Unit 5 LAUNCHING YOUR CAREER Reading and Thinking Working Out What You Want to DO教学设计


名称 Unit 5 LAUNCHING YOUR CAREER Reading and Thinking Working Out What You Want to DO教学设计
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-06-11 13:00:43



Reading and Thinking: Working Out What You Want to DO
  本单元阅读文本向中学生推荐职业能力测试(Career Aptitude Test),旨在建议学生利用职业倾向测试来发现自己更感兴趣、更有潜力的学习或职业方向,并规划自己的未来职业。
  Activity 1: Talking about the future career
  Q1: What do you want to do
  T: There are various kinds of jobs to choose from. Basically, here is a summary of the six job personality and work environment types based on Holland, that is RIASEC.
  Q2: Is it essential that teenagers decide on a career before they become adults Why
  Q3: What are some of the ways that can help people decide which career is appropriate for them
  S: Turn to parents, teachers and elder family members for advice; surf the Internet; consult some experts.
  【设计意图】通过让学生畅谈自己今后的职业,了解工作性格,思考职业规划的意义和途径,激活相关话题语言,如:work personality types, Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Sociable, Enterprising, Conventional等,以及常见职业的表达,如estate agent, accountant, surgeon等(此环节也为完成课后作业扫除障碍),自然进入职业规划的主题语境。
  Activity 2:Predicting the content of the passage
  Students look at the title of the passage and the chart and the graph.
  Q1: What does the phrasal verb “work out” mean in the title
  Two definitions of it will be given for students to choose from, but the teacher will not give the answer at that moment.
  Q2: According to the title and the charts below, what is the passage about
  S: It gives us advice on what to do in the future.
  Activity 3: Getting the main advice and the structure of the passage
  Q1: What is the main advice given to readers And Why
  S: Take a career aptitude test because “career aptitude test” is mentioned again and again, and there is a career aptitude test example, and a chart showing the test results.
  Q2: How many paragraphs cover the key advice “career aptitude test” directly
  S: Five paragraphs. From Para. 3 “One of the most effective ways...is to complete 'career aptitude test'” to Para. 7 “In conclusion, career aptitude tests are clearly a very useful tool”.
  Q3: So the last five paragraphs are about the “career aptitude test”, then what about the first two paragraphs
  S: The first two paragraphs serve as the reason for the advice.
  Activity 4: Focusing on the first two paragraphs and knowing the way the author tries to make his advice effective
  Q1: What advice can be effective In what way can advice be easily accepted
  S: Useful; helpful; thoughtful; constructive; practical; professional; expert; informed ...
  Q2: What does the author mention before recommending career aptitude tests How Why
  S: The importance of career and the career plan. “The career you have defines your life”. To stress it is essential to figure out what you want to do and to listen to his following advice.
  Q3: What’s the function of the question at the beginning “What do you do”
  T: This well-chosen question is to sharpen the readers' (seekers') understanding of the situation and motivation-reading (listening) attentively
  Q4: Can you find evidence in Para. 2 which confirms that the author gives advice to the targeted readers
  S: “The best time to start thinking about possible careers is while you are still at school, before you make any choices about your further education. This, however, is not always easy.” It's the right time for YOU (high school students) to start it NOW!
  T: It also shows that the author is thoughtful and considerate.
  【设计意图】引导学生关注文章逻辑顺序,在上下文中体会“define your life”、“a few ideas bouncing around in their head”等语言,关注作者表达建议的语言技巧,进一步领会建议性文体的写作特点。
  Activity 5: Focusing on Paras. 3-5 and finding how the author provides information to back up his advice
  Q1: Read and find out how the author recommends CAT.
  Q2: In what way can we know the career aptitude test is effective
  S: “tell you about your strengths and interests”, “suggest careers that you may be suited to”, “provide you with a better chance”.
  Q3: What is a head start
  S: You begin earlier or further ahead than someone else, which will be an advantage that helps you to be successful.
  Q4: By saying “I wish I had thought more about what I really wanted to do.”, what is the tone of the author
  S: Getting our involvement in deciding what you should do—Give One a Try.
  Q5: What is very important when you are completing the test
  Q6: How does the author introduce one popular test in a different way
  S: The author specifically introduces it in several steps and illustrations beside.
  Q7: Do you know how to read charts, which convey a wide range of information in a limited space.
  1.Try a free test online, get some career suggestions and share them with at least two friends.
  2.Match six types of work personality with their descriptions on your worksheet.
  3.Ex 4 on P51: Decide on which personality type these jobs mostly relate to.
  Activity 1: Sharing the experience of an online career aptitude test and discussing how to classify the jobs.
  1.Students share their experience of an online career aptitude test.
  2.Match six types of work personality with their descriptions. Check Exercise 4 on page 51: Decide on which personality type these jobs mostly relate to.

  T:Majority of career tests use Holland codes, developed by American psychologist Dr. John L. Holland, to match people with appropriate jobs according to their interests. Career aptitude tests are usually only able to match to generic careers like teacher, nurse and police officer. They don’t typically include every career option, or even more specific or unusual professions.

  Q: What other factors are taken into consideration in the career suggestions
  S: Education and experience level
  Activity 2: Focusing on Paras. 6-7 and finding the author’s attitude toward career aptitude tests and career suggestions.
  Q1: How does the author convey that there are other factors
  S: “also”, “as well”.
  Q2: Why are higher-level careers recommended to high school students
  Q3: What does the author most likely want to convey in the last paragraph What is the tone of his writing
  S: The key to a good career is finding what you are passion about and CATs are only meant for guidance as a very useful tool.
  T: The author tries to provide truly useful advice and keep it real.
  Activity 3: Focusing on how the author conveys his advice and makes it effective
  Q1: What are common ways to give advice in English
  S: should/ought to
  had better
  Why not … /Why don’t …
  How about/what about + -ing
  Let’s … and let’s not …
  can/could/may/ Can’t you …
  I suggest/advise/recommend...
  Q2: In what way does the author recommend the career aptitude test
  S: Imperative; can/could/may/
  Q3: But why are there not so many different way. If in another way, say “Let’s”, is it still acceptable
  T: Giving Advice is more of an art than a science. Let’s see how he successfully makes it. And that’s also the advice we can learn from the passage—How to Offer Effective and Thoughtful Advice
  Para. 1: To make it worthwhile, you need to make sure it’s relevant and people you’re talking/writing to actually want to receive it.
  Para. 2: To make it thoughtful, you'd better show your understanding of their problem.
  Paras. 3-6: To make it informed, you can provide process guidance especially with relevant expertise.
  Para.7: To make it acceptable, you should be honest.
  Q4: What does the phrasal verb “work out” mean in the title Why
  1. If you work out a solution to a problem or mystery, you manage to find the solution by thinking or talking about it.
  2. If you work out the answer to a mathematical problem, you calculate it.
  —from Collins English Dictionary
  Ss/T: 1 and 2. Choosing a career for yourself is rarely a simple decision. By asking questions, career aptitude tests aim to challenge your way of thinking, then recommend certain career types based on your responses. It’s the quality of the data that determines the quality of the results.
  【设计意图】学生再次回顾文本,重新梳理作者推荐“职业能力测试”的思路和语言,明白并不是所有的建议都要用“should”“let’s”等等,而是要看给建议的人和接受建议的人的身份和他们之间的关系。此文是带有介绍性质的建议性文体,作者应为长者或学者,面对的是学生,所用语言简单明了、客观、实事求是,认同、鼓励但不煽情。回归到课文标题,解读出work out的两层意思。
  Activity 4: Thinking after reading
  Q1: What do you think of a career aptitude test Could there be some problems with this sort of test
  Q2: What other things could you do to help you decide on possible future careers
  S: Complete a “career aptitude test”
  Find a volunteer gig you’ll actually enjoy
  Shadow someone in a job you’re interested in
  Find time to learn something new
  Consult parents and teachers
  T: Different career tests take into account different things. So doing a career aptitude test can be a helpful tool in realizing your skills, values, interests and motivations. However, you would need to do further self-reflection and research into jobs, sectors, industries and the labor market before choosing a career path. The world of work is changing and becoming more mobile. The career you’re choosing now doesn’t necessarily have to be forever.
  Give advice to your classmates on how to get a head start on the future careers in the coming summer vacation.