Unit6 Movies and Theatre
Lesson34 The Fisherman and the Goldfish(II)
Title Lesson34: The Fisherman and the Goldfish(II) 授课人
Analysisof teaching material 本单元谈论娱乐,主要以电影和戏剧为主题,语法重点是宾语补足语和被动语态。本课是渔夫和金鱼的故事的第二部分,重点是理解故事的内容,在了解目标语言的基础上,要求学生掌握故事的基本结构和要素以及如何用过去时态讲述一个故事,并让学生进行角色表演,将整个故事生动活泼的加以呈现,体验故事人物的内心和情感,提高运用英语的能力。教育学生在生活中不要做一个贪婪自私,不劳而获的人,并弘扬真善美。
Analysisof the students 九年级学生有一定的英语学习基础,学生对本单元的话题兴趣也很浓厚,尤其是33课和34课。此外,学生喜欢直观形象思维,对图片、电影、竞赛等特别感兴趣。因此,我设置了较多的活动,设计的环节也比较有趣,参与性强。在本课的教学过程中,我注重启发引导,培养学生小组合作能力的同时,更注重教学方法的灵活性,通过任务型教学法、情景创设法等,激发学生学习的兴趣,让学生乐于接受,易于接受,避免单调枯燥的课堂使学生产生疲劳。
Teaching aims Knowledge To learn words and phrases about the story.coast, handbag, servant, guard, queen, crash, among,mad,serveon the coast
Ability To be able to retell the story in English.To be able to act out the play.
Emotion To be satisfied with what you have and love your present life.
Teachingkeypoints 1. To be able to retell the story in English.2. To be able to act out the play.
Teachingdifficultpoints 1.借助when,where,who,what等用内容概括的形式对故事进行语言输出。2.用表演的形式在模拟情境中进行语言输出。3.领悟故事所传达的思想和教育意义。
Teaching methods 情景创设法,图片展示法,任务型教学法
Teaching aids Electronic whiteboard. Pictures.
Project Content Aims
Teaching procedures Step1: Reviewing:Review what happened in the last lesson by looking at the video. T: When did the story happen Where did the story happen How many characters are there in the story Who are they What happened in the last lesson Make the students retell the story correctly.
Step 2: Before reading:T: What will happen in this lesson Can you guess what’s in the goldfish’s magic box Collect answers from the students. T: You can find out the answers in Lesson 34. Motivate the students’ interestin learning.
Read the lesson and check the correct answers:
( ) 1. What does the wife not ask for
A:To be rich. B:To be a queen. C:To be a beautiful lady.
( )2.What happens in the end when the wife keeps asking for more things
A: She gets everything she wants.
B: The fisherman leaves her.
C: Everything is taken away.
( )3. How many times does the fisherman go to see the goldfish
A: Once. B: Twice. C: Three times.
1.The fisherman is standing on the coast.
1.The queen is sitting among servants and guards.
T: What are servants and guards doing 2.They are all serving the queen. Get the students to know more about the content and key information about the story. Motivate the students’ interest.Students can understand better through readingcarefully.Learn about some new words by looking at the pictures and guessing the meaning of the new words.
Challenge 4: To be reporters.
eg: Which characters in the play do you like
Which do you dislike Why or why not ...
2.Next choose one to be a reporter to make an interview in your group. 3.Finally check the students’ work by asking two reporters to make an interview. Motivate the students’ interestin learning byfinishing the challenges.
Understand the play and encourage the students to imitate using different tones to express feelings. Language output.Encourage the students to use English to talk about the topic and express their ideas.
Step 5: Summary.Open the magic box. Learn something from the play.
Homework 1. Please write down the story.2. Summarize the language focus.3. Finish off the exercises: P89(2,3).
Blackboard design:
课后反思: 本节课我觉得很成功,环节完整,条理清晰,过渡自然,重点突出,按计划完成了教学任务。在课堂上能最大限度地调动学生的学习积极性,让学生动起来。课堂活动设计有以下几个亮点。(1)To be readers.分角色有感情的朗读课文。(2)To be story tellers.运用清晰的思维导图,学生给同桌讲故事。(3)To be actors.学生积极参与角色表演,并且有一组学生将课本剧的结尾进行了加工和创作,渔夫的妻子意识到自己的错误,恳求金鱼能给她们一所大房子,金鱼答应了这个请求,使故事有一个完美的结局。(4)To be reporters.记者环节,让学生先在小组内讨论要问的问题,并且把问题写在卡片上,选一个同学作为记者,采访本组成员。最后通过让两名记者采访班上任一的一名学生,来检查小组活动的完成情况。学生完成得非常好,除了课本上出现的问题:Which characters in the play do you like Which do you dislike Why or Why not 学生还增加了如下问题:What do you think of the fisherman/wife/goldfish What do you want to say to the fisherman/wife What can you learn from the story 此环节培养学生自主学习探究的能力,收到了较好的效果。总之,整节课学生活动比较多,个体参与也较多,课堂上能面对大多数学生,给学生表现的机会。需要改进的地方是,更加合理的分配好时间,讲故事环节应该再叫一名学生来展示。今后我将不断学习,努力提高自己的教学水平。