Unit 3 It’s too expensive
Lesson 6
1. 通过阅读Booky大叔的故事和自我评价,使学生对本单元的句型有系统的认识。
2. 能够做到掌握句型,灵活应用,培养学生的阅读能力,培养学生的学习英语的兴趣。
3. 培养学生的阅读能力。
1. 通过阅读Booky大叔的故事和自我评价,使学生对本单元的句型有系统的认识。
2. 能够做到掌握句型,灵活应用,培养学生的阅读能力,培养学生的学习英语的兴趣。
3. 培养学生的阅读能力。
1. 问候语导入。
2. Review.
T:Can I help you?
S:Yes,do you have any socks?
T:Yes,we do. What size do you want?
S:Size 20,please.
T:What color do you want?
S:White please.
T:How much are they?
S:They are 5 yuan.
1. Booky大叔的故事。
T:观看课件第一幅图片,回答问题:What can you see in this picture?
What color is the dress?
Does the girl like the red dress?
观看Picture 2,回答问题:What does her mother say?What does the store clerk say?
观看Picture 3,回答问题:What color is the dress?Do they like that dress?How much is it?How are they feeling?
观看Picture 4,回答问题:What color is the dress?Do they like that dress?What does her mother want to buy?
观看Picture 5,回答问题:What is her mother doing?
观看Picture 6,回答问题:How are her friends feeling?
2. 自我评价。
(1)观看衣物的图片,回答问题:What do they have?
a、回答问题:In summer. What do you wear
How about in winter?What do you wear?
3. 书写游戏。
4. 学习谚语。
入乡随俗,When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
1. 圈出不同类的一项。
(1)policeman dancer juggler shirt
(2)blue coat yellow purple
(3)squirrel butterfly panda trousers
(4)carrot shorts potato beans
2. 根据情景选择正确的句子。
A、What color do you want?
B、What number do you want?
A、Do you have any socks?
B、Do you have any shorts?
A、How much are there?
B、How much are they?
3. 连线。
(1)socks 鞋子
(2)tie 裤子
(3)shoes 袜子
(4)trousers 领带
4. 连词成句。
(1)that what is English in ( )
(2)puppets you do like ( )
(3)like do this you kite ( )
(4)is for here puzzle a you (.)
5. 翻译下面的句子。
1. 把这个故事讲给爸爸妈妈听。
2. 小组表演这个故事。