人教版(2019) 选择性必修第四册 Unit 3 Sea Exploration Words and phrases课件(23张)


名称 人教版(2019) 选择性必修第四册 Unit 3 Sea Exploration Words and phrases课件(23张)
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文件大小 97.1KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-06-04 19:23:29



Words and phrases in Unit 3
tale n.故事;叙述
a fairy tale, a moral tale, a romantic tale, a folk tale
Marco Polo's tales inspired European explorers to search for sea routes from west to east.
2. merchant n.商人;批发商 adj.海上货运的
The Merchant of Venice
Merchants and explorers from the East set sail from east to west many years before Columbus first did.
3. set sail 起航;开航
set about doing sth.开始做某事=set out to do sth.
set aside 留出;搁置 set off 出发;动身;使爆炸
set up 建立;创立 set fire to 放火烧
4. extend vt.扩展;使伸长;延长(expand) extension n.
to extend a fence, to extend a road,
to extend a deadline, to extend a visa
A trading route across the sea was also extended along the coasts of the Indian Ocean.
5.negotiate vt.商定;达成(协议) vi.谈判;磋商;协商 negotiation n.
Merchants from China and many other places met to negotiate trade deals.
negotiate with someone about sth.
negotiate sth with someone.
be under negotiation 在商谈中
in negotiation with someone
6.fleet n.舰队;机群;车队 a. 飞快的 fleetly ad.
a fishing fleet, a whaling fleet,
Between 1405 and 1433, seven large fleets sailed west on voyages of trade and exploration.
7. behold vt. ( beheld, beheld )看;看见
These fleets were a sight to behold and were in a league of their own at that time.
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
8. league n.等级;水平;联合会;联赛
the League of Nations, the Youth League
a League member
in a league of one’s own 独领风骚
As a painter, he is in a league of his own.
These fleets were a sight to behold and were in a league of their own at that time.
9.royal adj.皇家的;王室的;高贵的 royally ad. the royal family, the Royal Navy, royal blue
African royal families sent gifts such as giraffes in return for gold, silk, and spices.
11.spice n.(调味)香料 spicy a.
African royal families sent gifts such as giraffes in return for gold, silk, and spices.
We need an exciting trip to add some spice to our lives.
12.withdraw vi.&vt. ( withdrew, withdrawn ) (使)撤回;撤离;提取 withdrawal n.
withdraw from退出;撤回
China withdrew from further expeditions after 1433.
Government troops were forced to withdraw.
I'd like to withdraw £250 please.
Both countries withdrew their forces from the region.
You must withdraw what you’ve just said.
He is going to withdraw all his money from the bank.
They have decided to withdraw from the competition.
He wanted to withdraw his name from the guest list.
After dinner they withdraw to the living room.
13.channel n. 航道;海峡;频道
These land and sea routes remained active channels between other cultures for centuries.
to change/switch channels,
the English Channel
14.maritime adj. 海的;海运的;海事的 (marine)
The ancient sea routes are being revisited with the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.
15.bond n.纽带;关系 vt.&vi. 增强信任关系;使牢固结合
The aim is to encourage cooperation and strengthen the bonds between China and the rest of the world.
16. in hand在手头;可供使用;在掌控中
With the latest technology in hand, the need and the desire will drive China to reach out far into the future.
It’ll be difficult if you have no money in hand.
Don’t worry. I’ve got everything in hand.
17. politics n. 政治;政治观点; 勾心斗角
As a major figure in British politics, Chruchill was in a league of his own.
political a. politically ad. politician n.
18. profession, occupation, career,
professional, amateur,
Henry Norman Bethune devoted his life and profession to helping people without expecting anything in return.
19. tournament n. 锦标赛;联赛
The tennis player withdrew from several tournaments due to injury.
a golf tournament
20.laptop/ l pt p/ n.笔记本电脑;便携式电脑 desktop n. notebook n.
21.mixture n.混合;结合体;混合物
mix v. mix A with B mixed a.
mix up 弄错;弄乱;混淆 mix up with sth.
Reaching out across the sea is a mixture of danger and boredom.
The city is a mixture/mix of old and new buildings.
If you mix blue and yellow, you get green.
It’s better if you sometimes mix business ___ pleasure.
They look so alike that it’s easy to mix them ____.
I still have ____ feelings about going to Brazil.
22. coverage n. 新闻报道;覆盖范围 cover v.
media/newspaper/press coverage
When the journey ended, Zac’s adventure received widespread media coverage.
tonight's live coverage of the hockey game
The BBC will cover all the major games of the tournament.
23. applaud vt.&vi. 鼓掌 vt. 称赞;赞赏 applause n.
The crowd stood to applaud scientists for their important ocean research work.
They rose to applaud the speaker.
Give her a big round of applause!
24.press conference记者招待会;新闻发布会
At his press conference, he talked about how passion and courage made his dream come true.
press: vi. &vt. 按压;逼迫 n. 按;压;印刷;新闻界
press someone to do sth.
press sth. against sth.
be pressed by someone
pressure n. 压力;逼迫
put pressure on someone
under pressure = under stress
25.tax vt.对……征税;使纳税n.税;税款
to raise/cut taxes
tax increases/cuts
a tax on cigarettes
to pay over £1 000 in tax
It is a good idea to tax plastic bottles so that people use them less.
25.manned adj.有人控制的;需人操纵的 unmanned a. man v. manipulate v.
manned space flight / spaceship
The Jiaolong manned submersible is said to be able to reach 7 km underwater.
26.submersible n.潜水器;可潜船
(short period) (submarine n. ) a. 可下水的
a submersible camera
a nuclear submarine
27.underwater / nd w t (r)/ adv.在水下adj.水下的
an underwater creature/ camera
28.coral/ k r l / n. 珊瑚 a. 珊瑚色的
coral reefs/ island a coral necklace
The Sea King’s castle has walls of corals and a roof formed of beautiful shells.
29.migration n.迁移;迁徙;移居
migrate v. migrant a. 流浪的 迁徙的
immigrate v. immigration n.
emigrate v. emigration n.
seasonal migration
Learn about these amazing animals at close range on their annual migration south to the Antarctic.
30.directory n.名录;电话号码簿;(计算机文件或程序的)目录
direct v. director n. direction n. directive a.
They will be added to the directory so we can identify them in the future.
31.meanwhile adv.与此同时;在此期间;(meantime)(比较两方面)对比之下
The doctor will see you again next week. Meanwhile, you must rest as much as possible.
Stress can be extremely damaging to your health. Exercise, meanwhile, can reduce its effects.
32.exploit vt. 开发;利用;剥削
exploitation n. exploiter n.
When people talk of exploring the sea more, they usually mean exploiting it.
33.gallon n.加仑(容积单位,1英制加仑约等于4.5升,美=3.8升)
quarter n. ounce n. (28grams)
The Deepwater Horizon spilled over 200 million gallons of oil into the sea in 2010.
34.murder vt.谋杀;凶杀;毁坏 n.谋杀;凶杀 murderer n. to commit (a) murder
a murder case, a murder investigation,
a murder weapon, a murder mystery
Some countries are still "murdering'' these intelligent creatures without mercy.
She has been charged with the attempted murder of her husband.
35.mercy n.仁慈;宽恕;恩惠
merciful a. mercifully ad. merciless a. mercilessly ad.
Some countries are still "murdering'' these intelligent creatures without mercy.
They showed no mercy to their hostages.
The hostages are begging for mercy.
He has no mercy on the employees.
I'm not going to put myself at the mercy of the bank.
36.possession n. [usually pl.]个人财产;拥有;控制 possess v. possessed a. possessive a.
in possession of sth. = take possession of sth.
in the possession of sb. = in sb’s possession
be possessed of 具有(某种品质、能力等)
The sea is home to life, not human beings’ possessions.
The manuscript is just one of the treasures in their possession .
They are in possession of the manuscript.
You cannot legally take possession of the property until three weeks after the contract is signed.
37.opponent n.反对者;对手;竞争者
oppose v. opposed a. opposite a. opposition n.
a political opponent, a worthy opponent
Opponents may be concerned, but sea exploration is important for our future.
38.log vt.把…载入正式记录;记录 n.正式记录;日志;原木
Logging new species will improve our understanding of life on the earth.
logs for the fire, The captain keeps a log.
You need a password to log in/on. --- log out/off
39.marine/ m ri n / adj.海的;海产的;海生的
global trends in the state of world marine fish stocks
40.arrest n.逮捕;拘留;中止 vt.逮捕;拘留;阻止
A $5 million reward has been announced for information leading to the arrest of those responsible for the murder.
When she was arrested, the detective found out that the shop-assistant was her daughter.
Shortly afterwards, the police stopped the car and both men were arrested.
After he was arrested, the man admitted hiding in the box before the plane left London.
Of course, we should arrest him, but as he has a good record, we shall let him off this time.
The police were called in, but they could not arrest anyone, for the basket contained two Members of Parliament and the Commanding Officer of the station!
An unusual noise arrested his attention .
They failed to arrest the company's decline.
She was under arrest on suspicion of murder.
Opposition leaders were put under house arrest .