Unit 2
The days of the week
Name Favourite day
----What’s your favourite day
What’s your favourite toy A. Tuesday.
What’s your favourite colour B. Eight.
What’s your favourite day C. Green.
What’s your favourite number D. I like dolls.
源自sun’s day (属于太阳的日子), 对基督徒而言, 因耶稣复活的日子正好是星期日, 所以 Sunday 是安息日. 到今天, 世界上绝大数国家 以Sunday 为星期例假日.
Sunday is the first day of the week.
From prehistoric times to the close of
the fifth century of the Christian era,
the worship of the sun was dominant.
Sunday celebrates the sun god Apollo,
the sun goddess.
源自moon day (属于月亮的日子). 西方人把这一天献给 月之女神,因为他们相信月的盈亏会影响农作物的生长, 也会影响医疗效果. 现在有所谓的Blue Monday (忧郁的星期一) 现代人过了周休二日后衍生 “假日症侯群”, 星期一是一周工作的开始,觉得压力大, 又痛苦又疲倦.
Monday is the second day of the week,
day of moon goddess, Selene, Luna and Mani.
Monday is the day of the moon, the name reflects the ancient observance of feast days dedicated to moon goddess or planet.
Moon Goddess
源自Tiw’s day. Tiw 为北欧神话中的战神, 又叫Tyr. 传说中有一支狼精经常出沒扰乱世界, 众神先用铁链缚住, 但狼精轻轻一跃就逃脱了. 最后, 狼精因众神使用更精致的锁链才答应受缚, 但提出一个条件,必须要有一个神把手伸进他的口中, 来保证他的安全, 众神互相对 视谁都不敢吭声. 因为大家害怕狼精的两排锐利无比的牙齿. 众神在无计可施下, Tyr 自告奋勇把手伸进狼精口中, 狼精就这样被驯服了, 然而 Tyr 的一只手也被咬断了.
Tuesday is the third day of the week.
In the Roman calendar the corresponding day was the day of Mars, associated with Ares. Tiw's day is derived from Tyr,
the god of honorable war, the wrestler and the son of Woden.
His emblem is the sword, and in olden days the people paid him great homage. Tuesday was named in his honor.
源自 Woden’s day. Woden 是北欧诸神之父, 也是上文所提为驯服狼精而牺牲自己一只手的 Tyr 就是他的儿子. Woden 领导神族,跟巨人族作战, 他曾把敌军首领 Ymir 杀死,然后用他的肌肉造地, 鲜血造海, 骨骼造山. 毛发造树, 不惜牺牲自己的右眼换取“智慧” 的甘泉, 也深入敌军偷取美酒. 西方人为了追念这个万神之神, 就以他的名创造了 Wednesday 这个字.
Wednesday, the fourth day of the week,
corresponds to the Roman Dies Mercurii.
The name derives from the Scandinavian Woden (Odin),
chief god of Norse mythology,
who was often called the All Father
源自 Thor’s day. Thor 为北欧神话中的雷神, 经常带着一把大铁槌 .传说中有一个巨人 Thrym 偷走他的铁槌 , 威胁神族要把美丽的爱神 Freya 嫁給他作为交换条件. Freya 不肯下嫁給 Thrym. 于是Thor男扮女装, 以骗婚方法夺回自己的武器, 也杀掉 Thrym. 这是北欧神话中一个脍灸人口的故事.
Thursday is the fifth day of the week.
Thor, the god of strength and thunder, son of Odin,
is the counterpart of Jupiter or Jove. Thor is one of the twelve great gods of
northern mythology. He is the only god who cannot cross from earth to heaven
upon the rainbow, for he is so heavy and powerful
that the gods fear it will break under his weight.
It was said that whenever Thor threw his hammer, the noise of
thunder is heard through the heavens. Thursday was sacred to Thor.
源自 Frigg’s day. Frigg 是北欧神话中司婚姻和生育的女神也是Woden 的妻子. 对基督徒来说, 因为耶穌受难那天正好是星期五,所以西方人有所谓的 Black Friday(黑色星期五)表示有不幸的 事情会发生.
Friday is the sixth day of the week.
The name is derived from the Germanic Frigga
the name of the Norse god Odin's wife.
Frigga is considered to be the mother of all,
and the goddess who presides over marriage.
The name means loving or beloved.
源自 Saturn’s day. Saturn 是罗马神话中的农神,掌管五壳,就像中国神话中的神农大帝一样, 让民间风调雨顺, 国泰民安.
Saturday is the seventh day of the week,
corresponding to the Roman dies Saturni,
or day of Saturn, the Roman god of agriculture.
Saturday is also represented by Loki,
the Norse god of tricks and chaos.
Statue of Saturn