人教版(2019) 选择性必修第四册 Unit 3 Sea Exploration Workbook Exerccise课件(15张)


名称 人教版(2019) 选择性必修第四册 Unit 3 Sea Exploration Workbook Exerccise课件(15张)
格式 zip
文件大小 3.5MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-05-30 15:44:42



Using Words and Expressions
Activity 1
Activity 2
1 profession
4 channel
2 politics
3 mercy
5 mixture
Using Words and Expressions
Activity 3
extension; comprehension;
persuasion; provision;
applause; defense;
calculation; negotiation;
submission; admission;
possession; expression;
painting; warning;
entitlement; enjoyment;
refusal; arrival
Using Words and Expressions
Activity 4
1. Open your heart, forgive others, and you will be happier.
2. For most of the game, their opponents kept the possession of the ball.
3. Paying taxes is an important way for citizens to contribute to society.
4. These two people were arrested on suspicion of 有嫌疑 robbery.
5. There is a live TV coverage of golf tournament tonight.
Using Structures
Activity 1
1 to extend
2 to be; to be done
3 to be; Having spent; to swim
4 to have been (to be); to find
5 covered
6 to be; to have made
Activity 2
1 To be or not to be, that is the question. (S)
2 It is better to give than to take. (S ;Ad)
3 You're never too old to learn. (Ad)
4 To know everything is to knownothing. (S; P)
5.To save time is to lengthen life. (S; P)
Activity 3
starting; making; started; making / to make; collecting / to collect; to better understand; starting; named; to strengthen;
Unit 3 Workbook Reading and Writing
A Sea of Plastic
Look at the title and the photo of the text. Then answer the questions below.
1.What objects can you see on the beach
2Where do you think they came from
3What word's do vou think might annear in the article
I can see a lot of plastic, wood, and cans.
I guess they came from all over theworld, or at least from tourists or people live nearby.
words about waste, pollution,
stronger laws, and plastic recycling
Look at the title and the photo of the text. Then answer the questions below.
1.What alarming discovery did the scientists make
2.What are “gyres”
3What is the “Great Pacific Carbage Patch”
Scientists discovered 38 million pieces of plastic on the tiny island of Henderson in the South Pacific.
They are large circular current systems that naturally gather waste.
It is one of the largest of the circularsystems that have collected floating waste.
Look at the title and the photo of the text. Then answer the questions below.
4.Why does "micro plastic" make things even worse
5.How does The Ocean Cleanup project work
Micro plastic is eaten by fish and leads to massive species loss, as well as entering the human world in terms of second-hand consumption and in some cases, has even appeared in drinking water.
Very long floating barriers are placed in the ocean, allowing the current to gather the waste naturally. The waste is then collected and recycled.
Word chunks
1. made an alarming discovery 有了一个惊人的发现
2. Although it is one of the most remote places on the earth and previously untouched by humans,the island was covered in plastic waste.虽然这里是地球上最偏远的地方之一,以前也没有人烟,但岛上却布满了塑料垃圾。
3. 38 million pieces of plastic 3800万块塑料
4.No country has a free pass 没有一个国家会幸免
5. we have to sit up and pay attention 我们必须认真关注。
6.This is not an issue to ignore 这不是一个可以忽略的问题。
Word chunks
1. Plastic waste in the sea has long been known about, but only now are we discovering the true extent of the problem. 但直到现在我们才发现问题的真正严重性。
2.decompose / di k m p z/ 分解
3.large amounts 大量的(塑料)
4.Currents collect this waste in large circular systems called “gyres”. 洋流将这些废物收集在一个被称为 "环流 "的大型循环系统中。
Word chunks
1. The problem gets worse as plastic breaks down into very small pieces, or "micro plastic".当塑料分解成非常小的碎片或 "微型塑料 "时,问题变得更加严重。
2. tap water 自来水
3.The problem has spread too far to ignore.这个问题已经蔓延得让人无法忽视。 4.The plastic on Henderson Island accounts for just 2 seconds’ worth of global annual plastic production. 亨德森岛上的塑料垃圾仅占全球每年塑料2秒的产量
5.That production will more than triple by 2050. 到2050年,这个产量将增加三倍以上
Word chunks
1. However, there are some young minds working to clean up and protect the sea for future generations. 然而,有一些年轻人正在努力为后代清理和保护海洋。
2. He decided right then to dedicate his life to solving this problem.
3...why move through the sea when the sea can move through you
4.To work with the currents and gyres would help collect the waste.
/ ded ke t/ 致力于,献身于
Word chunks
1. "Many problems today are side effects of things people didn’t think about in the past",今天的很多问题都是过去人们没有想到的事情所带来的副作用"
2. Sea plastic is a symbol of the negative effects of our lifestyle and technology. 海洋塑料是我们生活方式和技术的负面影响的象征。
3.Our aim should be to create a new lifestyle for this century.