 1.What is South Georgia Island like Answers:South Georgia Island is a sub-Antarctic island administered by the United Kingdom as part of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands. Listen to one of the team members talk about the rescue plan and their journey. Complete the summary. The team consisted of _______ members. They sailed on rough seas for days before they landed on the ________ side of South Georgia Island. Later they climbed over the mountains and _________ the whaling station. Later, Shackleton arranged for a rescue boat to return to __________ Island. Luckily, everyone was ____________. Answers:six;wrong;arrived at;Elephant;still alive Task 3 (PPT7-9) Listen again and answer these questions. 1. Why was it necessary for Shackleton to travel to South Georgia Island 2. Why was it important to include a navigator in the team 3. Why did Shackleton choose the most difficult and unfriendly man to join the rescue mission 4. Why did Shackleton look extremely old cause or effect Tips Listen again and answer these questions. Why was it necessary for Shackleton to travel to South Georgia Island Because he realized that many of us were_____________________________________________________. 2) Why was it important to include a navigator in the team Because he could _________________________. 3) Why did Shackleton choose the most difficult and unfriendly man to join the rescue mission Because he wanted the group _________ to stay ________________________ until we returned. 4) Why did Shackleton look extremely old Because he ________________________. He was very ___________. Answers:1.too ill to survive very long without rescue 2.guide us across the dangerous sea 3.remaining on the island;cheerful and positive 4.worried about the men;anxious Task 4(PPT11-13) Listen again and fill in the blanks. We had stayed on Elephant Island for only a day, but Shackleton was already _________. He realised that many of us were too ill to survive very long without __________. He decided to go to South Georgia Island for _______. He chose ________ members to join him on the trip and I was one of them. I have been ____________on ships for my whole life and my strong navigation(导航) skills could ______ us across the _________ sea. However, to my surprise, Shackleton also ______ the most difficult and unfriendly member to _____ us on the trip. I later learnt that he did this because he ______the group remaining on the island to stay cheerful and _______until we returned. We sailed on very rough(汹涌的) seas for days. The sea was so _______ that it was almost impossible for me to ______ our position. I was only able to use my ____________three times during the trip. It _______ me to think that we might sail past South Georgia Island. This would mean that we might ______ into the open sea and there would be no rescue! _______________,we did sail off-course(偏离航向) for a while, meaning we landed on the wrong side of South Georgia Island. We had to climb over the ___________to get help. The mountains looked so steep that I thought we might have to ________ _______ them on our bottoms! When we arrived at the whaling station(捕鲸站), Shackleton _____________ arranged for a rescue boat to return to Elephant Island. However, due to the _______ seas, we could not get near to the island. Shackleton became worried about the men. He was very anxious and began to look _________old. We tried for three months to rescue the 22 men. Finally,we were able to reach Elephant Island and luckily find everyone still _______! They were overjoyed to see us and everyone began to _____. Answers: worried;rescue;help;five;working;guide;dangerous; join;wanted;positive;picked;strong;check;instruments;scared;sail;Unfortunately;mountains;slide down; immediately;rough;extremely;alive;cry Task5 (PPT14) Free talk Suppose you are Shackleton and you are going to choose two sailors to join the rescue team, who would be your first choice Task 6 (PPT15-16) Who should join the rescue team Task 7 (PPT17-21)Show time A: We have to decide on which two sailors Shackleton chose for his rescue team. Let’s look at Frank Wild. B: He is good leader and is experienced in exploring the Antarctic. So, I think he’s suitable to join the rescue team. C: Hmm, I think we should move on to the next sailor. According to Perce’s diary entries, Frank Wild was left with the other crew members on Elephant Island. A: I agree. Let’s move on to the next candidate. What do you think about Frank Worsley B: Well, he is …. A: OK, we need to choose the two sailors that joined Shackleton's rescue team. Lefs look at our choices. B: So how about Frank Wild and Tom Crean They were both experienced in exploring and living in the Antarctic, and they also had many good qualities, such as being kind and strong. C: Yes, but look at Perce9s diary. Frank Wild stayed on Elephant Island with the others. So we can cross him off our list. B: Oh, yes, well spotted. Then what about Tom Crean Anyone have any ideas A: Well, he was good at living in the Antarctic, so maybe he stayed on the island to help, but I think his strength and bravery meant that Shackleton would have chosen him for the dangerous mission. B: Agreed, so one choice is Tom Crean. OK, lefs move on to another candidate. How do you feel about Frank Wbrsley A: I think he is a good choice because he was an excellent navigator. C: I agree. The rescue team needed a good navigator. He could be our second choice. B: But what about Hubert Hudson He was also good at navigating. A: Yes, but he was also the best at catching penguins, so I think he would have stayed on the island with the others so they had enough to eat. C: Sounds reasonable. But we should also look at Thomas Orde-Lees. He was an excellent skier, so maybe he could be helpful on the mission. B: Hmm ... maybe, but I think he didn't have as much to offer as Frank and Tom. Besides, Perce complained about him in his diary, so I think he probably stayed on the island. A: I agree, so let's choose Frank and Tom. Language points:(PPT 22-23) motor 考查热度★★ 【热点品味】 n. 发动机;马达adj. 有引擎的;机动车的 【教材原句】 Thomas Ordelees is selfish, lazy, bad tempered and a motor expert.托马斯·奥德利斯自私、懒惰、脾气坏,还是个汽车专家。 【实例品读】 If the battery is dead, the motor won’t turn over. 电池要是用完了,马达就转不起来了。 Last year was really bad for the motor industry in Europe.去年,欧洲的机动车市场很不景气。 【热点归纳】 start a motor 开动发动机 turn off a motor 关掉发动机 motor inn 汽车旅馆 motorist n. 汽车驾驶员 【考点精练】 单句语法填空 ①The ___________(motor)was charged with failing to stop at a red light. ②This lawn mower is driven by ____ small electric motor. Answers:motorist;a (PPT19)Exercises:重点单词和短语 1.________ adj. 汹涌的;粗糙的;粗略的 2.________ adj. 忠诚的;忠实的 3.________ n. 发动机;马达 adj. 有引擎的;机动车的 →___________ n. 汽车驾驶员 4.____________ n. 候选人;应试者 Answers: rough;loyal;motor,motorist;candidate 单句填词 1.He worked as a ________(机动车的)mechanic. 2.They knocked together a ________ (粗糙的) box with wooden boards. 3.I may say in all sincerity that you have been my most ________ (忠实的) friend. Answers: motor;rough;loyal Have students guess the challenges adventurers face on this island. Let students listening and answering the questions. Do some listening and have a discussion. Learn some tips. Listen to the tapes and write down useful information. Allow students to discuss their answers with their desk mates. Guide students to fill in the blanks. Students themselves talk freely. Analyse suitable skills and qualities and select candidates for a rescue team in groups. Read and act the dialogue by different groups. The teacher give them some necessary guidance. Guide the students to learn the language points. Practice the language points. Analyse a photograph and discuss the challenges of crossing the Antarctic landscape in anticipation of the listening activity. To learn how to predict the content. To guide students to make notes and find out useful information. Practise listening for detailed information. To understand cause and effect. To write down the useful information. To communicate with each other and find out the exact answers. To train the students to take notes while listening. In order to learn how to grasp the key words. Check them by expressing their opinions. To use target expressions. To train their spoken English. To pay attention to the feelings of different roles. To grasp more useful expressions. To check their words.
课堂小结 Summary: 1.Look at the pictures and answer some questions. 2.Listening and filling in the blanks. 3.Free talk. 4.Language points. 5.Practice. Homework: Do Exercises on the workbook. Predict the contexts according to the pictures. Listening tasks. Learning points. Check words and useful expressions. To train their listening ability .
板书 1.Look at the following pictures and answer the questions. 2.Tips: 3.Language points:motor
21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
Period 4 Learn how to handle challenges
Unit 4 Adversity and Courage
Look at the following picture and discuss the questions.
Who was Ernest Shackleton
Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton was an Irish-born British explorer who was one of the giants of Antarctic exploration in the Heroic Age in the early years of the 20th Century.
Task 1
Look at the following picture and discuss the questions.
What challenges may adventurers face on this island
1. snow
1. It was very cold and there was snow and ice everywhere.
2.The area is very mountainous, so they had to climb with their essentials.
3.It would be hard to know where they were going as the place is very large and all looks the same.
4.Not knowing what to expect and whether they would succeed,they would have great mental challenges.
3. look same
Task 1
What challenges may adventurers face on this island
3. look the same
1. snow and ice
2. mountains
4. mentally
South Georgia Island is a sub-Antarctic island administered by the United Kingdom as part of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands.
Task 2
What is South Georgia Island like
Task 2
Listen to one of the team members talk about the rescue plan and their journey. Complete the summary.
The team consisted of _______ members. They sailed on rough seas for days before they landed on the ________ side of South Georgia Island. Later they climbed over the mountains and _________ the whaling station. Later, Shackleton arranged for a rescue boat to return to __________ Island. Luckily, everyone was ____________.
arrived at
still alive
Task 3
Listen again and answer these questions.
1. Why was it necessary for Shackleton to travel to South Georgia Island
2. Why was it important to include a navigator in the team
3. Why did Shackleton choose the most difficult and unfriendly man to join the rescue mission
4. Why did Shackleton look extremely old
cause or effect
A mind map
cause or
Due to …
The reason for this is…
That’s why…
This means …
...so as to …
...so that …
Listen again and answer these questions.
1) Why was it necessary for Shackleton to travel to South Georgia Island Because he realized that many of us were______________
2) Why was it important to include a navigator in the team
Because he could _______________________________________.
3) Why did Shackleton choose the most difficult and unfriendly man to join the rescue mission
Because he wanted the group ___________________________ to stay ________________________ until we returned.
4) Why did Shackleton look extremely old
Because he ________________________. He was very ___________.
cheerful and positive
worried about the men
Task 3
too ill to survive very long without rescue
guide us across the dangerous sea
remaining on the island
cheerful and positive
worried about the men
We had stayed on Elephant Island for only a day, but Shackleton was already _________. He realised that many of us were too ill to survive very long without __________. He decided to go to South Georgia Island for _______. He chose ________ members to join him on the trip and I was one of them. I have been ____________on ships for my whole life and my strong navigation(导航) skills could ______ us across the _________ sea. However, to my surprise, Shackleton also ______ the most difficult and unfriendly member to _____ us on the trip. I later learnt that he did this because he ______the group remaining on the island to stay cheerful and _______until we returned.
Task 4
Listen again and fill in the blanks.
We siled on very rough(汹涌的) seas for days. The sea was so _______ that it was almost impossible for me to ______ our position. I was only able to use my ____________three times during the trip. It _______ me to think that we might sail past South Georgia Island. This would mean that we might ______ into the open sea and there would be no rescue!
_______________,we did sail off-course(偏离航向) for a while, meaning we landed on the wrong side of South Georgia Island. We had to climb over the ___________to get help. The mountains looked so steep that I thought we might have to ________ _______ them on our bottoms!
Task 4
Listen again and fill in the blanks.
When we arrived at the whaling station(捕鲸站), Shackleton _____________ arranged for a rescue boat to return to Elephant Island. However, due to the _______ seas, we could not get near to the island. Shackleton became worried about the men. He was very anxious and began to look _________old. We tried for three months to rescue the 22 men. Finally,we were able to reach Elephant Island and luckily find everyone still _______!
They were overjoyed to see us and everyone began to _____.
Task 4
Listen again and fill in the blanks.
Suppose you are Shackleton and you are going to choose two sailors to join the rescue team, who would be your first choice
Task 5
1. Frank Wild
2. Frank Worsley
3. Tom Crean
4. Hubert Hudson
5. Thomas Orde-
* good leader
* experienced in exploring the Antarctic
*excellent navigator
*experienced sailor
*second officer
*experienced in living in the Antarctic
*best at catching penguins
*efficient store keeper
*motor expert
*excellent skier
loyal, kind,
and calm
odd behavior at times,
but liked by crew
strong, energetic, and brave
friendly and lively
selfish, lazy, and bad-tempered
Who should join the rescue team
Task 6
The expressions in the box below may help you with your discussion.
Exploring options
What do you think (about) …
What do you feel (about) …
Let’s look at …
What / How about …
Any ideas
What are the alternatives
Let’s move on to the next candidate.
Should we move on to the next one
Task 6
A: We have to decide on which two sailors Shackleton chose for his rescue team. Let’s look at Frank Wild.
B: He is good leader and is experienced in exploring the Antarctic. So, I think he’s suitable to join the rescue team.
C: Hmm, I think we should move on to the next sailor. According to Perce’s diary entries, Frank Wild was left with the other crew members on Elephant Island.
A: I agree. Let’s move on to the next candidate. What do you think about Frank Worsley
B: Well, he is ….
Task 7
Show time
A: OK, we need to choose the two sailors that joined Shackleton’s rescue team. Let’s look at our choices.
B: So how about Frank Wild and Tom Crean They were both experienced in exploring and living in the Antarctic, and they also had many good qualities, such as being kind and strong.
C: Yes, but look at Perce’s diary. Frank wild stayed on Elephant Island with the others. So we can cross him off our list.
Task 7
Show time
B: Oh, yes, well spotted. Then what about Tom Crean Anyone have any ideas
A: Well, he was good at living in the Antarctic, so maybe he stayed on the island to help, but I think his strength and bravery meant that Shackleton would have chosen him for the dangerous mission.
B: Agreed, so one choice is Tom Crean. OK, let’s move on to another candidate. How do you feel about Frank Worsley
Task 7
Show time
A: I think he is a good choice because he was an excellent navigator.
C: I agree. The rescue team needed a good navigator. He could be our second choice.
B: But what about Hubert Hudson He was also good at navigating.
A: Yes, but he was also the best at catching penguins, so I think he would have stayed on the island with the others so they had enough to eat.
Task 7
Show time
C: Sounds reasonable. But we should also look at Thomas Orde- Lees. He was an excellent skier, so maybe he could be helpful on the mission.
B: Hmm… maybe, but I think he didn’t have as much to offer as Frank and Tom. Besides, Perce complained about him in his diary, so I think he probably stayed on the island.
A: I agree, so let’s choose Frank and Tom.
Task 7
Show time
Language points
motor 考查热度★★
【热点品味】 n. 发动机;马达adj. 有引擎的;机动车的
Thomas Ordelees is selfish, lazy, bad temperedand a motor expert.托马斯·奥德利斯自私、懒惰、脾气坏,还是个汽车专家。
If the battery is dead, the motor won’t turn over.
Last year was really bad for the motor industry in Europe.
start a motor 开动发动机
turn off a motor 关掉发动机
motor inn 汽车旅馆
motorist n. 汽车驾驶员
Language points
【考点精练】 单句语法填空
①The ___________(motor)was charged with failing to stop at a red light.
②This lawn mower is driven by ____ small electric motor.
1.________ adj. 汹涌的;粗糙的;粗略的
2.________ adj. 忠诚的;忠实的
3.________ n. 发动机;马达
adj. 有引擎的;机动车的
→___________ n. 汽车驾驶员
4.____________ n. 候选人;应试者
1.He worked as a ________(机动车的)mechanic.
2.They knocked together a ________ (粗糙的) box with wooden boards.
3.I may say in all sincerity that you have been my most ________ (忠实的) friend.
Do the Exercises
of the workbook.