Unit 5 Poems Period 2 Build up your vocabulary课件+教案


名称 Unit 5 Poems Period 2 Build up your vocabulary课件+教案
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-06-14 17:58:54


Unit 5 Poems
Period 2 Build up your vocabulary教学设计
课题 Period 2 Build up your vocabulary 单元 Unit 5 学科 English 年级 SeniorGrade 2
教材分析 There are three activities in the vocabulary learning section of this unit. Activity 1 ask students to find rhyming words from the previous Reading and Thinking section and add other words as appropriate. Activity 2: Select some keywords presented in the reading section, and let the students learn to use these words in the new context on the basis of understanding. Activity 3 selects two groups of confusing words and asks students to deepen their understanding of the words based on the context.
学习目标与核心素养 Knowledge objectives: Help students review and consolidate the vocabulary they have learned.Skill objectives: Deepen students' impression on the rhythm of poetry, and do the follow-up task of copying poetry.Emotional objectives: Let the students combine the context to deepen the understanding of the word;learn to distinguish the register of the wordThinking quality objectives: Let the students understand and learn to use these words in the new context.
重点 How to guide students to write more rhyming words.
难点 How to train their ability to understand meaning with context.
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
导入新课 Lead –in(PPT1-2)Look at the video about an English Poem. Experience the unique beauty of imagery, rhythm and rhythm in poetry . To let them learn to appreciate poetry.
新课讲授 Task 1 (PPT3-6)Find the words in the poems that rhyme with the words below. Then add other words that rhyme.Task2 (PPT7-9)Give the Chinese meaning of the red words. 1. civilian The award is the highest civilian honor given by congress.The enemy soldier disguised as civilian.Answers:n. 公民n. 平民2.blankHe looked blank when he was informed of his dismissal.Have we got any blank videos Answers:adj.茫然的adj.空白的3. delicateTourists often disturb the delicate balance of nature on the island.A long and delicate operation carried out at a hospital at midnight.Answers:adj.微妙的adj.棘手的Task3.(PPT10-11)Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the words in the box. delicate drama arrange compose literary rhythm sorrow poetry 1. It seems incredible to me that the question of how best to ________ books on shelves could cause a lively online discussion.2. The purpose of ________ criticism is to get to the core of the text and discover what message the author is attempting to convey.3. If you need to handle a _________ situation, you should behave wisely.4. The poet _________ quite a few poems featuring the image of cherry blossoms, and describing the joys and _________of life. 5. Blank verse is probably one of the most common and influential forms of English ___________. It is so close to the natural __________ of English speech and it has no rhyming. In Shakespeare’s __________, characters from civilians to kings all speak in blank verse, but still in distinctive voices.Answers:1.arrange 2. literary 3.posed, sorrows5.poetry, rhythm, dramasTask 4 (PPT12)Task5:(PPT13-14)Complete each sentence using the correct word.recite;repeat;retell1.Could you _______ what you just said 2.Students are required to _______ over 60 ancient poems or works of prose they have learnt from their Chinese course.3.If you have finished reading the story, please try to ______ it in your own words.recite v. to say a poem, piece of literature, etc. that you have learned背诵,吟诵,朗诵repeat v. to say or write sth. again重复;重写retell v. to tell a story again, in a different way 复述,重新讲述Answers:repeat;recite;retellemotion;mood;spirit4. Her ________ rose at the approach of the summer holidays.5. We couldn’t see any _________ in him. He is so calm in spite of what he has experienced.6. Rainy days always put everyone in a depressed ________.emotion n. a strong feeling such as love, fear or anger 强烈的感情;激情;情感;情绪mood n. the way you are feeling 情绪;心情spirit n. the qualities that make someone live the way they do, make them different from others 精神;心灵Answers:spirit;emotion;moodTask6.(PPT15-16)Match the words from both columns to make phrases.Look up the meanings of the phrases in a dictionary if necessary.Answers:1.folk music/electronic music2.blank expression3.core values4.electronic version5.furniture polish6.diamond wedding/golden wedding7.golden era8.reading comprehension9.racial prejudice10.tight deadlineTask 7 (PPT17-18)1. With such a wide variety of comedy series on TV, I would say we are in a _______of comedy.2. I tried to explain what had happened,but he just looked at me with a_______and remained silent.3. Just one month after the______ was launched,the novel appeared on several bestseller lists.4.The happy couple,who are both over 80,celebrated their_____anniversary last week.5.Everyone on this project is working extremely hard to meet the_____.6. You can improve your _________by reading a wide variety of texts.7. The theatre has a reputation for providing world-class_________performance.8.The room is filled with the smell of________.Answers:1.golden era2.blank expression3.electronic version4.diamond wedding5.tight deadline6.reading comprehension7.folk music8.furniture polishLanguage points:(PPT19-22)1.be close to 离……很近【教材原句】It is so close to the natural rhythm of English speech and it has no rhyming.它如此接近英语口语的自然节奏,而且没有用韵。【例句】Our school used to be close to our home.我们学校过去离我们家很近。She knew she was close to death. 她知道自己已濒临死亡。【热点归纳】get close to 接近come close to… 差一点就;几乎……bring… to a close使……终结draw/come to a close结束;终结closely 表示“亲密地,严密地,仔细地”表抽象概念【单句语法填空】①The policeman followed the strange man __________ (close).②At around 6 p. m. ,the meeting came _____ a close.答案:closely;to2.in spite of【词义】尽管;不管,不顾【教材原句】He is so calm in spite of what he has experienced.尽管他有过这样的经历,他还是那么冷静。【例句】He reached his goals in spite of his disability.尽管他有残疾,他还是实现了他的目标。In spite of his old age, he still lives an busy life.尽管他年事已高,他依旧过着一种忙碌的生活。in spite of/despiteprep. 后面不接让步状语从句,而是接名词、代词作宾语though/althoughconj. 引导让步状语从句,though可用倒装语序asconj. 引导让步状语从句,但需要用倒装语序regardless ofprep. 不管,不顾;侧重于“不理会,不考虑”,后跟名词或代词【选词填空】in spite of/despite/though/although/as①____________________ the heavy snow,he managed to come.②__________________ he is very old,he works hard.③Pretty ____________ she is,she is not clever.答案:In spite of/Despite;Though/Although;as/thoughPractice(PPT23-26)1. cherry n.    adj. _____________      2. verse n.____________       3. prose n. _____________     4. version n._____________     5.seed n._______      6. dominant adj._____________       7. sonnet n. _____________     8._____________ n. 架子;搁板 9._____________n. 核心;精髓;(水果的)核儿10.       adj. 空白的;无图画(或韵律、装饰)的;没表情的 n. 空白;空格 11. _____________n. 平民;老百姓12. __________________ 用你自己的话 13. __________________以独特的声音 14. __________________ 在快到……的时候 15. _____________ 尽管 16. _____________在玩耍 17. _____________ 樱花Answers:1.樱桃;樱桃树;樱桃色;樱桃色的;鲜红色的2.诗;韵文;诗节 3.散文 4.版本;(从不同角度的)说法5.种子;起源;萌芽6.首要的;占支配地位的;显著的7.十四行诗8.shelf9.core10.blank11.civilian12.in your own words13.in distinctive voices14.at the approach of15.in spite of16.at play17.cherry blossom单句语法填空1.Roy told his ____________(sorrow) tale with simple words anybody could understand.2.I wonder why he’s _____ such a mood today.3.It’s too bad of you __________(tease)the child like that.4.What you write should keep _____ the point.5.The teacher asked us to make _____ a poem about Christmas.6.She is so proud that she usually looks down __________ those who are poor.7.Compared _______ that of last year, our output has increased by 3 times.8.The total number of shared bikes,which are easy _________ (rent) through smartphone apps,is increasing rapidly.9.Talking on your phone or texting while __________(walk)is illegal in this city.10.We don’t know the reason ______ they didn’t study hard.Answers:sorrowful,in,to tease,to,up,on/upon,with,to rent,walking;whyHomework:(PPT27)1.Review the words and phrases of this period.2.Do the exercises of your workbook. Ask students to review the poems they have read.Let the students to translate the sentences.Guide students' to pay attention to the context.Pay attention to the difficult words and read the explanation by themselves.Learn the words and do the exercises.Use the words to complete the passage .Learn and compare the similar words.Learn and analyse the words and practice it by filling in the blanks.Ask the students to form new words .Let the students to read the words and give Chinese meanings.Fill in the blanks independently.Pay attention to the useful phrases.Do the exercises by themselves.Give students more knowledge about this language plete the exercises by themselves.Let students read the words and phrases one by one.Discuss the exercises in pairs.Do the homework by themselves. To find the rhymes of the poem.To help them understand the words of different meanings.To use the words correctly.To clear up the difficult points.To grasp the important word.To guide the students to tell the similar words.To grasp the words further.To form new words . To read and grasp more words.To try using the words.To enlarge the students’ vocabulary.To practice the words in sentences.To enrich students’ knowledge.To practice the words and phrases of this period further.To train students to learn the words by heart.To practice the grammar by themselves.To check their language points.
课堂小结 Summary:Find the words in the poems that rhyme with the words below. Then add other words that plete the sentences using the correct forms of the words in the plete each sentence using the correct words.Learn the important phrases .Do some exercises . Discussion work.Individual work.Practice. To review and check their words .
板书 Give the Chinese meanings of the words:1.civilian n. 公民;平民2.blank adj.茫然的;空白的3.delicate adj.微妙的;棘手的Learning the important wordLanguage points:1.be close to2.in spite of
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Period 2 Build up your vocabulary
Unit 5 Poems
Lead in
Look at the video
Task 1
Find the words in the poems that rhyme with the words below. Then add other words that rhyme.
Hush, little baby, don't say a word,
Papa's gonna buy you a mockingbird.
If that mockingbird won't sing,
Papa's gonna buy you a diamond ring.
If that diamond ring turns to brass,
Papa's gonna buy you a looking glass.
If that looking glass gets broke,
Papa's gonna buy you a billy goat.
If that billy goat won't pull,
Papa's gonna buy you a cart and bull.
mockingbird, word
Task 1
Find the words in the poems that rhyme with the words below. Then add other words that rhyme.
Life can be good,
Life can be bad,
Life is mostly cheerful,
But sometimes sad,
Life can be dreams,
Life can be great thoughts,
Life can mean a person,
Sitting in court.
Task 1
Find the words in the poems that rhyme with the words below. Then add other words that rhyme.
fly, eye, why
Hundreds of stars in the deep blue sky,
Hundreds of shells on the shore together, hundreds of birds that go singing by,
Hundreds of bees in the sunny weather,
Hundreds of dewdrops to greet the dawn,
Hundreds of bees in the purple clover,
Hundreds of butterflies on the lawn,
But only one mother the world over.
feather, whether
Task 1
Find the words in the poems that rhyme with the words below. Then add other words that rhyme.
Beautiful, athletic
Teasing, shouting, laughing
Friend and enemy too
teasing, shouting, laughing
1. The award is the highest civilian honor given by congress.
Task 2
Give the Chinese meaning of the red words.
The enemy soldier disguised as civilian.
n. 公民
n. 平民
2. He looked blank when he was informed of his dismissal.
Task 2
Give the Chinese meaning of the red words.
Have we got any blank videos
3. Tourists often disturb the delicate balance of nature on the island.
Task 2
Give the Chinese meaning of the red words.
A long and delicate operation carried out at a hospital at midnight.
1. It seems incredible to me that the question of how best to ________ books on shelves could cause a lively online discussion.
2. The purpose of ________ criticism is to get to the core of the text and discover what message the author is attempting to convey.
3. If you need to handle a _________ situation, you should behave wisely.
n. 架子
n. 核心;精髓;
Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the words in the box.
delicate drama arrange compose literary rhythm sorrow poetry
Task 3
4. The poet _________ quite a few poems featuring the image of cherry blossoms, and describing the joys and _________of life.
5. Blank verse is probably one of the most common and influential forms of English ___________. It is so close to the natural __________ of English speech and it has no rhyming. In Shakespeare’s __________, characters from civilians to kings all speak in blank verse, but still in distinctive voices.
adj. 空白的,空的;茫然的
n. 平民;老百姓
Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the words in the box.
delicate drama arrange compose literary rhythm sorrow poetry
Task 3
Learning the important word
Task 4
adj. 空白的;无图画(或韵律、装饰)的;没表情的
n. 空白;空格
①I stared __________ (blank) at the paper in front of me.
Hearing the news, my mind ____________.
blank check
go blank
I'm sorry, but my mind is ________ blank.
blankly adv. 茫然地
went blank
blank expression 茫然的表情
Complete each sentence using the correct word.
1.Could you _______ what you just said
2.Students are required to _______ over 60 ancient poems or works of prose they have learnt from their Chinese course.
3.If you have finished reading the story, please try to ______ it in your own words.
n. 古诗
Task 5
n. 散文,白话文
recite v. to say a poem, piece of literature, etc. that you have learned背诵,吟诵,朗诵
repeat v. to say or write sth. again重复;重写
retell v. to tell a story again, in a different way 复述,重新讲述
Complete each sentence using the correct word.
4. Her ________ rose at the approach of the summer holidays.
5. We couldn’t see any _________ in him. He is so calm in spite of what he has experienced.
6. Rainy days always put everyone in a depressed ________.
Task 5
emotion n. a strong feeling such as love, fear or anger 强烈的感情;激情;情感;情绪
mood n. the way you are feeling 情绪;心情
spirit n. the qualities that make someone live the way they do, make them different from others 精神;心灵
Task 6
Match the words from both columns to make phrases.Look up the meanings of the phrases in a dictionary if necessary.
Task 6
Match the words from both columns to make phrases.Look up the meanings of the phrases in a dictionary if necessary.
1.folk music
2.blank expression
3.core values
4.electronic version
5.furniture polish
6.diamond wedding
7.golden era
8.reading comprehension
9.racial prejudice
10.tight deadline
Show time
golden wedding
electronic music
Task 7
Complete the following sentences using the phrases in Task 5.
1. With such a wide variety of comedy series on TV, I would say we are in a ______________of comedy.
2. I tried to explain what had happened,but he just looked at me with a_______________and remained silent.
3. Just one month after the______________ was launched,the novel appeared on several bestseller lists.
4.The happy couple,who are both over 80,
celebrated their________________anniversary last week.
golden era
blank expression
electronic version
diamond wedding
Task 7
Complete the following sentences using the phrases in Task 5.
5.Everyone on this project is working
extremely hard to meet the____________.
6. You can improve your ______________
____________by reading a wide variety of texts.
7. The theatre has a reputation for
providing world-class_______________
8.The room is filled with the smell of___
tight deadline
folk music
furniture polish
It is so close to the natural rhythm of English speech and it has no rhyming.
Our school used to be close to our home.
She knew she was close to death.
be close to
language points
get close to 接近
come close to… 差一点就;几乎……
bring… to a close使……终结
draw/come to a close结束;终结
closely 表示“亲密地,严密地,仔细地”表抽象概念
①The policeman followed the strange man __________ (close).
②At around 6 p. m. ,the meeting came _____ a close.
language points
be close to
He is so calm in spite of what he has experienced.尽管他有过这样的经历,他还是那么冷静。
He reached his goals in spite of his disability.
In spite of his old age, he still lives an busy life.
in spite of
language points
【选词填空】in spite of/despite/though/although/as
①____________________ the heavy snow,he managed to come.
②__________________ he is very old,he works hard.
③Pretty ____________ she is,she is not clever.
language points
in spite of
in spite of/despite prep. 后面不接让步状语从句,而是接名词、代词作宾语
though/ although conj. 引导让步状语从句,though可用倒装语序
as conj. 引导让步状语从句,但需要用倒装语序
regardless of prep. 不管,不顾;侧重于“不理会,不考虑”,后跟名词或代词
In spite of/Despite 
1. cherry n.      adj. _____________      
2. verse n. _____________      
3. prose n. _____________    
4. version n._____________    
5. seed n. _____________     
6. dominant adj._____________      
7. sonnet n. _____________    
8._____________ n. 架子;搁板
9._____________n. 核心;精髓;(水果的)核儿
10.       adj. 空白的;无图画(或韵律、装饰)的;没表情的 n. 空白;空格
11. _____________n. 平民;老百姓
12. __________________ 用你自己的话
13. __________________以独特的声音
14. __________________ 在快到……的时候
15. _____________ 尽管
16. _____________在玩耍
17. _____________ 樱花
in your own words 
in distinctive voices 
at the approach of
in spite of
at play
cherry blossom
1.Roy told his ____________(sorrow) tale with simple words anybody could understand.
2.I wonder why he’s _____ such a mood today.
3.It’s too bad of you __________(tease)the child like that.
4.What you write should keep _____ the point.
5.The teacher asked us to make _____ a poem about Christmas.
6.She is so proud that she usually looks down __________ those who are poor.
to tease
7.Compared _______ that of last year, our output has increased by 3 times.
8.The total number of shared bikes,which are easy _________ (rent) through smartphone apps,is increasing rapidly.
9.Talking on your phone or texting while __________
(walk)is illegal in this city.
10.We don’t know the reason ______ they
didn’t study hard.
to rent
1.Review the words and phrases of this period.
2.Do the exercises of your workbook.