Unit 3 We should obey the rules Lesson 18 教案


名称 Unit 3 We should obey the rules Lesson 18 教案
格式 doc
文件大小 39.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教精通版(三年级起点)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-05-29 02:02:03



Unit 3 You should obey the rules.Lesson 18教学设计
1. Learn to say or write the words: young, wait, children, people
2. Learn to say or write the pattern drills:
Look out! You must wait for the green light.
You mustn’t cross the street.
3. Learn to say the chant and master the phonetic: ir[ :]
4. Be able to use the modal verb: must / mustn’t
5. Be able to obey the public rules. Get along well with the others.
教学重点:the new phrases.
教学难点:help old people young children 2个四会句型
I. Warm-up and leading in:
1. Greeting.
2. Revision of Lesson 17
3. 借助图片创设到我的社区参观的情境,介绍评价方式。T:In lesson 17,we go go Yang Ming’s neighbor hood,today Kevin and I will take you to my neighbor.We will go to these three places. My home,Street, TaiFeng Park.
II. Presentation
1. First,Let’s come to my home.(出示图片)Look ,this is where I live.Is it beautiful But someone often litter everywhere.Look ,this is the corridor of my house(出示乱丢垃圾的图片),is it clean S:No,it’s dirty. T:What will you say to them S:You mustn’t litter. Practice “You mustn’t litter.”,(出示句型卡,学生齐读2遍。)得到1张拼图
2. Let’s go on the street.T:This is TEDA avenue near my home,it’s a very big road.Let’s listen.(播放刹车、鸣笛录音)What’s that sound /What’s happened S:急刹车、鸣笛、可能有人横穿马路。(可用中文回答)T:Yes, some people often cross the street like this.(出示行人横穿马路的图片)What should we say to them S:You must wait for the green light.1.齐读句型,2.练习wait四会单词的拼写。3.填空练习,You_____ wait for the green light.得到第2张拼图
3. (出示红灯图片)T:What colour is the light S:The light is red.1.练习词组:the light is red.2.填空练习,You_____ cross the street when the light is red.3.词组练习:cross the street,借助旧知“borrow”,突破cross 的发音难点。4.连词组句,请学生到黑板上按照顺序贴出“You mustn’t cross the street when the light is red.”得到第3张拼图
4. T:Maybe you are a little tired,let’s guess a riddle.由谜语引出old people 四会单词的学习。再 练习句型。You must help old people.拼写单词,people。单独操练句型,个人展示。得到第4张拼图
5. T:Next,Kevin will take us to the Tai Feng Park.What is Kevin doing (出示kevin摘花的图片),S:Kevin is picking the flowers.操练pick the flowers词组,引出You mustn’t pick the flowers.并请学生告知Kevin.得到都5张拼图。
6. T:Look ,what is Kevin doing now (出示在踩踏草坪的图片)由walk on the grass,引出keep off the grass.强调off有两个f,让学生进行拼写,小组操练。以小组的形式题型Kevin,You must keep off the grass.得到第6张拼图。
7. Kevin看到一个小女孩正在哭泣,遍跑过去安慰她。引出You must take good care of young children 的学习。适时对Kevin这些行为动作进行评价,让孩子们辨别哪些行为可取,哪些行为不可取。小组操练,单独操练。得到第7张拼图。
8. T:Boys and girls,I love you so much,so I want you to take good care of yourselves.Can you take good care of yourselve S:Yes.教师拿着一个足球提问某个学生:Let’s play the football on the street.S:OK!通过提问学生们能否好好照顾自己,运用足球道具,邀请学生一起去马路上踢足球,引出You mustn’t play on the street.一边传递足球,一边练习You mustn’t play on the street.得到第8章拼图
1由girl这个单词引入Chant的教学。T:Look at the little girl,is she lovely?Can you spell the word “girl” S:g-i-r-l.观看视频,打开书自己画出含有ir的单词,并总结归类ir发音。得到第9张拼图
2.运用白板功能,让学生将所学词组进行You must和You mustn’t 分类。请一组到前面来做,其他组运用得到的评价卡片和纸胶棒,进行粘贴分类。完成后进行核对,全班朗读重难点句型。
总结:Now,we have made our city beautiful again.It’s our turn to show our dialogue.
5.Summary:T:Look ,boys and girls.We have got the beautiful picture.Now,please remember.Obey the social rules well, the better city we will have.
五年级英语在小学英语 ( http: / / www. / yingyu / " \t "_blank )教学中起着承上启下的作用,既是四年级的衍生又是六年级的铺垫。我的学生英语基础较好,聪明好学,乐于在英语学习上下功夫,能够积极参与课堂活动,勤于动脑。但他们也依然存在一些问题。
  1、回家不会学习,无正确的学习方法 ( http: / / www. / xuexifangfa / " \t "_blank ),不知如何看书.学习态度 ( http: / / www. / fangfa / xuexitaidu / " \t "_blank )谈不上十分端正,回家以后巩固时间很少,且缺乏有效的巩固手段,练的机会明显不足。2、部分学生学习的目的性不是很强,导致学习习惯不好,学习无明确的计划,有作业就写,无作业就玩。老师布置的作业不能按时完成。作为语言性学科 ( http: / / www. / xuexifangfa / xueke / " \t "_blank ),听与读是非常关键的环节,而大多数学 ( http: / / www. / xuexifangfa / shuxue / " \t "_blank )生这一点做的不好,这在听力测试时表现的尤为明显。
Must do:
Make some sign for the Ocean City and our school.(为远洋城或者我们的学校制作英文标志牌)
Choose to do:
Tell others how to obey the rules in English(教他人用英文表达遵守规则)