Unit5 TV Shows Lesson1 教案(表格式)


名称 Unit5 TV Shows Lesson1 教案(表格式)
格式 doc
文件大小 45.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教(新起点)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-06-14 17:33:18



Unit 5 TV Shows Lesson 1
Content: Lesson1 第1课时
教学目标 【知识目标】词汇:wonderful, cool, fantastic, cartoons, news shows, nature shows句子:What are your favourite TV shows My favourite TV shows are ... They’re ...【能力目标】能够在适当语境中熟练使用功能句My favourite TV shows are...会说电视节目的相关词汇【情感目标】适时观看有益身心健康的电视节目。
教学重点 词汇:wonderful, cool, fantastic, cartoons, news shows, nature shows句子:What are your favourite TV shows My favourite TV shows are ... They’re ...
教学难点 fantastic 的读音自编短文
教学准备 PPT教学视频单词卡片小鼓、花、粉笔、卡片
Step 1. 热身:问候语: T: Good morning, boys and girls. S: Good morning, Miss Yang. T: Nice to meet you. (Wake hands.) S: Nice to meet you, too.Step 2. Free Talk: T: What do you do on the weekend Ss: I often...(go to the dancing club, go to the cinema...) T: That’s great. I can see all of you have a wonderful weekend. So, do you know what do I ususally do on the weekend Ss: Maybe you like watching TV.T: Yes, that’s it. OK, Today we are going to learn Unit 5 TV Shows, Lesson 1.Step 3. 呈现: coolPPT出示姚明图片T:Who’s he S: He is Yao Ming.T: Yes, so what is he good at Ss: He’s good at playing basketball.T: Great. What kind of shows does he take Ss: Sports shows.学生观看视频,引出词汇cool, 学生分组读,个人读等方式结合,操练词汇cool。最后整合,学生读句子My favourite TV shows are sports shows. They are cool.fantastic: 由歌曲和对应图片导入拼读法领读并书写板书 fantasticA. B大组读教师学生大小声读学生单个读出示句子My favourite TV shows are music shows. They’re fantastic. 教师用手指着fantastic, 学生根据手指单词朗读,逐步加快速度,最后读整个句子,魔法手指游戏操练。cartoon: 学生观看卡通视屏教师领读cartoon, 突出oo组合发长音/u:/。学生开火车读单词,教师纠错,提问学生困并让同学帮助,分两个大组读句子。对表示“好的”形容词进行程度区分,帮助学生更好地理解这些词,具体是good,great, wonderful, fantastic 程度由低到高。教师出示其他形容词,为后面学生独立造句和自编短文做铺垫,领读good, great, cool, wonderful, fantastic, interesting, funny. 提问学生还有哪些形容词,学生补充boring, exciting, amazing, unbelievable...游戏:Guessing GameT: Now, let play a guessing game. It has enjoyed great popularity since it was first broadcast on January 1st, 1978. Years after years, it broadcast in a fixed time -- at 7:00 every day.Ss: 新闻联播(news shows)教师充分发挥学生的自主学习能动性,找程度好的学生领读,其他学生跟读,再提问学困生,检查学习效果,对于有困难的学生,给予帮助。nature shows: 播放动物世界视频 T:What do you think of nature shows S1: I think they are fantastic. T: What are your favourite TV shows S2: My favourite TV shows are nature shows. They’re interesting. 学生自主练习句子。游戏:What’s Missing 出示本课所有短语,cool sports shows, interesting news shows, wonderful cartoons, fantastic music shows, great nature shows. 教师领读,学生跟读。游戏:部分短语隐藏,学生根据记忆说出隐藏词汇,总共进行三组,既锻炼学生瞬时记忆力,又加强了学生对所学内容的关注。出示Get Ready 文本,教师不需领读,学生自己会读。 Let’s Talk. 学生根据课本示范,自己造句 My favourite TV shows are... They are...学生做听力,听前教师引导学生认识图片中的人物和涉及到的电视节目,听两遍,听后提问个人核对答案。出示课本节目图片,圈红wonderful cartoons. 出示答句 My favourite TV shows are cartoons. They are wonderful. 教师提问 What are your favourite TV shows 引出问句。学生分男女生进行问答练习,选几个学生回答,其他学生一起问,操练问句。出示课文文本,学生自读。教师出具一些其他的电视节目,为后面学生拓展提高做铺垫,主要有:movies, cooking shows, children’s shows, variety shows, talk shows, ads. 教师提问学生还有哪些,学生回答:TV series, soap opera...Let’s ask and answer: 学生根据学过的内容以及拓展内容,进行What are your favourite TV shows My favourite TV shows are... They are...问答句练习。练习前教师先提问两个学生跟教师配合交换做问答练习示范,再提问两个学生问答示范,学生同桌练习,展示。Step 4. 产出:游戏:击鼓传声教师PPT出示自己的短文模板,学生齐读。教师说明游戏规则:When I play the drum, you pass the flower. When I stop, the student who holds the flower will give us his/her presentation. 学生练习,游戏开始。开始回合教师击鼓,偏向学困生,后面找一个学生,背对大家击鼓,随机检测学生学习效果。情感目标:Healthy TV shows are good for your mind. Please choose good TV shows. (健康的电视节目有益身心,请选择好的电视节目观看。)
板书 Unit 5 TV Shows Lesson 1 Wonderful cool fantasticcartoons news shows nature shows What are your favourite TV shows My favourite TV shows are...They are...