课题 7B Unit 7 Abilities Study skills 课时 1 课型 new
教 学 目 标 1.To develop Ss’ awareness about what they are learning and how they are progressing 2.To develop the ability to work independently of the teacher, by learning to identify own progress and suggest ways to improve 3.To develop a systematic recording system of progress in the key language skills and components 4. To assess one’s progress and comment on one’s own performance
重点 To learn how to identify own progress and suggest ways to improve
难点 To develop a systematic recording system of progress in the key language skills and components
教学 准备 Multimedia;
教 学 设 计 详 案
Teaching steps: Step 1 Presentation 1.Elicit Ss’ answers on how to keep learning records. Ask Ss to think about different learning strategies they use while studying. Remind them that there are not set rules for how to learn efficiently, but that they need to identify their own strengths and weakness so that they can help themselves or ask teachers for help. 2.Ask Ss to look at the headings in the sample record in part A. Explain that this is one way on checking their own progress in learning English Elicit comments from Ss about the sample record. Step 2 Practice 1.Ask Ss to use the chart to make their own learning record. Help Ss identify relevant activities for the ‘What did you study ’ Section. Then help them think of different learning strategies, which they have already developed earlier in the year, to complete the column ‘How to improve ’ Encourage Ss to be as specific as possible in completing these two columns, as they will help them to develop meaningful, independent learning strategies. 2. Allow Ss to draw pictures to complete the Can I do it Column. As you go around the class, check whether there are any common responses. This is a useful guide to understand your students’ learning style. It can help you identify activities which work particularly well and those that do not work well. It also provides you with useful information for diagnostic purposes, which you can add to the more conversational test formats. 3. Encourage Ss to make comments about how they feel or felt about the different tasks. Step 3 Homework 1. Prepare for Main task after class. 2. Try to find more and more learning strategies from now on.