Unit 4 Space Exploration Period 2 Reading and Thinking 课件+学案


名称 Unit 4 Space Exploration Period 2 Reading and Thinking 课件+学案
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-06-14 17:57:54


Unit 4 Space Exploration
Period 2
Reading and Thinking
astronaut [ str n t]n.
[pr si d (r)] n.
[m n ka nd]n.
[ s t la t]n.
Key words
[ ɡr v ti]n.
[ vi kl]n.
Key words
[ b t] n.
[l nt ] n.
[积累]launch into
Key words
[ e d nsi]n.
[ de t ] n.
[同义词] figures/
[ d s p nt d] adj.
Key words
[ s ɡn l] n.
[积累]send a signal
[d za (r)]n.
[积累]satisfy a desire
1.The physical fitness requirements for being an __________ (宇航员)are very stiff.
2.It's important to follow the regular ___________ (程序).
3.________(人类)'s knowledge of the universe has increased beyond measure.
4.Anything with strong _______(重力) attracts other things to it.
5.A rover is a _______(工具) that's designed to explore another world.
6.A new _________(卫星) has been put into orbit around the earth.
7.NASA plans to _______(发射)a satellite to study cosmic rays.
8.A new satellite has been put into _____ (轨道) around the earth.
9.The _______(代理机构) has lost several of its most important accounts.
10.This information is only raw ____ (数据) and will need further analysis.
11.Don't raise your hopes too high, or you may be ___________ (失望).
12.He evinced a strong ______ (愿望) to be reconciled with his family.
13.Chest pains can be a warning ______ (信号) of heart problems.
Valentina Tereshkova
Neil Armstrong
Qian Xuesen
Yang Liwei
Liu Yang
Yuri Gagarin
What famous astronauts and scientists are there in China and abroad
Lead in
Shenzhou-13 is the thirteenth spacecraft launched by China's
manned space flight program. It is the sixth flight in the key
technology verification phase of the Chinese Space Station
and the last mission of this phase. Shenzhou 13 astronauts
stayed in orbit for six months. On April 16th, 2022, three
astronauts, Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu, completed the sky mission of Tianhe, and became the longest mission crew in Chinese history.
In 2022, the aerospace industry made great achievements, and the Chinese people are most proud of the complete success of Shenzhou-13 manned mission. What do you know about Shenzhou-13 What is the significance of the successful launch of Shenzhou-13 Please talk with your classmates and give your opinions.
On March 23, 2022, the second lesson of "Tiangong classroom"
was taught at the China space station. ZhaiZhigang, Wang
Yaping and Ye Guangfu cooperated with the lecture to
demonstrate the "ice and snow" experiment, water oil
separation, space parabolic and other interesting experiments.
The significance of space teaching is to inspire the public,
especially young people, to carry forward the scientific spirit and love the space industry.
Group discussion. Did you watch the space science knowledge explanation of "Tiangong Classroom" online What knowledge did the three astronauts tell us What is the significance of teaching in space
Space is boundless. What do human beings want to get from
space exploration
First, by looking for celestial bodies with resources, we can obtain resources from space and delay the exhaustion of the earth's resources.
Second, are there any other aliens, other civilizations, and how big the universe is
Third, people want to know whether there are living things in space, and whether space can become the residence of human beings.
Lead in
Read the text quickly and check your predictions.
The text mainly about space exploration of mankind.
Before you read look at the title and the photos. Discuss these questions in pairs, what's the main idea of this text
Lead in
1 What do you think are the main reasons for space exploration
2 What do you expect to read about in this text
Learn about the development of space exploration
1 Before you read look at the title and the photos. Discuss these questions.
The main reasons for space exploration are to further human exploration and to gather knowledge of the universe.
I expect to read about the future of space travel.
2 Read the text. Several sentences have been removed from it. Choose the correct sentence [A-D] to fill each gap.
Summarise the main idea
When the main idea is not clearly stated in a topic sentence,you should
read the full paragraph or passage carefully and find the words or ideas
that repeat themselves. They are likely evidence of the author's main idea.
2 Read the text. Several sentences have been removed from it. Choose the correct sentence [A-D] to fill each gap.
A tbough scientists try to make sure nothing goes wrong,accidents can still happen.
B They also really wish to discover other planets that are suitable enough to support life.
C The future of space exploration remains bright.
D After many experiments they succeeded in making rockets that could escape Earth 's gravity.
②找出段落中支持topic sentence(主题句)的详细词语, 总结段落大意。如时间
标志词: before the mid-20 century, on 4 October 1957, on 12 April 1961, on 20 July 1969,on 5 September 1977,in 2003等。文中所提到的三个国家:Russia, the US,
③找出每一个自然段中表现作者对探索太空有坚定信心和意愿的词汇和语句, 如: be determined to do, despite the huge risk,believe in, carry on,remains bright, not only......but also等, 根据以上重点总结出作者的观点和立场。
Reading skill
“Are we alone What's out there ” Looking up at the stars, people have always wanted to learn more about space, and scientists work hard to find answers. They make vehicles to carry brave people into space to find out the secrets of the universe. ________________________________________________________
A. Although scientists try to make sure nothing goes wrong, accidents can still happen.
B.They also really wish to discover other planets that are suitable enough to support life.
C. The future of space exploration remains bright.
D. After many experiments, they succeeded in making rockets that could escape Earth's gravity.
They also really wish to discover other planets that are suitable
2 Read the text-several sentences have been removed from it.
Choose the correct sentence (A-D) to fill each gap.
enough to support life.

Before the mid-20th century, most people felt travelling into space was an impossible dream. However, some scientists were determined to help humans realise their dream to explore space. _________________________________________________________________________________
On 4 October 1957, the Sputnik 1 satellite was launched by the USSR and successfully orbited around Earth. Afterwards, the USSR focused on sending people into space, and on 12 April 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first person in the world to go into space. Over eight years later, on 20 July 1969, American astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped onto the moon, famously saying, “That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind.” Following this, many more goals were achieved. For example, America's NASA space agency launched Voyager 1 on 5 September 1977 to study deep space, and it still transmits data today.
A. Although scientists try to make sure nothing goes wrong, accidents can still happen.
C. The future of space exploration remains bright.
D. After many experiments, they succeeded in making rockets that could escape Earth's gravity.
Mainly talk about the early achievements of space exploration.

After many experiments, they succeeded in making rockets that could escape Earth's gravity.
_______________________________________________________________________All the astronauts on the USSR's Soyuz 11 and America's Challenger died during their missions. These disasters made everyone sad and disappointed, but the desire to explore the universe never died. This is because people believe in the importance of carrying on space exploration despite the huge risks. An example of this ongoing work is the International Space Station. It orbits Earth and has astronauts from different countries on board, providing a continuous human presence in space.
Reading task: find the topic sentence
A. Although scientists try to make sure nothing goes wrong, accidents can still happen.
C. The future of space exploration remains bright.
Although scientists try to make sure nothing goes wrong, accidents can still happen.

Mainly talk about the disasters and Our Response methods.
China's space programme started later than those of Russia and the US, but it has made great progress in a short time. China became the third country in the world to independently send humans into space in 2003, when Yang Liwei successfully orbited Earth in the Shenzhou 5 spacecraft. Then Shenzhou 6 and 7 completed a second manned orbit and the first Chinese spacewalk, followed by the vehicle Jade Rabbit being sent to the moon to study its surface.
After that, China launched the Tiangong 2 space lab into space and Tianzhou 1 to dock with it.This signalled one step further in China's plan to establish a space station in the future.
More recently, China has sent Chang'e 4 to explore the surface of the far side of the moon to
make measurements and observations.
starting later,but it has made great progress in a short time
the third country to independently send humans into space
_________________________________________ Europe, the US, and China all have plans to further study and explore planets like Mars and Jupiter. Despite the difficulties, scientists hope future discoveries will not only enable us to understand how the universe began, but also help us survive well into the future.
C. The future of space exploration remains bright.

The future of space exploration remains bright.
Read the first paragraph and the second paragraph and fill
in the blanks with the correct words.
L _______ up at the stars, People have always wanted to know more about s_____ .Therefore, scientists have worked hard to make v_______ to carry brave people into space to find out the secrets of the u_______ and d_______ other planets that are s_______ enough to support life.Some scientists are d__________ to help mankind realize their dream of exploring space.On 4 October 1957,the
Sputink 1 s_______ was l_______ and successfully o______ around the Earth.
On April 12th, 1961, Yuri Gagarin Biya became the first person in space. On July 20th, 1969, Neil Armstrong landed on the moon, and he said a famous saying, “That's one small step for (a) man,one g_____ l____ for mankind.
Reading task
________________ scientists try to make sure nothing goes wrong, accidents
can still happen. These disasters made everyone ____________(disappoint),but
people still believe in the importance of ________(carry) on space exploration. In 2003, China became the third country to _____________ (independent) send humans into space. Then Shenzhou 6 and 7 completed (9)__ second manned
orbit and the first Chinese spacewalk. In spite of the difficulties, scientists hope future (10)__________ (discovery) will not only enable us to understand the
universe but also help us survive well into the future.
Read the third paragraph to the fifth paragraph and fill
in the blanks with the correct words.
Reading task
1.How many countries are mentioned in the text
2.Were the space missions always successful
3.Did the desire to explore the universe die after these accidents Can you give us an example
4.What is the development of China's space program like
China's space programme started later but has made great progress in a short time.
The countries are Russia, America, China.
Although scientists try to make sure nothing goes wrong,accidents can still happen.
No, the desire to explore the universe never died. An example is the International Space Station.
Reading task
Read the second paragraph to the fifth paragraph and answer the following questions.
Read the last paragraph and think about the following
5.Why do scientists still work hard to explore space despite huge risks
6.What attitude do you think the author holds to the future of space exploration
7. What does the author think of the future of space exploration
8.What new discoveries do scientists hope to make in the future
Because people believe in the importance of carrying on space exploration despite the huge risks.
The author's attitude is supportive.
The author think the future of space exploration remains bright.
Scientists hope future discoveries will not enable us to understand how to the
universe began, but also help us survive well into the future.
Reading task
paragraph 1:_________________________________________________________
paragraph 2:_________________________________________________________
paragraph 3:_________________________________________________________
paragraph 4:_________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________paragraph 5:_________________________________________________________
3 Use your own words to summarise the main idea for each
Humans have always had a natural curiosity about space.
Space travel became a reality in the 20th century,with American and Soviet space missions.
Space travel has always involved great risk, but despite the risks
exploration continues.
China has made great progress in space exploration in the early 21st century,becoming only the third country to send humans to space.
The future of space exploration looks bight, as many countries are
planning further mission.
Reading task
4 What does the title“Space: The Final Frontier" mean to you Share your ideas with the whole class.
While I support space exploration, I don't think space is the final frontier just yet. There is still much to learn about the Earth, and we are only at the very beginning of new technological breakthroughs is involving information technology and AI There are many scientific and technology frontiers all around us.
M________is exploring space in the hope of finding out more about the u_______ However,exploring space is both dangerous and challenging. One of the most dangerous parts of space exploration is helping people to escape Earth's g________ If there is a mistake during the l_______ it can lead to an accident that kills everyone on b_____.Getting out of o____ and back to Earth's surface is also very dangerous. Despite the huge risks though, people will always continue to explore this final f________so as to learn its secrets.
5 Complete the passage with words from the text.
determine vt. 查明; 确定; 决定
My aim was first of all to determine what I should do next.
determine to do sth.决心做某事 determined adj. 有决心的, 意志坚定的
be determined to do sth. 下定决心做某事 be determined that. . . 决心……
Language point
1. However, some scientists were determined to help humans
realise their dream to explore space.
(1)Driven by heaven-knows-what motives, he determines ___ write a book.
(2)His enemies are determined___ ruin him.
(一)disappointed adj. 失望的; 沮丧的
be disappointed at 对……失望 be disappointed in sb. 对某人感到失望
disappoint vt. 使失望 disappointment n. 失望; 沮丧
to one’s disappointment 令某人失望的
The city was crowded with disappointed people with no interest in settling down.
城市里挤满了失望的人们, 他们不想在这里定居。
(1)To my ______________(disappoint), they refused my request.
(2)We were all disappointed __ the news that our picnic was cancelled because of the rain.
2.These disasters made everyone sad and disappointed,
but the desire to explore the universe never died.
Language point
(1)She has a desire____success.
(2)The people expressed their desire _____ the war should come to an end soon.
(二)desire n. 渴望; 欲望 vt. 渴望; 期望
They desire to help those who are in need of help.
desire to do 渴望做…… desire sb. to do希望某人做……
desire that. . . 希望…… a desire for sth. 渴望……
Language point
【句式】本句中the+序数词+n. +to do 表示第几个做某事的……。不定式所修饰的名词或代词前面常有only, first, last, next或序数词、形容词最高级等修饰。
He is the best man to do the job.
3. On 12 April 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first person in
the world to go into space.
Language point
(1)He is the best person ______go abroad.
(2)She is the only woman _____be admitted into the key university.
launch vt. & n. 发射; 发起; 上市
NASA plans to launch a satellite to study cosmic rays.
launch vehicle 运载火箭 product launch 产品发布
launch site 发射场; 发射区 launch into sth. 开始做, 投入
4.On 4 October 1957, the Sputnik 1 satellite was launched by the
USSR and successfully orbited around Earth.
Language point
(1)The government ____________(launch)an advertising campaign to encourage people to vote.
(2)When ________, the Macintosh was the smallest desktop computer ever produced.
has launched
carry on 继续做, 坚持干
The assistant carried on talking.
carry out    进行, 开展, 执行(计划、命令)
carry through 完成; 把……进行到底; 使人渡过难关
carry sb. back 使回想起; 回忆起
carry off 拿走; 夺走
5.This is because people believe in the importance of carrying
on space exploration despite the huge risks.
(1)They will carry_____the experiment regardless of what will happen.
(2)The college team carry____all the prizes of the table tennis.
Language point
adv.独立地;自立地(→independent adj.独立的;自立的)
It was the first time that she had lived independently.那是她第一次独立生活。
You can't be dependent on your parents all your life.你不可能一辈子靠父母生活。
6.China became the third country in the world to independently send humans into space in 2003... 2003年,中国成为世界上第三个能够独立将人类送人太空的国家....
Language point
(1)Not only my spoken English but also my ability to_____________ (independent) has been improved a lot.
(2) Susan wanted to be independent___ her parents and tied living alone,but she didn't like it and moved back home.
signal vt.&vi. 标志着;标明;发信号n.信号;标志;信号灯
The bell signalled that school was over.铃声响起,放学了。
He signalled wildly for help, but nobody noticed.
signal to sb.示意某人:向某人发信号 traffic signals交通信号灯
hand signals示意手势 send out a signal发出信号
7.This signalled one step further in China's plan to establish
a space station in the future.这标志着中国未来建设空间站的
(1)In our class,s when the bell rang and the teacher closed his book, it was_____
signal for everyone to stand up.
(2)In order not to be heard, she pointed her finger upwards _________(signal) that someone was moving about upstairs.
to signal
Language point
1.astronaut n.宇航员;航天员
2.procedure n.程序;手续;步骤
3.mankind n.人类 [同义词]humanity n. 人类;人性
4.vehicle n.交通工具;车辆;手段;工具
5.satellite n.人造卫星;卫星;卫星城
6.launch n.(航天器的)发射;(船的)下水 [积累]launch into
7.gravity n.重力;地球引力
8.orbit n.(天体等运行的)轨道 v.沿轨道运行;围绕…运动
9.agency n.机构;服务机构;(尤指)代理机构;(政府的)专门机构[拓展]agent 10.data n.数据;资料;材料;(储存在计算机中的)数据资料[同义词] figures / information
11.disappointed adj.失望的;沮丧的;失意的 v.使失望;使破灭;使落空
12.desire n.愿望;欲望;渴望;渴望的事物 v.渴望;期望;想望[积累]satisfy a desire
13.signal n.信号;暗号;标志 v.发信号;发暗号;标志 [积累]send a signal发送信号
the development of space exploration 太空探索的发展
look up at the stars仰望星空
work hard to find answers努力寻求答案
carry brave people into space将勇敢者送人太空
find out the secrets of the universe探寻宇宙的奥秘
before the mid-20th century二十世纪中叶之前
travel into space在太空旅行
gather knowledge of the universe 收集宇宙的知识
go wrong出故障,出问题
be suitable to do sth.适合做某事
support life维持生命
escape Earth's gravity 摆脱地心引力
the final frontier 最后的边境
he determined to do sth.下定决心做某事
orbit around Earth环绕地球运行
a manned orbit载人飞行
one giant leap for mankind对人类来说是一大步
achieve one's goals实现某人的目标
transmit data传回数据
make everyone sad and disappointed使人伤心与失望
the desire to explore the universe探索宇宙的愿望
carry on space exploration继续太空探索
the International Space Station国际空间站
Independence send humans into space独立将人类送人太空
make measurements and observation进行测量和观察
1. Review the key words and phrases in this class.
2. Discuss with your classmates what conditions must be met to become an astronaut Whether you want to be an astronaut and deal with it.
3.Write a summary about the text by using what’s been learned.
学生姓名 班级 序号
课题内容 Unit 4 Space Exploration Period 2 Reading and Thinking
教材分析 The theme of reading and thinking is "Learn about the development of space exploration". The text is a popular science article. The writing order of the article is described in chronological order. It introduces the difficulties and accidents that human beings have encountered in the process of exploring the universe. Some famous historical events of space exploration in the Soviet Union, Russia and the United States. In 2003, China became the third country in the world to independently send a human into space. Through reading the text, students' patriotism and national pride will be enhanced, which is helpful to stimulate their enthusiasm for the motherland. I admire the spirit of the scientists and astronauts of the author who are not afraid of difficulties, studying hard, shoulder heavy burdens bravely, and make selfless contributions. The first paragraph of the text introduces people's strong interest in exploring space. In the 20th century, the Soviet Union and the United States successfully launched man-made satellites to demonstrate the success of space exploration. The third paragraph describes that despite some major disasters in space exploration, it is extremely important to continue space exploration. The main content of the fourth paragraph is that China has made great progress in the exploration of the universe in the early 21st century, becoming the third country in the world to send humans into space independently. The future of space exploration is still bright, and many countries have made further plans.
学习目标与核心素养 1.Knowledge objectives: ①master the usage of key words and sentence patterns in the text. ②Understand the achievements and significance of space exploration. 2.Skill objectives: ①Learn reading skills, be able to obtain detailed information according to the timeline, and summarize the author's main points. ②Analyze the central idea and logical level of the article by reading the popular science article whose topic is the history of space exploration. ③Students understand the author's attitude and writing intention. 3.Emotional objectives: ①Strengthen national pride and feelings, and be proud of the rapid development of China's space exploration. ②Learn from the astronauts their spirit of fearing difficulties, studying hard, shouldering heavy responsibilities and selfless dedication. ③Be able to express your thoughts critically. 4.Thinking quality objectives: ①Develop students' practical language capacity,logical analysis. ②Train the students to improve their ways of thinking about and solving the problems.
学习重点 ①Analyze the central idea and logical level of the article by reading the popular science article whose topic is the history of space exploration. ②Learn reading skills, be able to obtain detailed information according to the timeline, and summarize the author's main points. ③Guide students to grasp the logical level of the text.
学习难点 Students understand the author's attitude and writing intention.
探究点一:What famous astronauts and scientists are there in China and abroad
探究点二:In 2022, the aerospace industry made great achievements, and the Chinese people are most proud of the complete success of Shenzhou-13 manned mission. What do you know about Shenzhou-13 What is the significance of the successful launch of Shenzhou-13 Please talk with your classmates and give your opinions.
探究点三:Group discussion. Did you watch the space science knowledge explanation of "Tiangong Classroom " online What knowledge did the three astronauts tell us What is the significance of teaching in space
探究点四:Space is boundless. What do human beings want to get from space exploration
探究点五:Read the text quickly and check your predictions.
Before you read look at the title and the photos. Discuss these questions in pairs, what's the main idea of this text
探究点八:Read the first paragraph and the second paragraph and fill in the blanks with the correct words.
L _______ up at the stars, People have always wanted to know more about s_____ .Therefore, scientists have worked hard to make v_______ to carry brave people into space to find out the secrets of the u_______ and d_______ other planets that are s_______ enough to support life.Some scientists are d__________ to help mankind realize their dream of exploring space.On 4 October 1957,the Sputink 1 s_______ was l_______ and successfully o______ around the Earth.On April 12th, 1961, Yuri Gagarin Biya became the first person in space. On July 20th, 1969, Neil Armstrong landed on the moon, and he said a famous saying, “That's one small step for (a) man,one g_____ l____ for mankind.
探究点九:Read the third paragraph to the fifth paragraph and fill in the blanks with the correct words.
________________ scientists try to make sure nothing goes wrong, accidents can still happen. These disasters made everyone ____________(disappoint),but people still believe in the importance of ________(carry) on space exploration. In 2003, China became the third country to _____________ (independent) send humans into space. Then Shenzhou 6 and 7 completed (9)__ second manned orbit and the first Chinese spacewalk. In spite of the difficulties, scientists hope future (10)__________ (discovery) will not only enable us to understand the universe but also help us survive well into the future.
探究点十:Read the second paragraph to the fifth paragraph and answer the following questions.
1.How many countries are mentioned in the text
2.Were the space missions always successful
3.Did the desire to explore the universe die after these accidents Can you give us an example
4.What is the development of China's space program like
5.Why do scientists still work hard to explore space despite huge risks
6.What attitude do you think the author holds to the future of space exploration
7. What does the author think of the future of space exploration
8.What new discoveries do scientists hope to make in the future
单词:Words and expressions.
1.__________ n.宇航员;航天员
2.__________ n.程序;手续;步骤
3.__________ n.人类
4.__________ n.交通工具;车辆;手段;工具
5.__________ n.人造卫星;卫星;卫星城
6.__________ n.(航天器的)发射;(船的)下水
7.__________ n.重力;地球引力
8.__________ n.(天体等运行的)轨道 v.沿轨道运行;围绕…运动
9.__________ n.机构;服务机构;(尤指)代理机构;(政府的)专门机构
10._________ n.数据;资料;材料;(储存在计算机中的)数据资料
11._________ adj.失望的;沮丧的;失意的 v.使失望;使破灭;使落空
12._________ n.愿望;欲望;渴望;渴望的事物 v.渴望;期望;想望
13._________ n.信号;暗号;标志 v.发信号;发暗号;标志
Language points.
However, some scientists were determined to help humans realise their dream to explore space.
determine vt. 查明; 确定; 决定
My aim was first of all to determine what I should do next.
determine to do sth.决心做某事 determined adj. 有决心的, 意志坚定的
be determined to do sth. 下定决心做某事 be determined that. . . 决心……
(1)Driven by heaven-knows-what motives, he determines ___ write a book.
(2)His enemies are determined___ ruin him.
These disasters made everyone sad and disappointed, but the desire to explore the universe never died.
(一)disappointed adj. 失望的; 沮丧的
be disappointed at 对……失望 be disappointed in sb. 对某人感到失望
disappoint vt. 使失望 disappointment n. 失望; 沮丧
to one’s disappointment 令某人失望的
The city was crowded with disappointed people with no interest in settling down.
城市里挤满了失望的人们, 他们不想在这里定居。
(1)To my ______________(disappoint), they refused my request.
(2)We were all disappointed __ the news that our picnic was cancelled because of the rain.
(二)desire n. 渴望;欲望 vt. 渴望;期望
They desire to help those who are in need of help.
desire to do 渴望做…… desire sb. to do希望某人做……
desire that. . . 希望…… a desire for sth. 渴望……
(1)She has a desire____success.
(2)The people expressed their desire _____ the war should come to an end soon.
On 12 April 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first person in the world to go into space.
【句式】本句中the+序数词+n. +to do 表示第几个做某事的……。不定式所修饰的名词或代词前面常有only, first, last, next或序数词、形容词最高级等修饰。
He is the best man to do the job.
(1)He is the best person ______go abroad.
(2)She is the only woman _____be admitted into the key university.
On 4 October 1957, the Sputnik 1 satellite was launched by the USSR and successfully orbited around Earth.
launch vt. & n. 发射; 发起; 上市
NASA plans to launch a satellite to study cosmic rays.
launch vehicle 运载火箭 product launch 产品发布
launch site 发射场; 发射区 launch into sth. 开始做, 投入
(1)The government ____________(launch)an advertising campaign to encourage people to vote.
(2)When ________, the Macintosh was the smallest desktop computer ever produced.
This is because people believe in the importance of carrying on space exploration despite the huge risks.
carry on 继续做, 坚持干
The assistant carried on talking.
carry out进行, 开展, 执行(计划、命令)
carry through 完成; 把……进行到底; 使人渡过难关
carry sb. back 使回想起; 回忆起
carry off 拿走; 夺走
(1)They will carry_____the experiment regardless of what will happen.
(2)The college team carry____all the prizes of the table tennis.
China became the third country in the world to independently send humans into space in 2003... 2003年,中国成为世界上第三个能够独立将人类送人太空的国家....
adv.独立地;自立地(→independent adj.独立的;自立的)
It was the first time that she had lived independently.那是她第一次独立生活。
You can't be dependent on your parents all your life.你不可能一辈子靠父母生活。
(1)Not only my spoken English but also my ability to_____________ (independent) has been improved a lot.
(2) Susan wanted to be independent___ her parents and tied living alone,but she didn't like it and moved back home.
This signalled one step further in China's plan to establish a space station in the future.这标志着中国未来建设空间站的计划又向前迈进了一步。
signal vt.&vi. 标志着;标明;发信号n.信号;标志;信号灯
The bell signalled that school was over.铃声响起,放学了。
He signalled wildly for help, but nobody noticed.
signal to sb.示意某人:向某人发信号 traffic signals交通信号灯
hand signals示意手势 send out a signal发出信号
(1)In order not to be heard, she pointed her finger upwards _________(signal) that someone
(2)In our class,when the bell rang and the teacher closed his book, it was_____signal for everyone was moving about upstairs.

He was without question one of the    (伟人) of Japanese literature.
The United States may soon have a manned    (航天器)on
Once upon a time they were driven to the northern   (边境).
The driver managed to escape from the    (车辆)and shouted for help.
If you lose these    (资料), I'll never forgive you.
Soviet rockets have    (发射)more
satellites into orbit in the past few years.
There was nothing yet for the    (卫星)cameras to pick up.
As we all know, the earth is in    (轨道)around the sun.
The young people should make a greater contribution to    (人类).
There is an    (进行中的)discussion
within the party about this.
Astronauts on the International Space Station (ISS) have
fixed a hole in the shell of its outer wall. The ISS is a large satellite in
space     scientists live to
do scientific experiments. The first part of it     (put) into space in 1998. Last week, NASA warned
astronauts on the ISS that air was     (slow) leaking out of the station. Astronaut Alexander
Gerst and five other astronauts spent a lot of time     (look) for the leak. Mr Gerst eventually found it and he
put his finger over the hole. Luckily, the hole was only two millimeters wide, so
it was not serious, but it did need     (fix).
The hole was in a Russian Soyuz MS-09 spacecraft. NASA said
it could have been caused     a small piece of
space junk. The ISS travels at     speed of around 28, 000 kph. Even a tiny object     (hit) it can cause
a lot of damage. Flight    (control) in the USA
and Russia
worked together with the crew to repair the hole.
A NASA official said the crew on the ISS are     (health) and safe after the repair.
Li Ning is called the prince
of gymnasts. When he (1) at the age of 26, he had won 106 gold
medals in major (2) across the world. They (3) six out of seven gold medals at the 1982
World Championship, and three at the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles (as well as
two silver and a bronze). Li Ning was the best. (4) sports
journalists met in 1999 to make a (5) of the greatest sportsmen and sportswomen
of the twentieth century, Li Ning's name was on it, (6) footballer Pele and boxer Muhammad Ali.
But (7) he had won everything it was possible to
win in his sport, Li Ning retired (8) the feeling that he had failed. He was (9) because he had not performed well in the
1988 Seoul Olympics.
But it was this sense of
failure (10) made him determined to succeed in his new
life. A year after his retirement, Li Ning (11) a new career as a businessman. But he didn't
forget his sporting background. He decided to launch a new brand of sportswear,
(12) with global giants like Nike and Adidas.
He made the (13) choice, for a Chinese person, of choosing
his own name as the brand mark. The bright red logo is (14) the first two pinyin letters of Li Ning's
name, L and N.
Li Ning's sports clothes came (15) the market at just the right time. The
number of young people with money to (16) was on the increase — and sport had never
been so (17) . Li Ning' s designs were attractive, and
they had a major (18) over their better-known rivals — they were
(19) . A pair of Nike trainers, for example, could
cost up to five times as (20) as a similar Li Ning product. Success for
Li Ning was guaranteed, and it came quickly.
(1)A.resigned B.began C.retired D.started
(2)A.battles B.competitions C.wars D.fights
(3)A.included B.got C.received D.had
(4)A.Before B.After C.If D.When
(5)A.list B.plan C.circle D.speech
(6)A.such as B.on behalf of C.together with D.in honor of
(7)A.since B.even though C.when D.now that
(8)A.from B.through C.for D.with
(9)A.disappointed B.confused C.satisfied D.content
(10)A.which B.what C.that D.who
(11)A.produced B.began C.ended D.continued
(12)A.working B.arguing C.dealing D.competing
(13)A.unusual B.common C.ordinary D.normal
(14)A.made out of B.made into C.made up of D.making up for
(15)A.off B.into C.from D.after
(16)A.pay B.cost C.take D.spend
(17)A.interesting B.popular C.valuable D.hopeful
(18)A.disadvantage B.control C.power D.advantage
(19)A.cheaper B.better
C.more expensive D.more
(20)A.few B.many C.much D.little
As we all know, science is blooming more strongly than
ever. Recently, NASA astronaut Scott Kelly showed a photo of the orange zinnia
(百日菊)on Twitter. It
is the first flower to ever bloom in space and has attracted much attention all
over the world. This may be the most exciting news in the field of science. The
zinnia in the picture is so beautiful and looks similar to that on earth. Kelly
cared for it for more than a month.
The Veggie plant growth facility chose the zinnia flower
species because it has a longer growth cycle. As a result, it can help
scientists understand how plants flower and develop in microgravity(微重力).
"While the plants haven't grown perfectly,"
said Gioia Massa, NASA science team leader for Veggie," I think we have
gained a lot from this, and we are learning both more about plants and fluids
and also how better to operate between ground and the station."
This was not the first time that scientists had attempted
to grow zinnia in space. Other astronauts aboard the International Space
Station (ISS) began growing the colorful flowers last year. However, due to
high humidity (湿度)and
low air movement in space, the zinnia leaked (渗透)water
out of the tips of the leaves. What was worse, the spread of harmful bacteria
was destroying its growth badly. Kelly then took over the operation and began
taking care of the zinnia as he would in his own garden.
The ISS also successfully grew red romaine lettuce in
July 2015. Kelly even took a bite of the harvested plants and posted the photo
on his Twitter. NASA's new experiment using the Veggie plant growth system will
be started later. Astronauts will attempt to grow Chinese cabbages. The space
agency will then attempt to grow dwarf tomatoes in 2018.
(1)Why does the zinnia cause public concern
A.It is the first life to be found in space.
B.It is the first plant to ever grow in space.
C.It is the first zinnia to ever grow in space.
D.It is the first flower to ever bloom in space.
(2)Why did scientists choose to grow the zinnia
A.It was easy to grow.
B.Astronauts liked it most.
C.Other plants died in space.
D.It lived longer than other flowers.
(3)What can we learn from the text
A.More plants will grow in space.
B.The conditions in space are good for plant growth.
C.Scott Kelly isn't experienced in planting flowers.
D.Gioia Massa doesn't think much of the experiment.
答案:Shenzhou-13 is the thirteenth spacecraft launched by China's manned space flight program. It is the sixth flight in the key technology verification phase of the Chinese Space Station and the last mission of this phase. Shenzhou 13 astronauts stayed in orbit for six months. On April 16th, 2022, three astronauts, Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu, completed the sky mission of Tianhe, and became the longest mission crew in Chinese history.
探究点三:On March 23, 2022, the second lesson of "Tiangong classroom" was taught at the China space station. ZhaiZhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu cooperated with the lecture to demonstrate the "ice and snow"
experiment, water oil separation, space parabolic and other interesting experiments.The significance of space teaching is to inspire the public, especially young people, to carry forward the scientific spirit and love the space industry.
答案:First, by looking for celestial bodies with resources, we can obtain resources from space and delay the exhaustion of the earth's resources.
Second, are there any other aliens, other civilizations, and how big the universe is
Third, people want to know whether there are living things in space, and whether space can become the residence of human beings.
答案:The text mainly about space exploration of mankind.
答案:looking,space ;vehicles ;universe;discover;suitable;determined ;satellite;launched;orbited;giant;leap
1.The countries are Russia, America, China.
2.Although scientists try to make sure nothing goes wrong,accidents can still happen.
3.No, the desire to explore the universe never died. An example is the International Space Station.
4.China's space programme started later but has made great progress in a short time.
5.Because people believe in the importance of carrying on space exploration despite the huge risks.
6.The author's attitude is supportive.
7.The author think the future of space exploration remains bright.
8.Scientists hope future discoveries will not enable us to understand how to the universe began, but also help us survive well into the future.
单词:Words and expressions.
答案:1.astronaut 2.procedure 3.mankind 4.vehicle 5.satellite 6.launch 7.gravity 8.orbit 9.agency 10.data 11.disappointed 12.desire 13.signal
Language points.
答案:has launched;launched
答案:a;to signal

【解析】【分析】句意:他无疑是日本文学巨匠之一。此处名词作介词宾语,one of 后接动词原形,故填giants。
【解析】【分析】句意:苏联的火箭在过去几年里,发射了更多的卫星进入轨道。根据时间状语 in the past few years以及空前的have,可知谓语动词用现在完成时,故填launched。
【解析】【分析】句意:卫星摄像头还没有拍到任何东西。此处名词作定语,satellite camera,固定短语,“卫星照相机”,故填satellite。
【点评】考查名词,本题涉及名词作定语,以及固定短语satellite camera。
11.【答案】where;was put;slowly;looking;fixing/to be fixed;by;a;hitting;controllers;healthy
(1)句意:国际空间站是太空中的一颗大型卫星,科学家在那里生活,进行科学实验。 scientists live to do scientific experiments. 是一个定语从句,修饰先行词a large satellite,关系词where在从句中作地点状语,故填where。
(2)句意:第一部分再1998年被放到了太空。描述发生在过去的事情,用一般过去时;“它的第一部分”和“送入太空”之间是被动关系,用被动语态,所以填was put。
(3)句意:上周,美国国家航空航天局警告国际空间站上的宇航员,空气正缓慢地从空间站泄漏出来。修饰动词短语leaking out,用副词,故填slowly。
(4)句意:宇航员亚历山大·格斯特和其他五名宇航员花了很多时间寻找泄漏。spend some time (in) doing sth.固定短语,” 花费时间做某事“ ,故填looking。
(5)句意:幸运的是,这个洞只有两毫米宽,所以情况并不严重,但它确实需要修理。need doing=need to be done,意为“需要做某事”,故填fixing/to be fixed。
(7)句意:ISS以每小时28,000公里左右的速度飞行。at a speed of,固定短语,“以……的速度”,,故填a。
(8)句意:即使是一个很小的物体击中它也会造成很大的伤害。此处作定语,修饰a tiny object,“一个很小的物体”和“击中”之间是主动关系,用现在分词作定语,故填hitting。
(1)句意:李宁 26岁退役时,已经在世界重大比赛中获得了106枚金牌。A. resigned“辞职”;B. began“开始”;C. retired“退出(比赛等),退休”;D. started“开始,启动”。根据语境可知,此时是指他26岁时已退役,故选C。
(2)句意:李宁 26岁退役时,己在世界重大比赛中获得了106枚金牌。A. battles“战斗”;B. competitions“比赛,竞赛”;C. wars“战争”;D. fights“斗争”。根据下文“seven gold medals at the 1982 World Championship, and three at the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles (as well as two silver and a bronze),”可知,是在世界的重大比赛中获得奖项。故选B。
(3)句意:其中包括1982年世界锦标赛总共七枚金牌中的六枚,1984年的洛杉矶奥运会上的三枚金牌(以及两枚银牌和一枚铜牌)。A. included“包括”;B. got“得到”;C. received“收到”;D. had“拥有”。根据语境可知,此处是指106金牌包括以下的金牌,故选A。
(4)句意:1999年,当体育记者们在评选20世纪最杰出的运动员时,李宁和球王贝利、拳王阿里一起名列其中。A. Before “ 在......之前”;B. After“在......之后”;C. If“如果”;D. When“当......时候”。根据语境可知,此处是指“当......时候”,故选D。
(5)句意:1999年,当体育记者们在评选20世纪最杰出的运动员时,李宁和球王贝利、拳王阿里一起名列其中。A. list“列举,名单”;B. plan“计划”;C. circle“圆圈”;D. speech“演讲”。此处是指列出20世纪最杰出的运动员的名单, make a list of ...固定短语,“列出......的清单/名单”。故选A。
(6)句意:李宁和球王贝利、拳王阿里一起名列其中。A. such as“例如”;B. on behalf of“代表”;C. together with“和......一起”;D. in honor of“为了纪念......”。此处是 指“李宁也球王贝利、拳王阿里一起名列其中”,故选C。
(7)句意:但即使是已经赢得了自己在体操运动项目上所能赢得的一切,李宁还是带着一种失败的感觉退役了。A. since“自从”;B. even though“即使”;C. when“当......时候”;D. now that“既然”。根据语境可知,前后两句表示“让步”从句,故选B。
(8)句意:但即使是已经赢得了自己在体操运动项目上所能赢得的一切,李宁还是带着一种失败的感觉退役了。A. from“来自......”;B. through“通过”;C. for“为了”;D. with“带有,带有,和......一起”。此处是指他退役时还带着一种失败感。故选D。
(9)句意:他在1988年汉城奥运会上表现不佳,这使他感到很失望。A. disappointed“失望的”;B. confused“困惑 的”;C. satisfied“满意的”;D. content“满足的”。根据下文“he had not performed well in the 1988 Seoul Olympics.”可知,他在1988年汉城奥运会上表现不佳,这让他很失望的,故选A。
(10)句意:但就是这种失败感使他决心在新的生活中取得成功。本句是强调句型it was/is +被强调部分+that +剩余部分。本句强调的是“this sense of failure”,如果去掉强调句型“it is /was... that...”的话,it was this sense of failure that made him determined to succeed in his new life句意完整,可知就是强调句型。因此空格处应是that,故选C。
(11)句意:退役一年后,李宁开始了他新的事业——经商。A. produced“生产,产生”;B. began“开始”;C. ended“结束”;D. continued“继续”。根据下文可知,李宁此处开始推出新品牌的运动服,可知他开始了新的事业,故选B。
(12)句意:他决定推出一种新品牌的运动服,和全球大公司耐克、阿迪达斯等竞争。A. working“工作,起作用”;B. arguing“争议”;C. dealing“处理”;D. competing“竞争”。根据语境可知,李宁推出新的运动服,和全球的大公司进行竞争,故选D。
(13)句意:对于一个中国人来说,他做出了一个不同寻常的选择,选择以自己的名字作为商标。A. unusual“不同寻常的,异常的”;B. common“常见的”;C. ordinary“普通的”;D. normal“正常的”。根据语境可知,此处是指李宁的做法与其他的企业家相比是不同寻常,故选A。
(14)句意:他选择自己的名字作为商标。亮红色的标志由李宁名字的前两个拼音字母L和N组成。A. made out of“由......制造”;B. made into“被制成......”;C. made up of“由......构成”;D. making up for“弥补”。根据语境可知,此处是指亮红色的商标是由他名字的前两个拼音构成的。故选C。
(15)句意:李宁运动服进入市场正当其时。come onto the market固定短语,“上市”,故选B。
(16)句意:有钱消费的年轻人的数量在增加,而体育运动也得到前所未有地普及。A. pay“支付”,其主语一般是人;B. cost“花费”,主语一般是物;C. take“承担”;D. spend“花(钱),花费”。其主语是人。本句的主语是the young people,此句是指有钱的年轻人“花钱(spend)”,故选D。
(17)句意:而且体育运动从来没有像李宁这样受欢迎过,...。A. interesting“有趣的”;B. popular“流行的,受欢迎的”;C. valuable“有价值的”;D. hopeful“有希望的”。根据下文的“Li Ning' s designs were attractive”李宁的设计非常吸引人,因此可知是受欢迎的,故选B。
(18)句意:李宁的设计很有吸引力,而且他们比那些更知名的竞争对手有着很大的优势。A. disadvantage“缺点,不利条件”;B. control“控制”;C. power“能源,权力”;D. advantage“优点”。 根据语境,李宁的运动服比更名的竞争者还有一个很大的优势,have an advantage over...固定短语,“比......有优势,优于......”。故选D。
(19)句意:而且比起那些著名的商业对手,它拥有一个主要优势,那就是价格便宜。A. cheaper“更便宜的”;B. better“更好的”;C. more expensive“更昂贵的”;D. more attractive“更吸引人的”。根据常识及语境可知,此处指的就是李宁的运动鞋更便宜,故选A。
(20)句意:比如,一双耐克运动鞋的价格可能是一双李宁牌同类产品价格的五倍之多。A. few “ (与复数名词和复数动词连用) 不多,很少”;B. many“许多(与复数名词连用,)表示大量的”;C. much“”;D. little“(与不可数名词连用)不多的”。本句主要是比较运动鞋价格,钱是不可数名词,所以不能用A和B。根据前面“could cost up to five times”可知,花费的钱比李宁牌的贵多了,故选C。
【解析】【分析】本文是一篇新闻报道,美国航天局宇航员在网上发了一张照片, 展示了有史以来在太空中开放的首朵花——一支橙色的百日菊。
(1)考查细节理解。根据第一段中的”It is the first flower to ever bloom in space and has attracted much attention all over the world. “可知, 这张橙色百日菊照片展示的是在太空中开放的第一朵花 , 引起了世界关注。故选D。
(2)考查细节理解。根据第二段中的”The Veggie plant growth facility chose the zinnia flower species because it has a longer growth cycle. “可知, 之所以选中百日菊, 是因为它生长周期更长, 科学家能有更多时间观察植株在微重力状态下的生长情况。故选D。
(3)考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的”NASA's new experiment using the Veggie plant growth system will be started later. Astronauts will attempt to grow Chinese cabbages. The space agency will then attempt to grow dwarf tomatoes in 2018. “可知未来将会有更多植物在太空生长。故选A。