Unit 5 Launching your career period 6 Assessing your progress 课件+教案


名称 Unit 5 Launching your career period 6 Assessing your progress 课件+教案
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-05-24 17:28:21


Period 6 Assessing your progress &Project
Unit 5 Launching your career
Can you name the occupation of these persons
Can you say out the nouns according to the pictures
A.To move up and down or to jump up and down on sth.
B. Money used to run a business, an activity or a project.
C. to say that sb has done sth wrong or is guilty of sth.
D. wanting more money, power, food, etc. than you really need.
E. something that you think is more important than other things and should be dealt with first.
Match the definition with a word.
Activity 1
1. Tom enjoys spending time with middle students, and he is really interested in _____________.
2. Jane broke her _____________ during a competition last week and
needed a few months’ rest.
3. John prevents uninvited visitors from entering a business_________.
Use the correct forms of the words in the box to complete the following
sentences. Then match the sentences with the possible jobs on the right.
estate geometry wrist fry canal council
maths teacher
security guard
Activity 1
4. In order to turn the desert into green land that is able to produce crops, Dr Zhang designed a 50 km _____________.
5. Simon needs to submit his article about the _________meeting before midnight tonight.
6. Jackson’s____________fish is popular with the restaurant’s regular customers.
estate geometry wrist fry canal council
Activity 2
Make High School Count
High school may be the most important experience in your life. You are becoming a young adult. You are old enough to take on more responsibilities and make very important choices. Some of these choices could greatly affect your life. Try your best to study hard. It doesn’t matter whether you will go to a university or college. It doesn’t matter whether you will go to a vocational school or start work. You have to work hard. It doesn’t matter what dreams you have for your future.
The following is a daft for high school students. Try to improve it and use long sentences where you think they required.

Activity 2
Make High School Count
Dreams will not make themselves come true. You need to try your best and prepare. A wise choice is to prepare yourself with a good education. you need to make sure your time and energy are not wasted. Remember, the knowledge you acquire and the diligent attitude you develop in high school will be invaluable in the real world. Time flies like an arrow! Working hard right now will prepare you well for your life in the future.
The following is a daft for high school students. Try to improve it and use long sentences where you think they required.
so that
Activity 2
1.What’s the passage mainly about
2.How can we make high school count
Working hard in high school is important because it will prepare you well for your life in the future.
Try our best to study hard.
Answer the questions
Activity 2
“the future depends on what you do today” How do you understand this quote now
Group work
Activity 2
The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.
Can you say some other inspirational quotes
Activity 2
As long as you tried, you will realize that you were
much better than you thought.
Activity 2
If you don't make the time to work on creating the life you want, you're eventually going to be forced to spend a lot of time dealing with a life you don't want.
Activity 2
Once you have a dream,just go for it,never give it up
easily;your dream might not come true in one day or
two,but it will someday.
How can you use the information from this unit in your life
What other information related to this unit’s topic would you like to learn about
what parts of this unit were the mst interesting Why
What difficulties did you or your classmates have in studying this unit How did you overcome them What advice or help did you give each other
Overall, I thought this unit was ◎inspiring ◎useful ◎SO-SO ◎difficult
Everyone has a dream career, here is a girl whose dream career is to be a teacher.
Do you think “teacher” is an important career for the country
civil servants
Think about six careers and write them in the order of their importance. Then in groups, report to the others and explain why.
Think about six careers and write them in the order of their importance. Then in groups, report to the others and explain why.
career why the career is important
Think about three caeers that interest you plete the chart below and then introduce your careers to your group.
the career that interets me why I would like this career
Choose one career from above and prepare an outline of a speech about how you plan to reach that career goal. Start by completing the mind map below.
short term
long term
the Career I’d like to have is
Use your outline to write a speech. Add some pictures to help illustrate your writing. Use the following expressions to help you.
My dream /chosen creer is... this career is important to me because...
For this career, I need... I am suited to this career because...
I may face some challenges like ... My short/long term goal is
Right now, I do not have...,but I plan to...
If I ..., then I will ...
My chosen career is to be a fashion designer.This career is important to me because clothes are my life,and I enjoy making people happy with my clothing. This career began as my hobby. When I was young,my mother bought a sewing machine,and I became interested in seeing her work. Soon,I asked her if she would show me how to sew,and I began making dolls' clothes,then I made a coat for my dog, and finally I began making clothes for myself. At first,I was not very good at it,but as you can see I have gotten much better—I made the clothes I am wearing today! Of course,there is a lot more to being a fashion designer than just being able to use a sewing machine,
so my short-term goal is to go to a school of design in Beijing.
There,I can learn about theory,colours,shapes,fabrics,gain the skills to become successful a designer. After that,I hope to work for a famous brand so that I can further improve my skills and learn the business side of fashion design. My long-term goal is to open up my own fashion studio.This will be difficult,and I may face some challenges,as many people who want to become fashion designers fail in their dreams. However,this is my passion and what I want to do more than anything else in the world,so I will work hard to achieve it.
Read your speeches within the group and vote for the best one. Then have the winner make the speech to the class.
Content Dream career Reason Education, qualifications,and skills Challenges and goals Audience awareness Does he/she use appropriate body language Yes/No
Does he/she present naturally and coherently Yes/No
Evaluation table
Read two poems on
Page 94-95 of Workbook.
Unit 5 Launching your career
Period 6 Assessing your progress & project教学设计
课题 Unit 5 Period 6 Assessing your progress & project 单元 Unit 5 学科 English 年级 Grade 3
教材 分析 该板块由三个部分组成。第一部分是语言知识检测。活动1要求学生根据上下文,在完成句 子的基础上,将句子与职业名称相匹配。活动2要求学生运用长句知识,将由短句构成的小语篇改写为一个句式更为丰富、语义连贯、语言流畅的语篇。这是一篇鼓励高中生珍惜时光、为未来努力奋斗的小短文。该活动突出了长句在语义逻辑和语篇连贯上的语用功能。第二部分是单元内容评价和自我反思,从内容上要求学生总结、内化本单元与职业和职业规划有关的知识,同时鼓励学生对“职业与职业规划”这一主题进行更深入的探究。第三部分的项目活动有五个步骤,要求学生“发表一个关于自己未来职业的演讲(Make a speech about your future career) "。这个活动也暗含了“展望(envision) ”未米的策略。从重要的职业到自己喜欢的职业, 再到如何实现自己的职业理想,学生在认真完成并落实每个活动步骤的基础上,综合运用本单元所学,树立实现理想的愿景,获得信心,相信自己的职业目标不会是空中楼阁,而是可以通过自己的努力和规划来实现的。
学习目标与核心素养 Knowledge objective: To review the key words and useful structure of this unit. Ability objective: To be able to make a speech about future career using what students have learned. Emotional objective: To be willing to share opinions with others. Thinking quality objective: Be able to think about the relationship between dream career and hard work in high school.
重点 To review the key words and useful structure of this unit. To be able to make a speech about future career using what students have learned.
难点 To be able to make a speech about future career using what students have learned.
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
导入新课 Lead –in Can you name the occupation of these persons Can you say out the nouns according to the pictures Match the definition with a word. A.To move up and down or to jump up and down on sth. bounce B. Money used to run a business, an activity or a project. finance C. to say that sb has done sth wrong or is guilty of sth. accuse D. wanting more money, power, food, etc. than you really need. greedy E. something that you think is more important than other things and should be dealt with first. priority Students revise some words learnt in previous classes. To prepare for the following activities..
新课 Activity 1 Use the correct forms of the words in the box to complete the following sentences. Then match the sentences with the possible jobs on the right. estate geometry wrist fry canal council 1. Tom enjoys spending time with middle students, and he is really interested in _____________. 2. Jane broke her _____________ during a competition last week and needed a few months’ rest. 3. John prevents uninvited visitors from entering a business_________. 4. In order to turn the desert into green land that is able to produce crops, Dr Zhang designed a 50 km _____________. 5. Simon needs to submit his article about the _________meeting before midnight tonight. 6. Jackson’s____________fish is popular with the restaurant’s regular customers. Answers: 1.geometry maths teacher 2.wrist athlete 3.estate security guard 4.canal engineer 5.council reporter/journalist 6.fried cook Activity 2 The following is a daft for high school students. Try to improve it and use long sentences where you think they required. High school may be the most important experience in your life. You are becoming a young adult. You are old enough to take on more responsibilities and make very important choices. Some of these choices could greatly affect your life. Try your best to study hard. It doesn’t matter whether you will go to a university or college. It doesn’t matter whether you will go to a vocational school or start work. You have to work hard. It doesn’t matter what dreams you have for your future. Dreams will not make themselves come true. You need to try your best and prepare. A wise choice is to prepare yourself with a good education. you need to make sure your time and energy are not wasted. Remember, the knowledge you acquire and the diligent attitude you develop in high school will be invaluable in the real world. Time flies like an arrow! Working hard right now will prepare you well for your life in the future. Group work What’s the passage mainly about How can we make high school count “the future depends on what you do today” How do you understand this quote now Can you say some other inspirational quotes The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today. As long as you tried, you will realize that you were much better than you thought. If you don't make the time to work on creating the life you want, you're eventually going to be forced to spend a lot of time dealing with a life you don't want. Once you have a dream,just go for it,never give it up easily;your dream might not come true in one day or two,but it will someday. Reflecting How can you use the information from this unit in your life What other information related to this unit’s topic would you like to learn about what parts of this unit were the mst interesting Why What difficulties did you or your classmates have in studying this unit How did you overcome them What advice or help did you give each other Overall, I thought this unit was ◎inspiring ◎useful ◎SO-SO ◎difficult Project Watch a short video about a girl whose dream career is to be a teacher. Discuss whether ‘teacher’ is an important career. Think about six careers and write them in the order of their importance. Then in groups, report to the others and explain why. 2.Think about six careers and write them in the order of their importance. Then in groups, report to the others and explain why. 3.Choose one career from above and prepare an outline of a speech about how you plan to reach that career goal. Start by completing the mind map below. 4.Use your outline to write a speech. Ad some pictures to help illustrate your writing. Use the following expressions to help you. Example My chosen career is to be a fashion designer.This career is important to me because clothes are my life,and I enjoy making people happy with my clothing. This career began as my hobby. When I was young,my mother bought a sewing machine,and I became interested in seeing her work.Soon,I asked her if she would show me how to sew,and I began making dolls' clothes, then I made a coat for my dog, and finally I began making clothes for myself. At first,I was not very good at it,but as you can see I have gotten much better—I made the clothes I am wearing today!Of course,there is a lot more to being a fashion designer than just being able to use a sewing machine,so my short-term goal is to goto a school of design in Beijing.There, I can learn about theory,colors,shapes,fabrics,gain the skills to become successful a designer.After that,I hope to work for a famous brand so that I can further improve my skills and learn the business side of fashion design.My long-term goal is to open up my own fashion studio.This will be difficult,and I may face some challenges,as many people who want to become fashion designers fail in their dreams.However,this is my passion and what I want to do more than anything else in the world,so I will work hard to achieve it. 5.Read your speeches within the group and vote for the best one. Then have the winner make the speech to the class. Students complete the sentences using the correct forms of the words in the box and match the sentences with the possible jobs on the right. Students improve the draft and use long sentences where they required. Students discuss the questions In groups. Students reflect what they have learnt in this unit according to the questions Students watch a short video. Students make a speech about their future careers. . To consolidate and check what students have learnt in this unit when it comes to vocabulary. To consolidate and check what students have learnt in this unit when it comes to grammar. To develop thinking skills in English. To think about the content of this unit and apply what they have learnt to their on lives. To prepare for the following activities. To activate all the skills and knowledge students have learnt in this unit by having them make a speech about their future careers.
课堂小结 Review the key words in this unit. Reflect what learnt in this unit. Make a speech about your future career. Students sum up the content of this lesson. To review what they have learnt in this lesson.
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