Unit6 Outdoor fun Reading
课型:reading(阅读课) 课时:45分钟
教学方法:Task Based Language Teaching (任务型教学法)
Materials Analysis (教材分析) 本单元的话题是户外活动,是接近学生日常生活的话题,他们比较感兴趣。其中这篇阅读的文章讲的是梦幻小说《爱丽丝梦游仙境》。有些学生已经看过该作品,学起来会比较容易理解、掌握;对于那些没有看过该作品的学生来说,这也能激发他们的学习兴趣。同时也能让学生了解中外国文学作品的相同点与区别,感受中外文化的差异,培养学生积极阅读的习惯。
Student Analysis (学情分析) 我所教的学生是初一年级的学生,他们刚从小学升上初中,部分学生还没真正转换成中学生的角色,他们也还没找到学习英语的正确方法,有些学生还只停留简单在背单词的学习方法上。我们的学生在小学阶段学过英语,有一定的英语基础,掌握一定的英语词汇和句子。但在阅读方面,大部分学生还没有掌握阅读的技巧。学生的英语阅读水平较差。
Teaching Objectives (教学目标) 1.Knowledge objectives(知识目标) By the end of this class, students can master some words, phrases, and sentence partners of this text. And they can use simple past tense. (学生能掌握关这篇文章的重要单词、短语和句子;能正确使用一般过去时。) 2.Ability objectives(能力目标) By the end of this class, students will be able to grasp some reading skill,such as skimming and scanning.And they can use some simple words to tell stories to others. (学生能掌握一些阅读技巧,比如寻读和略读;能用简单的英语给别人讲故事。) 3.Emotion objectives(情感目标 ) By the end of this class, the students will be able to have a better understanding of culture between china and other countries.And they will be willing to do more reading. (学生能了解中外文学作品的不同,感受中外文化的差异;激发学生的阅读兴趣。
Teaching Focus (教学重难点) Key points(重点) Let students get to know some words and phrases, the usage of simple past tense and grasp some reading skill. (让学生掌握重点词汇、短语;一般过去时的运用以掌握一些阅读技巧。) Difficult points(难点) How to arouse students’ interest to tell stories in English; (如何激发学生用英语来讲故事。)
Teaching Aids (教具) Tape,ppt,video,cards and pictures
Teaching procedures(教学步骤) Reason for design (设计理念)
Step1 Lead-in (导入) 1.Show students some pictures about wonder stories. (向学生展示一些关于奇幻故事的照片。) 2. Free talk: Do you know any fantastic stories what fantastic stories do you like best (让学生讨论他们喜欢的童话故事) 1、通过图片来导入课题,能引起学生的兴趣,活跃课堂气氛。 2、让学生讨论所知道的童话故事以及自己最喜欢的故事。鼓励学生用英语发表自己的看法,提高学生的口语表达能力。
Step2 1.Show a picture about Alice in Wonderland to students. (1).Have you read the story about Alice in Wonderland Show the learning aims to students. (展示学习目标) 1、通过展示《爱丽丝梦游仙境》的图片导入课题内容,激发学生想阅读故事的兴趣。 2、学习目标的展示,让学生更清楚本节课的学习目标。
Step3 Pre-reading: Teach some new words according to pictures and making sentences. (通过图片和句子来进行新词汇的教学) 2.speak out the words and write down the words. (说出并写出所学的新词汇) watch a video and predict what happened to the story. (观看故事预告片并预测故事大概内容) 1、 通过图片和句子来学习新词汇,学生学起来容易理解和记忆。 2、让学生读单词和写出单词,可以达到巩固词汇的目的。也为阅读扫除单词不会的障碍。 3、观看《爱丽丝梦游仙境》的预告片、预测故事,既可以激发学生学习兴趣,又为阅读故事做了铺垫。
Step4 While reading: Task 1: read the text quickly and get the main ides of the text. Task 2:Read para.1&2 and answer the questions. 1.Where did Alice see a white rabbit 2.What did the rabbit say 3.What did Alice do after the rabbit Task 3: Read para. 3 and answer: 1. Why did the rabbit surprise Alice 2. Where did the rabbit go 3. What did Alice do then Task 4: Read para. 4&5 and complete the chart. There were doors all around, BUTthey were all_______.Alice saw a small key on a table, it did not fit______. Alice saw a lovely garden on the other side, and tried to go through the door, she was too _____. Answers: 1.locked; 2. any of the doors; 3.big
Task 5: do the true or false. 1.It was a cloudy day. _____ 2. Alice was playing with a rabbit. ______ 3. The rabbit asked Alice the time. _______ 4. The rabbit jumped down the hole first. ____ 5.It took Alice a long time to hit the ground.___ 6. Alice talked to the rabbit in the hole. ___ Answers: 1.F; 2.F; 3.F; 4.T; 5.T; 6.F 1、任务一的快速阅读,可以训练学生快速抓住文章的主旨。 2、分段阅读,学生需要运用泛读、精读、寻读等阅读技巧来阅读课文,并从中筛选出准确有效的信息。通过多种阅读题型的训练,可以训练学生掌握泛读、寻读、精读等阅读技巧。
Step5 Post-reading: Task1:choose the right word to complete the conversation. door , field, ground, hall, hole, key pocket, rabbit , river watch Task2: progress(ground work) 1. Discuss with your partners, and use simple words to retell the story.(ground 1-2) 2. Discuss with your partners what would happen to the story's ending.(ground 3-4) 1、阅读后通过选词填空完成对话,可以进一步加深和巩固学生对文章的理解。 2、分组讨论完成重述说故事和预测故事结局,可以检测学生运用知识的能力。体现课堂知识的升华和延伸。
Step6 Exercise: 知识过关检测 Write the simple past form of the following verbs. (写出下列动词的过去式) sit --- do--- take--- notice--- stand--- put--- run--- open--- jump--- can-- try--- want--- let--- get--- fall--- hear-- look--- find--- see--- hit-- say--- 通过练习,可以检测学生对本节课出现的动词过去式的掌握情况。同时也再次巩固了这些重要的词汇。
Step7 Summary(课堂小结) 1.words: rabbit , watch , hit , hole...... 2.phrases: jump down , go through , run away ...... 3.sentences: She saw a white rabbit in a coat passing by. The rabbit took a watch out of its pocket. ....... 一般过去时: 1 句子基本结构; 2 规则动词的过去式与不规则动词的过去式。 进行课堂归纳总结,让学生明白本节课的知识重点,明确学习目标。
Step8 Homework(作业) 1.Remember the words and phrases. (熟记单词和短语) 2.Retell the story in 60 words. (用大约60个词来重述故事) 作业的布置可以让学生课后进行复习,进一步巩固所学内容;重述故事,可以训练学生的写作能力和口头表达能力。
板书设计 Unit1 Outdoor fun. Reading Important words, phrases and sentences: 1.words: rabbit , watch , hit , hole 2.phrases: jump down , go through , run away ...... 3.sentences: She saw a white rabbit in a coat passing by. The rabbit took a watch out of its pocket. ....... 一般过去时: 1 句子基本结构: 肯定:主语+动词过去分词+过去时间状语 如:She played basketball yesterday. 否定:主语+didn’t+动词原形+过去时间状语 如:She didn’t play basketball yesterday. 2 规则动词的过去式与不规则动词的过去式。
Teaching Reflection(教学反思) : 在本课时的教学过程中,我运用了多种教学方式。在导入环节中,我通过呈现故事图片给学生看,引起了学生注意,能够快速吸引学生进入该课时的课堂学习来。新词汇的教学,能帮助学生扫除阅读中单词不懂的障碍,视频的观看以及故事内容的预测等,都能够很好的为阅读步骤做铺垫。多种形式的阅读题型,能够让学生深刻地理解课文内容,同时也能训练学生学会运用不同的阅读技巧。在分组完成重述故事和预测故事结局这个教学环节中,需要学生基础较好,口语表达能力较好,才能进展顺利,这也属于课堂提升的内容。由于我们的学生的基础较差,且准备时间有限,所以在课堂提升这个环节中学生表现不够理想,学生还不能流利地运用所学知识来表达自己的观点。但总体来说,这节课的学习氛围很好,学生表现积极,能大胆发挥想象,勇于表达自己的想法。