Unit 5 Launching your career period 5 Using langusge 课件+教案


名称 Unit 5 Launching your career period 5 Using langusge 课件+教案
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-05-24 17:26:58


Unit 5 Launching your career
Period 5 Using language
Apply for a summer job教学设计
课题 Unit 5 Period 5 Express your opinions on sea exploration 单元 Unit 5 学科 English 年级 Grade 3
教材 分析 该部分的文本主要由招聘启事、求职信和简历三种文体构成。这三种文体各有特色。在第一个文本中,提出了招聘需求,包括岗位名称、岗位职责、人员要求及应聘渠道等信息,还配有与工作相关的插图。因为是面向青少年的招聘,所以语言风格活泼,开篇用了三个问句构成排比句, 营造出一种轻松、活泼的招聘氛围, 而且用outgoing、active、passionate等形容词快速定位对应聘者的个性需求,同时也期待与具有这些品质的潜在应聘者产生共鸣。连续提问这种排比用在招聘启事中, 也可以用来突出对人员的迫切需求。第二和第三个文本分别是求职信和简历,合在一起构成的一份完整的求职材料。第二个文本是一封求职信。求职信在英文中也叫作cover letter。求职是否成功, 除了求职者自身应该具备相应的学识和能力,一封突出自己特点、言简意赅的求职信,更是应聘心仪工作的“敲门砖”。求职者的经验、能力等是求职信的必备内容。第三个文本是与求职信匹配的简历。简历中只需要写与目标职位有关的事实信息。教材中提供的简历包括的内容有:基本信息(name and address) , 教育背景(education) 、工作经验(work experience) 、专业技能(skills and qualifications) 、所获荣誉(achievements and awards) 、兴趣爱好(interests) 等, 这些都是简历应该具备的基本内容。如果是大学入学申请的简历, 还可以包括推荐人(referee) 的姓名、职业和联系方式。所有信息按项目分类, 以清单的形式列出来。简历语言要求言简意赅,在表意清楚的前提下,提倡用笔记式的短语,不必用完整句。活动设计:该板块一共有六个活动,旨在帮助学生学会研读招聘启事以及准备求职信和简历。前面三个活动对文本进行分析。活动1中的三个问题需要学生识别三种文体及主要内容,了解求职者是如何针对招聘启事中对求职者的要求,突出自己的技能,展现自己具备的能力和素质的。活动2帮助学生掌握招聘启事的基本要点。活动3针对活动2,需要学生解读应聘者如何针对招聘启事中的要求进行回复。活动4至活动6,是学生在前面解析范文的基础上,联系自己的求职愿望和自身情况,准备一封求职信和一份简历。作为课堂训练,还要求学生利用同伴互评的策略为伴的求职材料提出修改的意见和建议。
学习目标与核心素养 Knowledge objective: To master the expression of application letter. Ability objective: To be able to complete an application letter using what students have learned. Emotional objective: To be willing to do a summer job. Thinking quality objective: Be able to think about how to find a summer job and how to write application letter and a CV.
重点 1.To master the characteristics of the three texts. 2. To write a qualified cover letter and CV.
难点 To write a qualified cover letter and CV.
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
导入新课 Lead –in Group work Students talk about the experience of summer job. To arouse students’ interest and warm up for the reading.
新课 Skim What are these three different texts about What type of texts are they Read 1.Read the texts and then answer the questions below. 1 What kind of person is required for the job An active and outgoing person who is passionate about Chinese culture and would like to meet and help young people from other countries. 2 What experience does the applicant have with foreign languages How has the applicant displayed her knowledge of Chinese culture She has travelled to several English-speaking countries and her English is at an intermediate level. She has certificate in Chinese Calligraphy and taught after-school classical calligraphy classes. 2.Find the details of these requirements in the job advertisement, and report your findings to the class. 3.Find the information in the text and then complete the chart. 4.How does the applicant respond to each of the job requirements Do you think she is a good match for the job Why She speaks intermediate-level English, has proficiency in Chinese calligraphy, helped to organize a three-day tour of her city for visiting exchange students, worked during holidays at local pet shop, and visited UK on high school exchange programme. She seems to be a good match for the job, as she appears to have all the necessary skills and qualifications. Summary If you Chinese culture,you can apply to the Frog & Fox Summer Camp Council for a summer job as a camp helper which we now.As for your work,you are required __________ hundreds of students from all over the world,supervise and/or help out in a variety of tasks.The ideal should have a good level of English,good_________and teamwork skills,experience with animals,a friendly,welcoming attitude and good handwriting. Kelly Xu,a student from Hangzhou XXX Senior High School wrote a letter to apply to us for a position in which she said that her English is .She enjoys working with others and has been captain of her school table tennis team for two years so that she knows how to decide on      .She also has a proficiency in Chinese calligraphy and believes she will be a valuable to our team. Answers: are passionate about are looking for to attend to supervise applicants organizational intermediate level priorities proficiency additional Writing Think of a job you like. Write an application letter and a CV. Try to include the following points. 假如你是李华,23岁,北京师范大学英语系毕业生,英语口语好。在学校广播站当过英语记者。在网上看到某英文报社招聘英文兼职记者的广告,于是想去该报社应聘,请根据以上个人情况写一封求职信。 Use the expressions below to help you. Beginning I would like to apply for the position of ... Please consider me as an applicant for ... Having read your ad from the ..., I hope to get the job as a.... Please consider me for the position of ... in ... I am writing in response/reply to your advertisement in ...for. Skill I believe I would be a valuable addition to your team. Experience I have experience in... I have volunteered... I worked as...before. Specialty With my proficiency in..., I could... Personality and attitude I am keen to... I will be more than happy if I can ... What the job means to you It would be a great honour to... I will be more than happy to... Ending I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. Please give me a chance. Thank you for your time. Thank you for your consideration and I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. I would welcome an interview at any time convenient for you. I would appreciate it if you would grant me an interview. If my qualifications can meet your requirements, please grant me an interview. Example Dear Sir/Madam, Having read your ad from the Internet, I hope to get the job as a part-time English reporter in your newspaper office.   My name is Li Hua, a healthy girl of 23. It's three years since I graduated from the English Department of Beijing Normal University. I am fluent in speaking and writing in English as well as reading a variety of articles in English. What's more, skillful in operating words on computers, I can type 100 words per minute.Above all, I once worked as a reporter for my school broadcasting station. So I'm sure I can do the job well if I get the position. I would appreciate it if you would grant me an interview. I'm looking forward to your early reply. Yours Li Hua In pairs, read your partner’s application letter and CV. Use the checklist to help him/her improve them. You Students think what the three texts about what type of texts they are Students read the texts and then answer the questions below. . Students find the details of the requirements in the job advertisement Students find the information in the text and then complete the chart. Students answer how the applicant respond to each of the job requirements. Students sum up the content of the three texts. Students write an application letter and a CV. Students read a list of useful expressions. Students exchange and help each other improve writing. To learn job ad, application letter and CV. To practise reading different kinds of text to discover their type and find their general ideas. To read a job ad and find details of job requirements. To read the three types of texts for details . To read an application letter and a CV to see If an applicant Is qualified. To check the main content of the texts. To write an application letter and a CV using what students have learnt thus far. To prepare for the writing. To help learn from each other and get advice on improving their work.
课堂练习 Language points 1. attend to关怀;照料;处理 【教材原句】 We are building a team of keen young people to help us attend to hundreds of students from all over the world.我们正在组建一支由热心的年轻人组成的团队,来帮助我们照料来自世界各地的数百名学生。 【实例品读】 I have some urgent business to attend to. 我有一些急事要处理。 【热点归纳】 attend vt.照顾;护理;出席;参加 attend (to) sb. 照料/关怀某人 attendance n.出席;参加 【考点精练】  (1)We'd like as many people as possible to_________. 我们希望出席的人越多越好。 (2)Teachers must keep a record of students' ___________ 老师必须记录学生的出勤情况。 Answers: attend attendance 2. supervise vt.& vi.主管;指导;监督 【教材原句】 You will be required to supervise and/or help out in a variety of tasks and recreational activities.你 将被要求监督和/或帮助完成各种任务和娱乐活动。 【实例品读】 She supervised the children playing near the pool. 她照料着在水池附近玩的几个孩子。 【热点归纳】 supervision n.监督;管理 under supervision在监督之下 前缀super-表示“超,超级”。例如: superhero n.超级英雄superman n.超人supermarket 超市 【考点精练】  Very young children should not be left to play without ________. 不能让幼儿在没人照看的情况下独自玩耍。 (2)First-time licence holders have to work __________ __ supervision. 首次取得许可证的人员必须在监督之下工作。 Answers: supervision under 3. priority n.优先事项;首要的事;优先 【教材原句】 I have been captain of my school table tennis team for two years,so I know how to lead and decide on priorities.我在学校乒乓球队当了两年队 长,所以我知道如何领导和决定事情的轻重 缓急。 【实例品读】 But respondents ranked it last on a list of priorities. 但被调查者将它排在优先事项列表的最后。 【热点归纳】 prior adj.先前的;优先的;较重要的;在前面的 prior to在前,居先 【考点精练】  (1)The search for a new vaccine will take _________ over all other medical research. 研制新的疫苗将排在其他一切医学研究之前。 (2)I had to refuse because of a ________ engagement. 我因为已经有预约只好拒绝了。 Answers: priority prior Students learn the new words and phrases in this period To grasp the usage of the new words and phrases.
课堂小结 Learn a job ad. Learn how to writing an application letter and a CV. Learn key words in this period. Students sum up the content of this lesson. To review what they have learnt in this lesson.
板书 Three types of the texts: a job ad an application letter a CV
21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
Period 5 Using language
Apply for a summer job
Unit 5 Launching your career
Have you ever had a summer job
Group work
What are the benefits of a summer job
earn money
get invaluable training
learn skills such as punctuality, tolerance, and the importance of hard graft
prepare for successful careers in later life
Lead in
The summer vacation is coming, do you have a plan to do a summer job If so, how will you find a summer job
Group work
Reading a job ad
Writing an application letter
a job advertisement
What are these three different texts about What type of texts
are they
It is about looking for helpers at a summer camp.
an application letter
It is about applying for that job as a camp helper.
It is for the job applicant.
2 What experience does the applicant have with foreign languages How has the applicant displayed her knowledge of Chinese culture
She has travelled to several English-speaking countries and her English is at an intermediate level. She has certificate in Chinese Calligraphy and taught after-school classical calligraphy classes.
An active and outgoing person who is passionate about Chinese culture and would like to meet and help young people from other countries.
1 What kind of person is required for the job
Read the texts and then answer the questions below.
Find the details of these requirements in the job advertisement, and report your findings to the class.
Personality and attitude
Language skills
Experience and skills
active and outgoing, enthusiastic, friendly, welcoming attitude
a good level of English
good organisational and teamwork skills, a passion for Chinese and international culture, experience with animals, good handwriting
Find the information in the text and then complete the chart.
Job advertisement Application letter CV
A good level of English
Good organisational and teamwork skills
volunteered at local library
captain of school table tennis team
knew how to lead and decide on priorities
at an intermediate level
PETS 3 English
helped organise city tour for visiting students from Canada
Find the information in the text and then complete the chart.
Job advertisement Application letter CV
A passion for Chinese and international culture
excited about the prospect of welcoming exchange students to our country
keen to give them a warm welcome and an experience they will always remember
visited UK on high school exchange programme
Find the information in the text and then complete the chart.
Job advertisement Application letter CV
Experience with animals
A friendly, welcoming attitude, and good handwriting
proficient in Chinese calligraphy
worked during holidays at local pet shop
certificate in Chinese calligraphy
How does the applicant respond to each of the job requirements Do you think she is a good match for the job Why
She speaks intermediate-level English, has proficiency in Chinese calligraphy, helped to organise a three-day tour of her city for visiting exchange students, worked during holidays at local pet shop, and visited UK on high school exchange programme. She seems to be a good match for the job, as she appears to have all the necessary skills and qualifications.
  If you   Chinese culture,you can apply to the Frog & Fox Summer Camp Council for a summer job as a camp helper which we now.As for your work,you are required __________ hundreds of students from all over the world,_________ and/or help out in a variety of tasks.The ideal should have a good level of English,good______________and teamwork skills,experience with animals,a friendly,welcoming attitude and good handwriting.
are passionate about
are looking for
to attend to
  Kelly Xu,a student from Hangzhou XXX Senior High School wrote a letter to apply to us for a position in which she said that her English is .She enjoys working with others and has been captain of her school table tennis team for two years so that she knows how to decide on      .She also has a ____________in Chinese calligraphy and believes she will be a valuable to our team.
intermediate level
Think of a job you like. Write an application letter and a CV. Try to include the following points.
Your skills Your experience
Your personality What the job means to you
What special things you can offer or bring to the job
I would like to apply for the position of ...
Please consider me as an applicant for ...
Having read your ad from the ..., I hope to get the job as a....
Please consider me for the position of ... in ...
I am writing in response/reply to your advertisement in ...for.
Use the expressions below to help you.
I have experience in...
I have volunteered...
I worked as...before.
I believe I would be a valuable addition to your team.
With my proficiency in..., I could...
Personality and attitude
What the job means to you
I am keen to...
I will be more than happy if I can ...
It would be a great honour to...
I will be more than happy to...
I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.
Please give me a chance. Thank you for your time.
Thank you for your consideration and I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
I would welcome an interview at any time convenient for you.
I would appreciate it if you would grant me an interview.
If my qualifications can meet your requirements, please grant me an interview.
Dear Sir/Madam,
Having read your ad from the Internet, I hope to get the job as a part-time English reporter in your newspaper office.
  My name is Li Hua, a healthy girl of 23. It's three years since I graduated from the English Department of Bei jing Normal University. I am fluent in speaking and writing in English as well as reading a variety of articles in English. What's more, skillful in operating words on computers, I can type 100 words per minute.Above all, I once worked as a reporter for my school broadcasting station. So I'm sure I can do the job well if I get the position.
I would appreciate it if you would grant me an interview.I'm looking forward to your early reply.
Li Hua
Li Hua 201 Jiefang Road
2019-Present Teach English at Zhejiang XXX Senior High School
Worked as an English reporter for the school broadcasting station
Organize the school English club
2018-2019 Won the first prize in the English Speech Contest
09.2013-07.2017 The English Department of Beijing Normal University
09.2010-07.2013 Zhejiang XXX Senior High School
Diploma of Beijing Normal University
Certificate in Computer  Press card
English literature  English writing
Operating words on computers  Communicating with others Covering and interviewing
In pairs, read your partner’s application letter and CV. Use the checklist to help him/her improve them.
Did your partner explain clearly how his/her skills/experience/personality relate to the job
Did your partner list anything special about himself/herself
If you were the employer, would you hire your partner If not, why
Language points
Important words
1. attend to关怀;照料;处理
We are building a team of keen young people to help us attend to hundreds of students from all over the world.我们正在组建一支由热心的年轻人组成的团队,来帮助我们照料来自世界各地的数百名学生。
I have some urgent business to attend to.
attend vt.照顾;护理;出席;参加
attend (to) sb. 照料/关怀某人
attendance n.出席;参加
Important words
Language points
(1)We'd like as many people as possible to_________.
(2) Teachers must keep a record of students' ____________.
Language points
Important words
2. supervise vt.& vi.主管;指导;监督
You will be required to supervise and/or help out in a variety of tasks and recreational activities.你将被要求监督和/或帮助完成各种任务和娱乐活动。
She supervised the children playing near the pool.
supervision n.监督;管理
under supervision在监督之下
superhero n.超级英雄superman n.超人supermarket 超市
Important words
Language points
Very young children should not be left to play without ___________.
(2)First-time licence holders have to work ____________ supervision.
Language points
Important words
3. priority n.优先事项;首要的事;优先
I have been captain of my school table tennis team for two years,so I know how to lead and decide on priorities.我在学校乒乓球队当了两年队长,所以我知道如何领导和决定事情的轻重缓急。
But respondents ranked it last on a list of priorities.
prior adj.先前的;优先的;较重要的;在前面的
prior to在前,居先
Important phrases
Language points
(1)The search for a new vaccine will take _________ over all other medical research.
(2)I had to refuse because of a ________ engagement.
Do the exercises on
Page 92-93 of Workbook.