2021-2022学年牛津译林版九年级上册英语Unit1 Know yourself-Grammar表格式教案


名称 2021-2022学年牛津译林版九年级上册英语Unit1 Know yourself-Grammar表格式教案
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津译林版
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-06-08 15:57:24



课题:9A Unit 1 Know yourself
学 科 英语 执教教师
班 级 课时安排 7
教材分析 本课时要求学生连词和关联词的用法。主要采用情景教学法。 情景法不提倡教师单一地阐述语法规则,而是使用归纳法(Inductive method)来进行语法教学,即尽可能多地呈现一些相关例句,或让学生从已学课文中找相应例句,引导学生试着从所观察到的语言现象中总结出语法规律。 →不离语境,积例归纳 感受语言-发现语法规则-归纳语法规则-应用语言规则
教学目标 知识与能力: To make them master the new words correctly. To make them master the using and,but, or and so correctly. To make them master the using both...and...,not only...but (also)...,either...or..., and neither...nor... correctly. 过程与方法: To know the usages of the conjunctions 情感态度与价值观: To use the usages of the conjunctions in daily life
教学重点 To make them master the using and,but, or and so correctly. To make them master the using both...and...,not only...but (also)...,either...or..., and neither...nor... correctly.
教学难点 not only…but also…, either…or…, neither…nor…
教学方法 Task-based approach,Scene pedagogy and Teaching with humor
教学准备 PPT
教学过程设计 设计意图 (二次修改)
教学过程 Step 1. Presentation 1. Pick up some example sentences from the Reading passage and show them on the blackboard or on the PPT. 2. Get all the students read and understand the sentences. 3. Students are asked to make the rules of the words “and, so, but, or” we use conjunctions like and,but,or and so to join ideas together. We use but to join ideas that are different. We use or to introduce another possibility. We use so to express the result of something. 4. Do some exercises to consolidate the usage. Step 2. Presentation 1. Use the same way to present not only…but also…, neither…nor…, either…or… we use conjunctions like both...and...,not only...but (also)...,either...or..., and neither...nor...to connect the same part of two sentences to avoid repetition.. Then, ask them to give some examples. Next, I’ll tell them we use both...and...to emphasize that somthing is true not just of one person ,thing or situation,but of another too. We use not only...but (also)...to add another fact to something you have mentioned. We use either...or...to mean one or the other ,this or that ,he or she,etc. We use neither...nor...to mean not this one and not the other , not this and not that, not he and not she,etc. 2. Do some consolidate exercises. Step 3 Practise 一、用适当的连词填空。 1. I have lots to eat ________ drink today. 2. You hate to behave like others, ________ some people think you are strange. 3. Daniel is very clever ________ he never shows off. 4. Who won the 100-metre race, Jim ________ Sam 5. Mr. King wants to keep healthy, ________ he doesn't eat too much fast food any more. 6. The girl likes the new dress every much, ________ she doesn't have enough money to buy it. 7. Miss Gao is a good teacher, ________ we all like her. 8. What would you like, sir, tea、coffee ________ juice 9. It is never too hot ________ too cold in Kunming all year round 10. Jim walked into the room ________ sit on the sofa. 二,Ask the students to complete the exercises on page 14. 通过学过的句子导入新的语法,让学生自己总结,印象更深刻。 此语法知识点较多,要求学生在熟记的基础上更要学会理解,而且要多练习来巩固 详细讲解三个连词用法 练习不能缺少梯度,多练习有助于巩固。
布置作业 Finish more exercises.
板书设计 Unit1 Grammar We use both...and...to emphasize that somthing is true not just of one person ,thing or situation,but of another too. We use not only...but (also)...to add another fact to something you have mentioned. We use either...or...to mean one or the other ,this or that ,he or she,etc. We use neither...nor...to mean not this one and not the other , not this and not that, not he and not she,etc.