Unit 2 Colours Part B Let’s talk 教案


名称 Unit 2 Colours Part B Let’s talk 教案
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-06-14 12:08:24



Unit 2 Colors Part B Let’s talk 教学设计
1.能听、说、认读red, yellow, green, blue这四种颜色。
2. 让学生在情境中熟练运用句型I see...说出自己看到的颜色,运用句型
Show me...说出拿出相应颜色的指令。
1.能听、说认读red, yellow, green, blue四种颜色。
2.能够在情境中运用句型I see...说出自己看到的颜色,运用句型
Show me...说出拿出相应颜色的指令。
Are you ready for our class Stand up, please. Good morning, class.
Sing a song.
I’m your new English teacher. I’m very happy to see you. Do you want to know my name Listen. You will know my name from the song.
(老师唱 Hello,hello, what’s your name What’s your name Hello, hello. What’s your name My name is Sumi) So, my name is Sumi. Hello!(向学生打招呼) This time, I want to know your names. Let’s sing together. Ready
(学生唱)let’s say hello to her.
Review the dialogue.
(ppt出示14页上图片)Look ! Who are they This is Miss White. This is Mr. Jones. This is Miss Green. Do you remember what happened in the
story What do they say Who can act it out (1组)
Are they good Yes, I think they’re very good.
The teachers are saying good morning to each other. What about our
friends What are they doing now Do you want to know Look, they
are coming.
Let’s learn.
1. Present and practice the new sentences.
(1) Present the sentence “I see green and I see red.”
T: Look, who are they What are they doing (出示15页上图片)
Ss: They are looking at the rainbow.
T: Yes, they’re looking at the rainbow. Now, look at the rainbow. It has many colors. What color do you see
Ss:Red, yellow, green, blue.
T: You see red, yellow, green and blue. How about Sarah What color does Sarah see Let’s listen.
Ss: She sees green.
T: Sarah says I see green. What is green This is green.(拿颜色卡片)This is green. This is green. Follow me, green. (板书green) gr /gr/ green. Sarah sees green. So Sarah says I see green. If you are Sarah you can say I see green(边板书边引导学生说I see 做动作,贴眼睛)
T: What color does Wu Binbin see Let’s listen again.
Ss: He sees red.
T: Wu Binbin says I see red. What is red (拿颜色卡片)This is red. This is red. Follow me, red.(板书 red)r /r/ red.
(2) Present the sentence “I see yellow and I see blue.”
T: Sarah sees green, Wu Binbin sees red. What color else do you see
Ss: I see yellow.
T: Ah, you see yellow. What is yellow This is yellow.(拿卡片)This is yellow. Follow me, yellow.(板书yellow) y /j/ yellow.
T: He sees yellow. What color else do you see
Ss: I see blue.
T: Blue. What is blue This is blue.(拿卡片) This is blue. Follow me, blue. (板书blue) b /b/ blue
2. Practice the new sentences.
(1) Practice the sentence “I see red.”
T: We know so many colors. Now, let’s have a magic trick. Are you happy OK ,look! What is it
Ss: It’s water. ....
T: Yes, it’s a bottle of water. Please say “shake, shake, shake”. Ready (T: shakes the water.)What color do you see
Ss: I see red.
T: Please touch the water and say “I see red”.
(Ss touch and say the sentence one by one.)
(2) Practice the sentence “I see yellow” in the same way.
T: This time. Let’s try again.
(Shake, shake, shake)
T:What color do you see
Ss: I see yellow.
T: Say I see yellow in groups of four.
(3) Practice the sentence “I see green.”
T: Now, I’m tired. So I want to choose a student to help me. Who wants to try
(One student comes to the front and finishes the magic show.)
T: Thank you. Nice work. Go back, please. What color do you see
Ss: I see green.
T: I see green. Boys together. Girls together.
(4) Practice the sentence “I see blue.”
T: The last one. Who wants to try
T: Good job. Thank you. Go back, please. What color do you see
Ss: I see blue.
T: I see blue. Say it in groups.
3. Find out the colors around us.
T: (PPT) We changed the water to four colors just now. There are many colors around us. Can you see red, yellow, blue or green in our classroom Ok, please point to the color and say “I see...” OK For example: I see blue. I have a blue eraser. (教师做示范)
Ss: I see... or I have a …
Let’s do.
Lead in the structure “show me...”
T: Look! Teacher has some crayons. I see many colors. Who can show me red You, e here and show me red. (学生上前)Good. Put it here.
T: This time. I want yellow. So what do you say
Ss: Show me yellow. (引导学生说)
T:Together. Show me yellow. (板书Show me,贴小手)
Who can show me yellow (叫同学)
T: Good job. Now I want green. Who can come here (叫同学)You two groups. Please say show me green.
T: Next color. Blue. Who can Who can say show me ...
Listen and number.
T: OK. Now, let’s listen and number them. Who can come here and try
Let’s listen. Is he right
T: OK. This time, please take out this picture. Let’s listen and number them together. Wonderful, you did a good job.
Listen and repeat.
T: Well, let’s listen to the chant and repeat.
Chant and do .(一起说chant,做动作)
T: Now let’s pick up your crayons with the chant.
T: You’re so great. This time, let’s chant together and pick up your
T: Now let’s do it again. Who can come here and do it Others, follow
Play a game.
T: Nice work. OK. Now let’s play a game.
There are four teams. Team RED, Team BLUE, Team YELLOW and
Team GREEN. Who is RED Put up your hands. Who is BLUE ...There are some crayons. Red, yellow, green and blue. I will choose one student from each team to come here. Then turn back. And I will pick up a card. Then I
will let one, several or all of you say “show me ...”.And these fours students should find the crayon and stick it onto your box quickly. If you’re right, your team will get it. The winner will get a present. Who wants to try
Please turn back. Now start!
(PPT汉语出示游戏规则:现在有4个队,分别是红队、黄队、绿队和蓝队。在每队中分别选出一名同学到前面来,转过去背对着其他同学。然后老师举出一种颜色,老师会让一名、几名或全体同学们说“Show me ...”。前面的四名同学快速地找出相应颜色的蜡笔并把它粘在自己组的盒子上。)
T: Team...is NO.1. You’ve got...crayons. This is your present. This is for you. This is my present and it’s a rainbow. You get the rainbow. Clap your
hands for them.
Color your rainbow.
T: OK. Team...has a beautiful rainbow. Do you want a rainbow Please take
out your rainbow. Let’s use the colors you know to paint the rainbow, then
show us a beautiful rainbow OK When you color it red. Please say “red, red, red...)( PPT播放背景音乐,学生画彩虹)
T: (学生展台展示)Who wants to share your rainbow with us You can introduce your rainbow like this.
(ppt出示) Hello, I’m_____________.
This is my rainbow,
I see__________.
IV. Moral education.
T: OK. I like your rainbow very much. I believe all of you can paint a beautiful rainbow. We know four colors from this class. What is red, yellow,
green, blue in our life Do you know (在生活中,看到这些颜色,同学们会想到什么 )(PPT出示)
T: You’re very observant. There are many colors in our life. And there are many colors in the nature. The flowers are red. The grass is green. The sky is blue. The sun is yellow. So our life is rich and colorful. Please love our
1.Finish your rainbow.
2. Write the names of the colors on your rainbow.
3. Listen to the tape and repeat