Unit 4 Finding your way Study skills Falling tone and rising tone 教案


名称 Unit 4 Finding your way Study skills Falling tone and rising tone 教案
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文件大小 14.0MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津译林版
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-06-04 22:17:20



7B Unit 4 Finding your way
study skills -falling tone and rising tone
教学内容 7 B Unit 4 study skills 授课教材 牛津译林2011课标版
教学目标 By the end of the class, the students should be able to achieve goals from four dimensions:
语言能力 1. To learn the usage of intonation: falling tone and rising tone.2. To recognize the intonation according to different kinds of sentence types.
学习能力 1. To read the sentences with the right intonation.2. To talk about asking the way freely with the right intonation.
文化品格 1. To encourage students to express themselves with proper tones confidently.2. To enjoy the fun of cooperative learning.
思维品质 1. To understand the importance of intonation in their daily communication.2. To make dialogues with right intonations.
教学重难点 教学重点 1. Learn to use the falling tone and rising tone.2. Recognize the usage of the intonation in different sentence types.
教学难点 To enable students to speak English with the right intonation.
教材分析 本课的教学内容是七年级下册第四单元Study skills板块。综合技能板块主要让学生们了解英语的语音、语调对句子意思表达的影响,指导学生运用正确的语音、语调进行英语表达自己的意思。首先,通过创设“声临其境”教学情境引导学生感知英语中的语音和语调的重要性。语调是一句话里声调高低抑扬轻重的变化。英语有两张基本的语调:升调和降调。一句话除了词汇意义之外,还有语调意义。语调意义是指讲话者用语调表示的态度或口气。同样的句子,语调不同,意思就会不同。然后通过简单的ok,hello, all right展示不同的句式用不同的语调表示不同的含义。说话人可以通过语调准确地表达各种信息。教师通过各种句式不同的语调让学生明白何种句式应该使用哪种语调去读和表达出说话者的语气和目的。接着通过听、读、说、写等多样化任务学习,播放录音让学生跟读,请部分同学朗读,教师纠正错误的读法之后,师生共同总结出句子的特点和不同之处,得出语调的使用规则。最后在掌握语调使用规则的基础上运用对话进行实际操作深化学生对语音、语调的认识,促使学生们在平时的英语学习中特别注意自己的语音和语调,从而正确运用英语表达自己的思想,提升综合运用英语的能力。
学情分析 本节课的教学对象是初中七年级的学生,他们已经初步掌握了听说读写的能力,但是普遍存在语音语调不正确的问题,从而影响学生们有效地用英语表达和理解。本课以创设情境教学法和任务型教学法为根本,根据七年级学生的生理和心理特点,通过视频导入,对话视频等激发学生们的学习兴趣,同时采用多种活动方式如pair work, group work, find the home, make a conversation, read and judge等任务活动来反复操练语音语调。教师在教学设计中尽量通过一些能够激发学习兴趣的活动对课堂要求掌握的内容进行反复操练,在训练中加深对这些概念和用法的理解,促使学生们在平时的英语学习中特别注意自己的语音和语调,从而正确运用英语表达自己的思想。
教学方法 激趣法、创设情境法、任务教学法、小组合作学习法
教学准备 教学技术 希沃白板(SEEWO 5); 希沃授课助手;班级优化大师;黑板;
教学资源 电影片段《Frozen》; 视频片段《声临其境》;图片若干;教学音频;模仿视频;
教学评价 课堂中通过“班级优化大师”的软件,对学生们的个体或小组的课堂反馈进行及时的评价(加减分制度)。课堂中运用了形成性评价,鉴于对学生平时学习习惯的了解,教师能够关注到学生在课堂中的表现,如问题的个人思考,小组活动的参与度,以此及时了解学生的课堂学习情况,向学生提供及时的并具有个性化特征的反馈,为调整和改进下一步的教学提供依据,从而促进学生的学习,提高教学效果。在本课中,教师还注意评价学生的语言表达能力。通过师生互动,生生互动,各项活动的展开,从语言的准确程度、流利程度、得体程度、任务完成程度、交际策略运用程度以及情感程度来评价学生在课堂中的能力发展情况,目的在于加强学生综合语言运用能力的提高。
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 多媒体使用及分析
Step 1: Lead-in1. Free talk and present the topic.2. Task about the TV show 1. Show a short video of Frozen.T: At the beginning of our class, let’s enjoy a part of a film. Then please tell me what film it is. Are you ready T: What is the film T: Yes, you are so clever. It is Frozen in English. Do you like watching it T: I like watching it too. And here are two sentences in the film. Who can read them for us Sentence 1: Wake up.Sentence 2: Do you want to build a snowman 2. Show some pictures and a video to talk about the TV show “The Sound”.T: Do you know her T: Do you watch the TV show T: Great. She is in the TV show called “The Sound”. Let’s enjoy her sound in it. Let’s go.T: What do you think of her sound in the show T: I think she is very good. Do you want to be as good as her T: Let’s learn from her today, and finish five tasks to be good enough for the TV show. 1. Enjoy a short video and talk about it.Ss:《冰雪奇缘》Ss: Yes.Ss: Read the sentences one by one.Ss: Yes. She is 迪丽热巴.Ss: Yes. 声临其境.Ss: Watch the video.Ss: Good. Perfect. Wonderful…Ss: Yes.Ss: Get ready for the tasks. 教师通过呈现电影视频片段《冰雪奇缘》导入本课教学内容,从学生熟悉的电影话题入手,先让学生感知一下英语的语音和语调魅力。鼓励学生大胆用自己的方式读出电影片段中的两句台词,在感知英语语言魅力的同时,教师也可以对学生的英语语音和语调的掌握情况有一个初步的了解,为后续的教学环节做好情感铺垫。教师通过图片展示本课的教学主线,即《声临其境》,为之后的任务型教学做铺垫。教师通过播放迪丽热巴参加声临其境的片段视频,设计本课的教学情境,说说她的表现如何,鼓励学生们向她学习做最好的自己。教师通过图文结合的动画方式明确展示本课的教学路线和教学任务给学生们,让学生们了解本课的教学主线,激发学生们相信自己、勇于挑战自己的情感,努力做最好的自己。 希沃中插入多媒体视频素材,生动直观地呈现本课教学主题,使教学活动极具感染力。希沃中插入多媒体视频素材,生动直观地呈现迪丽热巴在声临其境中配音的绝佳表现,为教学打下积极的情感路线,从而激发鼓励学生们能够积极主动完成本课的学习任务,从而变得和她一样优秀,有资格参加《声临其境》这个火热的节目秀。通过希沃中的“动画”功能,适时的出现各项任务,简单明了。
Step 2: Presentation & Practice 1. Give an explanation of intonationT: To be good enough for the TV show, you should have good pronounciation (语音), that is to say you must speak English well. And then you must have right intonation (语调). What is it really about Let’s read the meaning in Chinese.T: In English, we usually have different intonations. They are rising tone, falling tone, rising and falling tone, falling and rising tone, level tone. This lesson, we will learn the most important two intonations. They are rising tone and falling tone. (板书rising tone和falling tone)T: I can say ok.↘in a statement, but when it’s a question, I will say ok ↗ The same to “Hello” and “All right”. Who can try to read T: You have done a good job. So from them, we can find that in different sentence types, we may use falling tone or rising tone. It means we use different tones in different sentence types.T: Here are some basic sentence types in English, and they are statement, yes/no question, wh-question, imperative sentence, exclamation, alternative question and disjunctive question. Among them, these five are more important to learn. If possible, the teacher and students can give an example for each sentence type.2. Task 1: Find the home.T: Let’s come to task 1: Find the right home. Let’s judge where it belongs to. For example, “How amazing!” it is an exclamation. Let’s put the sentence in the right home. Let’s go on one by one.1. How amazing!2. Thank you.3. Would you like to come 4. Don’t be afraid.5. When shall we meet?6. May I speak to Daniel 7. Are you sure, Hobo 8. We will get there by bus.9. Let’s go.10. Do you know me 11. Wait a minute.12. Where are you going 13. What a nice school!14. How are you 15. I like playing football.16. All right.T: After finishing task 1, can you find the rule for each sentence type?3. Task 2:Read and judge.T:Eight more sentences for you. Sentence 1 and 2 are 陈述句,sentence 3 and 4 are 一般疑问句,sentence 5 and 6 are 特殊疑问句,sentence 7 is 祈使句, and sentence 8 is 感叹句。T: Now let’s listen and judge the sentence is falling or rising tone. For example…T: Great. Next let’s read these sentences together with falling tone or rising tone. T: After reading, can you find the rules to use falling tone and rising tone Ask students to put up something at the right place on the blackboard.T: When it is a statement, we use…If it is an imperative sentence, we use…When it is an exclamation, we use…If we ask a yes or no question, we use…When ask a wh- question, we use…(学生完成板书设计,教师逐一出示语调规则。)T: Are you clear to understand the rules Rule1: When we speak, our tone falls at the end of a statement, imperative sentences, or exclamation.Rule2: When we ask a yes/no question, our tone rises at the end of the question.Rule3: When we ask a wh-question, our tone usually falls at the end of the question.Task 2 for you, read and judge the sentences. Read the sentence first, then put a falling arrow or a rising arrow at the end of the sentence. For example…T: You are so great. Next, more sentences for you to judge, I want two students to come to the blackboard and play the game to see who will the winner. (利用班级优化大师软件随机抽取两名幸运学生做这个课堂游戏活动。)T: Check the answers together.4. Task 3: Work in pairs.T: Let’s go on learning. Look at the dialogue, which tone do you use T: Let’s listen and check. The answer is rising tone. So this is rule 4.Rule4: We make our tone rise at the end of a statement to show surprise. Let’s work in pairs to read this dialogue to feel the surprise.T: Here task 3 for you. Please work in pairs to read the dialogue. You can choose just one dialogue from these three. 1 minute for you to prepare. (超链接计时1分钟准备)5. Task 4: Read and draw arrows.T: Millie and Sandy are also talking about their weekend. Read the conversation and put a falling arrow or a rising arrow at the end of each sentence. For example…T: Listen to the tape and check the answers together.T: Read the dialogue loud in pairs. Make your tone rise when needed. (超链接计时1分钟准备)6. Task 5: Try to act out. T: Well done. You are going to the last task. You will watch a short video, and then please work in groups to act it out. Please pay attention to your pronunciation and especially your intonation, using falling tone or rising tone if it is needed. Let’s watch the video first.T: Now it’s your preparing time. (超链接计时3分钟准备)T: Ask some students to role-play the dialogue in groups. Ss: Read the Chinese meaning of intonation together.Ss: Read the words: rising tone, falling tone(并做升调和降调的手势).Ss: Try to read.Ss: Try to judge which home the sentence belongs to.Ss: Listen and judge sentence by sentence.Ss: Read 8 sentences. (做升降调手势)Ss: Try to say out the rules in Chinese.Ss: 帮助老师完成黑板设计。Ss: Read the sentence first and draw the right falling arrow or rising arrow.Ss: Play the game in pairs.Ss: Work in pairs to read the example dialogue.Ss: Read the dialogues in pairs.Ss: Work in pairs to read the dialogue loud.Ss: Work in group to present the dialogue according to the video. 教师引导学生们学习视频中迪丽热巴的完美表现,学习其中英语的语音和语调,引入本课的语调主题让学生阅读语调的中文解释,便于基本了解它的含义。通过思维导图,介绍英语中的五种基本语调,并告诉学生们本课主要学习升调和降调两种最重要的语调,并通过口头朗读和手势比划强化记忆升调和降调。教师在课堂中使用屏幕书写“笔”工具,现场展示不同的情景使用不同的音调,让学生先感知一下升调和降调的使用。然后引导学生思考发现在不同的句式里应该使用不同的语调。教师根据情景设计任务一,为句子找到它自己的家,通过练习进一步夯实不同句式的分类,旨在促使学生做题过程中学会判断句式,并得出各种句式的结构规则,为之后进一步学习打下基础。教师结合课本的典型例句,并做适当补充,引导学生通过听录音判断句子的语调。让学生读一读八个典型例句,感受巩固升降调的同时,总结出语调的使用规则。师生共同通过例句总结出语调使用的3中基本规则,并在此过程中师生互动由学生自己理解并补全黑板的板书。教师在学生思考补充板书的同时,出示规则,让全部学生完全理解如何正确使用升调和降调。理解规则之后,教师设计任务型活动,促使学生进行实际操练,展现由学习规则转变到规则使用的学习过程。同时游戏活动能够很好的调动学生的学习兴趣,激发学生的竞争意识。教师进一步展示语调使用中的特例规则4,由发现到总计到运用,最后设计pair work活动,促使生生合作,根据自己的英语水平选择性展示的对话内容,最终完成本课的教学目标。学完全部4中语调运用规则后,展示一段对话进行实际操练,先确定升降调,然后通过pair work朗读进一步巩固语调的正确使用。教师播放一段“问路”的视频,鼓励学生小组合作进行模仿展示,注意对话时能够正确使用语音和语调。 教师巧用“添加蒙层”和“橡皮”的特色功能,展现教学的魅力。教师运用“超链接”的功能,增添了课堂呈现的巧妙性和灵活应变性。运用“思维导图”功能,简单明了呈现语调的分类。每一项的知识点可进行增加或缩减,还可通过添加的方式可插入多媒体(图片、音频、视频),备注,总结或超链接。教师巧用“思维导图”功能展现英语中的几种句式,将知识结构变得可视化,让学生跟上教师的教学思路,快速吸收语言知识点。操作简单、方便、快捷。 教师巧妙结合“动画”和“屏幕拖拽”的功能,设计任务一活动,增添课堂活动的趣味性。利用蒙层和橡皮功能,在计时器的协助下,小组合作完成听力的任务,促进学生全面发展。教师巧用动画功能,通过出现、消失、途径等综合动画使得课堂环节生动有趣。教师鼓励学生自己动手,通过希沃白板的书写功能,实现智能化的书写效果,最后师生共同校对,利用书写功能和不同颜色进行纠正。课堂活动是一种全新而直观的互动教学手段,它以形象化的方式呈现知识点,在课堂中时刻抓住学生的注意力。课堂中,学生能够自己动手操作,操作简单,画面优美。并且游戏活动任务可以多次重复使用,且有细微的顺序变化。教师鼓励学生自己动手,通过希沃白板的书写功能,实现智能化的书写效果,最后师生共同校对,利用书写功能和不同颜色进行纠正。
Step 3: Production T: Wow, you are so amazing! I am proud of you, and you have done all the tasks. I think you are good enough to go the TV show “The Sound”.T: Before going, let’s work in groups to talk about the way to “The Sound”. You can talk about where it is, how do you go there, when do you go there and so on. Try to use different tones according to different intonations. You can begin your dialogue like this: Ss: Work in groups to make a new dialogue about the way with the right intonation. 教师通过动画效果展示学生们共同顺利完成了学习的5个任务,夸赞学生们和迪丽热巴一样优秀,在课堂上给予学生充分的肯定与自信心。完成任务后,延续《声临其境》的教学主线,设计最后一个教学活动,鼓励学生们小组合作,完成一段对话讨论the way to the sound,并引导学生注意使用正确的语音和语调来表达自己的思想和情感。
Step 4: Conclusion T: It’s amazing that you are so great. So no matter your English is good or poor, please be brave enough to express yourselves. Believe yourselves and believe you can do it. Work hard and you will be the best. Remember practice makes perfect. You can be perfect. You are perfect. 教师对本课做总结,两句简单的语句总结学生们在本课学习过程中的优秀表现,并且给学生们树立学习英语的自信心。
Step 5: Homework T: At last, homework for you.
教学板书 7B Unit 4 Finding your way study skills---falling tone and rising tone
教学反思 本课教师灵活运用希沃白板5的各项功能,让学生从枯燥的填鸭式教学转向趣味性自主学习,大大地提升了课堂教学效果,也凸显学生在课堂中的主体地位,教师在课堂中的辅助引导作用。课堂教学过程中,学生们都能够认真听讲、积极发言、乐于参与、主动合作学习。从学生的上课表现来看,5个小组能够很积极地参与到课堂教学活动当中,从一开始有些拘谨不敢举手慢慢键入佳境,争先恐后举手发言参与pair work, group work之中,为个人或小组争光得分。通过本课的语调教学,我深刻体会到在英语教学活动中,教师要全面培养和发展学生的听、说、读、写能力,而这些都必须以正确掌握英语的语音和语调为基础。目前在初中英语教学中,英语的语音和语调存在一些问题。因此教师应将英语语音和语调的教学融入到平时的每一节课堂教学中。让学生明白何种句式该用哪种语调去读和表达才能表达出说话者的语气和目的。本课教学后,我想今后的英语教学应注意以下几点:1. 多听英语录音,感受纯正的语音、语调。2. 多模仿,一句一句地模仿,不断地模仿。3. 勤朗读。大量的朗读可以有效地练习语音和语调。4. 创设教学活动,如配音,给学生们展示英语的平台。
(语调 句式)
(语调 句式)