授课题目 Lesson 23 The Internet---Good or Bad
备课组 八年级英语组 授课教师 初义芹
课 型 新授课 授课班级 八(3)(4) 课 时 1
教 材分 析 教材内容对应《新课程标准》要求 新课标要求:通过对英语知识的学习使学生形成初步的综合运用语言的能力,本课就是先引导学生从学习有关网络的单词短语入手,然后用单词短语造句子,达到灵活运用这些单词和短语。进而带领学生学习本课的语言点,再根据提示能复述课文。最后完全脱离课本,跟同学谈论网络的优点和缺点,并能写出一片小议论文,以提高综合运用语言的能力。教材内容在教材和单元/模块中的地位和作用 本课为初中第四册书的第四单元的第23课,前三个单元分别谈论了天气与活动、植物及种植、动物及保护,本单元谈论网络及使用。网络是比较时尚的话题,也是与孩子密切相关的话题,所以孩子们比较感兴趣,这也激发了学生们开口说英语的欲望。本课是学生在了解了电脑的发展与用途之后,继续谈论电脑的利与弊,老师要引导孩子正确使用网络,学生要能写出关于网络利与弊的小议论文。所以说本课是前四课的升华,是本单元的重中之重。
学 情分 析 (分析学生已有认知水平、能力状况、存在的学习问题、学习需要和学习行为。)八年级的学生已经具备了一定的语言基础和一定的语言分析能力,也具备了对所学内容进行整理归纳的能力,能用简单的语言描述自己或他人。但在表达能力方面,八年级的孩子不再像七年级一样乐于表达。因此如何让八年级的孩子们乐于开口说英语、用英语做事情是我们英语教师的重任。
教 学目 标 知识与技能:Make sure the Ss can master the following new words and phrases.New words and phrases: advantage, disadvantage, simple, coin, cause, less, aside, attack, web, steal, banking, properly.Phrases: far away, in seconds, aside from, take up, be able to, open up, stay in touch. Every coin has two sides,2. Understand the meaning of text and retell the text.3. The Ss can talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet .4. The Ss can write a passage about the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet or computer games or online shopping . 情感、态度、价值观:1.鼓励学生敢于用英语进行表达;2.有英语学习的愿望和兴趣,乐于参与英语实践活动。3. Ask Ss to remember to use the Internet properly , don’t let it take up all of your time.
教学重点 Ask some Ss to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet
教学难点 Ask the Ss to write a passage about the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet or computer games or online shopping .
教学用具 Multimedia ,Computer, Tape recorder, Text book and Exercise book.
时间(分) 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
5min Warming up(Before class) 1.Greet the students in English and make sure they can response correctly.Do the duty report: a student on duty can say how a computer help him. 复习前面所学知识
5min Step1:Leading in In last lesson, we learned that Jane’s grandma had a terrible of cancer, and her grandma once had a dream of traveling around the world. So she had a idea, helped her grandma travel, by using the Internet. And now we knew that the Internet is important to us, and it can help us do everything.[ 通过自由交谈,学生可以自然而然地开口说英语,并承上启下,为下面的词汇学习做铺垫。
20min Step 2: Learning No. 1. Prepare lessons before class.Teach the new words and phrases. Make sure the Ss can read it correctly.No. 2. Text: Ask the Ss to read the text themselves and find out the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet Then the teacher explains the language points to the Ss and make sure the Ss can understand the meaning of text. Let Ss to listen to the tape. Correct their pronunciation when necessary And then read again and again to retell the text. Important Sentences:People are able to connect and share information in seconds.However, the Internet has advantages and disadvantages.It opens up the world to us.But every coin has two sides.The Internet can be a useful tool, but don’t let it take up all of your time. 通过图片和言语形成的语境把词汇和短语自然交织在一起,相互关联,既让学生自己体会出意思和用法,又有助于他们记忆。同时,本课的重点“巩固学习合成词”也自然地呈现出来,让学生在表达中学习,在运用中理解。
5min Finish “Let’s Do It!” Retell the story.talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet Freely. 前面的词汇学习已为学生的听力扫清了障碍,学生们通过听、读、写等形式达到开口说英语的目的,并进一步激发热情,为下面的活动部分做铺垫。
10min Ask the Ss to write a passage about the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet or computer games or online shopping , and then ask a few Ss to presenttheir compositions
板书设计 Lesson 23 The Internet---Good or Bad advantages and disadvantagesin seconds = in a very short timeaside from = besides stay in touch=keep in touchEvery coin has two sides=Everything has advantages and disadvantagestake up(1)开始从事(2)占有,占用
教学反思 本节课内容学习已经结束,现在我们通过测验来检测同学们的学习效果。本课以素质教育为目的,结合教材重点、难点及英语学科特点,利用任务型教学,从听、说、读、写等方面使学生得到锻炼,在愉快、轻松的氛围中温故而知新,达到初步运用英语交际的能力。我认为本课的不足之处是知识点的巩固练习还不够充分。课下还应多做这方面的练习,以继续巩固所学内容。